Пример #1
    def __init__(self, assy):

        self.mmpformatLabel.setText("MMP File Format: " + assy.mmpformat)
        # Get statistics of part and display them in the statView widget.
        from commands.GroupProperties.GroupProp import Statistics
        stats = Statistics(assy.tree)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, assy):


        self.mmpformatLabel.setText("MMP File Format: " + assy.mmpformat)

        # Get statistics of part and display them in the statView widget.
        from commands.GroupProperties.GroupProp import Statistics
        stats = Statistics(assy.tree)
Пример #3
def write_qutemol_files(part, excludeFlags = EXCLUDE_HIDDEN_ATOMS):
    Writes a PDB of the current I{part} to the Nanorex temp directory.
    @param part: the NE1 part.
    @type  part: L{assembly}
    @param excludeFlags: used to exclude certain atoms from being written 
        to the QuteMolX PDB file, where:
        WRITE_ALL_ATOMS = 0 (even writes hidden and invisble atoms)
        EXCLUDE_BONDPOINTS = 1 (excludes bondpoints)
        EXCLUDE_HIDDEN_ATOMS = 2 (excludes both hidden and invisible atoms)
        EXCLUDE_DNA_ATOMS = 4 (excludes PAM3 and PAM5 pseudo atoms)
        EXCLUDE_DNA_AXIS_ATOMS = 8 (excludes PAM3 axis atoms)
        EXCLUDE_DNA_AXIS_BONDS = 16 (supresses PAM3 axis bonds)
    @type  excludeFlags: int
    @return: the name of the temp PDB file, or None if no atoms are in I{part}.
    @rtype:  str
    # Is there a better way to get the number of atoms in <part>.? 
    # Mark 2007-06-02
    stats = Statistics(part.tree) 
    if 0:
        stats.num_atoms = stats.natoms - stats.nsinglets
        print "write_qutemol_files(): natoms =", stats.natoms, \
              "nsinglets =", stats.nsinglets, \
              "num_atoms =", stats.num_atoms
    if not stats.natoms:
        # There are no atoms in the current part.
        # writepdb() will create an empty file, which causes 
        # QuteMolX to crash at launch.
        # Mark 2007-06-02
        return None
    pdb_basename = "QuteMolX.pdb"
    # Make full pathnames for the PDB file (in ~/Nanorex/temp/)
    tmpdir = find_or_make_Nanorex_subdir('temp')
    qutemol_pdb_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, pdb_basename)
    # Write the PDB file.
    write_qutemol_pdb_file(part, qutemol_pdb_file, excludeFlags)
    return qutemol_pdb_file
Пример #4
def write_qutemol_files(part, excludeFlags=EXCLUDE_HIDDEN_ATOMS):
    Writes a PDB of the current I{part} to the Nanorex temp directory.
    @param part: the NE1 part.
    @type  part: L{assembly}
    @param excludeFlags: used to exclude certain atoms from being written 
        to the QuteMolX PDB file, where:
        WRITE_ALL_ATOMS = 0 (even writes hidden and invisble atoms)
        EXCLUDE_BONDPOINTS = 1 (excludes bondpoints)
        EXCLUDE_HIDDEN_ATOMS = 2 (excludes both hidden and invisible atoms)
        EXCLUDE_DNA_ATOMS = 4 (excludes PAM3 and PAM5 pseudo atoms)
        EXCLUDE_DNA_AXIS_ATOMS = 8 (excludes PAM3 axis atoms)
        EXCLUDE_DNA_AXIS_BONDS = 16 (supresses PAM3 axis bonds)
    @type  excludeFlags: int
    @return: the name of the temp PDB file, or None if no atoms are in I{part}.
    @rtype:  str

    # Is there a better way to get the number of atoms in <part>.?
    # Mark 2007-06-02
    stats = Statistics(part.tree)

    if 0:
        stats.num_atoms = stats.natoms - stats.nsinglets
        print "write_qutemol_files(): natoms =", stats.natoms, \
              "nsinglets =", stats.nsinglets, \
              "num_atoms =", stats.num_atoms

    if not stats.natoms:
        # There are no atoms in the current part.
        # writepdb() will create an empty file, which causes
        # QuteMolX to crash at launch.
        # Mark 2007-06-02
        return None

    pdb_basename = "QuteMolX.pdb"

    # Make full pathnames for the PDB file (in ~/Nanorex/temp/)
    tmpdir = find_or_make_Nanorex_subdir('temp')
    qutemol_pdb_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, pdb_basename)

    # Write the PDB file.
    write_qutemol_pdb_file(part, qutemol_pdb_file, excludeFlags)

    return qutemol_pdb_file