def index(): users = [] rows = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query( """ SELECT * FROM USERACCOUNT WHERE user_id != 'None' ORDER BY user_id """, )) for row in rows: cal = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query( """ SELECT * FROM CALENDAR AS c, EVENT AS e WHERE account_hashkey = %s AND c.calendar_hashkey = e.calendar_hashkey """, (row["account_hashkey"], ))) if len(cal) != 0: users.append({ "email": row["user_id"], "loginPlatform": row["login_platform"], "accountHashkey": row["account_hashkey"] }) return render_template('index.html', users=users)
def hello(): result = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query( """ SELECT * FROM USER ACCOUNT WHERE is_active = %s """, (1, )))
def __getLocationFilteredList(self): locationList = self.jsonData['locations'] # TODO : region에 입력된 값이 db에 존재하는지 체크해야하지 않을까? queryOptionParam = ", ".join("'%s'" % locationData['region'] for locationData in locationList) dataList = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query(""" SELECT r.reco_hashkey, r.region, r.title, r.price, r.distance, r.category, r.property_romantic, r.property_active_dynamic, r.property_active_static, r.property_food_korean, r.property_food_chinese, r.property_food_japanese, r.property_food_italian, CONCAT( "[", GROUP_CONCAT( JSON_OBJECT( 'id',, 'event_type_id', etr.event_type_id, 'ing', ) ), "]" ) as event_availability FROM RECOMMENDATION as r LEFT JOIN EVENT_TYPE_RECO as etr ON r.reco_hashkey = etr.reco_hashkey WHERE region IN (%s) GROUP BY r.reco_hashkey """ % queryOptionParam)) recoList = {'restaurant': [], 'cafe': [], 'place': []} for dataItem in dataList: recoList[dataItem['category']].append(dataItem) for dataItem in recoList: for recoItem in recoList[dataItem]: jsonConvertedItem = json.loads(recoItem['event_availability']) recoItem['event_availability'] = {} for jsonItem in jsonConvertedItem: if jsonItem['event_type_id'] == None: continue recoItem['event_availability'][ jsonItem['event_type_id']] = jsonItem return recoList
def __getUserMainRegion(self): self.userMainRegion = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query( """ SELECT region, count(*) as locationCnt FROM ( SELECT ul.region,ul.location_hashkey,ul.priority FROM EVENT e, USER_EVENT_ANALYSIS ue , USER_EVENT_LOCATION ul , ( # 여기까지 유저 accounthashkey가 같은 calendar 가져오기 SELECT calendar_hashkey FROM CALENDAR INNER JOIN( #여기까지 이벤트 해시키로 유저 account_hashkey들 가져오는쿼리 SELECT account_hashkey FROM USERACCOUNT WHERE user_hashkey IN ( SELECT user_hashkey FROM EVENT e, CALENDAR c, USERACCOUNT u WHERE e.event_hashkey = %s AND c.calendar_hashkey = e.calendar_hashkey AND u.account_hashkey = c.account_hashkey ) ############# ) AS u ON u.account_hashkey = CALENDAR.account_hashkey ############# ) cal WHERE e.calendar_hashkey = cal.calendar_hashkey AND ue.event_hashkey = e.event_hashkey AND ue.location_hashkey = ul.location_hashkey AND ul.priority = 0 ) AS locations GROUP by region ORDER BY locationCnt DESC LIMIT 3 """, (self.user_event_hashkey, )))
def __getCalendarList(self, account_hashkey): return utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query( """ SELECT * FROM CALENDAR WHERE account_hashkey = %s """, (account_hashkey, )))
def __getEventsList(self, calendar_hashkey): return utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query( """ SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE calendar_hashkey = %s ORDER BY start_dt DESC """, (calendar_hashkey, )))
def customEvent(): event_name = request.args['eventName'] location = request.args['location'] start_dt = request.args['startDt'] end_dt = request.args['endDt'] event_hashkey = utils.make_hashkey("salttt") if len(event_name) == 0: event_name = None if len(location) == 0: location = None db_manager.query( """ INSERT INTO EVENT (event_hashkey,calendar_hashkey,event_id,summary,start_dt,end_dt,location) VALUES (%s, 'admin_calendar_hashkey','admin_event_id', %s, %s, %s, %s) """, (event_hashkey, event_name, start_dt, end_dt, location)) reco_maestro = recoMaestro.RecoMaestro( account_hashkey='admin_account_hashkey', switchExtractor=True) return json.dumps(reco_maestro.result_final)
def __getAllList(self): dataList = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query(""" SELECT r.reco_hashkey, r.region, r.title, r.price, r.distance, r.category, CONCAT( "[", GROUP_CONCAT( JSON_OBJECT( 'id',, 'event_type_id', etr.event_type_id, 'ing', ) ), "]" ) as event_availability FROM RECOMMENDATION as r LEFT JOIN EVENT_TYPE_RECO as etr ON r.reco_hashkey = etr.reco_hashkey GROUP BY r.reco_hashkey """)) recoList = {'restaurant': [], 'cafe': [], 'place': []} for dataItem in dataList: recoList[dataItem['category']].append(dataItem) for dataItem in recoList: for recoItem in recoList[dataItem]: jsonConvertedItem = json.loads(recoItem['event_availability']) recoItem['event_availability'] = {} for jsonItem in jsonConvertedItem: if jsonItem['event_type_id'] == None: continue recoItem['event_availability'][ jsonItem['event_type_id']] = jsonItem return recoList
def initData(self): self.locationPriorityList = {} for locationData in self.jsonData['locations']: self.locationPriorityList[ locationData['region']] = locationData['no'] self.eventTypeIdList = [] for eventType in self.jsonData['event_types']: self.eventTypeIdList.append(eventType['id']) priceList = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query(""" SELECT price FROM RECOMMENDATION ORDER BY price """)) distanceRowList = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query(""" SELECT distance FROM RECOMMENDATION ORDER BY distance """)) distanceList = [] for distanceRow in distanceRowList: distanceString ='\d+', distanceRow['distance']) if distanceString is None: distanceData = 99 else: distanceData = int( distanceList.append(distanceData) distanceList.sort() self.priceGradeList = [] self.distanceGradeList = [] n = 9 for i in range(1, n + 1): position = int(self.getSNDPercent(n, i) * len(priceList)) - 1 self.priceGradeList.append(priceList[position]['price']) position = int(self.getSNDPercent(n, i) * len(distanceList)) - 1 self.distanceGradeList.append(distanceList[position]) print(self.getSNDPercent(n, i)) print(self.priceGradeList) print(self.distanceGradeList) #load user data recoLogList = json.loads( dumps( mongo_manager.reco_log.find( {"accountHashkey": self.accountHashKey}))) logRecoHashKeyList = [] for recoLog in recoLogList: if (recoLog['action'] == "click" and recoLog['category'] == "recoCell" and recoLog['label'] == "deepLink") or \ (recoLog['action'] == "click" and recoLog['category'] == "recoCell" and recoLog['label'] == "sharingKakao") or \ (recoLog['action'] == "click" and recoLog['category'] == "recoCell" and recoLog['label'] == "sharingKakaoInBlog") or \ (recoLog['action'] == "click" and recoLog['category'] == "recoMapCell" and recoLog['label'] == "deepLink") or \ (recoLog['action'] == "click" and recoLog['category'] == "recoMapCell" and recoLog['label'] == "sharingKakaoInCell"): logRecoHashKeyList.append(recoLog['recoHashkey']) if len(logRecoHashKeyList) != 0: result = utils.fetch_all_json( db_manager.query(""" SELECT reco_hashkey, property_romantic, property_active_dynamic, property_active_static, property_food_korean, property_food_chinese, property_food_japanese, property_food_italian FROM RECOMMENDATION WHERE RECOMMENDATION.reco_hashkey IN (%s) """ % (", ".join("'%s'" % row for row in logRecoHashKeyList)))) else: result = [] self.userTypeClickCount = { 'property_romantic': 0, 'property_active_dynamic': 0, 'property_active_static': 0, 'property_food_korean': 0, 'property_food_chinese': 0, 'property_food_japanese': 0, 'property_food_italian': 0, 'all': len(logRecoHashKeyList) } for row in result: hashkeyNum = logRecoHashKeyList.count(row['reco_hashkey']) for key in row: if row[key] == None: continue if key == 'reco_hashkey': continue self.userTypeClickCount[key] += row[key] * hashkeyNum print(self.userTypeClickCount) self.userPropertyScore = {} if self.userTypeClickCount['all'] == 0: self.userPropertyScore['romanticPriority'] = 0.5 else: self.userPropertyScore['romanticPriority'] = ( self.userTypeClickCount['property_romantic'] / self.userTypeClickCount['all']) activeList = ['property_active_dynamic', 'property_active_static'] foodList = [ 'property_food_korean', 'property_food_chinese', 'property_food_japanese', 'property_food_italian' ] foodList.sort(key=lambda e: (self.userTypeClickCount[e]), reverse=True) activeList.sort(key=lambda e: (self.userTypeClickCount[e]), reverse=True) i = 0 for activeRow in activeList: self.userPropertyScore[activeRow] = 4.5 - i i += 1 i = 0 for foodRow in foodList: self.userPropertyScore[foodRow] = 4.5 - i i += 1 print(self.userPropertyScore)