Пример #1
def write_molden(filename, xcc, symbs, freqs, evecs):
    '''evecs NOT in mass-scaled!'''
    natoms = len(symbs)
    nfreqs = len(freqs)
    STRING = "[Molden Format]\n"
    STRING += "[FR-COORD] # Coordinates in bohr\n"
    for at in range(natoms):
        symbol = symbs[at]
        x, y, z = fncs.xyz(xcc, at)
        STRING += " %2s  %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f \n" % (symbol, x, y, z)
    if freqs not in [None, []]:
        STRING += "[FREQ] # Frequencies in cm^-1\n"
        for idx in range(nfreqs):
            freq = fncs.afreq2cm(freqs[idx])
            STRING += " %9.4f\n" % freq
    if evecs not in [None, []]:
        STRING += "[FR-NORM-COORD] # Displacements in bohr\n"
        for idx in range(nfreqs):
            STRING += "vibration  %i\n" % (idx + 1)
            evec = evecs[idx]
            for at in range(natoms):
                # It may fail with frozen atoms...
                    vx, vy, vz = fncs.xyz(evec, at)
                    vx, vy, vz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                STRING += "   %+9.3f  %+9.3f  %+9.3f\n" % (vx, vy, vz)
    with open(filename, 'w') as asdf:
Пример #2
def rst2xyz(rst, xyz, onlyhess=True, Eref=None):
    tpath, tcommon, drst = read_rst(rst)
    thelist = [(data[0], label) for (label, data) in drst.items()]
    (ch, mtp, atonums, masses, mu) = tcommon
    symbols = fncs.atonums2symbols(atonums)
    natoms = len(symbols)
    string = ""
    for s_i, label in thelist:
        s_i, E_i, xms_i, gms_i, Fms_i, v0_i, v1_i, t_i = drst[label]
        if onlyhess and Fms_i is None: continue
        if Eref is not None:
            E_i = (E_i - Eref) * KCALMOL
            energy = "%+.4f kcal/mol" % E_i
            energy = "%+.6f hartree" % E_i
        string += " %i\n" % natoms
        string += " * E = %s ; s = %7.4f (%s)\n" % (energy, s_i, label)
        xcc_i = fncs.ms2cc_x(xms_i, masses, mu)
        for idx, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
            x, y, z = fncs.xyz(xcc_i, idx)
            x *= ANGSTROM
            y *= ANGSTROM
            z *= ANGSTROM
            string += " %2s   %+12.8f  %+12.8f  %+12.8f\n" % (symbol, x, y, z)
    with open(xyz, 'w') as asdf:
Пример #3
def test_hsconstraints(lzmat, zmatvals, constr, which="hard"):
    if constr is None or len(constr) == 0: return True
    # the xcc
    xcc = None
    # check constraints
    for ic, icdomain in constr:
        if ic in zmatvals:
            icvalue = zmatvals[ic]
            if icvalue < 0.0: icvalue = icvalue % 360
            # Get atoms
            icatoms = [int(at) - 1 for at in ic.split("-")]
            nicatoms = len(icatoms)
            # Get xcc for each atom
            if xcc is None: xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals)
            xyzs = [fncs.xyz(xcc, at) for at in icatoms]
            # calculate value in xcc
            if nicatoms == 2: icvalue = fncs.distance(*xyzs) * ANGSTROM
            elif nicatoms == 3: icvalue = np.rad2deg(fncs.angle(*xyzs)) % 360
            elif nicatoms == 4:
                icvalue = np.rad2deg(fncs.dihedral(*xyzs)) % 360
                raise Exception
        # in domain?
        boolean = fncs.float_in_domain(icvalue, icdomain)
        if which == "hard" and boolean is False: return False
        if which == "soft" and boolean is True: return True
    # (hard) all of them are fulfilled
    if which == "hard": return True
    # (soft) all of them failed
    if which == "soft": return False
Пример #4
def write_frozen(filename,frozen_xcc,frozen_symbols):
    if len(frozen_symbols) == 0: return
    string = ""
    for idx,symbol in enumerate(frozen_symbols):
        x,y,z = xyz(frozen_xcc,idx)
        string += " %-2s  %+9.5f  %+9.5f  %+9.5f\n"%(symbol,x,y,z)
Пример #5
def pilgrim_spc(xcc,symbols,bhessian,mname,eargs):
    # expand extra-args
    if   len(eargs) == 1:
        spc_template = eargs[0]
        folder, clean = None, False
    elif len(eargs) == 2:
        spc_template, folder = eargs
        clean = False
    elif len(eargs) == 3:
        spc_template, folder, clean = eargs
    # no template??
    if spc_template is None: raise Exc.NoTemplateGiven(Exception)
    # create folder
    if folder is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    # Calculate gradient&hessian or just gradient
    if bhessian: inkey3 = "! EnGrad Freq "
    else       : inkey3 = "! EnGrad      "
    # names of files
    wname, ifile, ofile, engrad, hess, gbw, err = ITF.iofiles(mname,folder)
    # Input
    string_ifile = ""
    for line in spc_template.split("\n"):
        if key1 in line:
           line = ""
           for idx,symbol in enumerate(symbols):
               x,y,z  = fncs.xyz(xcc,idx)
               linedata = (symbol,x*pc.ANGSTROM,y*pc.ANGSTROM,z*pc.ANGSTROM)
               line += "%2s   %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f\n"%linedata
        if key2 in line:
           pos  = line.find(key2)
           line = line[0:pos] + wname + line[pos+len(key2):]
        if key3 in line:
           pos  = line.find(key3)
           line = line[0:pos] + inkey3 + line[pos+len(key3):]
        # Add \n to line
        if not line.endswith("\n"): line += "\n"
        string_ifile += line
    # Send calculation
    status = ITF.execute(ifile,ofile,err)
  # # Sleep 0.5 seconds, so Orca can write the files
  # time.sleep(0.5)
    # Check output
    exception = Exc.CalcFails(Exception)
    exception._var = ofile
    if not ITF.normal_termination(ofile): raise exception
    # Read data
    xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ff.read_orca(ofile)
    # Remove files
    if clean:
       files = os.listdir(folder)
       files = [fff for fff in files if     fff.startswith(name)   ]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".inp")   ]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".out")   ]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".engrad")]
       files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".hess")  ]
       for fff in files: os.remove(folder+fff)
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp,  E, gcc, Fcc, masses
Пример #6
def puckering_rjs(xvec,atoms_in_ring):
    ''' JACS 1975, 97:6, 1354-1358; eq (4) '''
    gc = np.array(fncs.get_centroid(xvec,atoms_in_ring))
    list_Rj = []
    for at in atoms_in_ring:
        rj = np.array(fncs.xyz(xvec,at))
        Rj = rj-gc
    return list_Rj, gc
Пример #7
def string4xyzfile(xcc,symbols,info=""):
    string  = "%i\n"%len(symbols)
    string += info
    if not info.endswith("\n"): string += "\n"
    for at,symbol in enumerate(symbols):
        x,y,z = fncs.xyz(xcc,at)
        x *= pc.ANGSTROM
        y *= pc.ANGSTROM
        z *= pc.ANGSTROM
        string += "%2s  %+12.8f  %+12.8f  %+12.8f\n"%(symbol,x,y,z)
    return string
Пример #8
def create_xyz(xcc,symbols,inpvars):
    xyzfile = inpvars._zmatfile+".xyz"
    print(tvars.IBS+"   - xyz file: %s"%xyzfile)
    if not os.path.exists(xyzfile):
       string = "%i\nxyz file from %s\n"%(len(symbols),inpvars._zmatfile)
       for at,symbol in enumerate(symbols):
           x,y,z = fncs.xyz(xcc,at)
           x *= pc.ANGSTROM
           y *= pc.ANGSTROM
           z *= pc.ANGSTROM
           string += "%2s  %+12.8f  %+12.8f  %+12.8f\n"%(symbol,x,y,z)
       with open(xyzfile,'w') as asdf: asdf.write(string)
Пример #9
def write_molden_allconfs(dataconfs,Eref,allsymbols,folder):
       print(tvars.IBS2+"Generating xyz file with all geometries...")
       print(tvars.IBS2+"    filename: %s"%(folder+tvars.ALLCONFS))
       string = ""
       for idx,conftuple in enumerate(dataconfs):
           vec,V0,V1,G,weight,Qrv,ifreq,zmat,zmatvals,log = conftuple
           # convert to xyz
           V0_rel = (V0-Eref)*pc.KCALMOL
           description = " * E = %+7.3f kcal/mol ; (%i) %s"%(V0_rel,idx+1,str(vec))
           symbols   = [symbol for symbol in allsymbols if symbol.upper() not in ("X","XX")]
           natoms    = len(symbols)
           xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(zmat,zmatvals)
           # remove dummy atoms (if there is any)
           xcc = fncs.flatten_llist( [fncs.xyz(xcc,idx) for idx,symbol in enumerate(allsymbols) \
                                      if symbol.upper() not in ("X","XX")])
           # add to string
           string += string4xyzfile(xcc,symbols,info=description)
       with open(folder+tvars.ALLCONFS,'w') as asdf: asdf.write(string)
Пример #10
    def info_string(self, ib=0):
        root_mass = sum(fncs.symbols2masses(self._symbols))
        string = "Molecular formula     : %s\n" % self._mform
        string += "Number of atoms       : %i\n" % self._natoms
        string += "Number of electrons   : %i\n" % self._nel
        string += "Vibrational DOFs      : %i\n" % self._nvdof
        string += "Charge                : %i\n" % self._ch
        string += "Multiplicity          : %i\n" % self._mtp
        string += "Electronic energy (V0): %.8f hartree\n" % self._V0
        string += "Total mass [root]     : %.4f amu\n" % (root_mass * AMU)
        string += "Total mass            : %.4f amu\n" % (self._mass * AMU)
        if self._pgroup is not None:
            string += "Point group symmetry  : %s\n" % (self._pgroup)
        if self._rotsigma is not None:
            string += "Rotational sym num    : %i\n" % (self._rotsigma)
        string += "Cartesian coordinates (Angstrom):\n"
        for at, symbol in enumerate(self._symbols):
            mass = self._masses[at] * AMU
            x, y, z = fncs.xyz(self._xcc, at)
            x *= ANGSTROM
            y *= ANGSTROM
            z *= ANGSTROM
            string += "  %2s   %+12.8f  %+12.8f  %+12.8f  [%7.3f amu]\n" % (
                symbol, x, y, z, mass)

            str2 = "Moments and product of inertia (au):\n"
            if len(self._imoms) == 1:
                str2 += "        %+10.3E\n" % self._imoms[0]
            if len(self._imoms) == 3:
                prodinert = self._imoms[0] * self._imoms[1] * self._imoms[2]
                dataline = (self._imoms[0], self._imoms[1], self._imoms[2],
                str2 += "        %+10.3E  %+10.3E  %+10.3E  [%10.3E]\n" % dataline
            string += str2

            str2 = "Vibrational frequencies [1/cm] (scaled by %.3f):\n" % self._fscal
            for idx in range(0, len(self._ccfreqs), 6):
                str2 += "  %s\n"%("  ".join("%8.2f"%fncs.afreq2cm(freq) \
                                    for freq in self._ccfreqs[idx:idx+6]))
            if len(self._ccfreqs) != 0: string += str2

            str2 = "Vibrational zero-point energies [kcal/mol]:\n"
            for idx in range(0, len(self._cczpes), 6):
                str2 += "  %s\n"%("  ".join("%8.2f"%(zpe*KCALMOL) \
                                    for zpe in self._cczpes[idx:idx+6]))
            zpe_au = self._cczpe
            zpe_kcal = self._cczpe * KCALMOL
            zpe_eV = self._cczpe * EV
            zpe_cm = self._cczpe * H2CM
            str2 += "Vibrational zero-point energy: %+14.8f hartree  = \n" % zpe_au
            str2 += "                               %+14.2f kcal/mol = \n" % zpe_kcal
            str2 += "                               %+14.2f eV       = \n" % zpe_eV
            str2 += "                               %+14.2f cm^-1 \n" % zpe_cm
            str2 += "V0 + zero-point energy (V1)  : %+14.8f hartree\n" % self._ccV1
            if self._cczpe != 0.0: string += str2

        # add blank spaces
        string = "\n".join([" " * ib + line for line in string.split("\n")])
        return string
Пример #11
def pilgrim_spc(xcc, symbols, bhessian, mname, eargs):
    # initialize
    folder = None
    clean = False
    oniomH = []
    oniomM = []
    oniomL = []
    frozen = ([], [])
    # expand extra-args
    if len(eargs) == 1:
        spc_template = eargs[0]
    elif len(eargs) == 2:
        spc_template, folder = eargs
    elif len(eargs) == 3:
        spc_template, folder, clean = eargs
    elif len(eargs) == 5:
        spc_template, folder, clean, frozen, oniom_layers = eargs
        oniomH, oniomM, oniomL = oniom_layers
    # no template??
    if spc_template is None: raise Exc.NoTemplateGiven(Exception)
    # create folder
    if folder is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    # Calculate gradient&hessian or just gradient
    if bhessian: inkey3 = "freq=noraman "
    else: inkey3 = "force        "
    # names of files
    wname, ifile, ofile, chk, fchk, err = ITF.iofiles(mname, folder)
    # Input
    string_ifile = ""
    for line in spc_template.split("\n"):
        if key1 in line:
            line = ""
            for idx, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
                x, y, z = fncs.xyz(xcc, idx)
                if idx in oniomH: layer = " H"
                elif idx in oniomM: layer = " M"
                elif idx in oniomL: layer = " L"
                else: layer = "  "
                linedata = (symbol, x * pc.ANGSTROM, y * pc.ANGSTROM,
                            z * pc.ANGSTROM, layer)
                line += "%2s  %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f %s\n" % linedata
            # add frozen atoms
            frozen_symbols, frozen_xcc = frozen
            for idx, symbol in enumerate(frozen_symbols):
                x, y, z = fncs.xyz(frozen_xcc, idx)
                # oniom layer?
                at = len(symbols) + idx
                if at in oniomH: layer = " H"
                elif at in oniomM: layer = " M"
                elif at in oniomL: layer = " L"
                else: layer = "  "
                linedata = (symbol, x * pc.ANGSTROM, y * pc.ANGSTROM,
                            z * pc.ANGSTROM, layer)
                line += "%2s  -1 %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f %s\n" % linedata
        if key2 in line:
            pos = line.find(key2)
            line = line[0:pos] + wname + line[pos + len(key2):]
        if key3 in line:
            pos = line.find(key3)
            line = line[0:pos] + inkey3 + line[pos + len(key3):]
        # Add \n to line
        if not line.endswith("\n"): line += "\n"
        string_ifile += line
    ff.write_file(ifile, string_ifile)
    # Send calculation
    status = ITF.execute(ifile, ofile, err)
    # Check output
    exception = Exc.CalcFails(Exception)
    exception._var = ofile
    if not ITF.normal_termination(ofile): raise exception
    # (a) chk exists!
    if os.path.exists(chk):
        # Generate fchk
        status = ITF.genfchk(chk, fchk, err)
        # Read data
        xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ff.read_fchk(fchk)
    # (b) chk does not exist!
        xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ITF.read_gauout(
    # Remove files
    if clean:
        files = os.listdir(folder)
        files = [fff for fff in files if fff.startswith(name)]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".gjf")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".log")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".out")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".chk")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".fchk")]
        for fff in files:
            os.remove(folder + fff)
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses
Пример #12
def write_gtsfile(xcc,
    if gcc is None: gcc = []
    if Fcc is None: Fcc = []
    if freqs is None: freqs = []
    nat = len(atonums)
    str_gts = ""
    # write level of calculation
    if level != "": str_gts += "# level: %s\n" % level
    # Write basic data
    str_gts += "# Charge, multiplicity, energy [hartree],\n"
    str_gts += "# point group and rotational symmetry number\n"
    str_gts += "start_basic\n"
    str_gts += "   charge        %i\n" % ch
    str_gts += "   multiplicity  %i\n" % mtp
    str_gts += "   energy       %-+16.8f # Total energy in hartree\n" % E
    str_gts += "   pointgroup    %-5s           # Point group\n" % pgroup
    str_gts += "   rotsigma      %-5i           # Rotational sigma\n" % rotsigma
    str_gts += "end_basic\n\n"
    # Write atomic numbers and cartesian coordinates
    str_gts += "# Atomic number and non-scaled cartesian coordinates [bohr]\n"
    str_gts += "start_cc\n"
    for at in range(nat):
        atonum = atonums[at]
        xx, yy, zz = fncs.xyz(xcc, at)
        str_gts += "   %03i   %+15.8E  %+15.8E  %+15.8E\n" % (atonum, xx, yy,
    str_gts += "end_cc\n\n"
    # Write cartesian gradiend
    if len(gcc) != 0:
        str_gts += "# Non-scaled cartesian gradient [hartree/bohr]\n"
        str_gts += "start_grad\n"
        for at in range(nat):
            gxx, gyy, gzz = fncs.xyz(gcc, at)
            str_gts += "   %+15.8E  %+15.8E  %+15.8E\n" % (gxx, gyy, gzz)
        str_gts += "end_grad\n\n"
    # Write force constant matrix (i.e. hessian matrix)
    if len(Fcc) != 0:
        # matrix in triangular form
        if len(Fcc) == 3 * nat: Fcc = fncs.matrix2lowt(Fcc)
        str_gts += "# Low triangular part of force constant (hessian) matrix [hartree/bohr^2]\n"
        str_gts += "# i.e.: F_11, F_21, F_22, F_13, F_23, F_33...\n"
        str_gts += "start_hess\n"
        for idx in range(0, len(Fcc), 5):
            line = "  ".join(["%+15.8E" % Fij for Fij in Fcc[idx:idx + 5]])
            str_gts += "   %s\n" % line
        str_gts += "end_hess\n\n"
    # Write freqs
    elif len(freqs) != 0:
        str_gts += "start_freqs\n"
        for idx in range(0, len(freqs), 5):
            line = "  ".join(["%7.2f" % (freq) for freq in freqs[idx:idx + 5]])
            str_gts += "           %s\n" % line
        str_gts += "end_freqs\n\n"
    # write
    with open(gtsfile, 'w') as asdf:
Пример #13
def pilgrim_spc(xcc, symbols, bhessian, mname, eargs):
    # expand extra-args
    if len(eargs) == 1:
        spc_template = eargs[0]
        folder, clean = None, False
    elif len(eargs) == 2:
        spc_template, folder = eargs
        clean = False
    elif len(eargs) == 3:
        spc_template, folder, clean = eargs
    elif len(eargs) == 5:
        spc_template, folder, clean, frozen, oniom_layers = eargs
    # no template??
    if spc_template is None: raise Exc.NoTemplateGiven(Exception)

    # lines for GRADIENT (if any)
    gradient_lines = None
    if key4a in spc_template and key4b in spc_template:
        gradient_lines = spc_template.split(key4a)[1].split(key4b)[0]
        spc_template = spc_template.replace(gradient_lines,
                                            "").replace(key4b, "")
        gradient_lines = gradient_lines.strip()

    # lines for HESSIAN (if any)
    hessian_lines = None
    if key5a in spc_template and key5b in spc_template:
        hessian_lines = spc_template.split(key5a)[1].split(key5b)[0]
        spc_template = spc_template.replace(hessian_lines,
                                            "").replace(key5b, "")
        hessian_lines = hessian_lines.strip()

    # create folder
    if folder is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    # names of files
    wname, ifile, ofile, engrad, hess, gbw, err = ITF.iofiles(mname, folder)
    # Input
    string_ifile = ""
    for line in spc_template.split("\n"):
        if key1 in line:
            line = ""
            for idx, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
                x, y, z = fncs.xyz(xcc, idx)
                linedata = (symbol, x * pc.ANGSTROM, y * pc.ANGSTROM,
                            z * pc.ANGSTROM)
                line += "%2s   %+11.6f  %+11.6f  %+11.6f\n" % linedata
        if key2 in line:
            pos = line.find(key2)
            line = line[0:pos] + wname + line[pos + len(key2):]

        # Gradient & Hessian computation #
        # (a) via key3
        if key3 in line:
            if bhessian: inkey3 = "! EnGrad Freq "
            else: inkey3 = "! EnGrad      "
            pos = line.find(key3)
            line = line[0:pos] + inkey3 + line[pos + len(key3):]
        # (b) via key4 & key5
        if key4a in line:
            line = line.replace(key4a, gradient_lines)
        if key5a in line:
            if bhessian: line = line.replace(key5a, hessian_lines)
            else: continue

        # Add \n to line
        if not line.endswith("\n"): line += "\n"
        string_ifile += line

    with open(ifile, 'w') as asdf:
    # Send calculation
    status = ITF.execute(ifile, ofile, err)
    # # Sleep 0.5 seconds, so Orca can write the files
    # time.sleep(0.5)
    # Check output
    exception = Exc.CalcFails(Exception)
    exception._var = ofile
    if not ITF.normal_termination(ofile): raise exception
    # Read data
    xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses, clevel = ITF.read_orca(ofile)
    # Remove files
    if clean:
        files = os.listdir(folder)
        files = [fff for fff in files if fff.startswith(name)]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".inp")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".out")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".engrad")]
        files = [fff for fff in files if not fff.endswith(".hess")]
        for fff in files:
            os.remove(folder + fff)
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, E, gcc, Fcc, masses