Пример #1
    def update():
        join = functools.partial(posixpath.join, env.code_root)
        exists = functools.partial(files.exists, use_sudo=True)

        # Optimization if we have current setup (i.e. not the first deploy)
        if exists(env.py3_virtualenv_current) and not exists(env.py3_virtualenv_root):
            _clone_virtual_env(env.py3_virtualenv_current, env.py3_virtualenv_root)
        elif not exists(env.py3_virtualenv_current):
            raise EnvironmentException(
                "Virtual environment not found: {}".format(env.py3_virtualenv_current)

        requirements_files = [join("requirements", "prod-requirements.txt")]
            join(repo.relative_dest, repo.requirements_path)
            for repo in env.ccc_environment.meta_config.git_repositories
            if repo.requirements_path

        with cd(env.code_root):
            cmd_prefix = 'export HOME=/home/{} && source {}/bin/activate && '.format(
                env.sudo_user, env.py3_virtualenv_root)

            proxy = " --proxy={}".format(env.http_proxy) if env.http_proxy else ""
            sudo("{} pip install --quiet --upgrade --timeout=60{} pip-tools".format(
                cmd_prefix, proxy))
            sudo("{} pip-sync --quiet --pip-args='--timeout=60{}' {}".format(
                cmd_prefix, proxy, " ".join(requirements_files)))
Пример #2
 def check_known_hosts(self):
     if not os.path.exists(self.paths.known_hosts):
     blacklist = set(self.groups.get('ansible_skip', []))
     hostname_to_sshable = {
         inventory_hostname: sshable.split(':')[0]
         for sshable, inventory_hostname in self.inventory_hostname_map.items()
     inventory_hostnames = {
         host for hosts in self.groups.values()
         for host in hosts if host not in blacklist
     expected_hosts = {
         (hostname_to_sshable[host], self.hostname_map.get(host))
         for host in inventory_hostnames
     with open(self.paths.known_hosts) as f:
         known_hosts_contents = f.read()
     missing_hosts = {
         (sshable, hostname) for sshable, hostname in expected_hosts
         if not re.search(r'\b{}\b'.format(sshable), known_hosts_contents)
     if missing_hosts:
         raise EnvironmentException(
             'The following hosts are missing from known_hosts:\n{}'.format(
                    "{} ({})".format(sshable, hostname) for sshable, hostname in missing_hosts
Пример #3
 def repo(self):
     match = re.match(r"[email protected]:(.*?).git", self.url)
     if not match:
         raise EnvironmentException(
             "Unable to parse repository URL: {}".format(self.url))
     repo = match.group(1)
     return get_github(self).get_repo(repo)
Пример #4
def get_github(repo):
    login_or_token, password = None, None
    if repo.is_private:
        message = "This environment references a private repository: {}".format(
        login_or_token, password = get_github_credentials(message, force=True)
        if not login_or_token and not password:
            raise EnvironmentException("Github credentials required")
    return Github(login_or_token=login_or_token, password=password)
Пример #5
def get_github(repo):
    token = None
    if repo.is_private:
        message = "This environment references a private repository: {}".format(
        token = get_github_token(message, required=True)
        if not token:
            raise EnvironmentException("Github credentials required")
    return Github(login_or_token=token)
Пример #6
 def check_user_group_absent_present_overlaps(self, absent_users,
     if not set(present_users).isdisjoint(absent_users):
         repeated_users = list(
             (Counter(present_users) & Counter(absent_users)).elements())
         raise EnvironmentException(
             'The user(s) {} appear(s) in both the absent and present users list for '
             'the environment {}. Please fix this and try again.'.format(
                 (', '.join(map(str, repeated_users))),
Пример #7
    def inventory_source(self):
        sources = []
        for path in [self.inventory_ini, self.inventory_csv]:
            if os.path.exists(path) and os.access(path, os.R_OK):
        if os.path.exists(self.inventory_directory) and os.path.isdir(

        if not sources or len(sources) > 1:
            raise EnvironmentException(
                "Exactly one inventory source must be provided. Either a single 'inventory.ini' file "
                "or a single 'inventory.csv' file or an 'inventory' folder containing inventory files."
        return sources[0]
Пример #8
def _clone_virtualenv(env):
    print('Cloning virtual env')
    python_version = env.ccc_environment.python_version
    virtualenv_name = f"python_env-{python_version}"
    virtualenv_current = posixpath.join(env.code_current, virtualenv_name)
    # There's a bug in virtualenv-clone that doesn't allow us to clone envs from symlinks
    old_virtualenv_path = sudo(f'readlink -f {virtualenv_current}')
    if not files.exists(old_virtualenv_path, use_sudo=True):
        raise EnvironmentException(
            f"virtualenv not found: {old_virtualenv_path}")

    join = functools.partial(posixpath.join, env.code_root)
    new_virtualenv_path = join(virtualenv_name)

    python_env = join(
        "python_env") if python_version == '3.6' else env.virtualenv_root
    assert os.path.basename(python_env) != virtualenv_name, python_env

    sudo(f"virtualenv-clone {old_virtualenv_path} {new_virtualenv_path}")
    sudo(f"ln -nfs {virtualenv_name} {python_env}")