def crawl(): try: customer_list = common.get_customer_list() for customer in customer_list: today = today = str(today.year) + '-' + str(today.month) + '-' + str( proxies = {'http': ''} req = requests.get("" + customer[0], proxies=proxies) html = req.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') for link in'span > h3 > a'): session = requests.Session() session.headers[ 'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36' req = session.get("" + link.get('href'), proxies=proxies) html = req.content soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') body ='span.Reporter_time > p') if body[2].get_text().find(today) != -1: body ='span.news_view_text') common.count(body, customer, '철강신문', "" + link.get('href')) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: print(e)
def loadNetwork(self, network, cost=None, cutoff=None, numToFind=None, searchDist=None, cutoffFld=None, numToFindFld=None, mappings=[]): common.progress('creating routing layer') if not numToFind: numToFind = common.count(self.places) self.naLayer = self.makeNALayer(common.checkFile(network), self.NA_LAY, cost, cutoff, numToFind) self.cost = cost self.placeMapper.addSilentField(cost, float) common.progress('calculating places\' network locations') self.calculateLocations(network, self.places, searchDist) common.progress('loading places to network') # create mappings toMappingList = common.NET_FIELDS + [(self.NAME_MAP, self.placesIDField, None)] for item in mappings: toMappingList.append(item + [None]) fromMappingList = toMappingList[:] if cutoffFld: fromMappingList.append((self.CUTOFF_PREFIX + cost, cutoffFld, None)) if numToFindFld: fromMappingList.append((self.NUM_TO_FIND_HEADER, numToFindFld, None)) # load locations arcpy.AddLocations_na(self.NA_LAY, self.OD_SUBLAYERS[0], self.places, self.networkMappings(fromMappingList), '', append='clear') arcpy.AddLocations_na(self.NA_LAY, self.OD_SUBLAYERS[1], self.places, self.networkMappings(toMappingList), '', append='clear') self.routeSublayer = common.sublayer(self.naLayer, self.OUTPUT_SUBLAYER) self.linkMapper = conversion.LinkFieldMapper(self.routeSublayer) try: self.linkMapper.addMapField(self.OUT_COST_PREFIX + cost, cost) except conversion.FieldError: raise conversion.FieldError, 'cost attribute %s not found in network dataset' % cost
def bools(cursor, request, response): params = request.params keyword = params.get("query","") limit = int(params.get("limit","25")) offset = int(params.get("offset","0")) query = """\ SELECT id, json FROM bools """ args = [] keyword = keyword.strip() if keyword != "": keywords, condition = like_condition(keyword, 'json::TEXT') args.extend(keywords) query += " WHERE {0}".format(condition) query += " ORDER BY id" all_count = count(cursor,query, args) query += " LIMIT %s OFFSET %s" args.extend([limit, offset]) cursor.execute(query, args) items = [] for row in cursor: id, json = row json["id"] = id items.append(json) data = { "all": all_count, "items": items, } return data
def rules(cursor, request, response): params = request.params limit = int(params.get("limit", "25")) offset = int(params.get("offset", "0")) query = """\ SELECT id, json FROM rules """ args, condition = rule_condition(params) if len(condition) > 0: query += " WHERE " + condition query += " ORDER BY id" all_count = count(cursor, query, args) query += " LIMIT %s OFFSET %s" args.extend([limit, offset]) cursor.execute(query, args) items = [] for row in cursor: id, json = row json["id"] = id items.append(json) data = { "all": all_count, "items": items, } return data
def mapData(self, table, mappers=[]): prog = common.progressor('mapping attributes', common.count(table)) cur = arcpy.UpdateCursor(table) for row in cur: for mapper in mappers: row = mapper.remap(row, row) cur.updateRow(row) prog.move() del cur, row prog.end()
def process(self): # check if ID is integer - if not, create an integer field count = common.count(self.zones) idFld = self.zoneMapper.getIntIDField(setID=True, unmapPrevious=False, progressor=common.progressor('creating temporary IDs', count)) self.zoneMapper.loadData(common.progressor('loading zone data', count)) # generate SWM file common.progress('generating spatial matrix') arcpy.GenerateSpatialWeightsMatrix_stats(self.zones, idFld, self.swmFile, self.method) common.progress('converting matrix to table') arcpy.ConvertSpatialWeightsMatrixtoTable_stats(self.swmFile, self.tmpTable) self.zoneMapper.setJoinIDFields([idFld, self.NEIGH_ID_FLD])
def miss_dict_count_before(miss_dict, score_key, predicate, last_set_only): cnt = 0 for (key, mpoints) in miss_dict.items(): if key == score_key or len(key) > len(score_key): break if last_set_only and len(score_key) != len(key): continue if len(key) < len(score_key) or (len(key) == len(score_key) and key < score_key): cnt += co.count(mpoints, predicate) return cnt
def getGeometryDict(self, attributes={}): prog = common.progressor('caching geometries', common.count(self.routeSublayer)) geomDict = {} inCur = arcpy.SearchCursor(self.routeSublayer) for inRow in inCur: ids = self.placeMapper.getIDs(inRow) geomDict[ids] = {'shape' : inRow.shape} for attrTo in attributes: geomDict[ids][attrTo] = inRow.getValue(attributes[attrTo]) prog.move() prog.end() del inCur, inRow return geomDict
def processes(cursor, request, response): params = request.params limit = int(params.get("limit", "25")) offset = int(params.get("offset", "0")) query = """\ SELECT id, json FROM processes """ name = params.get("name", "") domain = params.get("domain", "") args = [] conditions = [] if name != "": conditions.append(""" json->>'name' = %s """) args.append(name) if domain != "": conditions.append(""" EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM domain_crews WHERE domain = %s AND json->'label'->>'domain' = crew ) """) args.append(domain) condition = " AND ".join(conditions) if len(condition) > 0: query += " WHERE " + condition query += " ORDER BY id" all_count = count(cursor, query, args) query += " LIMIT %s OFFSET %s" args.extend([limit, offset]) cursor.execute(query, args) items = [] for row in cursor: id, json = row json["id"] = id items.append(json) data = { "all": all_count, "items": items, } return data
def filecontexts_accesable(cursor, request, response): params = request.params source = params.get("source", "") keyword = params.get("filter", "") offset = int(params.get("offset", "0")) limit = int(params.get("limit", "25")) args = [source] keywords, keyword_condition = like_condition(keyword, 'contexts.json::TEXT') args.extend(keywords) query = """\ SELECT DISTINCT(, contexts.json, (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM context_file_refs AS refs WHERE refs.context_id = AS has_files FROM contexts JOIN rule_context_refs AS refs ON refs.context_id = JOIN rules ON = refs.rule_id AND rules.json->>'type'='allow' JOIN domain_crews AS sources ON sources.crew = rules.json->>'source' AND sources.domain = %s WHERE {0} ORDER BY """.format(keyword_condition) all_count = count(cursor, query, args) query = query + " LIMIT %s OFFSET %s " args.extend([limit, offset]) items = [] cursor.execute(query, args) for row in cursor: id, json, has_files = row json["id"] = id json["has_files"] = has_files items.append(json) data = { "all": all_count, "items": items, } return data
def remapData(self, source, output, mappers=[], processor=None): count = common.count(source) if count == 0: common.warning('remapping source is empty, empty output generated') return prog = common.progressor('remapping records', count) inCur = arcpy.SearchCursor(source) outCur = arcpy.InsertCursor(output) # common.debug('remapping') for inRow in inCur: outRow = outCur.newRow() for mapper in mappers: outRow = mapper.remap(inRow, outRow, processor) # common.debug(mapper, outRow) if outRow is None: break if outRow is not None: outCur.insertRow(outRow) prog.move() prog.end() del inCur, inRow, outCur, outRow
def files(cursor, request, response): params = request.params path = params.get("path", "") limit = int(params.get("limit", "25")) offset = int(params.get("offset", "0")) query = """\ WITH refs AS ( SELECT file_id, max(context_id) AS context_id FROM context_file_refs GROUP BY file_id ) SELECT files.*, AS context_id, contexts.json AS context FROM files LEFT OUTER JOIN refs ON refs.file_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN contexts ON refs.context_id = """ args = [] paths, condition = path_condition(path) args.extend(paths) query += " WHERE {0}".format(condition) query += " ORDER BY" all_count = count(cursor, query, args) query += " LIMIT %s OFFSET %s" args.extend([limit, offset]) cursor.execute(query, args) files = [] for row in cursor: id, json, context_id, context = row json["id"] = id if not context_id is None: context["id"] = context_id json["context"] = context files.append(json) data = {"all": all_count, "files": files} return data
def files(cursor, request, response): params = request.params fcontext_id = int(params.get("fcontext", "-1")) path = params.get("path","") keyword = params.get("keyword", "") limit = int(params.get("limit","25")) offset = int(params.get("offset","0")) path = "{0}%".format(like_escape(path)) query = """\ SELECT files.* FROM files JOIN context_file_refs AS refs ON refs.file_id = AND refs.context_id = %s WHERE files.json->>'path' LIKE %s """ args = [fcontext_id, path] keywords, condition = like_condition(keyword, 'json::TEXT') args.extend(keywords) query += " AND {0}".format(condition) query += " ORDER BY" all_count = count(cursor, query, args) query += " LIMIT %s OFFSET %s" args.extend([limit, offset]) cursor.execute(query, args) items = [] for row in cursor: id, json = row json["id"] = id items.append(json) data = { "all": all_count, "items": items } return data
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime import common try: today = today = str(today.year)+'-'+str(today.month)+'-'+str( today = '2017-11-28' req = requests.get("§ion=&s_day="+today+"&e_day="+today+"&x=139&y=12") html = req.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser') for link in'td.title > a'): session = requests.Session() session.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36' req = session.get(""+link.get('href')) html = req.content soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') body ='div.cont_gisa') common.count(body) except Exception as e: print(e)
def miss_dict_count_at(miss_dict, score_key, predicate): if score_key in miss_dict: return co.count(miss_dict[score_key], predicate) return 0
def miss_dict_count(miss_dict, key_predicate, point_predicate): cnt = 0 for (key, mpoints) in miss_dict.items(): if key_predicate(key): cnt += co.count(mpoints, point_predicate) return cnt
Calculated parameters calibrated on real interactions B parameter value: %g G parameter value: %g STATISTICAL ANALYSIS """ with common.runtool(9) as parameters: interactions, selQuery, massFromFld, massToFld, interactFld, lengthFld, optimizationMethod, outputFld, reportFileName = ( parameters ) ## ASSEMBLE INPUT common.progress("counting interactions") count = common.count(interactions) if count == 0: raise ValueError, "no interactions found" common.message("Found " + str(count) + " interactions.") common.progress("loading interactions") modelInters = loaders.BasicReader( interactions, {"strength": interactFld, "distance": lengthFld, "massFrom": massFromFld, "massTo": massToFld}, targetClass=modeling.GravityInteraction, where=selQuery, ).read() # rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(interactions, selQuery) # modelInters = [] # for row in rows: # try:
def max_overlapping_lines(lines: list[Line]): return count( Counter(itertools.chain(*map(Line.points_between, lines))).items(), lambda each: each[1] > 1)
def find_increasing_triples(data: Dataset) -> Solution: avg_values = [first + second + third for first, second, third in triples(data)] return count(is_increasing, pairwise(avg_values))
def find_increasing(data: Dataset) -> Solution: return count(is_increasing, pairwise(data))
strLayer = 'tmp_i095' relLayer = 'tmp_i043' with common.runtool(7) as parameters: interLayer, strengthFld, lengthFld, minStrengthStr, minRelStrengthStr, maxLengthStr, output = parameters if minStrengthStr or maxLengthStr: queries = [] if minStrengthStr: common.progress('assembling absolute strength exclusion') minStrength = common.toFloat(minStrengthStr, 'minimum absolute interaction strength') queries.append(common.query(interLayer, '[%s] >= %g', strengthFld, minStrength)) if maxLengthStr: common.progress('assembling absolute length exclusion') maxLength = common.toFloat(maxLengthStr, 'maximum absolute interaction length') queries.append(common.query(interLayer, '[%s] <= %g', lengthFld, maxLength)) common.selection(interLayer, strLayer, ' OR '.join(queries)) else: strLayer = interLayer if minRelStrengthStr: common.progress('performing relative strength exclusion') minRelStrength = common.toFloat(minRelStrengthStr, 'minimum relative interaction strength') relQuery = common.query(interLayer, '[%s] > 0 AND ([%s] / [%s] * 1000) >= %g', lengthFld, strengthFld, lengthFld, minRelStrength), relLayer, relQuery) else: relLayer = strLayer common.progress('counting selected interactions') common.message('%i interactions selected.' % common.count(relLayer)) common.progress('writing output') common.copy(relLayer, output)
import arcpy, common, randomize with common.runtool(3) as parameters: conns, sdStr, target = parameters sd = common.toFloat(sdStr, 'standard deviation of position change') common.progress('copying connections') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(conns, target) shpFld = arcpy.Describe(target).ShapeFieldName prog = common.progressor('randomizing', common.count(target)) rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(target) for row in rows: newPt = randomize.randomizePoint(row.getValue(shpFld), sd) row.setValue(shpFld, newPt) rows.updateRow(row) prog.move() prog.end() del row, rows
## GET AND PREPARE THE ATTRIBUTES # obtained from the tool input points, ptsIDFld, weightFld, normStr, transferFldsStr, tolerStr, outPath = parameters location, outName = os.path.split(outPath) normalization = math.sqrt(common.toFloat(normStr, 'normalization value') / math.pi) tolerance = common.toFloat(tolerStr, 'positional tolerance value') transferFlds = common.parseFields(transferFldsStr) common.progress('creating weighting layer') common.overwrite(True) circLayer = common.createFeatureClass(os.path.join(location, TMP_CIRCPTS), crs=points) inShpFld = arcpy.Describe(points).ShapeFieldName circShapeFld = arcpy.Describe(circLayer).ShapeFieldName arcpy.AddField_management(circLayer, ptsIDFld, common.outTypeOfField(points, ptsIDFld)) inCount = common.count(points) common.progress('opening weighting layer') inCur = arcpy.SearchCursor(points) outCur = arcpy.InsertCursor(circLayer) prog = common.progressor('weighting points', inCount) pi2 = 2 * math.pi for inRow in inCur: # load input geometry pt = inRow.getValue(inShpFld).getPart(0) id = inRow.getValue(ptsIDFld) coor = (pt.X, pt.Y) # load radius radius = math.sqrt(inRow.getValue(weightFld)) * normalization print inRow.getValue(weightFld), radius, normalization ptCount = max(int(pi2 * radius / tolerance), 3) delta = pi2 / ptCount
def loadPlaces(self): self.placeMapper.loadData(common.progressor('loading place data', common.count(self.places)))