def __init__(self, logger_name): #初始化日志模块 self.log_name = logger_name self.logger = my_logging.get_logger(self.log_name) # self.is_alive_recognition_thread = False # 识别线程状态 # 处理线程队列 self.light_queue = Queue.Queue() #线程句柄 self.recognition_thread_id = None self.faster_rcnn_model = None self.video_stream_path = None #读取数据帧线程句柄 self.read_frame_thread_id = None #帧率转sleep时间 self.read_frame_time_interval = float(1) / self.read_frame_rate #实例化处理对象,可考虑需要时再做 # 初始化faster_rcnn模型 self.faster_rcnn_model = faster_rcnn_calculate( self.is_save_result_image, self.log_name)'ecnu 模块初始化成功') #打开一次视频流句柄 self.cap = None # self.read_frame_thread_status = True #数据帧队列 self.frame_queue = Queue.Queue()
def __init__(self, fct_id, aas_obs_id, aas_dept_id, rt_stream_path): # 巡检区因素编号 self.fct_id = fct_id # 巡检区部门编号 self.aas_dept_id = aas_dept_id # 巡检区光电编号 self.aas_obs_id = aas_obs_id # 多少秒一查询巡检记录表 self.second = 2 # 视频地址 self.rt_stream_path = rt_stream_path # 当前巡检id self.current_ri_id = None # self.test_nums = 122 self.aas_zone_id = None # 日志对象声明 self.logger = my_logging.get_logger(aas_dept_id + "_" + aas_obs_id + "_" + fct_id) # 数据库工具 self.MysqldbHelper = MysqldbHelper(self.logger) self.video_flag = False self.judge = False # 此处初始化识别程序 self.detection = ai_rt_stream_detection(aas_dept_id + "_" + aas_obs_id + "_" + fct_id) self.pumpunit_list = [] self.alarmarea_list = [] self.testing_video_sum = True # self.videoPath() self.azimuth = 0.0 self.deviation_x = 0.0 self.tvfocus = 0.0 self.tvfoci = 0.0 self.irfocus = 0.0 self.irfoci = 0.0
def __init__(self): # 调用日志类 self.logger = my_logging.get_logger(None) # 数据库类 self.mysqldbHelper = MysqldbHelper(self.logger) # 存入当前执行的配置参数,是个字典,格式例如:fct_id + obs_id + dept_id , F001110101 self.list = {} # 当前机器编号 self.med_id = int(self.set_med_id()) # 检测开关 self.flag = True
def close(self, params, strings): """ 关闭程序函数 :param params: :return: """ pid = int(self.list[strings]) command = "kill -9 %d" % int(self.list[strings]) sub_process = subprocess.Popen(command.split()) print(command) log = my_logging.get_logger(params['dept_id'] + "_" + params['obs_id'] + "_" + params['fct_id']) #"部门[%s],光电[%s],因素[%s]的视频自动分析程序已关闭,进程号:%s" # % (params['dept_id'], params['obs_id'], params['fct_id'], self.update_close_handle(params)
def update_pumps_curresult(self, pumps, logger_name): """ 更新抽油机状态记录 :param pumps: :param logger_name: :return: """ if self.logger is None: self.logger = my_logging.get_logger(logger_name) self.MysqldbHelper = MysqldbHelper(self.logger) global pump_sql, ld_sql, time_str time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) for temp in pumps: if len(temp) != 0: pump_sql = "select * from ldata_pumpunit_curresult " \ "where zcr_zone_id = '%s' and pcr_pump_id = '%s' " % (temp[1], temp[2]) res = if len(res) != 0: ld_sql = "UPDATE ldata_pumpunit_curresult " \ "SET pcr_status = '%s' , pcr_updatetm = '%s', pcr_flag = '%s', pcr_ri_id = '%s' where zcr_zone_id = '%s' and pcr_pump_id = '%s' " % \ (temp[3], time_str, 1, temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]) print("update_pumps_curresult:" + ld_sql)"更新当前巡检区结果表人车时间 :"+ld_sql) self.MysqldbHelper.update(ld_sql) if temp[3] == 0: self.insert_inspection_process_record(temp, time_str) else: ldata_zone_curresult_isnull_sql = "select * from ldata_zone_curresult where zcr_zone_id = '%s'" % \ temp[1] isnull = print(ldata_zone_curresult_isnull_sql) if len(isnull) == 0: time_strs = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) ld_sql = "INSERT INTO ldata_zone_curresult (zcr_zone_id, zcr_updatetm, zcr_people, zcr_car, zcr_flag, zcr_ri_id) " \ "VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s')" % (temp[1], time_strs, 0, 0, 1, temp[0]) print(ld_sql) self.MysqldbHelper.insert(ld_sql) ld_sql = "INSERT INTO ldata_pumpunit_curresult (zcr_zone_id,pcr_updatetm, pcr_pump_id, pcr_status, pcr_flag, pcr_ri_id)" \ " VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%s')" % (temp[1], time_str, temp[2], int(temp[3]), 1, temp[0]) print("update_pumps_curresult:" + ld_sql) self.logger.debug("增加当前巡检区结果表人车时间 :" + ld_sql) self.MysqldbHelper.insert(ld_sql) if temp[3] == 0: self.insert_inspection_process_record(temp, time_str)
def start(self, params, strings): """ 启动程序 :param params: :return: """ command = "python ../dqsy/ --aas_dept_id %s --aas_obs_id %s --fct_id %s --stream %s" \ % (params['dept_id'], params['obs_id'], params['fct_id'], params['video_url']) sub_process = subprocess.Popen(command.split()) log = my_logging.get_logger(params['dept_id'] + "_" + params['obs_id'] + "_" + params['fct_id']) fct = params['fct_id'] dept = params['dept_id'] obs = params['obs_id'] #"部门[%s],光电[%s],因素[%s]的视频自动分析程序已启动,进程号:%d,关闭进程使用:kill -9 %d" # % (params['dept_id'], params['obs_id'], params['fct_id'],, self.list[strings] = self.update_pid(, params)
def update_area_status(self, alarms, logger_name): """ 增加巡检处理记录 :param alarms: :param logger_name: :return: """ if self.logger is None: self.logger = my_logging.get_logger(logger_name) self.MysqldbHelper = MysqldbHelper(self.logger) alarms_car_count = 0 alarms_person_count = 0 ri_id = "" for temp in alarms: if temp[2] == 'person': ri_id = temp[0] alarms_person_count = alarms_person_count + temp[3] self.peopleCount += 1"人的处理结果总和:"+ str(self.peopleCount)) elif temp[2] == 'car': alarms_car_count = alarms_car_count + temp[3] self.carCount += 1"车的处理结果总和:"+str(self.carCount)) self.count = self.carCount + self.peopleCount + self.pumpCount'处理结果总和:'+str(self.count)) if alarms_car_count != 0 or alarms_person_count != 0: time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) times = random.uniform(10, 20) ip_sql = "INSERT INTO ldata_inspection_process_record (ri_id, ipr_id, ipr_datetime, ipr_people, ipr_car) " \ "VALUES ('%s','%s', '%s', '%d', '%d')" % ( alarms[0][0], times, time_str, alarms_person_count, alarms_car_count) self.logger.debug("对巡检区结果表进行插入人车数量 :"+ip_sql) self.MysqldbHelper.insert(ip_sql) if len(alarms) != 0: self.update_zone_curresult(alarms[0][1], alarms_person_count, alarms_car_count, ri_id)
# 子进程列表 sub_process_list = [] # 每个channel分配一路处理程序 for channel in channels: # 获取部门编号 aas_dept_id = channel.get_aas_dept_id() # 获取光电编号 aas_obs_id = channel.get_aas_obs_id() # 获取影响因素编号 fct_id = channel.get_fct_id() # 获取视频流地址 stream = channel.get_stream() logger = my_logging.get_logger(aas_dept_id + "_" + aas_obs_id + "_" + fct_id) # 调用dqsy/,来处理一路 command = "python ../dqsy/ --aas_dept_id %s --aas_obs_id %s --fct_id %s --stream %s"\ % (aas_dept_id, aas_obs_id, fct_id, stream) # 以非阻塞方式启动子进程 sub_process = subprocess.Popen(command.split()) sub_process_list.append(sub_process)"部门[%s],光电[%s],因素[%s]的视频自动分析程序已启动,进程号:%s,关闭进程使用:kill -9 %d" % (aas_dept_id, aas_obs_id, fct_id,, logger.debug("启动命令:%s" % command) # 必须所有子进程结束,主进程才可以结束 for sub_process in sub_process_list: #体面的推出
class ConfChange: logger = my_logging.get_logger() MysqldbHelper = MysqldbHelper(logger) arr0 = [ "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@" ] arr1 = [ "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@", "rtsp://*****:*****@" ] def get_ini(self): szone_devationql = "SELECT * FROM ldata_effect_factor;" result = list1 = [] for index in range(len(result)): list1.append(result[index]['fct_id']) szone_devationql = "SELECT * FROM ldata_obs_curview;" result = list2 = [] for index in range(len(result)): list2.append(result[index]['ocv_obs_id']) sum = [] sum.append(list1) sum.append(list2) return sum def get_list(self): list = [] config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(open('../conf/my.ini')) a = config.options("channels") for index in range(len(a)): b = config.get("channels", a[index]) shu = b.split("/") end = shu[2].find(":") username = shu[2][0:end] shu2 = shu[2].split("@") password = shu2[0][end + 1:len(shu2[0])] ip0 = shu2[1] temp = ip0.split(":") ip = temp[0] code = shu[5] arr = a[index].split('_') arr[2] = arr[2].upper() strs = "部门编号:" + str(arr[0]) + ",光电编号:" + str( arr[1]) + ",因素编号:" + str(arr[2]) + ",用户名:" + str( username) + ",密码:" + str(password) + ",ip:" + str(ip) list.append(strs) return list def get_section(self, id): list = [] config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(open('../conf/my.ini')) a = config.options("channels") for index in range(len(a)): b = config.get("channels", a[index]) shu = b.split("/") end = shu[2].find(":") username = shu[2][0:end] shu2 = shu[2].split("@") password = shu2[0][end + 1:len(shu2[0])] ip0 = shu2[1] temp = ip0.split(":") ip = temp[0] code = shu[5] arr = a[index].split('_') arr[2] = arr[2].upper() list.append({ 'dept': arr[0], 'obs': arr[1], 'fct': arr[2], 'username': username, 'ip': ip, 'password': password, 'code': code }) if (len(a) == 0): list.append({ 'dept': "", 'obs': "", 'fct': "", 'username': "", 'ip': "", 'password': "", 'code': "" }) return list[0] return list[id] def edge(self, id): config2 = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config2.readfp(open('../conf/my.ini')) a = config2.options("channels") if (id < 0 or len(a) == 0): return -1 elif (id >= len(a)): return 1 else: return 0 def video_test(self, string): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(string) if cap.isOpened(): return True return False def delete(self, id): list = [] config2 = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config2.readfp(open('../conf/my.ini')) a = config2.options("channels") if (id < 0 or id >= len(a)): list.append({ 'dept': "", 'obs': "", 'fct': "", 'username': "", 'ip': "", 'password': "", 'code': "", 'id': 0 }) return list b = a[id].upper() conf_ini = "../conf/my.ini" config = ConfigObj(conf_ini, encoding='UTF8') del config['channels'][b] config.write() edge = self.edge(id) if (edge == -1): list.append({ 'dept': "", 'obs': "", 'fct': "", 'username': "", 'ip': "", 'password': "", 'code': "", 'id': 0 }) return list[0] elif (edge == 0): list = self.get_section(id) list.setdefault('id', id) return list else: list = self.get_section((id - 1)) list.setdefault('id', (id - 1)) return list def insert(self, arr): obs_id = arr[0] fct_id = arr[1] key = "" value = "" if fct_id == 'F001': key = "1010_" + str(obs_id) + "_F001" value = self.arr0[int(obs_id) - 1] else: key = "1010_" + str(obs_id) + "_F003" value = self.arr1[int(obs_id) - 1] conf_ini = "../conf/my.ini" config = ConfigObj(conf_ini, encoding='UTF8') config['channels'][key] = value config.write() return True def update(self, arr, id): obs_id = arr[0] fct_id = arr[1] key = "" value = "" if fct_id == 'F001': key = "1010_" + str(obs_id) + "_F001" value = self.arr0[int(obs_id) - 1] else: key = "1010_" + str(obs_id) + "_F003" value = self.arr1[int(obs_id) - 1] self.delete(id) conf_ini = "../conf/my.ini" config = ConfigObj(conf_ini, encoding='UTF8') config['channels'][key] = value config.write() config2 = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config2.readfp(open('../conf/my.ini')) a = config2.options("channels") return (len(a) - 1)