Пример #1
 def __init__(self, toolRootDir, libFileName='hdllib.cfg', toolFileName='hdltool_<toolset>.cfg'):
     """Get tool dictionary info from toolRootDir and all HDL library dictionary info for it
        - self.tool.dicts = single dictionary that contains the tool info (only one tool dict in dicts list)
        - self.libs.dicts = list of dictionaries that contains the info of the HDL libraries.
        The libRootDir parameter is defined in the hdltool_<toolset>.cfg file and is the root directory from where the hdllib.cfg
        files are searched for.
        The technologyNames parameter is defined in the hdltool_<toolset>.cfg file. All generic HDL libraries and these
        technology specific libraries are kept. If technologyNames is:
          []                              : Keep all HDL libraries that were found.
          ['ip_stratixiv', 'ip_arria10']  : The HDL libraries with a hdl_lib_technology that is not '' or does not match one of the technologies
                                            in technologyNames are removed from the list of HDL library dictionaries.
     self.toolRootDir = toolRootDir
     # HDL tool config file
     self.tool = common_dict_file.CommonDictFile(toolRootDir, toolFileName)      # tool dict file
     if self.tool.nof_dicts==0: sys.exit('Error : No HDL tool config file found')
     if self.tool.nof_dicts >1: sys.exit('Error : Multiple HDL tool config files found')
     self.tool_dict = self.tool.dicts[0]    # there is only one tool dict in dicts list so for convenience make it also accessible as self.tool_dict
     # HDL library config files
     self.libRootDir = os.path.expandvars(self.tool_dict['lib_root_dir'])
     self.libs = common_dict_file.CommonDictFile(self.libRootDir, libFileName)   # library dict files
     if self.libs.nof_dicts==0: sys.exit('Error : No HDL library config file found')
     # Keep the generic HDL libraries and remove those that do not match the specified IP technologies
     self.technologyNames = os.path.expandvars(self.tool_dict['technology_names'])
     self.removed_dicts = []
     print 'self.technologyNames=',self.technologyNames
     if len(self.technologyNames)>0:
         for d in self.libs.dicts:
             #if not(d['hdl_lib_technology']=='' or d['hdl_lib_technology'] in self.technologyNames):
             #print 'd[hdl_lib_technology]=',d['hdl_lib_technology']
             if not(d['hdl_lib_technology']=='' or d['hdl_lib_technology'] == self.technologyNames):
                 #print 'remove=',d
         for d in self.removed_dicts:
     # Keep list of HDL library names
     self.lib_names = self.libs.get_key_values('hdl_lib_name')
     # Check that there are no duplicate library names (eg. due to copying a hdlib.cfg without modifying the hdl_lib_name value)
     duplicate_lib_names = cm.list_duplicates(self.lib_names)
     if len(duplicate_lib_names)>0: sys.exit('Error : Duplicate HDL library config file found %s' % duplicate_lib_names)
Пример #2
def MaxDecodingNonUniq ( F ):
    """ F is a list of max marginal factors passed in. We don't assume that there is a unique
        max value. So we get the indices of the non-uniq max value as a tuple and add it to """
    for f in F:
        """ if the maxvalue is duplicated, we get the indices of where it resides in the value array """
        if common.isMaxDuplicated(values):
            dup_indices_list=[dup for dup in sorted(common.list_duplicates(values)) ]
            dup_values= [ x for (x, y) in dup_indices_list ]
            dup_indices= [ y for (x, y) in dup_indices_list ]
            non_uniq_max_indices=tuple(dup_indices [ dup_values.index(maxvalue) ])
            ASSIGNMENTS.append ( non_uniq_max_indices )
            ASSIGNMENTS.append( values.index(maxvalue))
    return ASSIGNMENTS
Пример #3
def MaxDecodingNonUniq(F):
    """ F is a list of max marginal factors passed in. We don't assume that there is a unique
        max value. So we get the indices of the non-uniq max value as a tuple and add it to """
    for f in F:
        values = f.getVal().tolist()
        maxvalue = max(values)
        """ if the maxvalue is duplicated, we get the indices of where it resides in the value array """
        if common.isMaxDuplicated(values):
            dup_indices_list = [
                dup for dup in sorted(common.list_duplicates(values))
            dup_values = [x for (x, y) in dup_indices_list]
            dup_indices = [y for (x, y) in dup_indices_list]
            non_uniq_max_indices = tuple(
    return ASSIGNMENTS