Пример #1
    def print_storage(self):
        Simply query for storage accessible by this group and print it. Backend supplies storage from the parent group(s) too. 
        storage_response = storage.get_drivers(self.base_url, self.group_id, self.token)
        storage_dict = common.convert_response(storage_response)

        # response contains a field called 'drivers'
        drivers = storage_dict['drivers']
        for d in drivers:
            # Each driver has a mount, describing how the storage resource is mounted in Athera sessions
            mount = d['mounts'][0]
            self.indented_print("{} storage mounted at {} with ID: {}".format(d['name'], mount['mountLocation'], d['id']), 1)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, logger, base_url, group_id, token, depth=1):
        self.logger = logger
        self.base_url = base_url
        self.group_id = group_id
        self.token = token
        self.depth = depth

        # Do an initial API call to look up information about this group using the group_id.
        group_response = groups.get_group(self.base_url, self.group_id, self.token)
        if group_response.status_code != 200:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed getting group {}".format(self.group_id))

        self.group = common.convert_response(group_response)
        self.indented_print("[{}] {} with ID: {} {}".format(self.group['type'], self.group['name'], self.group['id'], self.depth))
Пример #3
    def search_families(self, target):
        self.logger.info("Searching families for {}".format(target))

        apps_response = apps.get_app_families(self.base_url, self.group_id, self.token)
        apps_dict = common.convert_response(apps_response)
        if not apps_dict or 'families' not in apps_dict:
            return None

        # response contains one field:
        # 'families'

        apps_list = apps_dict['families']
        # Filter the whole list with the supplied search term, case-insensitive
        return list(filter(lambda x:target.lower() in x['name'].lower(), apps_list))
Пример #4
def validate_app(logger, base_url, group_id, token, app_id):
    Perform a lookup of the supplied app_id. 

    Return None if not found
    app_response = apps.get_app(base_url, group_id, token, app_id)
    if not app_response:
        return None

    app_dict = common.convert_response(app_response)
    if not app_dict:
        return None

    logger.info("App: {}".format(app_dict))
    return app_dict
Пример #5
def check_dropbox_connected(logger, base_url, group_id, token):
    Get all the user and group storage available for the supplied context (dictated by group_id).

    Iterate through the storage paths looking for a 'Dropbox' type.
    storage_response = storage.get_drivers(base_url, group_id, token)
    storage_dict = common.convert_response(storage_response)

    # response contains a field called 'drivers'
    drivers = storage_dict['drivers']
    dropbox = None
    for d in drivers:
        logger.info("Driver: {:50} {}".format(d['name'], d['id']))
        if d['type'] == "Dropbox":
            dropbox = d
    return dropbox
Пример #6
    def get_children(self):
        For the current group, fetch the children. We could return the whole objects, but we're just returning the IDs.
        children_response = groups.get_group_children(self.base_url, self.group_id, self.token)
        if children_response.status_code != 200:
            self.logger.error("Failed getting children for group {}".format(self.group_id))
            return None

        children = common.convert_response(children_response)
        if 'groups' not in children:            
            self.logger.error("Missing groups data")
            return None
        # json data in contained within the 'groups' object, so extract that
        children = children['groups']

        if len(children) == 0:
            # No children. Its a leaf
            return []
        # Return just the ids. This is rather inefficient. How could you improve this?
        return [x['id'] for x in children]
Пример #7
def launch(logger, base_url, group_id, token):
    Run a compute job in the supplied group_id context.

    Compute jobs need 'arguments' to go into the 'payload'. The payload is POSTED to the API to describe the job required.
    # The JWT token contains a user id in its metadata. Lets extract it
    token_helper = common.TokenHelper(token)
    user_id = token_helper.get_user_id()
    logger.info("User ID {}".format(user_id))

    # Use the provided helper functions to create the app specific arguments.
    # These are template parameters which will be swapped for things like start frame, end frame, on multi-part jobs.
    args = compute_arguments.get_nuke_arguments(NUKE_SCRIPT_WRITE_NODE)

    # Make a random job name
    name = "example_" + str(time.time())

    region = common.select_region(logger,
                                  "Select a Region to run the compute job in")

    # Next, use the payload helper to build the job request body
    payload = compute.make_job_request(
        user_id, group_id, NUKE_COMPUTE_APP_ID,
        "/data/dropbox/{}".format(NUKE_SCRIPT_PATH_WITHIN_DROPBOX), name, 1,
        100, 1, region, args)

    # Now its time to actually launch it
    compute_response = compute.create_job(base_url, group_id, token, payload)
    if compute_response.status_code == 200:
        compute_dict = common.convert_response(compute_response)
        logger.error("Create job succeeded: {}".format(compute_dict['id']))
        return compute_dict['id']
        logger.error("Create job failed [{}] {}".format(
            compute_response.status_code, compute_response.text))
        return None