def setupExperiment():
    from psychopy import gui
    Setup the experimental variables with a dialog box
    dlgMonitor, monitorInfo = setup_monitor()

    expInfo = {
        'Partecipant': 'Subj',
        'Block': ['Unilateral', 'Bilateral', 'Uni+Bi'],
        'Subject code': '00',
        'NumBalls': 4,
        'RectWidth': 6,
        'RectHeight': 6,
        'BallRadius': 0.25,
        'Duration': 2,
        'BlinkTime': 1,
        'SimulationMode': False,
        'MaxAnswerTime': 2,
        'DrawRectangles': False

    dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(
        title='Tracking Experiment',
            'Partecipant', 'Subject code', 'Block', 'RectWidth', 'RectHeight',
            'BallRadius', 'Duration', 'BlinkTime', 'NumBalls', 'SimulationMode'
            'Partecipant Name':
            'Name of the participant',
            'Subject code':
            'Code of the subject',
            'Width in cm of the left or right rectangle',
            'Height in cm of the left or right rectangle',
            'Radius of the balls in cm',
            'Duration of the stimulus in seconds',
            'Time of white/black ball blinking in seconds',
            'Run the experiment with a perfect cumulative normal observer'

    if not dlg.OK:
        core.quit()  # user pressed cancel
    # nUp is the number of incorrect (or 0) responses before the staircase level increases.
    # nDown is the number of correct (or 1) responses before the staircase
    # level decreases.
    staircaseInfo = {
        'StepType': ['lin', 'db', 'log'],
        'Selection': ['random', 'sequential'],
        'TotalTrialsPerCondition': 16,
        'Unilateral-Left speed': 5.0,
        'Unilateral-Right speed': 5.0,
        'Bilateral-Left speed': 2.5,
        'Bilateral-Right speed': 2.5

    dlgStaircase = gui.DlgFromDict(
        title='Trials options',
            'StepType', 'Selection', 'TotalTrialsPerCondition',
            'Unilateral-Left speed', 'Unilateral-Right speed',
            'Bilateral-Left speed', 'Bilateral-Right speed'

    if not dlgStaircase.OK:

    outputfile = set_output_file(expInfo, 'trackingFixed_')
    save_experimental_settings(outputfile + '_info.pickle', expInfo,
                               staircaseInfo, monitorInfo)
    return expInfo, staircaseInfo, outputfile, monitorInfo
Пример #2
def setupExperiment():
    from psychopy import gui
    Setup the experimental variables with a dialog box
    dlgMonitor, monitorInfo = setup_monitor()

    expInfo = {
        'Partecipant': 'Subj',
        'Subject code': '00',
        'SquareEdge': 6,
        'BallRadius': 2,
        'TrainingTrials': 0,
        'SaveVideo': False,
        'ContrastDuration': 2.0

    dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=expInfo,
                          title='Flicker Experiment',
                              'Subject code',
                              'Partecipant Name':
                              'Name of the participant',
                              'Subject code':
                              'Code of the subject',
                              'Length of the virtual square edge',
                              'Radius of the balls in cm',
                              'Number of preparation training trials',

    if dlg.OK is False:
        core.quit()  # user pressed cancel

    # nUp is the number of incorrect (or 0) responses before the staircase level increases.
    # nDown is the number of correct (or 1) responses before the staircase
    # level decreases.
    staircaseInfo = {
        'StepType': ['lin', 'db', 'log'],
        'Selection': ['random', 'sequential'],
        'MinReversals': 6,
        'MinTrials': 10,
        'ContrastLeft': 0.0,
        'ContrastRight': 0.0,
        'StepSizes': '[0.05]',
        'nUpLeft': 1,
        'nUpRight': 1,
        'nDownLeft': 1,
        'nDownRight': 1,
        'AverageReversals': 3

    dlgStaircase = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=staircaseInfo,
                                   title='Staircase procedure')

    if dlgStaircase.OK is False:

    outputfile = set_output_file(expInfo, 'contrast_')
    save_experimental_settings(outputfile + '_info.pickle', expInfo,
                               staircaseInfo, monitorInfo)
    return expInfo, staircaseInfo, outputfile, monitorInfo