Пример #1
    def test_merge_scores(self):
        s1 = scores.Stats_datastruct()
        s2 = scores.Stats_datastruct()

        truth_set = {2, 3, 4}
        candidate_set_1 = {1, 2, 3}
        candidate_set_2 = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
        s1.compute_all(truth_set, candidate_set_1, 6)
        s2.compute_all(truth_set, candidate_set_2, 6)

        total = scores.merge_scores([s1, s2])

        self.assertEqual(total.ACC, (s1.ACC + s2.ACC) / 2)
        self.assertEqual(total.F1, (s1.F1 + s2.F1) / 2)
        self.assertEqual(total.TPR, (s1.TPR + s2.TPR) / 2)
Пример #2
    def get_decreasing_graph(self):
        perf_list = []

        MAX_VAL = 20
        for i in range(0, MAX_VAL):
            t = i / MAX_VAL
            tmp_score = stats_datastruct.Stats_datastruct()
            tmp_score.TPR = 1 - (i / MAX_VAL)

        return perf_list
Пример #3
    def get_real_graph(self):
        perf_list = []

        MAX_VAL = 20
        last_F1 = 0
        for i in range(0, MAX_VAL):
            t = i / MAX_VAL
            tmp_score = stats_datastruct.Stats_datastruct()

            delta = 0.05
            tmp_score.TPR = (i / MAX_VAL)  # Increasing
            tmp_score.FPR = (i / MAX_VAL) + delta  # Increasing
            tmp_score.TNR = 1 - (i / MAX_VAL)  # Decreasing
            tmp_score.FNR = 1 - (i / MAX_VAL) - delta  # Decreasing
            if i < MAX_VAL / 2:
                tmp_score.F1 = (i / MAX_VAL)  # Increasing until some point
                last_F1 = tmp_score.F1
                tmp_score.F1 = last_F1


        return perf_list
    def evaluate_performance(clusters_pairs: List[ClusterMatch],
                             total_number_element=None) -> List[ClusterMatch]:
        Compute statistic about each cluster pairs, for them members. Check the True positive, False positive, etc. rates
        :param clusters_pairs: A list of pairs of clusters = [ (cluster1, clusterA), (cluster2, clusterB) ...)
        :param total_number_element: Total number of members (not the sum of all members of all clusters, but how many elements is there regardless of their classification) in the "world" considered.
        :return: The same List of pairs of cluster, but with the score set-up
        # Flush the internal memory of the evaluator and compute statistics over each clusters pair. Store means, etc. in internal memory.

        for pair in clusters_pairs:
            s = scores.Stats_datastruct()

            # Get members of both clusters
            truth_set = pair.cluster_1.members
            candidate_set = pair.cluster_2.members

            # Compute all values of the pair score
            s.compute_all(truth_set, candidate_set, total_number_element)

            # Store the score
            pair.score = s

        return clusters_pairs
Пример #5
    def compute_score_for_one_threshold(
            self, list_results: List, gt_graph: GraphDataStruct,
            dist_threshold: float) -> stats_datastruct.Stats_datastruct:
        Compute stats about the quality of a result (requests_result), given a specific threshold (dist_threshold)
        and compared to a ground truth graph (gt_graph)
        :param list_results: Result of a similarity request to server
        :param gt_graph: Ground truth file to provide to compute if matches are good or not
        :param dist_threshold: threshold to apply to the results to compare to ground truth graph
        :return: stats about the quality of a result

        # Create ready to go (with 0 valued) score object
        tmp_score = stats_datastruct.Stats_datastruct()

        # TODO : Construct good datastructure to perform the matching
        # Sort cand_graph to mapping [node.id] -> [node.id sorted by distance increasing]

        # For each node and its neighbourhood (by distance)
        for curr_result in list_results:

            # Check if node is correctly formatted
            if self.is_correct(curr_result):

                # Remove its own occurence from the list if presents.
                matches_list = dict_utilities.get_clear_matches(curr_result)

                # For all N first matches of the current picture (or below if less matches)
                nb_matches_to_process = min(self.cal_conf.NB_TO_CHECK,

                for i in range(0, nb_matches_to_process):
                    # fetch the match to process
                    curr_matched_node = matches_list[i]

                    # Please note :
                    # If the two nodes are in the same cluster in gt, then it should be a positive value.
                    # Then this link is counted as a positive value in the entire dataset.
                    # The distance and threshold DOES NOT IMPACT the Positive/Negative counts !

                    if curr_matched_node.get("distance") <= dist_threshold:
                        # Even if it's request_id, it the current name of the file.
                        if gt_graph.are_names_in_same_cluster(
                            tmp_score.TP += 1  # Match but good
                            tmp_score.P += 1  # Should be good

                            tmp_score.FP += 1  # No match but not good
                            tmp_score.N += 1  # Should be not good

                    elif curr_matched_node.get("distance") > dist_threshold:

                        # Even if it's request_id, it the current name of the file.
                        if gt_graph.are_names_in_same_cluster(
                            tmp_score.FN += 1  # No match but not good
                            tmp_score.P += 1  # Should be good

                            tmp_score.TN += 1  # No match but good
                            tmp_score.N += 1  # Should be not good

                cluster = gt_graph.get_clusters_of(

                if cluster is None or len(cluster.members) <= 1:
                    # this picture has no cluster OR Only one element in the cluster,
                    # so it's the node = Good if no match
                    tmp_score.TN += 1  # No match but good
                    tmp_score.N += 1  # Should be not good
                    # No matches, but not alone in the cluster, so should have been one.
                    tmp_score.FN += 1  # No match but not good
                    tmp_score.P += 1  # Should be good

            tmp_score.total_nb_elements = tmp_score.P + tmp_score.N

        return tmp_score