def render_post(context, post): if post.type == Post.TYPE_WEEKLY_DIGEST: # never render digests again to preserve their original state return post.html if not post.html or settings.DEBUG: new_html = markdown_text(post.text) if new_html != post.html: # to not flood into history post.html = new_html return mark_safe(post.html or "")
def render_comment(context, comment): if comment.is_deleted: if comment.deleted_by == comment.author_id: by_who = " его автором" elif comment.deleted_by == by_who = " автором поста" else: by_who = " модератором" return mark_safe( f"""<p class="comment-text-deleted">😱 Комментарий удален{by_who}...</p>""" ) if not comment.html or settings.DEBUG: new_html = markdown_text(comment.text) if new_html != comment.html: # to not flood into history comment.html = new_html return mark_safe(comment.html or "")
def markdown(text): return mark_safe(markdown_text(text))