def get_min_volt(channel,height,width,delay,scope,scale=None,trigger=None,min_trigger=-0.005): """Gets the trigger settings by firing a single pulse """ sc.select_channel(channel) sc.set_pulse_height(height) sc.set_pulse_width(width) sc.set_pulse_delay(delay) sc.set_trigger_delay(0) sc.set_fibre_delay(0) sc.set_pulse_number(1) if scale==None or trigger==None: scope.set_y_scale(1,1) # set to 1V/Div initially scope.set_edge_trigger(-0.5,1,True) else: #check the scale and trigger are reasonable set_scale = scale test_trigger = trigger for i,t in enumerate(_v_div): if scale > t: set_scale = _v_div[i] if trigger > min_trigger: trigger = min_trigger scope.set_y_scale(1,set_scale) scope.set_edge_trigger(trigger,1,True) scope.set_single_acquisition() scope.lock() pin = None while not comms_flags.valid_pin(pin,channel): pin = sc.read_pin() print "PIN:",pin #single pulse fired, read from the scope min_volt = float(scope.measure(1,"minimum")) scope.unlock() return min_volt
def tellie_read(tellie_serial): """Read a the PINout from the fired channels""" try: pin_out,channel_list = tellie_serial.read_pin() if comms_flags.valid_pin(pin_out,channel_list): return "%s|%s" % (comms_flags.tellie_pinout,pin_out) else: return comms_flags.tellie_notready except tellie_exception.TellieException,e: pin_out = "" print e,type(e) return comms_flags.tellie_error,"NOT YET..."
def tellie_read(tellie_serial): """Read a the PINout from the fired channels""" try: pin_out,channel_list = tellie_serial.read_pin_sequence() if comms_flags.valid_pin(pin_out,channel_list): print pin_out return '%s|%s' % (comms_flags.tellie_pinout,json.dumps(pin_out)) else: return comms_flags.tellie_notready except tellie_exception.TellieException,e: pin_out = '' print e,type(e) return comms_flags.tellie_error,"NOT YET..."
def tellie_read(tellie_serial): """Read a the PINout from the fired channels""" try: pin_out = None while (pin_out==None): try: pin_out, rms, channel_list = tellie_serial.read_pin_sequence() except TypeError: pin_out = None if comms_flags.valid_pin(pin_out, channel_list): print pin_out return '%s|%s' % (comms_flags.tellie_pinout, json.dumps(pin_out)) else: return comms_flags.tellie_notready except tellie_exception.TellieException, e: pin_out = '' print e, type(e) return comms_flags.tellie_error, "NOT YET..."
def sweep(dir_out,file_out,box,channel,width,delay,scope,min_volt=None,min_trigger=-0.005): """Perform a measurement using a default number of pulses, with user defined width, channel and rate settings. """ print '____________________________' print width #fixed options height = 16383 fibre_delay = 0 trigger_delay = 0 pulse_number = 1000 #first select the correct channel and provide settings logical_channel = (box-1)*8 + channel #first, run a single acquisition with a forced trigger, effectively to clear the waveform scope.set_single_acquisition() time.sleep(0.1) #needed for now to get the force to work... scope._connection.send("trigger:state ready") time.sleep(0.1) scope._connection.send("trigger force") time.sleep(0.1) #if no trigger settings, run a test fire if min_volt==None: min_volt = get_min_volt(logical_channel,height,width, delay,scope,min_trigger=min_trigger) sc.select_channel(logical_channel) sc.set_pulse_width(width) sc.set_pulse_height(16383) sc.set_pulse_delay(delay) sc.set_fibre_delay(fibre_delay) sc.set_trigger_delay(trigger_delay) #set the trigger level to half the minimum value (and ensure a good scale) trigger = min_volt / 2 if trigger > min_trigger: trigger = min_trigger volts_div = math.fabs(min_volt / 4) # 6 divs total, plus some leaway volts_div_setting = None #find the correct volts/div for i,t in enumerate(_v_div): if volts_div > t: if i<(len(_v_div)-2): volts_div_setting = _v_div[i+1] else: volts_div_setting = _v_div[-2] if volts_div_setting ==None: volts_div_setting = _v_div[0] # set to minimal print "VDIV",volts_div,volts_div_setting scope.set_y_scale(1,volts_div_setting) scope.set_edge_trigger(trigger,1,True) scope.set_average_acquisition(1000) scope.lock() sc.set_pulse_number(pulse_number) #wait for the sequence to end tsleep = pulse_number * (delay*1e-3 + 210e-6) time.sleep(tsleep) #add the offset in pin = None while not comms_flags.valid_pin(pin,channel): pin = sc.read_pin() print "PIN:",pin #should now have an averaged waveform directory = "%s/channel_%2d"%(dir_out,logical_channel) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) ## create an output file and save fname = "%s/Chan%02d_Width%05d" % (directory,logical_channel,width) waveform = scope.get_waveform(1) if waveform!=None: results = utils.PickleFile(fname,1) results.set_meta_data("timeform_1",scope.get_timeform(1)) results.add_data(waveform,1) results.close() else: print "SKIPPING WAVEFORM FOR WIDTH",width #have saved a waveform, now save rise,fall,pin etc results = {} results["area"] = (scope.measure(1,"area")) results["rise"] = (scope.measure(1,"rise")) results["fall"] = (scope.measure(1,"fall")) results["width"] = (scope.measure(1,"nwidth")) results["minimum"] = (scope.measure(1,"minimum")) results["pin"] = pin[8] scope.unlock() return results