def run(user, pwd): """ gen ssh key on local and copy to all nodes copy traf package file from local to all nodes """ dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) hosts = dbcfgs['node_list'].split(',') traf_package = dbcfgs['traf_package'] sudo_prefix = get_sudo_prefix() run_cmd('%s rm -rf %s*' % (sudo_prefix, SSHKEY_FILE)) run_cmd('%s echo -e "y" | ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f %s' % (sudo_prefix, SSHKEY_FILE)) files = [SSHKEY_FILE, SSHKEY_FILE + '.pub', traf_package] remote_insts = [Remote(h, user=user, pwd=pwd) for h in hosts] threads = [ Thread(target=r.copy, args=(files, '/tmp')) for r in remote_insts ] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() for r in remote_insts: if r.rc != 0: err('Failed to copy files to %s' %
def run(): hdfs_bin = DEF_HDFS_BIN dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) distro = dbcfgs['distro'] if 'CDH' in distro: parcel_lib = PARCEL_HBASE_LIB if os.path.exists(parcel_lib): hdfs_bin = PARCEL_HDFS_BIN elif 'APACHE' in distro: hdfs_bin = dbcfgs['hadoop_home'] + '/bin/hdfs' traf_loc = '/user/trafodion' traf_user = dbcfgs['traf_user'] hdfs_user = dbcfgs['hdfs_user'] hbase_user = dbcfgs['hbase_user'] hbase_group = cmd_output('%s groups %s | cut -d" " -f3' % (hdfs_bin, hbase_user)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfsadmin -safemode wait' % hdfs_bin) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -mkdir -p %s/{trafodion_backups,bulkload,lobs} /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chown -R %s:%s /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, hbase_user, hbase_user)) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chown -R %s:%s %s %s/{trafodion_backups,bulkload,lobs}' % (hdfs_bin, traf_user, traf_user, traf_loc, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chmod 0755 %s' % (hdfs_bin, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chmod 0750 %s/{trafodion_backups,bulkload,lobs}' % (hdfs_bin, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chgrp %s %s/bulkload' % (hdfs_bin, hbase_group, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -setfacl -R -m user:%s:rwx /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, traf_user)) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -setfacl -R -m default:user:%s:rwx /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, traf_user)) run_cmd_as_user( hdfs_user, '%s dfs -setfacl -R -m mask::rwx /hbase/archive' % hdfs_bin) # Grant all privileges to the Trafodion principal in HBase if dbcfgs['secure_hadoop'] == 'Y': run_cmd( 'echo "grant \'%s\', \'RWXC\'" | %s su - %s -s /bin/bash -c "hbase shell" > /tmp/hbase_shell.out' % (traf_user, get_sudo_prefix(), hbase_user)) has_err = cmd_output('grep -c ERROR /tmp/hbase_shell.out') if int(has_err): err('Failed to grant HBase privileges to %s' % traf_user) run_cmd('rm /tmp/hbase_shell.out')
def __init__(self, host, logger, user='', pwd='', quiet=False): self.sudo_prefix = '' = host self.user = user self.pwd = pwd self.quiet = quiet # no output self.logger = logger if not self.user: self.sudo_prefix = get_sudo_prefix() elif self.user != 'root': self.sudo_prefix = 'sudo -n'
def run(user, pwd): """ gen ssh key on local and copy to all nodes copy traf package file from local to all nodes """ dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) hosts = dbcfgs['node_list'].split(',') traf_package = dbcfgs['traf_package'] sudo_prefix = get_sudo_prefix() run_cmd('%s rm -rf %s*' % (sudo_prefix, SSHKEY_FILE)) run_cmd('%s echo -e "y" | ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f %s' % (sudo_prefix, SSHKEY_FILE)) files = [SSHKEY_FILE, SSHKEY_FILE+'.pub', traf_package] remote_insts = [Remote(h, user=user, pwd=pwd) for h in hosts] threads = [Thread(target=r.copy, args=(files, '/tmp')) for r in remote_insts] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() for r in remote_insts: if r.rc != 0: err('Failed to copy files to %s' %
def check_sudo(self): """ check sudo access """ run_cmd('%s echo -n "check sudo access" > /dev/null 2>&1' % get_sudo_prefix())
def run(): """ setup Kerberos security """ dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) distro = dbcfgs['distro'] admin_principal = dbcfgs['admin_principal'] admin_passwd = dbcfgs['kdcadmin_pwd'] kdc_server = dbcfgs['kdc_server'] cluster_name = dbcfgs['cluster_name'] # maxlife = dbcfgs['max_lifetime'] # max_renewlife = dbcfgs['max_renew_lifetime'] maxlife = '24hours' max_renewlife = '7days' kadmin_cmd = 'kadmin -p %s -w %s -s %s -q' % (admin_principal, admin_passwd, kdc_server) host_name = socket.getfqdn() traf_user = dbcfgs['traf_user'] hdfs_user = '******' hbase_user = '******' realm = re.match('.*@(.*)', admin_principal).groups()[0] traf_keytab_dir = '/etc/%s/keytab' % traf_user traf_keytab = '%s/%s.keytab' % (traf_keytab_dir, traf_user) traf_principal = '%s/%s@%s' % (traf_user, host_name, realm) hbase_principal = '%s/%s@%s' % (hbase_user, host_name, realm) ### setting start ### print 'Checking KDC server connection' run_cmd('%s listprincs' % kadmin_cmd) # create principals and keytabs for trafodion user principal_exists = cmd_output('%s listprincs | grep -c %s' % (kadmin_cmd, traf_principal)) if int(principal_exists) == 0: # not exist run_cmd('%s \'addprinc -randkey %s\'' % (kadmin_cmd, traf_principal)) # Adjust principal's maxlife and maxrenewlife run_cmd( '%s \'modprinc -maxlife %s -maxrenewlife %s\' %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % (kadmin_cmd, maxlife, max_renewlife, traf_principal)) run_cmd('mkdir -p %s' % traf_keytab_dir) # TODO: need skip add keytab if exist? print 'Create keytab file for trafodion user' run_cmd('%s \'ktadd -k %s %s\'' % (kadmin_cmd, traf_keytab, traf_principal)) run_cmd('chown %s %s' % (traf_user, traf_keytab)) run_cmd('chmod 400 %s' % traf_keytab) # create principals for hdfs/hbase user print 'Create principals for hdfs/hbase user' if 'CDH' in distro: hdfs_keytab = cmd_output( 'find /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ -name hdfs.keytab | head -n 1' ) hbase_keytab = cmd_output( 'find /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ -name hbase.keytab | head -n 1' ) hdfs_principal = '%s/%s@%s' % (hdfs_user, host_name, realm) elif 'HDP' in distro: hdfs_keytab = '/etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab' hbase_keytab = '/etc/security/keytabs/hbase.service.keytab' hdfs_principal = '%s-%s@%s' % (hdfs_user, cluster_name, realm) sudo_prefix = get_sudo_prefix() kinit_cmd_ptr = '%s su - %s -s /bin/bash -c "kinit -kt %s %s"' run_cmd(kinit_cmd_ptr % (sudo_prefix, hdfs_user, hdfs_keytab, hdfs_principal)) run_cmd(kinit_cmd_ptr % (sudo_prefix, hbase_user, hbase_keytab, hbase_principal)) print 'Done creating principals and keytabs' kinit_bashrc = """ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # if needed obtain and cache the Kerberos ticket-granting ticket # start automatic ticket renewal process # --------------------------------------------------------------- klist -s >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then kinit -kt %s %s >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Start trafodion kerberos ticket manager process # --------------------------------------------------------------- $TRAF_HOME/sql/scripts/krb5service start >/dev/null 2>&1 """ % (traf_keytab, traf_principal) traf_bashrc = '/home/%s/.bashrc' % traf_user with open(traf_bashrc, 'a') as f: f.write(kinit_bashrc)
def run(): """ setup Kerberos security """ dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) distro = dbcfgs['distro'] admin_principal = dbcfgs['admin_principal'] admin_passwd = dbcfgs['kdcadmin_pwd'] kdc_server = dbcfgs['kdc_server'] cluster_name = dbcfgs['cluster_name'] # maxlife = dbcfgs['max_lifetime'] # max_renewlife = dbcfgs['max_renew_lifetime'] maxlife = '24hours' max_renewlife = '7days' kadmin_cmd = 'kadmin -p %s -w %s -s %s -q' % (admin_principal, admin_passwd, kdc_server) host_name = socket.getfqdn() traf_user = dbcfgs['traf_user'] hdfs_user = '******' hbase_user = '******' realm = re.match('.*@(.*)', admin_principal).groups()[0] traf_keytab_dir = '/etc/%s/keytab' % traf_user traf_keytab = '%s/%s.keytab' % (traf_keytab_dir, traf_user) traf_principal = '%s/%s@%s' % (traf_user, host_name, realm) hbase_principal = '%s/%s@%s' % (hbase_user, host_name, realm) ### setting start ### print 'Checking KDC server connection' run_cmd('%s listprincs' % kadmin_cmd) # create principals and keytabs for trafodion user principal_exists = cmd_output('%s listprincs | grep -c %s' % (kadmin_cmd, traf_principal)) if int(principal_exists) == 0: # not exist run_cmd('%s \'addprinc -randkey %s\'' % (kadmin_cmd, traf_principal)) # Adjust principal's maxlife and maxrenewlife run_cmd('%s \'modprinc -maxlife %s -maxrenewlife %s\' %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % (kadmin_cmd, maxlife, max_renewlife, traf_principal)) run_cmd('mkdir -p %s' % traf_keytab_dir) # TODO: need skip add keytab if exist? print 'Create keytab file for trafodion user' run_cmd('%s \'ktadd -k %s %s\'' % (kadmin_cmd, traf_keytab, traf_principal)) run_cmd('chown %s %s' % (traf_user, traf_keytab)) run_cmd('chmod 400 %s' % traf_keytab) # create principals for hdfs/hbase user print 'Create principals for hdfs/hbase user' if 'CDH' in distro: hdfs_keytab = cmd_output('find /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ -name hdfs.keytab | head -n 1') hbase_keytab = cmd_output('find /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ -name hbase.keytab | head -n 1') hdfs_principal = '%s/%s@%s' % (hdfs_user, host_name, realm) elif 'HDP' in distro: hdfs_keytab = '/etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab' hbase_keytab = '/etc/security/keytabs/hbase.service.keytab' hdfs_principal = '%s-%s@%s' % (hdfs_user, cluster_name, realm) sudo_prefix = get_sudo_prefix() kinit_cmd_ptr = '%s su - %s -s /bin/bash -c "kinit -kt %s %s"' run_cmd(kinit_cmd_ptr % (sudo_prefix, hdfs_user, hdfs_keytab, hdfs_principal)) run_cmd(kinit_cmd_ptr % (sudo_prefix, hbase_user, hbase_keytab, hbase_principal)) print 'Done creating principals and keytabs' kinit_bashrc = """ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # if needed obtain and cache the Kerberos ticket-granting ticket # start automatic ticket renewal process # --------------------------------------------------------------- klist -s >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then kinit -kt %s %s >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Start trafodion kerberos ticket manager process # --------------------------------------------------------------- $TRAF_HOME/sql/scripts/krb5service start >/dev/null 2>&1 """ % (traf_keytab, traf_principal) traf_bashrc = '/home/%s/.bashrc' % traf_user with open(traf_bashrc, 'a') as f: f.write(kinit_bashrc)
def run(): hdfs_bin = DEF_HDFS_BIN dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) distro = dbcfgs['distro'] if 'CDH' in distro: parcel_lib = PARCEL_HBASE_LIB if os.path.exists(parcel_lib): hdfs_bin = PARCEL_HDFS_BIN elif 'APACHE' in distro: hdfs_bin = dbcfgs['hadoop_home'] + '/bin/hdfs' traf_loc = '/user/trafodion' traf_user = dbcfgs['traf_user'] hdfs_user = dbcfgs['hdfs_user'] hbase_user = dbcfgs['hbase_user'] hbase_group = cmd_output('%s groups %s | cut -d" " -f3' % (hdfs_bin, hbase_user)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfsadmin -safemode wait' % hdfs_bin) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -mkdir -p %s/{trafodion_backups,bulkload,lobs} /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chown -R %s:%s /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, hbase_user, hbase_user)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chown -R %s:%s %s %s/{trafodion_backups,bulkload,lobs}' % (hdfs_bin, traf_user, traf_user, traf_loc, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chmod 0755 %s' % (hdfs_bin, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chmod 0750 %s/{trafodion_backups,bulkload,lobs}' % (hdfs_bin, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -chgrp %s %s/bulkload' % (hdfs_bin, hbase_group, traf_loc)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -setfacl -R -m user:%s:rwx /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, traf_user)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -setfacl -R -m default:user:%s:rwx /hbase/archive' % (hdfs_bin, traf_user)) run_cmd_as_user(hdfs_user, '%s dfs -setfacl -R -m mask::rwx /hbase/archive' % hdfs_bin) # Grant all privileges to the Trafodion principal in HBase if dbcfgs['secure_hadoop'] == 'Y': run_cmd('echo "grant \'%s\', \'RWXC\'" | %s su - %s -s /bin/bash -c "hbase shell" > /tmp/hbase_shell.out' % (traf_user, get_sudo_prefix(), hbase_user)) has_err = cmd_output('grep -c ERROR /tmp/hbase_shell.out') if int(has_err): err('Failed to grant HBase privileges to %s' % traf_user) run_cmd('rm /tmp/hbase_shell.out')