def processValidExpDate(expDate, serverMode):
        r"""The ValidExpDate service checks the expiration date to ensure it is valid.   

            expDate (str): The expiration date of the credit card to verify in MMYY format. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    

        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL

        paramStr = {"ExpDate": expDate}
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(
            paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ValidExpDate')

        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            validationResponse = TransactionXMLParser.getValidateExpDateResponse(
            return validationResponse
            return None
    def processValidCard(cardNum, expDate, serverMode):
        r"""The ValidCard service operation performs a validation check on a credit card. It checks the card length based on the card type, performs a mod 10 checksum, and checks the expiration date.   

            cardNum (str): The credit card number to verify. |br| 
            expDate (str): The expiration date of the credit card to verify in MMYY format. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    

        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL

        paramStr = {"CardNumber": cardNum, "ExpDate": expDate}
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(
            paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ValidCard')

        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            validationResponse = TransactionXMLParser.getValidateCardResponse(
            return validationResponse
            return None
    def processValidCardLength(cardNum, serverMode):
        r"""The ValidCardLength service checks the card length based on the card type.   

            cardNum (str): The credit card number to verify. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    

        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL

        paramStr = {"CardNumber": cardNum}
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(
            paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ValidCardLength')

        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            validationResponse = TransactionXMLParser.getValidateCardLengthResponse(
            return validationResponse
            return None
    def processValidCardLength(cardNum, serverMode):   
        r"""The ValidCardLength service checks the card length based on the card type.   

            cardNum (str): The credit card number to verify. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    
        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL
        paramStr = {
                    "CardNumber" : cardNum
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ValidCardLength')
        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            validationResponse = TransactionXMLParser.getValidateCardLengthResponse(response)
            return validationResponse;
            return None
    def processValidExpDate(expDate, serverMode):   
        r"""The ValidExpDate service checks the expiration date to ensure it is valid.   

            expDate (str): The expiration date of the credit card to verify in MMYY format. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    

        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL
        paramStr = {
                    "ExpDate" : expDate
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ValidExpDate')
        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            validationResponse = TransactionXMLParser.getValidateExpDateResponse(response)
            return validationResponse;
            return None  
    def processValidCard(cardNum, expDate, serverMode):   
        r"""The ValidCard service operation performs a validation check on a credit card. It checks the card length based on the card type, performs a mod 10 checksum, and checks the expiration date.   

            cardNum (str): The credit card number to verify. |br| 
            expDate (str): The expiration date of the credit card to verify in MMYY format. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    
        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL
        paramStr = {
                    "CardNumber" : cardNum,
                    "ExpDate" : expDate
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ValidCard')
        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            validationResponse = TransactionXMLParser.getValidateCardResponse(response)
            return validationResponse;
            return None   
Пример #7
    def processCreditCard(transType, cardNum, expDate, nameOnCard, magData, amount, invNum, pnref, 
                 zipCode, street, cvNumber, extData, serverMode):   
        r"""This method will help to build the ProcessCreditCard request, to send the same request and after getting it's response will extract it's data and will return the response   

            transType (str): The transaction type being performed. e.g. Sale, Adjustment etc. |br| 
            cardNum (str): The credit card number used for the transaction. |br| 
            expDate (str): The expiration date of the credit card used for the transaction in MMYY format. |br| 
            nameOnCard (str): The cardholder's name as printed on the card. |br| 
            magData (str): For swiped transactions, the complete raw magnetic stripe data from the card wrapped in single quotes.  |br| 
            amount (str): The dollar amount of the transaction in DDDDDDDDDD.CC format. This amount includes any tax or tip amounts specified in ExtData. |br| 
            invNum (str): The invoice number used by the merchant to identify the transaction. |br| 
            pnref (str): Not used for this transaction type. |br| 
            zipCode (str): The cardholder's billing ZIP code. Used for AVS. |br| 
            street (str): The cardholder's street address. Used for AVS. |br| 
            cvNumber (str): The 3 to 4 digit card verification number. For American Express, four digits displayed on the front of the card; for other card types, usually three digits displayed on the back of the card. |br| 
            extData (str): An XML string containing additional data for the transaction. See the following section for more information. |br|
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    
        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_PASSWORD
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_PASSWORD
        paramStr = {
                    "UserName" : userName,
                    "Password" : password,
                    "TransType" : transType,
                    "CardNum" : cardNum,
                    "ExpDate" : expDate,
                    "MagData" : magData,
                    "NameOnCard" : nameOnCard,
                    "Amount" : amount,
                    "InvNum" : invNum,
                    "PNRef" : pnref,
                    "Zip" : zipCode,
                    "Street" : street,
                    "CVNum" : cvNumber,
                    "ExtData" : extData
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(paramStr, domain, '/transactServices.svc/ProcessCreditCard')
        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            transactionXMLParser = TransactionXMLParser(response);
            return transactionXMLParser;
            return None            
    def processGiftCard(transType, cardNum, expDate, magData, amount, invNum, pnref, extData, serverMode):   
        r"""This method will help to build the ProcessGiftCard request, to send the same request and after getting it's response will extract it's data and will return the response   

            transType (str): The transaction type being performed.  |br| 
            cardNum (str): The gift card number used for the transaction. |br| 
            expDate (str): The expiration date of the gift card used for the transaction in MMYY format. |br| 
            magData (str): The complete raw magnetic stripe data from the card wrapped in single quotes. |br| 
            amount (str): The dollar amount of the transaction in DDDDDDDDDD.CC format. |br| 
            invNum (str): The invoice number used by the merchant to identify the transaction. |br| 
            pnref (str): The PNRef number of the original transaction being refunded. If applicable. |br| 
            extData (str): An XML string containing additional data for the transaction. See the following section for more information. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    
        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_PASSWORD
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_PASSWORD
        paramStr = {
                    "UserName" : userName,
                    "Password" : password,
                    "TransType" : transType,
                    "CardNum" : cardNum,
                    "ExpDate" : expDate,
                    "MagData" : magData,
                    "Amount" : amount,
                    "InvNum" : invNum,
                    "PNRef" : pnref,
                    "ExtData" : extData
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ProcessGiftCard')
        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            transactionXMLParser = TransactionXMLParser(response);
            return transactionXMLParser;
            return None            
Пример #9
    def processDebitCard(transType, cardNum, expDate, magData, nameOnCard,
                         amount, invNum, pNRef, pin, sureChargeAmt,
                         cashBackAmt, registerNum, extData, serverMode):
        r"""This method will help to build the ProcessDebitCard request, to send the same request and after getting it's response will extract it's data and will return the response   

            transType (str): The transaction type being performed. |br| 
            cardNum (str): The debit card number used for the transaction. |br| 
            expDate (str): The expiration date of the debit card used for the transaction in MMYY format. |br| 
            magData (str): The complete raw magnetic stripe data from the card wrapped in single quotes. |br| 
            nameOnCard (str): The cardholder's name as printed on the card. |br| 
            amount (str): The dollar amount of the transaction in DDDDDDDDDD.CC format. This amount includes any cash back or surcharge amounts and any tax or tip amounts specified in ExtData. |br| 
            invNum (str): The invoice number used by the merchant to identify the transaction. |br| 
            pNRef (str): The PNRef number of the original sale transaction being refunded. |br| 
            pin (str): The encrypted PIN block returned by the PIN pad. The transaction will fail if an unencrypted PIN value is used. |br| 
            sureChargeAmt (str): The amount in DDDD.CC format that a merchant charges for processing a debit card transaction. |br| 
            cashBackAmt (str): The amount in DDDD.CC format that a cardholder requests for cash back |br| 
            registerNum (str): Not used |br| 
            extData (str): An XML string containing additional data for the transaction. See the following section for more information. |br| 
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br| 
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    

        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_PASSWORD
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_PASSWORD

        paramStr = {
            "UserName": userName,
            "Password": password,
            "TransType": transType,
            "CardNum": cardNum,
            "ExpDate": expDate,
            "MagData": magData,
            "NameOnCard": nameOnCard,
            "Amount": amount,
            "InvNum": invNum,
            "PNRef": pNRef,
            "Pin": pin,
            "SureChargeAmt": sureChargeAmt,
            "CashBackAmt": cashBackAmt,
            "RegisterNum": registerNum,
            "ExtData": extData
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(
            paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ProcessDebitCard')

        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            transactionXMLParser = TransactionXMLParser(response)
            return transactionXMLParser
            return None
Пример #10
    def processCheck(transType, checkNum, transitNum, accountNum, invNum,
                     amount, micr, nameOnCheck, dl, ss, dob, stateCode,
                     checkType, pnref, magdata, extData, serverMode):
        r"""This method will help to build the ProcessCheck request, to send the same request and after getting it's response will extract it's data and will return the response   

            transType (str): The transaction type being performed. |br| 
            checkNum (str): The check number printed on the check. |br| 
            transitNum (str): The routing number printed on the check. |br| 
            accountNum (str): The account number printed on the check. |br| 
            invNum (str): Not used for this service. |br| 
            amount (str): The dollar amount of the transaction in DDDDDDDDDD.CC format. |br| 
            micr (str): The raw MICR data from the check in the following format. |br| 
            [TransitNum]T[AccountNum]O[CheckNum] |br| 
            Required only for the following SecCode values specified in ExtData: POP, BOC, ARC, C21 |br| 
            nameOnCheck (str): The customer's name as printed on the check. |br| 
            dl (str): The customer's driver's license number. Usage varies by check processor. |br| 
            ss (str): The customer's social security number. Usage varies by check processor. |br| 
            dob (str): The customer's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format. Usage varies by check processor. |br| 
            stateCode (str): The customer's two-digit driver's license state or province code. Usage varies by check processor. |br| 
            checkType (str): The type of bank account on which the check draws. Valid values are: |br| 
            Personal |br| 
            Corporate |br| 
            Government |br| 
            pnref (str): The PNRef number of the original sale transaction being refunded |br| 
            magdata (str):  |br| 
            extData (str): An XML string containing additional data for the transaction. See the following section for more information. |br|
            serverMode (str): Valid values are: PRODUCTION, UAT. |br|  
           TransactionXMLParser. Will populated using XML response.   
           Exception, For all type of exceptions    

        if serverMode == "UAT":
            domain = ConstantResources.UAT_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.UAT_USER_PASSWORD
            domain = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_SERVER_URL
            userName = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_ID
            password = ConstantResources.PRODUCTION_USER_PASSWORD

        paramStr = {
            "UserName": userName,
            "Password": password,
            "TransType": transType,
            "CheckNum": checkNum,
            "TransitNum": transitNum,
            "AccountNum": accountNum,
            "InvNum": invNum,
            "Amount": amount,
            "InvNum": invNum,
            "MICR": micr,
            "NameOnCheck": nameOnCheck,
            "DL": dl,
            "SS": ss,
            "DOB": dob,
            "StateCode": stateCode,
            "CheckType": checkType,
            "PNRef": pnref,
            "MagData": magdata,
            "ExtData": extData
        response = ConnectionHandler.sendHttpPostRequest(
            paramStr, domain, '/transactservices.svc/ProcessCheck')

        if isinstance(response, Exception):
            return response
        elif response is not None and response != "":
            transactionXMLParser = TransactionXMLParser(response)
            return transactionXMLParser
            return None