Пример #1
    def initiate_next_task(self, user_id, user_email, current_task_nr, next_task_nr):
        Initiate the generation of the next task for the user if he has not got
        the task already and if it has already started

        if not c.is_valid_task_nr(self.dbs["course"], next_task_nr, \
                                  self.queues["logger"], self.name):

        if current_task_nr < next_task_nr:
        # user did not get this task yet
            task_start = c.get_task_starttime(self.dbs["course"], \
                                              next_task_nr, \
                                              self.queues["logger"], \

            if task_start <= datetime.datetime.now():
                # task has already started
                c.generate_task(self.queues["generator"], user_id, next_task_nr, user_email, "")

                c.send_email(self.queues["sender"], str(user_email), \
                             str(user_id), "CurLast", \
                             str(next_task_nr), "", "")
Пример #2
    def a_task_is_requested(self, user_id, user_email, task_nr, message_id):
        Process a request for a certain task_nr. Check if that task
        exists, if it is active, and if the deadline has not passed
        yet. If yes put in generator queue.

        logmsg = "Processing a Task Request, UserId:{0} TaskNr:{1}"\
                 .format(user_id, task_nr)
        c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "INFO")

        #task with this task_nr exists?
        is_task = c.is_valid_task_nr(self.dbs["course"], task_nr, self.queues["logger"], \

        if not is_task:
            # task_nr is not valid
            c.send_email(self.queues["sender"], user_email, "", "InvalidTask", str(task_nr), \
                         "", message_id)

        # get time now, deadline and starttime of task
        time_now = datetime.datetime.now()
        starttime = c.get_task_starttime(self.dbs["course"], task_nr, \
                                         self.queues["logger"], self.name)
        deadline = c.get_task_deadline(self.dbs["course"], task_nr, \
                                       self.queues["logger"], self.name)

        if not (starttime <= time_now):
            # task not active yet
            logmsg = ("Task not active")
            c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "DEBUG")
            c.send_email(self.queues["sender"], user_email, "", "TaskNotActive", \
                         str(task_nr), "", message_id)

        if deadline < time_now:
            # deadline passed for that task_nr!
            logmsg = ("Deadline passed")
            c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "DEBUG")
            c.send_email(self.queues["sender"], user_email, "", "DeadTask", \
                         str(task_nr), "", message_id)

        logmsg = ("Calling Generator to create"
                  "TaskNr:{0} for UserId:{1}").format(task_nr, user_id)
        c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "DEBUG")

        c.generate_task(self.queues["generator"], user_id, task_nr, user_email, \
Пример #3
    def activator_loop(self):
        curc, conc = c.connect_to_db(self.dbs["course"], self.queues["logger"],\

        # first we need to know, which tasks are not active at the moment
        sql_cmd = "SELECT * FROM TaskConfiguration WHERE TaskActive = 0"
        rows_tasks = curc.fetchall()

        # loop through all the inactive tasks
        for row_task in rows_tasks:
            task_nr = row_task[0]

            # check if a tasks start time has come
            task_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(row_task[1],
            if task_start < datetime.datetime.now():
                # first, let's set the task active!
                data = {'task_nr': task_nr}
                sql_cmd = ("UPDATE TaskConfiguration SET TaskActive = 1 "
                           "WHERE TaskNr = :task_nr")
                curc.execute(sql_cmd, data)
                logmsg = "Turned Task {0} to active.".format(str(task_nr))
                c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "INFO")

                curs, cons = c.connect_to_db(self.dbs["semester"], \
                                             self.queues["logger"], self.name)

                # with allow_requests active no other measures have to be taken
                if self.allow_requests != "no":

                # if auto_advance is activated, all users should be
                # advanced to that task
                if self.auto_advance:
                    data = {'task_nr': task_nr}
                    sqlcmd = ("SELECT UserId FROM Users "
                              "WHERE CurrentTask < :task_nr")
                    curs.execute(sqlcmd, data)
                    rows = curs.fetchall()

                    users_list = []
                    for row in rows:
                    users_comma_list = ','.join(users_list)

                    # This did not work, therefore with format:
                    # data = {'task_nr': task_nr,\
                    #         'users_comma_list': users_comma_list}
                    # sqlcmd = ("UPDATE Users SET CurrentTask = :task_nr "
                    #           " WHERE UserId IN (:users_comma_list)")
                    # curs.execute(sqlcmd, data)

                    sqlcmd = ("UPDATE Users SET CurrentTask = {0} WHERE "
                              "UserId in ({1});").format(
                                  task_nr, users_comma_list)
                    logmsg = "Advanced users with ids: " + users_comma_list
                    c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg,

                # next, check if any users are waiting for that task, meaning:
                # 1) his CurrentTask = task_nr AND 2) No UserTask exists for it
                #TODO: Find a better solution with a join
                data = {'task_nr': task_nr}
                sqlcmd = ("SELECT UserId, Email FROM Users "
                          "WHERE CurrentTask = :task_nr AND UserId NOT IN "
                          "(SELECT UserId FROM UserTasks "
                          "WHERE TaskNr = :task_nr)")
                curs.execute(sqlcmd, data)

                rows = curs.fetchall()
                for row in rows:
                    user_id = row[0]
                    user_email = row[1]

                    logmsg = "The next task({0}) is sent to User {1} now." \
                        .format(task_nr, user_id)
                    c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg,

                        data = {'task_nr': task_nr}
                        sql_cmd = (
                            "SELECT GeneratorExecutable FROM TaskConfiguration "
                            "WHERE TaskNr = :task_nr")
                        curc.execute(sql_cmd, data)
                        res = curc.fetchone()
                        logmsg = (
                            "Failed to fetch Generator Script for"
                            "TaskNr {0} from the Database! Table "
                            "TaskConfiguration corrupted?").format(task_nr)
                        c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, \
                                    logmsg, "ERROR")

                    if res != None:
                        logmsg = "Calling Generator Script: {0}".format(res[0])
                        c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, \
                                    logmsg, "DEBUG")

                        logmsg = "UserEmail: {0}, TaskNr : {1}, UserId: {2},"\
                                 .format(user_email, task_nr, user_id)
                        c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, \
                                    logmsg, "DEBUG")

                        c.generate_task(self.queues["generator"], user_id,\
                                        task_nr, user_email, "")

                        c.send_email(self.queues["sender"], str(user_email), \
                                     str(user_id), "Task", str(task_nr), "", "")

        # first we need to know, which tasks are active
        sql_cmd = "SELECT * FROM TaskConfiguration WHERE TaskActive = 1 "
        rows_tasks = curc.fetchall()

        # loop through all the active tasks
        for row_task in rows_tasks:
            task_nr = row_task[0]

            task_deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(row_task[2],
            if task_deadline < datetime.datetime.now():
                data = {'task_nr': task_nr}
                sql_cmd = ("UPDATE TaskConfiguration SET TaskActive = 0 "
                           "WHERE TaskNr = :task_nr")
                curc.execute(sql_cmd, data)

                logmsg = "Deactivated Task {0}, deadline passed.".format(
                c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "INFO")

Пример #4
    def add_new_user(self, user_name, user_email):
        Add the necessary entries to database for a newly registered user.
        Call generator thread to create the first task.

        curs, cons = c.connect_to_db(self.dbs["semester"],
                                     self.queues["logger"], self.name)

        logmsg = 'Creating new Account: User: %s' % user_name
        c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "INFO")

        data = {
            'Name': user_name,
            'Email': user_email,
            'TimeNow': str(int(time.time()))
        sql_cmd = (
            "INSERT INTO Users "
            "(UserId, Name, Email, RegisteredAt, LastDone, CurrentTask) "
            "VALUES(NULL, :Name, :Email, datetime(:TimeNow, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')"
            ", NULL, 1)")
        curs.execute(sql_cmd, data)

        # read back the new users UserId and create a directory for putting his
        # submissions in.
        data = {'Email': user_email}
        sql_cmd = "SELECT UserId FROM Users WHERE Email = :Email"
        curs.execute(sql_cmd, data)
        res = curs.fetchone()
        if res is None:
            logmsg = ("Created new user with "
                      "name= {0} , email={1} failed").format(
                          user_name, user_email)
            c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "DEBUG")

        user_id = str(res[0])
        dir_name = 'users/' + user_id
        c.check_dir_mkdir(dir_name, self.queues["logger"], self.name)


        # in allow_requests mode the user gets no first task send
        if self.allow_requests != "no":

        # Give the user the task which is starttime <= now < deadline AND
        # min(TaskNr) as initial task
        curc, conc = c.connect_to_db(self.dbs["course"], self.queues["logger"],

        data = {'TimeNow': str(int(time.time()))}
        sql_cmd = (
            "SELECT MIN(TaskNr) FROM TaskConfiguration "
            "WHERE TaskStart <= datetime(:TimeNow, 'unixepoch','localtime') AND "
            "TaskDeadline > datetime(:TimeNow, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')")
        curc.execute(sql_cmd, data)
        res = curc.fetchone()


        if not res or not res[0]:
            logmsg = (
                "Error generating initial Task for UserId = {0}. Could not "
                "find a initial task for this user").format(user_id)
            c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "ERROR")

        task_nr = int(res[0])

        #adjust users CurrentTask if he does not get Task with task_nr=1
        if task_nr != 1:
            c.user_set_current_task(self.dbs["semester"], task_nr, user_id, \
                                    self.queues["logger"], self.name)

        logmsg = ("Calling Generator to create"
                  "TaskNr:{0} for UserId:{1}").format(task_nr, user_id)
        c.log_a_msg(self.queues["logger"], self.name, logmsg, "DEBUG")

        c.generate_task(self.queues["generator"], user_id, task_nr, user_email,