def handle(self, *args, **options): help = 'Imports votes from google spreadsheet to "Votes" table' response = urllib.urlopen(URL) data = json.loads( votes = data['feed']['entry'] for e in votes: vote = Vote() for header, conv_func in VOTE_FIELDS: value = e['gsx$' + header]['$t'] value = conv_func(value) if value: setattr(vote, header, value) else: print "error in header " + str(header) continue try: vote.full_clean() except ValidationError: print "error in vote" continue try: vote.meeting.proposed_bills.add(vote.bill) except: print "error in adding bill to meeting" continue try: vote.meeting.voting_ministers.add(vote.minister) except: print "error in adding minister to meeting" continue if not Vote.objects.filter(bill=vote.bill, minister=vote.minister).count() == 0: print "Vote already exists!" else: print "Vote saved!" print 'Done importing votes from google spreadsheet!!'
def handle(self, *args, **options): help = 'Imports votes from google spreadsheet to "Votes" table' response = urllib.urlopen(URL); data = json.loads( votes = data['feed']['entry'] for e in votes: vote = Vote() for header, conv_func in VOTE_FIELDS: value = e['gsx$' + header]['$t'] value = conv_func(value) if value: setattr(vote, header, value) else: print "error in header " + str(header) continue try: vote.full_clean() except ValidationError: print "error in vote" continue try: vote.meeting.proposed_bills.add(vote.bill) except: print "error in adding bill to meeting" continue try: vote.meeting.voting_ministers.add(vote.minister) except: print "error in adding minister to meeting" continue if not Vote.objects.filter(bill=vote.bill, minister=vote.minister).count() == 0: print "Vote already exists!" else: print "Vote saved!" print 'Done importing votes from google spreadsheet!!'
def handle(self, *args, **options): #args = '<filename>' help = 'Parses the CSV to votes' print args[0] if len(args) <= 0: raise CommandError('Please specify file name') if not os.path.exists(args[0]): raise CommandError("File %s doesn't exist" % args[0]) #with[0], 'r', 'cp1255 ') as f: with open(args[0], 'r') as f: r = csv.DictReader(f) for d in r: vote = Vote() for header, conv_func in VOTE_FIELDS: value = d[header] value = conv_func(value) if value: setattr(vote, header, value) else: print "error in header " + str(header) continue try: vote.full_clean() except ValidationError: print "error in vote" continue try: vote.meeting.proposed_bills.add(vote.bill) except: print "error in adding bill to meeting" continue print 'Done importing votes csv!'