def Part1(lines): grid = com.CartesianGrid() currentX = 0 currentY = 0 def outputCallback(output): nonlocal grid, currentX, currentY value = chr(output) if output == 10: currentY += 1 currentX = 0 print('\n', end='') else: currentPoint = com.Point(currentX, currentY, value) grid.addPoint(currentPoint) currentX += 1 print(value, end='') intCode = com.intCode(lines[0], False, hasOutputCallback=outputCallback) intCode.RunIntCodeComputer() total = 0 for point in grid.getAllPoints(): if == '#': up = grid.getPoint(point.x, point.y + 1) if up is not None and == '#': down = grid.getPoint(point.x, point.y - 1) if down is not None and == '#': left = grid.getPoint(point.x - 1, point.y) if left is not None and == '#': right = grid.getPoint(point.x + 1, point.y) if right is not None and == '#': total += (point.x * point.y) print(total)
def Part1(lines): line = lines[0] amps = [com.intCode(line, printOutput=False) for i in range(5)] maxOutput = 0 # probably a way better way to do this for a in range(5): for b in range(5): if b == a: continue for c in range(5): if c == a or c == b: continue for d in range(5): if d == a or d == b or d == c: continue for e in range(5): if e == a or e == b or e == c or e == d: continue amps[0].setPresetInputs([a, 0]) amps[0].RunIntCodeComputer() amps[1].setPresetInputs([b, amps[0].outputValue]) amps[1].RunIntCodeComputer() amps[2].setPresetInputs([c, amps[1].outputValue]) amps[2].RunIntCodeComputer() amps[3].setPresetInputs([d, amps[2].outputValue]) amps[3].RunIntCodeComputer() amps[4].setPresetInputs([e, amps[3].outputValue]) amps[4].RunIntCodeComputer() if maxOutput < amps[4].outputValue: maxOutput = amps[4].outputValue print(maxOutput)
def Part1(lines): x = None y = None tid = None grid = com.CartesianGrid(' ') numBlocks = 0 def outputCallback(output): nonlocal x, y, tid, grid, numBlocks if x is None: x = output elif y is None: y = output elif tid is None: tid = output point = com.Point(x, y, tid) if tid == 2: numBlocks += 1 grid.addPoint(point) x = None y = None tid = None compy = com.intCode(lines[0], printOutput=False, hasOutputCallback=outputCallback) compy.RunIntCodeComputer() print(numBlocks)
def Part1(lines): noun = None verb = None if not test: noun = 12 verb = 2 computer = com.intCode(lines[0]) print(str(computer.RunIntCodeComputer(noun, verb, True)))
def Part2(lines): grid = com.CartesianGrid() currentX = 0 currentY = 0 gridFinished = False def outputCallback(output): nonlocal grid, currentX, currentY, gridFinished if not gridFinished: if output > 256: print(output) return value = chr(output) if output == 10: currentY += 1 currentX = 0 print('\n', end='') else: currentPoint = com.Point(currentX, currentY, value) grid.addPoint(currentPoint) currentX += 1 print(value, end='') else: print(output) inputNum = 0 localInputNum = 0 def inputCallback(): nonlocal inputNum, gridFinished, localInputNum value = None #gridFinished = True if inputNum == 0: # main value = toAsciiInts('A,C,A,C,B,B,C,B,C,A\n') elif inputNum == 1: # A value = toAsciiInts('R,12,L,8,R,12\n') elif inputNum == 2: # B value = toAsciiInts('R,8,L,8,R,8,R,4,R,4\n') elif inputNum == 3: # C value = toAsciiInts('R,8,R,6,R,6,R,8\n') elif inputNum == 4: # video value = toAsciiInts('n\n') character = value[localInputNum] if character == 10: inputNum += 1 localInputNum = 0 else: localInputNum += 1 return character stringList = list(lines[0]) stringList[0] = '2' intCode = com.intCode(''.join(stringList), False, needsInputCallback=inputCallback, hasOutputCallback=outputCallback) intCode.RunIntCodeComputer()
def Part2(lines): neededResult = 19690720 computer = com.intCode(lines[0]) for noun in range(0, 100): for verb in range(0, 100): result = computer.RunIntCodeComputer(noun, verb, False) if result == neededResult: print(str(100 * noun + verb)) return print("No answer")
def Part1(lines): global compys, grid, keepRunning compys.append([None, [0, 0], [], deque()]) origin = com.Point(0, 0, None) grid.addPoint(origin) intCode = com.intCode(lines[0], False, hasOutputCallback=outputCallback(0), needsInputCallback=inputCallback(0)) compys[0][0] = intCode while keepRunning: intCode.RunIntCodeComputer()
def Part2(lines): x = None y = None tid = None grid = com.CartesianGrid(' ', cellOutputStrFcn=cellStr) score = 0 ball = None paddle = None def inputCallback(): nonlocal grid, ball, paddle #print(grid) if ball.x == paddle.x: return 0 elif ball.x < paddle.x: return -1 else: return 1 def outputCallback(output): nonlocal x, y, tid, grid, score, ball, paddle if x is None: x = output elif y is None: y = output elif tid is None: tid = output point = com.Point(x, y, tid) if tid > 4 and x == -1 and y == 0: score = tid else: if tid == 4: ball = point elif tid == 3: paddle = point grid.addPoint(point) x = None y = None tid = None compy = com.intCode(lines[0], printOutput=False, hasOutputCallback=outputCallback, needsInputCallback=inputCallback) compy.initialMemory[0] = 2 compy.RunIntCodeComputer() print(score)
def runRobot(line, startingColor): grid = com.CartesianGrid(' ', cellStr) black = 0 white = 1 currentPoint = com.Point(0, 0, startingColor) grid.addPoint(currentPoint) painted = set() needsColorOutput = True up = [0, 1] right = [1, 0] down = [0, -1] left = [-1, 0] directions = [up, right, down, left] facingIdx = 0 def outputCallback(output): nonlocal needsColorOutput, currentPoint, painted, directions, facingIdx if needsColorOutput: = output painted.add(currentPoint) needsColorOutput = False else: if output == 0: facingIdx -= 1 else: facingIdx += 1 facingIdx %= 4 nextX = currentPoint.x + directions[facingIdx][0] nextY = currentPoint.y + directions[facingIdx][1] currentPoint = grid.getPoint(nextX, nextY) if currentPoint is None: currentPoint = com.Point(nextX, nextY, 0) grid.addPoint(currentPoint) needsColorOutput = True def inputCallback(): nonlocal currentPoint return intcode = com.intCode(lines[0], printOutput=False, needsInputCallback=inputCallback, hasOutputCallback=outputCallback) intcode.RunIntCodeComputer() return painted, grid
def Part2(lines): global amps, outputs, initialized, phases line = lines[0] amps = [ com.intCode(line, printOutput=False, needsInputCallback=getNeedsInputCallback(i), hasOutputCallback=getOutputCallback(i)) for i in range(5) ] maxOutput = 0 # probably a way better way to do this for a in range(5, 10): for b in range(5, 10): if b == a: continue for c in range(5, 10): if c == a or c == b: continue for d in range(5, 10): if d == a or d == b or d == c: continue for e in range(5, 10): if e == a or e == b or e == c or e == d: continue initialized = [False for i in range(5)] phases = [a, b, c, d, e] # Give the last amp a 0 output to start off the chain outputs = [None, None, None, None, 0] ampIdx = 0 for amp in amps: amp.Initialize() while True: result = amps[ampIdx].Run() if result != amps[ampIdx].PAUSED: break ampIdx = (ampIdx + 1) % len(amps) if maxOutput < amps[4].outputValue: maxOutput = amps[4].outputValue print(maxOutput)
def Part1(lines): noun = None verb = None computer = com.intCode(lines[0]) computer.RunIntCodeComputer(noun, verb, False)
def Part1(lines): compy = com.intCode(lines[0]) compy.RunIntCodeComputer(debug=False)
def Part1(lines): global stop, y y = 0 intCode = com.intCode(lines[0], printOutput=False, needsInputCallback=inputFcn, hasOutputCallback=outputFcn) while not stop: intCode.RunIntCodeComputer()
def Part2(lines): OPEN = 1 WALL = 0 currentPoint = com.Point(0, 0, OPEN) nextPoint = None north = [0, 1] east = [1, 0] south = [0, -1] west = [-1, 0] directions = [east, north, west, south] directionInputs = [4, 1, 3, 2] facingIdx = 0 turned = False maxSteps = 9999999999999 def outputPoint(point): nonlocal facingIdx, currentPoint if == 0: return '#' elif point == currentPoint: if facingIdx == 0: return '>' elif facingIdx == 1: return '^' elif facingIdx == 2: return '<' elif facingIdx == 3: return 'v' return '.' grid = com.CartesianGrid(' ', outputPoint) grid.addPoint(currentPoint) def inputHandler(): nonlocal grid, currentPoint, OPEN, WALL, north, east, south, west, directions, facingIdx, directionInputs, nextPoint, turned while True: leftIdx = (facingIdx + 1) % 4 newCoords = currentPoint + directions[leftIdx] leftPoint = grid.getPoint(newCoords[0], newCoords[1]) if leftPoint is None: nextPoint = com.Point(newCoords[0], newCoords[1], 99999999) grid.addPoint(nextPoint) #print('left point at ', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, ' not visited. Facing', facingIdx) turned = True return directionInputs[leftIdx] elif >= OPEN: nextPoint = leftPoint facingIdx = leftIdx #print('left point at ', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, ' is open. Facing', facingIdx) return directionInputs[leftIdx] # go straight newCoords = currentPoint + directions[facingIdx] forwardPoint = grid.getPoint(newCoords[0], newCoords[1]) if forwardPoint is None: forwardPoint = com.Point(newCoords[0], newCoords[1], 99999999) grid.addPoint(forwardPoint) #print('fwd point at ', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, ' is empty. Facing', facingIdx) elif == WALL: facingIdx = (facingIdx - 1) % 4 #print('fwd point at ', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, ' is Wall. Facing', facingIdx) continue else: pass #print('fwd point at ', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, ' is open. Facing', facingIdx) nextPoint = forwardPoint return directionInputs[facingIdx] def outputHandler(output): nonlocal grid, currentPoint, OPEN, WALL, nextPoint, turned, facingIdx, maxSteps localTurned = turned turned = False if output == WALL: = output #print('Ran into wall at', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y) elif output == 2: print('Oxygen system at ', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, 'with steps', for point in grid.getAllPoints(): if > WALL: = 9999999999999999999999999 = WALL # make it a wall so we don't go back currentPoint = nextPoint maxSteps = 0 return elif output == OPEN: steps = + 1 if steps < = steps if maxSteps < steps: maxSteps = steps #print('Walked to', nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y, 'with steps', steps) if steps % 20 == 0: print(grid) if localTurned: facingIdx = (facingIdx + 1) % 4 currentPoint = nextPoint compy = com.intCode(lines[0], False, None, inputHandler, outputHandler) compy.RunIntCodeComputer()