Пример #1
def run(results, cmdenv, tdb):
    if cmdenv.lt and cmdenv.gt:
        if cmdenv.lt <= cmdenv.gt:
            raise CommandLineError("--gt must be lower than --lt")

    # Find out what we're looking for.
    queries, mode = get_lookup_list(cmdenv, tdb)
    cmdenv.DEBUG0("{} query: {}", mode, queries.values())

    avoidSystems = {s for s in cmdenv.avoidPlaces if isinstance(s, System)}
    avoidStations = {s for s in cmdenv.avoidPlaces if isinstance(s, Station)}

    # Summarize
    results.summary = ResultRow()
    results.summary.mode = mode
    results.summary.queries = queries
    results.summary.oneStop = cmdenv.oneStop
    results.summary.avoidSystems = avoidSystems
    results.summary.avoidStations = avoidStations

    # In single mode with detail enabled, add average reports.
    # Thus if you're looking up "algae" or the "asp", it'll
    # tell you the average/ship cost.
    singleMode = len(queries) == 1
    if singleMode and cmdenv.detail:
        first = list(queries.values())[0]
        if mode is SHIP_MODE:
            results.summary.avg = first.cost
            avgPrice = tdb.query(
                SELECT AVG(si.supply_price)
                  FROM StationItem AS si
                 WHERE si.item_id = ? AND si.supply_price > 0
            """, [first.ID]).fetchone()[0]
            if not avgPrice:
                avgPrice = 0
            results.summary.avg = int(avgPrice)

    # System-based search
    nearSystem = cmdenv.nearSystem
    if nearSystem:
        maxLy = cmdenv.maxLyPer or tdb.maxSystemLinkLy
        results.summary.near = nearSystem
        results.summary.ly = maxLy
        distanceFn = nearSystem.distanceTo
        distanceFn = None

    oneStopMode = cmdenv.oneStop
    padSize = cmdenv.padSize
    planetary = cmdenv.planetary
    wantNoPlanet = cmdenv.noPlanet
    wantBlackMarket = cmdenv.blackMarket

    stations = defaultdict(list)
    stationByID = tdb.stationByID

    cur = sql_query(cmdenv, tdb, queries, mode)
    for (ID, stationID, price, units) in cur:
        station = stationByID[stationID]
        if padSize and not station.checkPadSize(padSize):
        if planetary and not station.checkPlanetary(planetary):
        if wantNoPlanet and station.planetary != 'N':
        if wantBlackMarket and station.blackMarket != 'Y':
        if station in avoidStations:
        if station.system in avoidSystems:

        row = ResultRow()
        row.station = station
        if distanceFn:
            distance = distanceFn(row.station.system)
            if distance > maxLy:
            row.dist = distance
        row.item = queries[ID]
        row.price = price
        row.units = units
        row.age = station.itemDataAgeStr
        if oneStopMode:
            stationRows = stations[stationID]
            if len(stationRows) >= len(queries):

    if not results.rows:
        if oneStopMode and len(stations):
            raise NoDataError("No one-stop stations found")
        raise NoDataError("No available items found")

    if oneStopMode and not singleMode:
        results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.item.name())
    results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.station.name())
    if cmdenv.sortByUnits:
        results.summary.sort = "units"
        results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.price)
        results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.units, reverse=True)
        if not oneStopMode:
            results.summary.sort = "Price"
            results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.units, reverse=True)
            results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.price)
        if nearSystem and not cmdenv.sortByPrice:
            results.summary.sort = "Ly"
            results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.dist)

    limit = cmdenv.limit or 0
    if limit > 0:
        results.rows = results.rows[:limit]

    return results
Пример #2
def run(results, cmdenv, tdb):
    origin = cmdenv.startStation
    if not origin.itemCount:
        raise CommandLineError(
            "No trade data available for {}".format(origin.name())

    buying, selling = cmdenv.buying, cmdenv.selling

    results.summary = ResultRow()
    results.summary.origin = origin
    results.summary.buying = cmdenv.buying
    results.summary.selling = cmdenv.selling

    cur = tdb.query("""
        SELECT  item_id,
                demand_price, demand_units, demand_level,
                supply_price, supply_units, supply_level,
                JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(modified)
          FROM  StationItem
         WHERE  station_id = ?
    """, [origin.ID])

    for row in cur:
        it = iter(row)
        item = tdb.itemByID[next(it)]
        row = ResultRow()
        row.item = item
        row.buyCr = int(next(it) or 0)
        row.avgBuy = tdb.avgBuying.get(item.ID, 0)
        units, level = int(next(it) or 0), int(next(it) or 0)
        row.buyUnits = units
        row.buyLevel = level
        row.demand = render_units(units, level)
        if not selling:
            hasBuy = (row.buyCr or units or level)
            hasBuy = False
        row.sellCr = int(next(it) or 0)
        row.avgSell = tdb.avgSelling.get(item.ID, 0)
        units, level = int(next(it) or 0), int(next(it) or 0)
        row.sellUnits = units
        row.sellLevel = level
        row.supply = render_units(units, level)
        if not buying:
            hasSell = (row.sellCr or units or level)
            hasSell = False
        row.age = float(next(it) or 0)

        if hasBuy or hasSell:

    if not results.rows:
        raise CommandLineError("No items found")

    results.rows.sort(key=lambda row: row.item.dbname)
    results.rows.sort(key=lambda row: row.item.category.dbname)

    return results
Пример #3
def run(results, cmdenv, tdb):
    if cmdenv.lt and cmdenv.gt:
        if cmdenv.lt <= cmdenv.gt:
            raise CommandLineError("--gt must be lower than --lt")

    # Find out what we're looking for.
    queries, mode = get_lookup_list(cmdenv, tdb)
    cmdenv.DEBUG0("{} query: {}", mode, queries.values())

    avoidSystems = {s for s in cmdenv.avoidPlaces if isinstance(s, System)}
    avoidStations = {s for s in cmdenv.avoidPlaces if isinstance(s, Station)}

    # Summarize
    results.summary = ResultRow()
    results.summary.mode = mode
    results.summary.queries = queries
    results.summary.oneStop = cmdenv.oneStop
    results.summary.avoidSystems = avoidSystems
    results.summary.avoidStations = avoidStations

    # In single mode with detail enabled, add average reports.
    # Thus if you're looking up "algae" or the "asp", it'll
    # tell you the average/ship cost.
    singleMode = len(queries) == 1
    if singleMode and cmdenv.detail:
        first = list(queries.values())[0]
        if mode is SHIP_MODE:
            results.summary.avg = first.cost
            avgPrice = tdb.query("""
                SELECT AVG(si.supply_price)
                  FROM StationItem AS si
                 WHERE si.item_id = ? AND si.supply_price > 0
            """, [first.ID]).fetchone()[0]
            results.summary.avg = int(avgPrice)

    # System-based search
    nearSystem = cmdenv.nearSystem
    if nearSystem:
        maxLy = cmdenv.maxLyPer or tdb.maxSystemLinkLy
        results.summary.near = nearSystem
        results.summary.ly = maxLy
        distanceFn = nearSystem.distanceTo
        distanceFn = None

    oneStopMode = cmdenv.oneStop
    padSize = cmdenv.padSize
    wantBlackMarket = cmdenv.blackMarket

    stations = defaultdict(list)
    stationByID = tdb.stationByID

    cur = sql_query(cmdenv, tdb, queries, mode)
    for (ID, stationID, price, units) in cur:
        station = stationByID[stationID]
        if padSize and not station.checkPadSize(padSize):
        if wantBlackMarket and station.blackMarket != 'Y':
        if station in avoidStations:
        if station.system in avoidSystems:

        row = ResultRow()
        row.station = station
        if distanceFn:
            distance = distanceFn(row.station.system)
            if distance > maxLy:
            row.dist = distance
        row.item = queries[ID]
        row.price = price
        row.units = units
        row.age = station.itemDataAgeStr
        if oneStopMode:
            stationRows = stations[stationID]
            if len(stationRows) >= len(queries):

    if not results.rows:
        if oneStopMode and len(stations):
            raise NoDataError("No one-stop stations found")
        raise NoDataError("No available items found")

    if oneStopMode and not singleMode:
        results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.item.name())
    results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.station.name())
    if cmdenv.sortByUnits:
        results.summary.sort = "units"
        results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.price)
        results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.units, reverse=True)
        if not oneStopMode:
            results.summary.sort = "Price"
            results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.units, reverse=True)
            results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.price)
        if nearSystem and not cmdenv.sortByPrice:
            results.summary.sort = "Ly"
            results.rows.sort(key=lambda result: result.dist)

    limit = cmdenv.limit or 0
    if limit > 0:
        results.rows = results.rows[:limit]

    return results