def add_logentries_handler(log): """Function to add the logentries handler to swaglog. This can be used to send logs when logmessaged is not running.""" from selfdrive.logmessaged import get_le_handler handler = get_le_handler() handler.setFormatter(SwagFormatter(log)) log.addHandler(handler)
if os.getpid() != self.connect() msg = self.format(record).rstrip('\n') # print("SEND".format(repr(msg))) try: s = chr(record.levelno) + msg self.sock.send(s.encode('utf8'), zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.error.Again: # drop :/ pass def add_file_handler(log): """ Function to add the file log handler to swaglog. This can be used to store logs when logmessaged is not running. """ handler = get_file_handler() handler.setFormatter(SwagLogFileFormatter(log)) log.addHandler(handler) cloudlog = log = SwagLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) outhandler = logging.StreamHandler() log.addHandler(outhandler) # logs are sent through IPC before writing to disk to prevent disk I/O blocking log.addHandler(UnixDomainSocketHandler(SwagFormatter(log))) = os.getpid() def emit(self, record): if os.getpid() != self.connect() msg = self.format(record).rstrip('\n') # print("SEND".format(repr(msg))) try: s = chr(record.levelno) + msg self.sock.send(s.encode('utf8'), zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.error.Again: # drop :/ pass def add_logentries_handler(log): """Function to add the logentries handler to swaglog. This can be used to send logs when logmessaged is not running.""" handler = get_le_handler() handler.setFormatter(SwagFormatter(log)) log.addHandler(handler) cloudlog = log = SwagLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) outhandler = logging.StreamHandler() log.addHandler(outhandler) log.addHandler(LogMessageHandler(SwagFormatter(log)))