def __enter__(self): logger.debug("Start class OutputData!") self.content_format = self.args.op_format.upper() self.output_type = self.args.op_type.upper() if self.output_type == "FILE": self.fp = open(self.args.op_file, "w") self.csv_list = [] elif self.output_type == "KAFKA": # check topic exists self.topic = self.args.op_topic kafka_topic = NewTopic(name=self.topic, num_partitions=1, replication_factor=1) client = KafkaAdminClient(bootstrap_servers=self.args.op_bootstrap) try: client.delete_topics([kafka_topic]) client.create_topics([kafka_topic]) except KafkaError: logger.warn( "delete or create kafka topic raised error, ignore it!") self.producer = KafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers=self.args.op_bootstrap) elif self.output_type == "ES" or self.output_type == "ElasticSearch".upper( ): = Elasticsearch( hosts=self.args.op_es_hosts, sniff_on_start=True, # sniff_on_connection_fail=True, sniffer_timeout=20, # http_auth=('user', 'secret') ) self.es_index = self.args.op_index return self
def __init__(self, name=None): # Handle data file absolute name if name: # If provided file name = name else: try: # Read data file from config = config.get_conf("file").get("case_file") except ConfKeyNotFound: # Use default file path = os.path.abspath("./data/cmdb_data.xlsx") if not os.path.exists( message = "Data file not exist!" raise FileNotFoundError2(message) # Read contents from data file self.workbook = load_workbook( self.sheets = self.workbook.sheetnames # Only use the 1st sheet. if len(self.sheets) > 1: logger.warn("The excel file have more than one sheet, now we use the first sheet.") self.content = self.workbook[self.sheets[0]] self.case_content = {} self.ids_content = {}
def match_result(fragment, response): """ ( fragment ( (entity.situation[*], min), (1.2) ), (2.1), (3.1) ) :param fragment: :param response: :return: """ result = [] if not fragment: return [result] for frag in fragment:"In match_result: Frag is {}, type is {}".format(frag, type(frag))) # frag: (entity.situation[*], min) pattern = parse(frag[0])"response.json is {}, type is {}".format(response.json(), type(response.json()))) match_list = [match.value for match in pattern.find(response.json())]"match_list is {}".format(match_list)) try: d = {} string = "result = {}({})".format(frag[1], match_list) exec(string, d) result.append(str(d["result"])) except IndexError: logger.warn("Dependency_fragment: {} not specify function name for match pattern.".format(frag)) else: result.append(str(match_list).strip("[|]|(|)|{|}")) return [result]
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): t = now() result = func(*args, **kwargs) ms = take_ms(t) if ms > 500: logger.warn('Execute [{}] takes {}ms'.format(func.__name__, ms)) return result
def wrapper(*args, **kw): try: return func(*args, **kw) except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() if isinstance(e, ServiceException): if e.error_code < ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR: logger.warn(e.get_log_msg()) else: logger.fatal(e.get_log_msg()) return jsonify({ 'code': e.error_code, 'msg': e.msg, 'data': None }) else: exstr = traceback.format_exc() logger.fatal(str(e) + u'\n详情:' + exstr) return jsonify({ 'code': ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, 'msg': exstr, 'data': None }) finally: db.session.close()
def run(self, debug): try: # selenium_util.debug_info() # 获取开始运行时间 start_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) if self.object_type == '页面元素':'正在查找页面元素选择器') temp_result = self.query_element_selectors() if temp_result[0]: selector1, selector2 = temp_result[1] for run_times in range(0, self.run_times + 1):'正在运行第%s次' % str(run_times + 1)) for try_times in range(0, self.try_for_failure + 1): temp_result = self.operate_page_element( selector1, selector2, self.exec_operation, self.input_params) if temp_result[0]:'运行成功') result = [True, '成功', ''] break else: logger.warn( '运行失败:%s,正在进行第%s次重试' % (temp_result[1], str(try_times + 1))) result = [temp_result[0], '失败', temp_result[1]] else: result = [False, '失败', temp_result[1]] elif self.object_type == '系统函数': result = self.exec_system_func(self.op_object, self.input_params) if not result[0]: logger.error('执行出错,原因:%s' % result[2]) elif self.object_type == '数据库': #'步骤操作对象为数据库') result = [False, '失败', '暂时不支持'] assert_result = self.exec_assert() if result[0] and assert_result[0]: result = [True, '成功', ''] else: if not result[0]: result = [False, '失败', '步骤运行失败:' + result[2]] elif assert_result[0]: result = [False, '失败', '断言失败:' + assert_result[1]] except Exception as e: result = [False, '失败', '%s' % e] finally: if not debug: '======================正在记录用例步骤运行结果到测试报告-用例步骤执行明细表======================' ) data = (self.execution_num, self.plan_id, self.case_id, self.step_id, self.order, self.page_name, self.op_object, self.exec_operation, self.input_params, self.output_params, self.assert_type, self.assert_pattern, self.run_times, self.try_for_failure, result[1], result[2], start_time, 0) test_reporter.insert_report_for_case_step(data) return result
def __run(username, password): """ 运行函数 :param username: 登录用户名 :param password: 登录密码 :return: """ try: token, user_slag = login(username, password) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Username=%s登录异常,详情' % username, str(e)) return if token is None: logger.warn('Username=%s登录失败' % username) return info = get_info(token, user_slag) info['username'] = username info['password'] = base64.b64encode(password.encode(encoding='utf-8')) try: update_info(info) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex) session.rollback()'账号%s,Leetcode今日签到成功' % username)
def assert_element_exists(self, selenium_util, element_selector): result = selenium_util.find_element_by_locator_adapter( element_selector) if result[0]: #如果找到了'找到元素:%s' % result[1]) else: logger.warn('未找到元素:%s' % result[1]) return result
def _on_job_error(self, event): from service.job_service import JobService e = event.exception job_id = event.job_id logger.warn('定时任务%s发生错误,将被移除调度器' % job_id) logger.error(str(e)) task = JobService.get_job(job_id) self.remove_job(task)
def predict(self, one_sample): if self.is_leaf: return self.obj else: fea_value = one_sample[self.split_fea_idx] match_child = self.__find_child(fea_value) if match_child is None: logger.warn("没找到相应的子节点,用当前节点的值替代预测值") return self.obj return match_child.predict(one_sample)
def add_user(who, hashes: list): logger.debug('{} has {} chunks to register'.format(who.username, len(hashes))) for h in hashes: if h == '': logger.warn('{} sent invalid chunk hash'.format(who.username)) continue h = Hash(h) register_chunk(h, who) keep_chunk_alive(who, h)
def add_user(who, hashes: list): logger.debug('{} has {} chunks to register'. format(who.username, len(hashes))) for h in hashes: if h == '': logger.warn('{} sent invalid chunk hash'.format(who.username)) continue h = Hash(h) register_chunk(h, who) keep_chunk_alive(who, h)
def host_chunk(frm, chk): chk = check_for_string(chk) user = chunk.find_user_for_storing(chk) if user is None: logger.warn("""could not find any user to store {} (from {}).""" """Chunk currently has {} hosted instances""" .format(chk.pretty(), frm.username, chunk.get_redundancy(chk))) return send_chunk_to(user, chk)
def host_chunk(frm, chk): chk = check_for_string(chk) user = chunk.find_user_for_storing(chk) if user is None: logger.warn("""could not find any user to store {} (from {}).""" """Chunk currently has {} hosted instances""".format( chk.pretty(), frm.username, chunk.get_redundancy(chk))) return send_chunk_to(user, chk)
def send_chunk_to(client: hash.Hash, chk): chk = check_for_string(chk) from_cli = chunk.get_chunk_owner(chk) if from_cli is None: logger.warn('could not find any user hosting {}'.format(chk.pretty())) return logger.debug('{} is being sent from {} to {}'.format( chk.pretty(), from_cli.username, client.username)) protocol.send_CSND(from_cli, client, 1, chk) protocol.send_CSND(client, from_cli, 0, chk) chunk.register_chunk(chk, client)
def send_chunk_to(client: hash.Hash, chk): chk = check_for_string(chk) from_cli = chunk.get_chunk_owner(chk) if from_cli is None: logger.warn('could not find any user hosting {}'.format(chk.pretty())) return logger.debug('{} is being sent from {} to {}' .format(chk.pretty(), from_cli.username, client.username)) protocol.send_CSND(from_cli, client, 1, chk) protocol.send_CSND(client, from_cli, 0, chk) chunk.register_chunk(chk, client)
def find_element(self, selector1, selector2): # 优先使用selector1查找 result = selenium_util.find_element_by_locator_adapter(selector1) if result[0]: #如果找到了'找到元素:%s' % result[1]) return result else:'用选择器1:%s未找到元素,开始用选择器2:%s查找' % (selector1, selector2)) result = selenium_util.find_element_by_locator_adapter(selector2) if result[0]: #如果找到了'找到元素:%s' % result[1]) else: logger.warn('未找到元素:%s' % result[1]) return result
def loop(client_port, username): thread = threading.Thread(target=listen, args=(client_port,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() coro = loop.create_connection(lambda: Client(loop, client_port, username), server_addr, server_port) try: loop.run_until_complete(coro) loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warn('keyboard interrupt') pass loop.close()
def loop(client_port, username): thread = threading.Thread(target=listen, args=(client_port, )) thread.daemon = True thread.start() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() coro = loop.create_connection(lambda: Client(loop, client_port, username), server_addr, server_port) try: loop.run_until_complete(coro) loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warn('keyboard interrupt') pass loop.close()
def test(self, url, content): """ 根据配置(反扒响应条件)检查是否是期望的内容(如果URL被反扒,响应内容返回错误的信息) 检查通过,则URL内容正确;检查失败,说明该请求被反扒. :param url: :param content: :return: """ ret = True failure_list = self.get_failure_str_list(url) if failure_list: for failure_item in failure_list: if failure_item in content: logger.warn('Wrong response content, fail condition: %s', failure_item) ret = False break return ret
def listen(port): eloop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(eloop) coro = eloop.create_server(Server, '', port) server = eloop.run_until_complete(coro)'listening on {}'.format(server.sockets[0].getsockname())) try: eloop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warn('keyboard interrupt') pass server.close() eloop.run_until_complete(server.wait_closed()) eloop.close()
def run(self, debug): try: if_plan_run_fail = False plan_id_list_for_failure = [] # 存放执行失败、未执行的测试计划的ID'======================正在同步更新与待运行测试计划关联的所有用例树节点信息======================') result = self.sync_case_tree_node_info_for_testplans() if not result[0]: logger.error('同步更新与待运行测试计划关联的所有用例树节点信息失败') return result else:'同步更新与待运行测试计划关联的所有用例树节点信息成功') for plan_id in self.plan_id_list:'正在查询测试计划[ID:%s]相关信息' % plan_id) result = test_platform_db.select_one_record('SELECT plan_name, browsers, valid_flag FROM `website_ui_test_plan` WHERE id = %s', (plan_id,)) if result[0] and result[1]: plan_name, browsers, valid_flag = result[1] browsers = browsers.rstrip(',').split(',') if valid_flag == '启用':'======================开始运行测试计划[名称:%s, ID:%s]======================' % (plan_name, plan_id)) test_plan = TestPlan(plan_id, plan_name, self.project_id, self.project_name, self.home_page, browsers) result = if not result[0]: if_plan_run_fail = True plan_id_list_for_failure.append(plan_id) else: logger.warn('测试计划已被禁用,跳过执行') if_plan_run_fail = True plan_id_list_for_failure.append(plan_id) continue elif result[0] and not result[1]: logger.warn('运行失败:未查询到计划相关信息') return [False, '运行失败:未查询到计划相关信息'] else: return [False, '运行失败:%s' % result[1]] if if_plan_run_fail: return [False, '测试计划%s运行失败' % str(plan_id_list_for_failure)] else: return [True, ''] except Exception as e: logger.error('%s' % e) return [False, '运行失败:%s' % e]
def data_received(self, data): def parse(cmd, size, args): self.parse_cmd(cmd, size, args, self.transp) if self.incoming_bytes > 0: self.data_buffer += data self.incoming_bytes -= len(data) logger.debug("waiting for {}".format(self.incoming_bytes)) if self.incoming_bytes <= 0: if self.incoming_bytes < 0: logger.warn("incoming_bytes should not be less than zero") self.incoming_bytes = 0 parse(b'CSTR', 0, self.data_buffer) self.data_buffer = bytes() else: bytes_left = data while len(bytes_left) > 0: parsed = bytes_left.split(b' ', 2) if len(parsed) < 2: logger.warn('invalid command {}'.format(bytes_left)) return cmd = parsed[0] size = parsed[1] args = parsed[2] # TODO: handle other commands as well size_int = int(size.decode()) if cmd == b'CSTR' and size_int > len(args): self.data_buffer = args self.incoming_bytes = size_int - len(self.data_buffer) break else: args_temp = args[:size_int] bytes_left = args[size_int:] args = args_temp try: parse(cmd, size, args) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) for l in traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__): logger.error(l)
def wrapper(*args, **kw): try: return func(*args, **kw) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, ServiceException): if e.error_code < 500: logger.warn(e.get_log_msg()) else: logger.error(e.get_log_msg()) else: exstr = traceback.format_exc() logger.error(str(e) + '\n详情:' + exstr) if throwable: job_exception = JobServiceException( e.error_code, e.msg, e.time, e.detail) raise job_exception session.rollback() finally: session.close()
def run(self, debug): try: if_plan_run_fail = False plan_id_list_for_failure = [] # 存放执行失败、未执行的测试计划的ID及原因简介'======================正在同步更新与待运行测试计划关联的所有用例树节点信息======================') result = self.sync_case_tree_node_info_for_testplans() if not result[0]: logger.error('同步更新与待运行测试计划关联的所有用例树节点信息失败') return result else:'同步更新与待运行测试计划关联的所有用例树节点信息成功') for plan_id in self.plan_id_list:'正在查询测试计划[ID:%s]相关信息' % plan_id) result = test_platform_db.select_one_record('SELECT plan_name,valid_flag FROM `website_api_test_plan` WHERE id = %s', (plan_id,)) if result[0] and result[1]: plan_name, valid_flag = result[1] if valid_flag == '启用':'======================开始运行测试计划[名称:%s, ID:%s]======================' % (plan_name, plan_id)) test_plan = TestPlan(plan_id, plan_name, self.project_id, self.project_name, self.protocol,, self.port, self.global_headers) result = if not result[0]: plan_id_list_for_failure.append('计划ID:%s,失败原因:%s ' % (plan_id, result[1])) else: logger.warn('测试计划已被禁用,跳过执行') plan_id_list_for_failure.append('计划ID:%s,失败原因:%s ' % (plan_id, msg)) continue elif result[0] and not result[1]: logger.warn('运行失败:未查询到计划相关信息') plan_id_list_for_failure.append('计划ID:%s,失败原因:%s ' % (plan_id, msg)) else: plan_id_list_for_failure.append('计划ID:%s,失败原因:%s ' % (plan_id, result[1])) if plan_id_list_for_failure: return [False, '项目运行失败:%s' % ''.join(plan_id_list_for_failure)] else: return [True, '项目运行成功'] except Exception as e: logger.error('%s' % e) return [False, '运行失败:%s' % e]
def assert_element_text_equal_str(self, selenium_util, element_selector, target_str): try: result = selenium_util.find_element_by_locator_adapter( element_selector) if result[0]: #如果找到了 text_of_element = result[1].text'获取到的元素[%s]文本内容为:%s' % (result[1], text_of_element)) if target_str == text_of_element: return [True, ''] else: return [ False, '元素[%s]文本内容不等于给定字符串:%s' % (result[1], text_of_element) ] else: logger.warn('未找到元素:%s' % result[1]) return [False, '未找到元素:%s' % result[1]] except Exception as e: return [False, '%s' % e]
def __read_file(args_list): '''读取文件''' try: if len(args_list) == 3: filepath, mode, encoding = args_list else: filepath, mode = args_list encoding = None co_filepath = sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename head, tail = os.path.split(co_filepath) head = os.path.join(head, '../../testdata/') filepath = os.path.join(head, filepath) filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath) msg = '待读取的文件路径为:%s' % filepath if not os.path.exists(filepath): logger.warn('文件 %s 不存在' % filepath) return None else: if mode in ('r', 'r+', 'rw'): file_content = '' elif mode in ('rb', 'rb+'): file_content = b'' else: logger.warn('文件打开方式只支持 r, r+, rw, rb, rb+') return None with open(filepath, mode, encoding=encoding) as f: if file_content == b'': file_content = else: for line in f: file_content += line return file_content except Exception as e: logger.error('读取文件 %s 出错:%s' % (filepath, e)) return None
def __run(username, password): """ 运行函数 :param username: 登录用户名 :param password: 登录密码 :return: """ try: token, leetcode_session = login(username, password) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Username=%s登录异常,详情' % username, str(e)) return if token is None: logger.warn('Username=%s登录失败' % username) return '========================开始爬取Leetcode题目信息=============================' ) process(token, leetcode_session) '========================Leetcode题目信息爬取完毕=============================' )
def update_mysql(self, case_id, content): # 现在只支持通过id写入字典格式的数据 # 如果后期需要,可以通过id和给出的列表,更新固定的某些列"Write content: {} to case_id: {}".format( content, case_id)) case_id_content = self.get_data_by_id(case_id) entry_len = len(case_id_content) if entry_len == 0: logger.error("Entry: {} not found.".format(case_id)) sys.exit(1) # 解析输入的content(是一个字典),把每一个键值对根据数据的结构,更新到数据库中。 # 比如:{"KEY1":"VALUE1"} ,则更新数据库case_id行中,列名为KEY1的列的值为VALUE1 if not isinstance(content, dict): logger.error("Content: {} is not dict.".format(content)) return # 写入数据 # 获取mysql链接 elif 0 == len(content): logger.warn("The length of content: {} is 0. Need not update.") return conn = self.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() # 循环更新传入数据到数据库 key_value = [ "{} = '{}'".format(key, value) for key, value in content.items() ] update_str = ', '.join(key_value) sql = "update {} set {} where id = {};".format(self.table, update_str, case_id)"Execute SQL command: {}".format(sql)) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit()"Execute SQL command successful!") # 关闭连接 cursor.close() conn.close()
def loop(protocol_factory, ip, port): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Each client connection will create a new protocol instance coro = loop.create_server(protocol_factory, ip, port) try: server = loop.run_until_complete(coro) # Serve requests until Ctrl+C is pressed'Serving on {}'.format(server.sockets[0].getsockname())) loop.run_forever() except Exception: logger.debug("something happened") try: # Close the server server.close() loop.run_until_complete(server.wait_closed()) loop.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warn('keyboard interrupt') exit(1)
def swipe_in_control(self, value, distance, direction='up'): """ 控件内滑动.待选择数据较多的情况下可使用 :param value: 元素loc :param distance: 滑动距离 , 1表示滑动全屏, 2表示滑动一半, 3表示滑动1/3,以此类推 :param direction: 滑动方向 :return: """ start_x, start_y = self.get_element_location(value) height_y, width_x = self.get_element_size(value) # 屏幕向上滑动 if direction == 'up' or direction == '1': point_start_x = start_x + width_x / int(distance) point_start_y = start_y + height_y / int(distance) self.driver.swipe( point_start_x, point_start_y, point_start_x, start_y) # 屏幕向下滑动 ,可用于刷新页面/数据 elif direction == 'down' or direction == '2': point_start_x = start_x + width_x / int(distance) point_start_y = start_y + height_y / int(distance) self.driver.swipe( point_start_x, start_y, point_start_x, point_start_y) # 往左滑动 elif direction == 'left' or direction == '3': pass # 往右滑动 elif direction == 'right' or direction == '4': pass else: logger.warn('移动方向错误')
def sync_case_tree_node_info_for_testplans(self): temp_var = '' def find_case_fullpath(node_id): nonlocal temp_var query = "SELECT parent_id, text FROM `website_api_case_tree` WHERE id = %s" data = (node_id, ) result = test_platform_db.select_one_record(query, data) if result[0] and result[1]: parent_id, text = result[1] temp_var = find_case_fullpath(parent_id) + '->' + text return temp_var elif result[0] and not result[1]: return temp_var else: logger.error('查询出错,退出程序') exit() try:'待运行计划ID列表:%s' % self.plan_id_list)'正在查询与测试计划关联的用例树节点') if len(self.plan_id_list) == 1: plan_id_list = '(' + str(self.plan_id_list[0]) + ')' else: plan_id_list = str(tuple(self.plan_id_list)) query = 'SELECT node_id FROM `website_api_case_tree_test_plan` WHERE plan_id IN ' + plan_id_list + ' GROUP BY node_id' data = '' result = test_platform_db.select_many_record(query, data) if result[0] and result[1]: records = result[1] result = [False, '没有找到测试计划关联的节点'] for record in records:'正在查找用例树节点信息') # mysql 查询 count(NULL值) = 0 query = "SELECT t1.text, t1.parent_id, COUNT( FROM `website_api_case_tree` AS t1 " \ "LEFT JOIN `website_api_case_tree` AS t2 ON t2.parent_id = WHERE = %s" node_id = int(record[0]) data = (node_id,) result = test_platform_db.select_one_record(query, data) if result[0] and result[1]: text, parent_id, sub_node_num = result[1] sub_node_num = sub_node_num node_path = (find_case_fullpath(parent_id) + '').lstrip('->')'正在更新测试计划用例树节点关联表记录') query = "UPDATE website_api_case_tree_test_plan SET node_path='%s', sub_node_num=%s WHERE plan_id IN %s AND node_id = %s" data = (node_path, sub_node_num, plan_id_list, node_id) result = test_platform_db.execute_update(query, data) if not result[0]: logger.error('更新测试计划用例树节点关联表记录失败:%s' % result[1]) return [False, result[1]] else: result = [True, ''] elif result[0] and not result[1]: logger.warn('用例树节点 %s 不存在' % node_id) continue else: logger.error('查询用例树节点[ID:%s]信息出错,退出程序' % node_id) exit() temp_var = '' return result elif result[0] and not result[1]: logger.error('未查找到与测试计划关联的用例树节点') result = [False, '未查找到与测试计划关联的用例树节点'] else: logger.error('查找与测试计划关联的用例树节点失败:%s' % result[1]) result = [False, '查找与测试计划关联的用例树节点失败:%s' % result[1]] return result except Exception as e: logger.error('%s' % e) result = [False, '同步更新与待运行测试计划关联的用例树节点信息失败:%s' % e] return result
def run_one_node(self, node): start_time = time.time() invoices_details = lnclient.listinvoices( index_offset=node.global_checkpoint, rpcserver=node.rpcserver, mock=settings.MOCK_LN_CLIENT) if node not in self.all_invoices_from_db: invoice_list_from_db = {}"DB has no invoices for this node") else: invoice_list_from_db = self.all_invoices_from_db[node] # example of invoices_details: {"invoices": [], 'first_index_offset': '5', 'last_index_offset': '72'} invoice_list_from_node = invoices_details['invoices'] self.invoice_count_from_nodes[node] = len(invoice_list_from_node) if settings.MOCK_LN_CLIENT: # Here the mock pulls invoices from DB Invoice model, while in prod invoices are pulled from the Lightning node # 1. Mocked lnclient.listinvoices returns an empty list # 2. The web front end adds the InvoiceRequest to the DB before it creates the actual invoices with lnclient.addinvoice # 3. Mocked API lnclient.addinvoice simply fakes converting InvoiceRequest to Invoice and saves to DB # 4. Here the mocked proces_tasks pulls invoices from DB Invoice model and pretends they came from lnclient.listinvoices # 5. After X seconds passed based on Invoice created time, here Mock update the Invoice checkpoint to "done" faking a payment invoice_list_from_node = [] for invoice_obj in Invoice.objects.filter( lightning_node=node, checkpoint_value="no_checkpoint"): invoice_request = InvoiceRequest.objects.get( if != continue mock_setteled = (invoice_obj.created + timedelta(seconds=3) < creation_unixtime = int( time.mktime(invoice_obj.created.timetuple())) invoice_list_from_node.append({ "settled": mock_setteled, "settle_date": str(int(time.time())) if mock_setteled else 0, "state": "SETTLED" if mock_setteled else "OPEN", "memo": invoice_request.memo, "add_index": invoice_obj.add_index, "payment_request": invoice_obj.pay_req, "pay_req": invoice_obj.pay_req, # Old format "r_hash": invoice_obj.r_hash, "creation_date": str(creation_unixtime), "expiry": str(creation_unixtime + 120) }) retry_mini_map = { int(invoice['add_index']): False for invoice in invoice_list_from_node } one_hour_ago = - timedelta(hours=1) recent_invoices = [ for i in invoice_list_from_db.values() if i.modified > one_hour_ago ] if len(recent_invoices) == 0:"invoice_list_from_db is empty") else: "Recent invoice_list_from_db was: {}".format(recent_invoices)) for raw_invoice in invoice_list_from_node: # Example of raw_invoice: # { # 'htlcs': [], # 'settled': False, # 'add_index': '5', # 'value': '1', # 'memo': '', # 'cltv_expiry': '40', 'description_hash': None, 'route_hints': [], # 'r_hash': '+fw...=', 'settle_date': '0', 'private': False, 'expiry': '3600', # 'creation_date': '1574459849', # 'amt_paid': '0', 'features': {}, 'state': 'OPEN', 'amt_paid_sat': '0', # 'value_msat': '1000', 'settle_index': '0', # 'amt_paid_msat': '0', 'r_preimage': 'd...=', 'fallback_addr': '', # 'payment_request': 'lnbc...' # } created = general_util.unixtime_to_datetime( int(raw_invoice["creation_date"])) if created < - settings.INVOICE_RETENTION: "Got old invoice from listinvoices, skipping... {} is older then retention {}" .format(created, settings.INVOICE_RETENTION)) continue add_index_from_node = int(raw_invoice["add_index"]) invoice = invoice_list_from_db.get(add_index_from_node) if invoice is None: logger.error( "Unknown add_index {}".format(add_index_from_node)) logger.error( "Raw invoice from node was: {}".format(raw_invoice)) if raw_invoice['state'] == "CANCELED": logger.error("Skipping because invoice is cancelled...") retry_mini_map[ add_index_from_node] = False # advance global checkpoint else: retry_mini_map[ add_index_from_node] = True # try again later continue # Validate if invoice.invoice_request.memo != raw_invoice["memo"]: logger.error( "Memo in DB does not match the one in invoice request: db=({}) invoice_request=({})" .format(invoice.invoice_request.memo, raw_invoice["memo"])) retry_mini_map[add_index_from_node] = True # try again later continue if invoice.pay_req != raw_invoice["payment_request"]: logger.error( "Payment request does not match the one in invoice request: db=({}) invoice_request=({})" .format(invoice.pay_req, raw_invoice["payment_request"])) retry_mini_map[add_index_from_node] = True # try again later continue checkpoint_helper = CheckpointHelper( node=node, invoice=invoice, creation_date=raw_invoice["creation_date"]) if checkpoint_helper.is_checkpointed(): continue if raw_invoice['state'] == 'CANCELED': checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("canceled") continue if raw_invoice['settled'] and (raw_invoice['state'] != 'SETTLED' or int(raw_invoice['settle_date']) == 0): checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("inconsistent") continue if time.time() > int(raw_invoice['creation_date']) + int( raw_invoice['expiry']): checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("expired") continue if not raw_invoice['settled']:"Skipping invoice at {}: Not yet settled".format( checkpoint_helper)) retry_mini_map[ checkpoint_helper.add_index] = True # try again later continue # # Invoice is settled # "Processing invoice at {}: SETTLED".format(checkpoint_helper)) memo = raw_invoice["memo"] try: action_details = json_util.deserialize_memo(memo) except json_util.JsonUtilException: checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("deserialize_failure") continue try: validators.validate_memo(action_details) except ValidationError as e: logger.exception(e) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("memo_invalid") continue action = action_details.get("action") if action: if action in ["Upvote", "Accept"]: vote_type = Vote.VOTE_TYPE_MAP[action] change = settings.PAYMENT_AMOUNT post_id = action_details["post_id"] try: post = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError): logger.error( "Skipping vote. The post for vote does not exist: {}" .format(action_details)) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("invalid_post") continue user = get_anon_user() "Creating a new vote: author={}, post={}, type={}". format(user, post, vote_type)) vote = Vote.objects.create(author=user, post=post, type=vote_type) # Update user reputation # TODO: reactor score logic to be shared with "" User.objects.filter( score=F('score') + change) # The thread score represents all votes in a thread Post.objects.filter(pk=post.root_id).update( thread_score=F('thread_score') + change) if vote_type == Vote.ACCEPT: if "sig" not in action_details: checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("sig_missing") continue sig = action_details.pop("sig") sig = validators.pre_validate_signature(sig) verifymessage_detail = lnclient.verifymessage( msg=json.dumps(action_details, sort_keys=True), sig=sig, rpcserver=node.rpcserver, mock=settings.MOCK_LN_CLIENT) if not verifymessage_detail["valid"]: checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint( "invalid_signiture") continue if verifymessage_detail[ "pubkey"] != checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint( "signiture_unauthorized") continue if change > 0: # First, un-accept all answers for answer in Post.objects.filter( parent=post.parent, type=Post.ANSWER): if answer.has_accepted: Post.objects.filter( vote_count=F('vote_count') - change, has_accepted=False) # There does not seem to be a negation operator for F objects. Post.objects.filter( vote_count=F('vote_count') + change, has_accepted=True) Post.objects.filter(pk=post.root_id).update( has_accepted=True) else: # TODO: change "change". here change is set to payment ammount, so does not make sense to be called change # TODO: detect un-accept attempt and raise "Un-accept not yet supported" raise Exeption( "Payment ammount has to be positive") else: Post.objects.filter( vote_count=F('vote_count') + change) # Upvote on an Aswer is the trigger for potentian bounty awards if post.type == Post.ANSWER and != get_anon_user( ): award_bounty(question_post=post.parent) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("done", action_type="upvote", elif action == "Bounty": valid = True for keyword in ["post_id", "amt"]: if keyword not in action_details: logger.warn( "Bounty invalid because {} is missing".format( keyword)) valid = False if not valid: logger.warn("Could not start Bounty: bounty_invalid") checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("bounty_invalid") continue post_id = action_details["post_id"] amt = action_details["amt"] try: post_obj = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError): logger.error( "Bounty invalid because post {} does not exist". format(post_id)) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint( "bounty_invalid_post_does_not_exist") continue"Starting bounty for post {}!".format(post_id)) new_b = Bounty( post_id=post_obj, amt=amt,, ) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("done", action_type="bonty", action_id=post_id) else: logger.error("Invalid action: {}".format(action_details)) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("invalid_action") continue else: # Posts do not include the "action" key to save on memo space"Action details {}".format(action_details)) if "sig" in action_details: sig = action_details.pop("sig") sig = validators.pre_validate_signature(sig) verifymessage_detail = lnclient.verifymessage( msg=json.dumps(action_details, sort_keys=True), sig=sig, rpcserver=node.rpcserver, mock=settings.MOCK_LN_CLIENT) if not verifymessage_detail["valid"]: checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("invalid_signiture") continue pubkey = verifymessage_detail["pubkey"] else: pubkey = "Unknown" if "parent_post_id" in action_details: # Find the parent. try: parent_post_id = int(action_details["parent_post_id"]) parent = Post.objects.get(pk=parent_post_id) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError): logger.error( "The post parent does not exist: {}".format( action_details)) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("invalid_parent_post") continue title = parent.title tag_val = parent.tag_val else: title = action_details["title"] tag_val = action_details["tag_val"] parent = None user, created = User.objects.get_or_create(pubkey=pubkey) post = Post( author=user, parent=parent, type=action_details["post_type"], title=title, content=action_details["content"], tag_val=tag_val, ) # TODO: Catch failures when post title is duplicate (e.g. another node already saved post) # New Answer is the trigger for potentian bounty awards if post.type == Post.ANSWER and user != get_anon_user(): award_bounty(question_post=post.parent) # Save tags if "tag_val" in action_details: tags = action_details["tag_val"].split(",") for tag in tags: tag_obj, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=tag) if created:"Created a new tag: {}".format(tag)) tag_obj.count += 1 post.tag_set.add(tag_obj) checkpoint_helper.set_checkpoint("done", action_type="post", # advance global checkpoint new_global_checkpoint = None for add_index in sorted(retry_mini_map.keys()): retry = retry_mini_map[add_index] if retry: break else:"add_index={} advances global checkpoint".format( add_index)) new_global_checkpoint = add_index if new_global_checkpoint: node.global_checkpoint = new_global_checkpoint "Saved new global checkpoint {}".format(new_global_checkpoint)) processing_wall_time = time.time() - start_time"Processing node {} took {:.3f} seconds".format( node.node_name, processing_wall_time)) return processing_wall_time
% running_plan_name) result = if not is_debug: if result[0]:'执行成功,正在更新数据库运行计划的运行状态') else:'执行失败,正在更新数据库运行计划的运行状态') update_query = "UPDATE `website_running_plan` SET running_status ='%s', remark='%s' WHERE running_plan_num= %s" data = (result[1], result[2].replace("'", '\"'), running_plan_num) result = test_platform_db.execute_update( update_query, data) if not result[0]: logger.error('更新数据库运行计划的运行状态失败:%s' % result[1]) else: logger.warn('执行失败,运行计划已被禁用') elif result[0] and not result[1]: logger.error('未查询到运行计划相关的信息') else: logger.error('查询运行计划相关信息失败:%s' % result[1]) except Exception as e: logger.error('%s' % e) elif run_mode.lower() == 'rap':'运行所有项目') elif run_mode.lower() == 'debug':'调试模式') try: input_id = '' while not input_id.isdigit(): input_id = input('请输入用例ID、套件ID:') if not input_id.isdigit():
def FDEL(client, args): logger.warn('unimplemented FDEL') pass
import logging import time from common.log import logger import import argparse logfile = '/tmp/storeit-server.log' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='StoreIt backend server.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', nargs='?', const=logfile, help='log to a file (default is {})'.format(logfile)) args = parser.parse_args() if args.log is not None: logging.basicConfig(filename=args.log, level=logging.DEBUG) try: database.__init__() database.find_user('nonexistent', 'user') except Exception: logger.warn('Looks like postgre daemon is not running. It will be started')"./database/") time.sleep(0.2) database.__init__() try:, '0', 7641) except Exception: logger.error("exception")