def test_a001(self): token = Zpt().cu_login() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token } conn = MySQL.connect_mall() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "select t.product_uuid, t.product_spec_uuid from shoping_info t where t.sp_id=" + spId + " and emp_id=" + \ cuEmpId cur.execute(sql) sql_result = cur.fetchone()[0:2] productUuid = sql_result[0] productSpecUuid = sql_result[1] url = "" + cuComId params = { "productUuid": productUuid, "productSpecUuid": productSpecUuid, "spId": int(spId), "compId": int(cuComId), "empId": int(cuEmpId) } result =, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers) result_exp = 200 # print(result_exp_pro, result_act_pro) self.assertEqual(result_exp, result.status_code, msg="请求参数异常或加入购物车失败") print("外商城商品加入购物车成功", result.text)
def test_a004(self): token = Zpt().cu_login() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token } try: # 获取当前已加入购物车的spid # conn_mail = MySQL().connect_mall() # cur_mail = conn_mail.cursor() # sql = "select sp_id from shoping_info where comp_id =" + cuComId + " and emp_id= " + cuEmpId + " and sp_id=" + spId # cur_mail.execute(sql) # result_sql = cur_mail.fetchone()[0:1] # sp_id = result_sql[0] # print(sp_id) # 查询需要付款的订单 conn = MySQL().connect_order() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "select b.sp_order_id,b.sp_order_stage_no from sp_order_info a, pay_stage_info b where a.sp_partner_id=" + spId + " and a.sp_order_id=b.sp_order_id and b.pay_state=0;" print(sql) cur.execute(sql) ordering = cur.fetchone()[0:2] sp_order_id = str(ordering[0]) sp_order_stage_no = str(ordering[1]) url = "" + cuComId + "/pay/" + sp_order_id + "/stage/" + sp_order_stage_no print(url) params = { "cuPartnerName": cuComName, "cuEmpId": int(cuEmpId), "cuEmpName": cuEmpName, "cuAccountPwd": "a123456", "cuEntrustUrl": "", "cuAccountId": "1835115000108339", "cuAccountName": cuComName } print(params) result_act =, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers) result_exp = 200 self.assertEqual(result_exp, result_act.status_code, msg='接单失败') print("企业后台-订单管理-标准订单管理-付款", result_exp, result_act.text) except TypeError: print("没有找到需要付款的订单")
def test_a003(self): token = Zpt().sp_login() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token } try: conn = MySQL().connect_order() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "select sp_order_id,order_id,pay_price from sp_order_info where sp_partner_id=" + spId + " and order_state=0" print(sql) cur.execute(sql) ordering = cur.fetchone()[0:3] sp_order_id = ordering[0] order_id = ordering[1] pay_price = ordering[2] url = "" + spId + "/order/" + sp_order_id + "/paystageinfo" params = { "spEmpId": int(spEmpId), "spEmpName": "蒋涛", "orderId": order_id, "spCusContractUrl": "", "stages": [{ "spOrderStageNo": 1, "payDesc": "aaaa", "payAmount": int(pay_price) }] } print(params) result_act =, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers).status_code result_exp = 200 self.assertEqual(result_exp, result_act, msg='接单失败') print("接单成功") except TypeError: print("没有找到需要接单的订单")
# 运营平台 import requests import random import json import unittest from comm.login import Zpt from comm.public_data import MySQL from comm.Log import Logger from urllib.parse import quote import readConfig # 请求头信息 localReadConfig = readConfig.ReadConfig() token = Zpt().test_admin_login() headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token} cuComId = localReadConfig.read_cu_com_id() cuComName = localReadConfig.read_cu_com_name() cuEmpId = localReadConfig.read_cu_emp_id() cuEmpName = localReadConfig.read_cu_emp_name() adminEmpId = localReadConfig.read_admin_emp_id() class admin_yygl(unittest.TestCase): # 用户运营-合作伙伴管理-新增合作伙伴 def test_a001_fws(self): global log, log_exp, log_act log = Logger(logger="管理平台").getlog() log_exp = Logger(logger="管理平台_预期结果").getlog() log_act = Logger(logger="管理平台_实际结果").getlog() conn = MySQL().connect_bi() cur = conn.cursor()
import requests import unittest import readConfig as readConfig import json import random from comm.public_data import MySQL from comm.login import Zpt from comm.Log import Logger # 获取配置文件地址url localReadConfig = readConfig.ReadConfig() token = Zpt().cp_login() # 指定头文件 headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token } cpComId = localReadConfig.read_cp_com_id() cpComName = localReadConfig.read_cp_com_name() cpEmpId = localReadConfig.read_cp_emp_id() cpEmpName = localReadConfig.read_cp_emp_name() class Cp(unittest.TestCase): # 企业设置-部门员工管理-按已存在的姓名查询 def test_a001_bmyg_serach(self): global log, log_exp, log_act log_exp = Logger(logger="供应商平台_预期结果").getlog() log_act = Logger(logger="供应商平台_实际结果").getlog()
import requests import json import unittest from comm.login import Zpt from contentfair.task_create import task_create from comm.public_data import MySQL compId = 23 userId = 612 username = "******" response_code = 200 cookies_token = Zpt.user_login() header = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "token": cookies_token} class contentfair_share(unittest.TestCase): # 查询用户是否接收到任务 def test_c003_select_share_task(self): taskid = task_create.test_c002_create_task(self) url = '' try: select_share_task = requests.get(url, headers=header) result_code = select_share_task.status_code if self.assertEqual(response_code, result_code): print("用户中心_查询分享管理列表异常,接口返回码非200") else: jsonData = {} jsonData = select_share_task.json() task_id = jsonData['data'][0]['taskId'] if taskid == task_id: print("用户接收到任务啦!!可以继续执行a002、a003的用例")
import requests import json from comm.login import Zpt # #请求头信息 token = Zpt().test_emp_login() url = "" # 指定头文件 headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token} class Emp: @staticmethod def emp_login(): token_act = requests.get(url, headers=headers) s = json.loads(token_act.text) values = s["data"]["token"] return values
# 服务商平台 import requests import random import json import time import unittest from comm.login import Zpt from comm.public_data import MySQL from comm.Log import Logger import readConfig token = Zpt().sp_login() localReadConfig = readConfig.ReadConfig() # 指定用户createUser、sp_id、spEmpId createUser = int(localReadConfig.read_sp_user()) spId = localReadConfig.read_sp_com_id() spEmpId = localReadConfig.read_sp_emp_id() cuComId = localReadConfig.read_cu_com_id() cuComName = localReadConfig.read_cu_com_name() cuEmpId = localReadConfig.read_cu_emp_id() cuEmpName = localReadConfig.read_cu_emp_name() # 设置营销锦囊名称 jnName_01 = ''.join(random.sample(['8', '6', '3', '2', '5', '6'], 4)) jnName_02 = '锦囊营销' jnName = jnName_02 + jnName_01 # 指定头文件 headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
import requests import json import unittest from comm.login import Zpt from comm.public_data import MySQL compId = 23 userId = 612 username = "******" response_code = 200 cookies_token = Zpt.sp_login() header = { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "token": cookies_token } class task_create(unittest.TestCase): # 内容集市新增文章 def test_c001_add_multi(self): url01 = '' url = url01 + str(compId) params = { "title": "新增文章的标题001", "summary": "文章内容", "content": "<p>add</p>", "coverImgUrl": "", "createUserId": str(userId), "createUserName": username,
import requests import unittest import json import random import time from comm.public_data import MySQL from comm.login import Zpt from comm.Log import Logger import readConfig # 获取配置文件地址url localReadConfig = readConfig.ReadConfig() token = Zpt().cu_login() # 指定头文件 headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token } # 指定当前环境的spId、spComId、spName、cuId、cuComId、cuName spId = localReadConfig.read_sp_com_id() spName = localReadConfig.read_sp_com_name() cuComId = localReadConfig.read_cu_com_id() cuComName = localReadConfig.read_cu_com_name() cuEmpId = localReadConfig.read_cu_emp_id() cuEmpName = localReadConfig.read_cu_emp_name() class Cu(unittest.TestCase): # 企业客户入驻申请
def test_a002(self): token = Zpt().cu_login() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'token': token } try: conn = MySQL().connect_mall() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "select product_spec_uuid from shoping_info where sp_id=" + spId + " and emp_id=" + cuEmpId + " and comp_id=" + cuComId cur.execute(sql) result_sql = cur.fetchone()[0:1] uuid = result_sql[0] url = "" + cuComId + "/order" params = { "order": { "cuPartnerName": cuComName, "cuEmpId": int(cuEmpId), "cuEmpName": cuEmpName, "systemType": "0", "resSystem": "1", "orderDesc": "自动化测试订单功能" }, "deliveryAddr": { "recName": "2222222000", "recPhone": "15000000000", "recPost": "333333", "recAddr": "山东 济南 槐荫区 33333333333333333333333333333333", "deliveryDesc": "" }, "usePlatCouponInfo": [], "spOrderInfos": [{ "spSpecUuid": uuid, "amount": 1, "payType": "0", "invoiceType": "1", "cusContractUrl": "", "otherContractUrl": "", "compQualifyInfos": [{ "quaName": "成年人专用", "quaImages": "" }], "useSkuCouponInfo": [] }] } result =, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers) result_exp_pro = 200 self.assertEqual(result_exp_pro, result.status_code, msg="请求参数异常或加入购物车失败") print(result_exp_pro, result.text) except Ellipsis: print("数据库中没有需要下订单的数据")