Пример #1
def before_request():
    # 当用户未登录时,在列表中的请求将被重定向到登录界面
    filter_list = [
        "/", "/commodity/add", "/commodity/del", "/commodity/buy",
        "/commodity/send", "/commodity/trans", "/commodity/warehouse",
        "/commodity/distribution", "/commodity/sale"
    app.logger.info("--------before_request:%s--------" % (request.path))

    user_info = check_login()
    g.current_user = None
    app.logger.info("user_info:%s" % user_info)
    if user_info:
        g.current_user = user_info
        app.logger.info("current_user:%s" % g.current_user)
    if g.current_user is None:
        # 用户未登录
        app.logger.info("current_user is null,进行重定向")
        if request.path in filter_list:
            # 拦截普通请求
            response = make_response(
            return response

Пример #2
def info():
    resp_data = {}
    req = request.args
    id = int(req.get("id", 0))
    reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/books_lib/index")

    if id < 1:
        return redirect(reback_url)

    book_info = Books.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if not book_info:
        return redirect(reback_url)

    # 转换book_type
    books_type = app.config['BOOK_TYPES']
    type_int = book_info.book_type
    type = str(type_int)
    type_str = books_type[type]
    book_info.book_type = type_str

    resp_data['book_info'] = book_info
    # resp_data['news_info'] = news_info

    return ops_render("books_lib/info.html",resp_data)
Пример #3
def new_set():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int( req.get('id',0) )
        info = Books.query.filter_by( id = id ).first()
        if info and info.status != 1:
            return redirect( UrlManager.buildUrl("/books_lib/index") )
        resp_data['info'] = info
        resp_data['lib_location'] = app.config['LIB_LOCATION']
        resp_data['book_types'] = app.config['BOOK_TYPES']
        return ops_render("books_lib/new_set.html", resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功~~', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values
    id = int(req['id']) if 'id' in req and req['id'] else 0
    cat_id = int(req['cat_id']) if 'cat_id' in req and req['cat_id'] else 0
    title = req['title'] if 'title' in req else ''
    author = req['author'] if 'author' in req else ''
    press = req['press'] if 'press' in req else ''
    intro = req['intro'] if 'intro' in req else ''
    location = req['location'] if 'location' in req else ''
    amount = int(req['amount']) if 'amount' in req and req['amount'] else 0
    image = req['image'] if 'image' in req else ''

    if image is None or len(image) < 3:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请上传封面图~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    book_info = Books.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if book_info:
        model_info = book_info
        model_info.current_amount = amount  # 现在的数量,只有修改已有书籍的时候的才能修改
    else: #这里铁定的是第一次上新才能修改
        model_info = Books()
        model_info.status = 1
        model_info.current_amount = amount  #第一次上新在馆数量和上新数量是一样的
        model_info.update_amount = amount   #上新数量,只能 第一次 上新书才能更改,不允许出错,因为涉及到新书推荐的地方
        model_info.update_time = getCurrentDate()  #上新时间,只能第一次上新才能更改

    # 这6个均可修改的原因是有可能第一次上新的时候输错了书籍信息

    model_info.book_type = cat_id
    model_info.title = title
    model_info.author = author
    model_info.image = image
    model_info.press = press
    model_info.intro = intro
    model_info.location = location


    return jsonify(resp)
Пример #4
def info():
    resp_data ={}
    req = request.args
    uid = int(req.get('id',0))
    reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/account/index")
    if uid < 1:
        return redirect(reback_url)
    info = User.query.filter_by(uid=uid).first()
    if not info :
        return redirect(reback_url)
    resp_data['info'] = info
    return ops_render("account/info.html",resp_data)
Пример #5
def info():
    req = request.values

    id = int(req['id']) if ('id' in req and req['id']) else 0
    if id < 1:
        return redirect(UrlManager.buildUrl("/"))

    info = Movie.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if not info:
        return redirect(UrlManager.buildUrl("/"))

    info.view_counter += 1

    recommend_list = Movie.query.order_by(func.rand()).limit(4)
    return ops_render("info.html", {"info": info, "recommend_list": recommend_list})
Пример #6
def info():
    resp_data = {}
    req = request.args
    id = int(req.get("id", 0))
    reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/member/index")

    if id < 1:
        return redirect(reback_url)

    lending_info = Lending.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if not lending_info:
        return redirect(reback_url)

    resp_data['lending_info'] = lending_info

    return ops_render("member/info.html", resp_data)
Пример #7
def uploadImage():
    resp = {'state': 'SUCCESS', 'url': '', 'title': '', 'original': ''}
    file_target = request.files
    upfile = file_target['upfile'] if 'upfile' in file_target else None
    if upfile is None:
        resp['state'] = "上传失败"
        return jsonify(resp)

    ret = UploadService.uploadByFile(upfile)
    if ret['code'] != 200:  #根据UploadService.uploadByFile方法里面返回的code值进行判断,如果不是200就说明这个文件类型不合格
        resp['state'] = "上传失败:" + ret['msg']
        return jsonify(resp)

#如果没有出现失败的情况,就说明 成功了,然后点返回一个图片上传存放的地址回去
    resp['url'] = UrlManager.buildImageUrl(
        ret['data']['file_key'])  #这里在UrlManager.buildImageUrl进行了图片展示地址的拼接
    return jsonify(resp)
Пример #8
def info():
    if request.method=='GET':
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int(req.get("id", 0))
        reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/feedback/feedback")

        if id < 1:
            return redirect(reback_url)

        feed_info = Feedback.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        if not feed_info:
            return redirect(reback_url)

        resp_data['feed_info'] = feed_info
        # resp_data['news_info'] = news_info
        return ops_render("feedback/feed_info.html",resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功~~', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values
    id = int(req['id']) if 'id' in req and req['id'] else 0
    feedback_lib = req['feedback'] if 'feedback' in req else ''


    if id ==0:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "数据的id获取失败~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    if feedback_lib is None or len(feedback_lib) < 2:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请填写规范的回复~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    model_info = Feedback.query.filter_by(id=id).first()

    model_info.feedback_lib = feedback_lib


    return jsonify(resp)
Пример #9
def set():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else ''
        reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/")
        info = News.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        if not info:
            return redirect(reback_url)

        # news_info = News.query.filter(News.id == id).order_by(News.id.asc()).all()

        resp_data['info'] = info
        resp_data['lib_location'] = app.config['LIB_LOCATION']
        return ops_render("index/set.html", resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values
    id = int(req['id']) if 'id' in req else 0
    title = req['title'] if 'title' in req else ''
    location = req['location'] if 'location' in req else ''
    content = req['content'] if 'content' in req else ''
    # 参数有效性的再次判断的 之前判断了title字数不能小于2,地点名不能少于5个字和content不能为空,这里就暂时鸡肋地随便判断下
    if title is None or len(title) > 20:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入规范的标题名~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    if location is None or len(location) > 15:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入规范的校区图书馆名~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    bulletin_info = News.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    bulletin_info.title = title
    bulletin_info.content = content
    bulletin_info.location = location
    bulletin_info.created_time = getCurrentDate()
    # 数据库提交

    return jsonify(resp)
Пример #10
def lost_info():
    resp_data = {}
    req = request.args
    id = int(req.get("id", 0))
    reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/lost")

    if id < 1:
        return redirect(reback_url)

    info = Lost.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if not info:
        return redirect(reback_url)

# news_info = News.query.filter(News.id == id).order_by(News.id.asc()).all()

    resp_data['info'] = info
    #resp_data['news_info'] = news_info

    return ops_render("index/lost_info.html", resp_data)
Пример #11
def before_request():
    ignore_urls = app.config['IGNORE_URLS']
    ignore_check_login_urls = app.config['IGNORE_CHECK_LOGIN_URLS']
    path = request.path

    pattern = re.compile('%s' % "|".join(ignore_check_login_urls))
    if pattern.match(path):

    user_info = check_login()
    g.current_user = None
    if user_info:
        g.current_user = user_info

    pattern = re.compile('%s' % "|".join(ignore_urls))
    if pattern.match(path):

    if not user_info:
        return redirect(UrlManager.buildUrl("/user/login"))
Пример #12
def speech_info():
    resp_data = {}
    req = request.args
    id = int(req.get("id", 0))
    reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/dong_tai/speeches")

    if id < 1:
        return redirect(reback_url)

    speeches_info = Speeches.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if not speeches_info:
        return redirect(reback_url)

        # news_info = News.query.filter(News.id == id).order_by(News.id.asc()).all()
    title = speeches_info.title
    amount = SpeechReservation.query.filter(
        SpeechReservation.title == title).count()
    speeches_info.amount = amount
    resp_data['speeches_info'] = speeches_info
    # resp_data['news_info'] = news_info

    return ops_render("dong_tai/speech_info.html", resp_data)
Пример #13
def listImage():  #从数据库里面取数据进行 展示,服务于在线管理那个里面,里面的start和id的结合是为了进行图片页面分类
    resp = {'state': 'SUCCESS', 'list': [], 'start': 0, 'total': 0}

    req = request.values

    start = int(req['start']) if 'start' in req else 0
    page_size = int(req['size']) if 'size' in req else 20

    query = Image.query
    if start > 0:
        query = query.filter(Image.id < start)

    list = query.order_by(Image.id.desc()).limit(page_size).all()
    images = []

    if list:
        for item in list:  #取出数据,是将数据库中的地址挨个放进一个列表里面
            images.append({'url': UrlManager.buildImageUrl(item.file_key)})
            start = item.id
    resp['list'] = images
    resp['start'] = start
    resp['total'] = len(images)
    return jsonify(resp)
Пример #14
def logOut():
    response = make_response(redirect(UrlManager.buildUrl("/")))
    return response
def logout():
    response = make_response(redirect(UrlManager.build_url("/member/login")))
    return response
Пример #16
def speech_edit():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else ''
        reback_url = UrlManager.buildUrl("/dong_tai/speeches")
        speech_info = Speeches.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        if not speech_info:
            return redirect(reback_url)

        # news_info = News.query.filter(News.id == id).order_by(News.id.asc()).all()

        resp_data['info'] = speech_info
        return ops_render("dong_tai/speech_edit.html", resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values
    sid = int(req['id']) if 'id' in req else 0
    title = req['title'] if 'title' in req else ''
    address = req['address'] if 'address' in req else ''
    teacher = req['teacher'] if 'teacher' in req else ''
    email = req['email'] if 'email' in req else ''
    teacher_intro = req['teacher_intro'] if 'teacher_intro' in req else ''
    speech_intro = req['speech_intro'] if 'speech_intro' in req else ''
    time = req['time'] if 'time' in req else getCurrentDate()

    #input datetime-local控件获取的日期格式是****-**-**T**:**:**,中间有个很奇怪的T,下面的这个函数已经的证明可以将其赋给数据库
    def deleteT(time):
        time1 = time[:10]
        time2 = time[11:]
        time = time1 + ' ' + time2 + ':00'
        return time

    time = deleteT(time)

    # 假吧意思判断两个,重点是判断时间到底对没对
    if title is None or len(title) > 20:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入规范的标题名~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    if address is None:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入规范的讲座地址~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    speech_info = Speeches.query.filter_by(id=sid).first()
    speech_info.title = title
    speech_info.address = address
    speech_info.teacher = teacher
    speech_info.teacher_conn = email
    speech_info.speech_time = time
    speech_info.teacher_intro = teacher_intro
    speech_info.speech_intro = speech_intro
    # 数据库提交

    return jsonify(resp)