Пример #1
def analyse(request):
	from common.files import getAllFilesRecursive
	from common.tags import DESIRED_TAGS
	from common.html import genFolderCode

	def checkDir(d):
		return path.isdir(d)

	_get = request.GET
	dir_name = path.realpath(_get.get('directory', getcwd()))
	willMakeChanges = lambda : _get.get('change', "") == CHANGE_TRUE_VALUE

	title = makeTitle (dir_name)
	d = {'title' : title}
	if checkDir(dir_name):
		directories = getAllFilesRecursive(dir_name, 'mp3')
		if directories:
			print directories
		folder_template = path.join(TEMPLATE_FOLDER, 'id3info', 'folder.tpl')
		files = genFolderCode(directories, folder_template)
		d['error'] = True
		files = "Directory not found: %s" % dir_name
	d['content'] = files
	d.update(dict(_get.items()))  # reuse the defined variables on _get
	return render_to_response('id3info/main.tpl', d)
Пример #2
def getFiles(request):
	from common.files import getAllFilesRecursive, makeRenamingChanges
	from common.html import genFolderCode
	import re

	def checkDir(d):
		return path.isdir(d)
	def updateDictWithReplacement(regex, replacement, raw_dict):
		"""Returns a new dictionary with the 'files' key containing 
		the tuple (old, replaced)"""

		files = []
		any_changes = False
		for f in raw_dict['files']:
			if type(f) is dict:
				folder, had_changes = updateDictWithReplacement(regex, replacement, f)
				any_changes = any_changes or had_changes  # if any is True, remain!
				replaced = regex.sub(replacement, f)
				if replaced != f:
					any_changes = True
					files.append([f, replaced])
		return {'basename' : raw_dict['basename'], 'files' : files}, any_changes

	_get = request.GET
	dir_name = path.realpath(_get.get('directory', getcwd()))
	# p = 'extension'; exec('%s = _get.get("%s", "")' % (p,p))
	#  as that is not allowed...
	extension = _get.get("extension", "")
	search = _get.get("search", "")
	replacement = _get.get("replacement", "")
	willMakeChanges = lambda : _get.get('change', "") == CHANGE_TRUE_VALUE

	d = {'title' : makeTitle(dir_name)}
	if checkDir(dir_name):
		raw_dict = getAllFilesRecursive(dir_name)
		parsed_files, any_changes = updateDictWithReplacement(re.compile(search), replacement, raw_dict)
		if willMakeChanges():
		elif any_changes:  # don't appear "Apply Changes" if already changing
			d['can_change'] = any_changes
		d['change_value'] = CHANGE_TRUE_VALUE
		folder_template = path.join(TEMPLATE_FOLDER, 'regex_renom', 'folder.tpl')
		files = genFolderCode(parsed_files, folder_template, willMakeChanges())
		d['error'] = True
		files = "Directory not found: %s" % dir_name
	d['content'] = files
	d.update(dict(_get.items()))  # reuse the defined variables on _get
	return render_to_response('regex_renom/main.tpl', d)