Пример #1
	def playFile(self, file, stop=True):
		## Plays the file 'file' (Could also be a URI).
		# Stop the player if requested. (Required for playbin2 and
		# changing streams midway through another).
		if stop: player.stop()
		if (file == None):
			# If no file is to be played, set the URI to None, and the file to ""
			file = ""
		# Set the now playing label to the file to be played.
		if (os.path.exists(file) or '://' in file):
			# If it's not already a uri, make it one.
			# Also escape any # characters in the filename
			file = useful.filenameToUri(file).replace('#', '%23')
			# Set the URI to the file's one.
			# Try to set the subtitle track if requested.
			if cfg.getBool('video/autosub'): subtitles.trySubs(file)
			# Add the file to recently opened files.
			# Start the player, if it isn't already running.
			if (not player.isPlaying()): player.play()
		elif (file != ""):
			# If none of the above, a bad filename was passed.
			print _("Something's stuffed up, no such file: %s") % (file)
Пример #2
	def secondTimer(self):
		# A function that's called once a second while playing.
		if (not self.seeking): self.progressUpdate()
		#TODO: fonts with subtitles.
		#print player.player.emit('get-text-pad', 0).get_property('active-pad') #.set_property('font-desc', 'Sans 30')
		# Causes it to go again if it's playing, but stop if it's not.
		return player.isPlaying()
Пример #3
	def minuteTimer(self):
		## A timer that runs every minute while playing.
		# Disable ScreenSaver (if option is enabled).
		if (cfg.getBool("misc/disablescreensaver") and player.player.get_property('n-video') > 0):
			# Inhibit hte screensaver, technically we only have to do this once.
			## FIXME: Only do this once
		return player.isPlaying()