Пример #1
def _combaine_config(path, name):
    path = path.rstrip('/')
    L = CommonLogger()
    cfg = [_cfg for _cfg in ("%s/%s.%s" % (path, name, ext) for ext in constants.VALID_CONFIG_EXTENSIONS) if os.path.isfile(_cfg)]
    if len(cfg) == 0:
        raise MissingConfigError("%s/%s" % (path, name))
    elif len(cfg) > 1:
        L.warning("More than one config with name %s. Use %s" % (name, cfg[0]))

    with open(cfg[0]) as f:
        _data = f.read()
    data = _handle_yaml(_data) or _handle_json(_data)
    if data is None:
        raise FormatError("%s/%s" % (path, name))
        return data