Пример #1
def getfolders(request):
        data = requests.get("http://" + config['btsync_server_address'] + "/api", params={
            'method': 'get_folders'
        }, auth=('team', 'sync')).json()
        #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)

        for dat in data:
            dat['name'] = dat['dir'].split('/')[-1]
            #print json.dumps(dat, indent=4)

            if os.path.isdir(dat['dir'] + '/.Users'):
                dat['uid'] = config['uid']
                dat['identity'] = loadJSON(dat['dir'] + '/.Users/' + config['uid'] + '.json')['identity']

                files = os.listdir(dat['dir'] + '/.Users')
                users = []

                for fil in files:
                    user = loadJSON(dat['dir'] + '/.Users/' + fil)
                    if user['identity'] == dat['identity']:
                        user['identity'] += ' (Ty)'

                dat['users'] = users

        #print json.dumps(data, indent=4)

        return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił błąd podczas pobierania listy folderów.')
Пример #2
def activeUsersHandler(request):
    data = yield from request.json()
    if 'user' not in data:
        return web.Response(text='OK')
    station = data['station'] if 'station' in data else None
    if station:
        stationPath = getStationPath(data['station'])
        stationSettings = loadJSON(stationPath + '/settings.json')
        if not stationSettings:
            return web.HTTPBadRequest(text='This station was deleted or moved')
    auPath = webRoot + '/js/activeUsers.json'
    au = loadJSON(auPath)
    nowTs = int(datetime.now().timestamp())
    if not au:
        au = {}
    au = { k : v for k, v in au.items() \
            if nowTs - v['ts'] < 120 }
        au[data['user']] = {\
                'chat': data['chat'],\
                'ts': nowTs,\
                'station': station,\
                'typing': data['typing']\
        with open(auPath, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(au, f, ensure_ascii=False)
    except Exception:
        logging.exception('Exception in activeUserHandler')
    return web.Response(text='OK')
Пример #3
def getallcomments(request):
    result = []

        path = json.loads(request.body)['path'] + '/.Comments'

        for tmpdir, subdirs, subfiles in os.walk(path):
            for subdir in subdirs:
                if not pattern.match(subdir):

                meta = loadJSON(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir, 'meta'))
                threaddata = {
                    'fullpath': os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir),
                    'timestamp': meta['timestamp'],
                    'name': meta['topic'],
                    'type': 'thread',
                    'path': os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir).replace(path, ''),
                    'numberofcomments': len(os.listdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir))) - 1,
                    'unreadcomment': False,

                for commentfile in os.listdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir)):
                    if commentfile == 'meta':

                    comment = loadJSON(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir, commentfile))
                    comment['topic'] = threaddata


        return JsonResponse({'comments': result, 'stats': getstats(result)}, safe=False)
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas pobierania komentarzy.')
Пример #4
def updateLocation(newData):
    fp = webRoot + '/location.json'
    data = loadJSON(fp)
    if not data:
        data = {}
    if not data.has_key('locTs') and data.has_key('ts'):
        data['locTs'] = data['ts']
    data['ts'] = int(datetime.now().strftime("%s"))
    data['date'], data['time'] = dtFmt(datetime.utcnow())
    if newData['location']:
        if data.has_key('location') and data['location']:
            data['prev'] = { 'location': data['location'][:], \
                    'ts': data['locTs'] }
        data['locTs'] = data['ts']
        data['location'] = newData['location']
        data['loc'] = newData['loc']
        data['rafa'] = newData['rafa']
        if data.has_key('prev'):
            lat = [data['location'][1], data['prev']['location'][1]]
            lon = [data['location'][0], data['prev']['location'][0]]
            dlon = lon[0] - lon[1]
            dlat = lat[0] - lat[1]
            a = (sind(dlat / 2))**2 + cosd(lat[0]) * cosd(lat[1]) * (sind(
                dlon / 2))**2
            c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
            d = c * 6373
            data['d'] = d
            data['dt'] = data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts']
            data['speed'] = d / (float(data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts']) /
    with open(fp, 'w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))
Пример #5
def startbtsync(request):
    if isbtsyncactive():
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

    # If wrong config file structure raise an exception
    if 'btsync_conf_file' not in config.keys():
        return HttpResponse('Klucz btsync_conf_file nie istnieje w pliku konfiguracyjnym')

    # If btsync-folder doesn't exist, create it
    btsyncconf = loadJSON(config['btsync_conf_file'])
    if not os.path.exists(btsyncconf['storage_path']):

    # If BTSync config file doesn't exist, create a new one
    if not path.isfile(config['btsync_conf_file']):

    # Start BTSync process
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
        pid = subprocess.Popen([config['btsync_exe_file'], '--config', config['btsync_conf_file']])
        while not isbtsyncactive():     pass
        print 'BTSync started PID = ' + str(pid)

        if 'uid' not in config.keys():
            print 'taking UID'
            config['uid'] = getUID(config['btsync_server_address'])
            print config['uid']
            saveJSON(os.path.join(config['application_path'], 'config.json'), config)

    return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
Пример #6
def getallthreads(folderpath):
    result = []

    for tmpdir, subdirs, subfiles in os.walk(folderpath + '/.Comments'):
        if '.' in tmpdir and '.Comments' not in tmpdir:

        slashornot = tmpdir == folderpath + '/.Comments' and '/' or ''

        for subdir in subdirs:
            if '.' not in subdir and pattern.match(subdir):
                if not len(os.listdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir))) > 0:

                # getting timestamp info about freshest comment
                comments = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir)), reverse=True)
                lastcomment = loadJSON(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir, comments[1]))

                # if comments doesn't contain meta file - ignore thread
                if 'meta' not in comments:

                metadata = loadJSON(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir, 'meta'))
                data = {
                    'fullpath': os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir),
                    'timestamp': metadata['timestamp'],
                    'name': metadata['topic'],
                    'type': 'thread',
                    'path': tmpdir.replace(folderpath + '/.Comments', slashornot),
                    'numberofcomments': len(os.listdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir))) - 1,
                    'unreadcomment': False,
                    'lastcomment': lastcomment['timestamp']

                # searching for unread comments
                for comment in comments:
                    if comment == 'meta':
                    comm = loadJSON(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir, comment))
                    if config['uid'] not in comm['readby'].keys():
                        data['unreadcomment'] = True


    return result
Пример #7
def chatHandler(request):
    data = yield from request.json()
    admin = False
    callsign = decodeToken(data)
    chatPath = ''
    station = data['station'] if 'station' in data else None
    chat = []
    if station:
        stationPath = getStationPath(data['station'])
        stationSettings = loadJSON(stationPath + '/settings.json')
        admins = [x.lower() for x in\
            stationSettings['chatAdmins'] + [ stationSettings['admin'], ]]
        admin = 'from' in data and data['from'].lower() in admins
        chatPath = stationPath + '/chat.json'
        chatPath = webRoot + '/js/talks.json'
        admin = isinstance(callsign, str) and callsign in siteAdmins
    if ('clear' in data or 'delete' in data
            or ('text' in data and data['text'][0] == '@')):
        callsign = decodeToken(data)
        if not isinstance(callsign, str):
            return callsign
        if 'clear' in data or 'delete' in data:
            admins = siteAdmins + [
            ] if station else siteAdmins
            if not callsign in admins:
                return web.HTTPUnauthorized( \
                    text = 'You must be logged in as station or site admin' )
            if not callsign in imUsers:
                return web.HTTPUnauthorized( \
                    text = 'You must be logged in as im user' )
    if not 'clear' in data and not 'delete' in data:
        insertChatMessage(path=chatPath, msg_data=data, admin=admin)
        if 'delete' in data:
            chat = loadJSON(chatPath)
            if not chat:
                chat = []
            chat = [x for x in chat if x['ts'] != data['delete']]
        with open(chatPath, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(chat, f, ensure_ascii=False)
    return web.Response(text='OK')
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, file=None, disable_qrz_ru=False):
     self.data = []
     self.file = file
     if not disable_qrz_ru:
         self.qrzLink = QRZLink()
     if file:
         prevDX = loadJSON(file)
         if prevDX:
             for item in prevDX:
                 self.append(DX(**item), False)
Пример #9
def getcommentsfrompath(request):
    result = []

        data = json.loads(request.body)

        fullpath = os.path.join(data['folderpath'], '.Comments', data['insidepath'][1:])

        if not os.path.isdir(fullpath):
            return JsonResponse([], safe=False)

        for commentfolder in os.listdir(fullpath):
            if not pattern.match(commentfolder):

            temppath = os.path.join(fullpath, commentfolder)
            meta = loadJSON(os.path.join(temppath, 'meta'))
            threaddata = {
                'fullpath': temppath,
                'timestamp': meta['timestamp'],
                'name': meta['topic'],
                'type': 'thread',
                'path': temppath.replace(data['folderpath'], ''),
                'numberofcomments': len(os.listdir(temppath)) - 1,
                'unreadcomment': False,

            for commentfile in os.listdir(temppath):
                if commentfile == 'meta':

                comment = loadJSON(os.path.join(temppath, commentfile))
                comment['topic'] = threaddata


        return JsonResponse({'comments': result}, safe=False)
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas pobierania komentarzy.')
Пример #10
def publishHandler(request):
    data = yield from request.json()
    callsign = decodeToken(data)
    if not isinstance(callsign, str):
        return callsign
    if not callsign in siteAdmins:
        return web.HTTPUnauthorized( \
            text = 'You must be logged in as site admin' )
    publishPath = webRoot + '/js/publish.json'
    publish = loadJSON(publishPath)
    if not publish:
        publish = {}
    if not data['station'] in publish:
        publish[data['station']] = {}
    publish[data['station']] = data['publish']
    with open(publishPath, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(publish, f, ensure_ascii=False)
    stationPath = getStationPath(data['station'])
    stationSettings = loadJSON(stationPath + '/settings.json')
    stationSettings['publish'] = data['publish']['user']
    yield from saveStationSettings(data['station'], stationSettings['admin'],
    return web.Response(text='OK')
Пример #11
def newsHandler(request):
    data = yield from request.json()
    callsign = decodeToken(data)
    if not isinstance(callsign, str):
        return callsign
    stationPath = getStationPath(data['station'])
    stationSettings = loadJSON(stationPath + '/settings.json')
    if callsign != stationSettings['admin'] and not callsign in siteAdmins:
        return web.HTTPUnauthorized( \
            text = 'You must be logged in as station admin' )
    newsPath = stationPath + '/news.json'
    news = loadJSON(newsPath)
    if not news:
        news = []
    if 'add' in data:
        news.insert( 0, { 'ts': time.time(), 'text': data['add'],\
            'time': datetime.now().strftime( '%d %b %H:%M' ).lower() } )
    if 'clear' in data:
        news = []
    if 'delete' in data:
        news = [x for x in news if x['ts'] != data['delete']]
    with open(newsPath, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(news, f, ensure_ascii=False)
    return web.Response(text='OK')
Пример #12
def main():
    yield from db.connect()
    users = yield from db.execute( "select callsign, settings from users" )
    fname = datetime.now().strftime( "%Y%m%d" ) + ".csv"
    for user in users:
        if user['settings'] and 'station' in user['settings'] and \
            'callsign' in user['settings']['station'] and \
            user['settings']['station']['callsign'] and \
            user['settings']['status']['get'] == 'gpslogger':            
            stationCs = user['settings']['station']['callsign']
            stationPath = getStationPath( stationCs )
            statusPath = stationPath + '/status.json'
            status = loadJSON( statusPath  )
            if not status:
                status = {}
            ftpPath = webRoot + '/ftp/' + user['callsign'] + '/GPSLogger'
            if os.path.isdir( ftpPath ):
                ftpFilePath = ( ftpPath + '/' + fname )
                if os.path.isfile( ftpFilePath ):
                    data = None
                    with open( ftpPath + '/' + fname, 'r' ) as f:
                        data = f.readlines()[-1].split( ',' )
                    dt = datetime.strptime( data[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' )
                    ts = int( dt.timestamp() + tzOffset() )
                    if not 'ts' in status or status['ts'] < ts:
                        status['date'], status['time'] = dtFmt( dt )    
                        status['year'] = dt.year
                        status['ts'] = ts
                        status['location'] = [ float(data[1]), float(data[2] ) ]
                        status['loc'] = qth( data[1], data[2] )
                        if status['loc'] in rafa:
                            status['rafa'] = rafa[status['loc']]
                            status['rafa'] = None
                        status['speed'] = float( data[6] )
                        #dt_ = datetime.utcnow()
                        #dt_.replace( tzinfo = timezone.utc )
                        #status['ts_'] = dt_.timestamp() 
                        #status['date_'], status['time_'] = dtFmt( dt_ )    
                        #status['year_'] = dt_.year
                        with open( statusPath, 'w' ) as f:
                            json.dump( status, f, ensure_ascii = False )
Пример #13
def upload():
    yield from db.connect()
    users_data = yield from db.execute("select * from users")
    for row in users_data:
        if not row['settings']:
        station_callsign = row['settings']['station']['callsign']
        if station_callsign:
            station_path = webRoot + '/stations/' +\
                station_callsign.lower().replace( '/', '-' )
            if os.path.isdir(station_path):
                log = []
                log_data = yield from db.execute("""
                    select id, qso 
                    from log where callsign = %(callsign)s order by id desc""",\
                if log_data:
                    if isinstance(log_data, dict):
                        log = [row['qso'] for row in log_data]
                    with open(station_path + '/log.json', 'w') as f:
                        json.dump(log, f)
                with open(station_path + '/settings.json', 'w') as f:
                    json.dump(row['settings'], f)
                status_path = station_path + '/status.json'
                status = loadJSON(status_path)
                if status:
                    status['qth'] = {\
                        'fields': {\
                            'titles': ["RDA", "RAFA", "QTH field"],\
                            'values': [\
                                status['rda'] if 'rda' in status else None,\
                                status['rafa'] if 'rafa' in status else None,\
                                status['userFields'][0] if 'userFields' in status\
                                    else None\
                        'loc': status['loc'] if 'loc' in status else None}
                    with open(status_path, 'w') as f:
                        json.dump(status, f)
Пример #14
def editcomment(request):
        if not checkConnection():
            return HttpResponseServerError('Brak połączenia z Internetem.')

        editedcomment = json.loads(request.body)['comment']
        threadfullpath = json.loads(request.body)['threadfullpath']
        #print json.dumps(editedcomment, indent=4)
        #print threadfullpath

        commentpath = os.path.join(threadfullpath, editedcomment['timestamp'] + fileseparator + editedcomment['uid'])

        comment = loadJSON(commentpath)
        comment['history'].append({'timestamp': gettimestamp(), 'comment': editedcomment['comment']})
        comment['comment'] = editedcomment['comment']

        saveJSON(commentpath, comment)

        return JsonResponse({}, safe=False)
        return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas edycji komentarza.')
Пример #15
def save_qth_now_location(cs, location, path):
    qth_now_locations = loadJSON(path)
    if not qth_now_locations:
        qth_now_locations = []
    ts = int(time.time())
    dtUTC = datetime.utcnow()
    dt, tm = dtFmt(dtUTC)
    qth_now_locations = [item for item in qth_now_locations\
        if ts - item['ts'] < 600 and\
        (item['location'][0] != location[0] or\
            item['location'][1] != location[1])\
        and (cs == None or item['callsign'] != cs)]
        'location': location,
        'ts': ts,
        'date': dt,
        'time': tm,
        'callsign': cs
    with open(path, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(qth_now_locations, f, ensure_ascii=False)
Пример #16
def getdominatedthreads(request):
        data = json.loads(request.body)
        # print json.dumps(data, indent=4)

        files = getallthreads(data['path'])
        threshold = float(data['threshold'][2:4]) / 100     # threshold as fraction
        threads = []
        dominatingusersuid = []

        for user in data['users']:
            if user['isDominating']:

        for fil in files:
            if fil['type'] in ['folder', 'file']:

            # main loop for increasing counters of users
            comments = os.listdir(fil['fullpath'])
            userscomments = 0
            limit = fil['numberofcomments'] * threshold

            for commentpath in comments:
                if commentpath == 'meta':

                comment = loadJSON(os.path.join(fil['fullpath'], commentpath))
                if comment['uid'] in dominatingusersuid:
                    userscomments += 1

            if (data['threshold'][0] == '>' and float(userscomments) > limit) or \
                    (data['threshold'][0] == '<' and float(userscomments) < limit):

        return JsonResponse(threads, safe=False)
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas filtrowania wątków.')
Пример #17
def insertChatMessage(path, msg_data, admin):
    CHAT_MAX_LENGTH = int(conf['chat']['max_length'])
    chat = loadJSON(path)
    if not chat:
        chat = []
    msg = { 'user': msg_data['from'], \
            'text': msg_data['text'], \
            'admin': admin, 'ts': time.time() }
    msg['date'], msg['time'] = dtFmt(datetime.utcnow())
    if msg['text'][0] == '@':
        to, txt = msg['text'][1:].split(' ', maxsplit=1)
        txt = txt.strip()
        if not txt and to in IM_QUEUE:
            del IM_QUEUE[to]
            IM_QUEUE[to] = {
                'user': msg['user'],
                'text': txt,
                'ts': msg['ts'],
                'date': msg['date'],
                'time': msg['time']
            logging.debug('------- IM_QUEUE -------')
        if 'name' in msg_data:
            msg['name'] = msg_data['name']
        chat.insert(0, msg)
        chat_trunc = []
        chat_adm = []
        for msg in chat:
            if msg['text'].startswith('***') and msg['admin']:
            elif len(chat_trunc) < CHAT_MAX_LENGTH:
        chat = chat_adm + chat_trunc
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(chat, f, ensure_ascii=False)
Пример #18
def getcomments(request):
    result = []

        data = json.loads(request.body)
        fullthreadpath = data['fullthreadpath']
        sortinguid = data['sortinguid']

        for commentfile in os.listdir(fullthreadpath):
            if commentfile == 'meta':

            comment = loadJSON(os.path.join(fullthreadpath, commentfile))

            if config['uid'] not in comment['readby'].keys():
                comment['readby'][config['uid']] = gettimestamp()

            saveJSON(os.path.join(fullthreadpath, commentfile), comment)

            comment['editing'] = False                                  # need for UI purposes
            comment['historing'] = False                                # need for UI purposes


        if sortinguid != '':
            for res in result:
                if sortinguid not in res['readby'].keys():
                    res['timestamp'] = res['readby'][sortinguid]

        result = sorted(result, key=lambda comm: comm['timestamp'])

        return JsonResponse({'comments': result, 'stats': getstats(result)}, safe=False)
    except Exception:
        return HttpResponseServerError('Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas pobierania komentarzy.')
Пример #19
import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb, cursor2dicts
from dx import DX, DXData

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument( '-t', action = 'store_true' )
args = vars( argparser.parse_args() )
testMode = args['t']

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get( 'web', ( 'test_' if testMode else '' ) + 'root' ) 
awards = loadJSON( webRoot + '/awards.json' )
if not awards:
    print 'No awards data!'
    print 'Processing ' + webRoot + '/awards.json'
#udv = loadJSON( webRoot + '/userMetadata.json' )
#if udv:
#    udv = int( udv ) + 1
#    udv = '0'

def makeStr( list ):
    return ', '.join( ( "'{}'".format( x ) for x in list ) )

cfmTypesDef = [ 'cfm_lotw', 'cfm_paper', 'cfm_eqsl' ]
sql = """select * from user_awards
Пример #20
        def process_qso(qso):
                dt = datetime.strptime(qso['ts'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                qso['date'], qso['time'] = dtFmt(dt)
                qso['qso_ts'] = (dt -
                                 datetime(1970, 1, 1)) / timedelta(seconds=1)
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
                logging.error("Error parsing qso timestamp" + qso['ts'])
                return {'ts': None}

            serverTs = qso.pop('serverTs') if 'serverTs' in qso else None

            if serverTs:
                qso['ts'] = serverTs
                qsoIdx = [
                    i[0] for i in enumerate(log) if i[1]['ts'] == qso['ts']
                if qsoIdx:
                    log[qsoIdx[0]] = qso
                dbUpdate = yield from db.execute(
                    update log set qso = %(qso)s
                    where callsign = %(callsign)s and (qso->>'ts')::float = %(ts)s""",
                        'callsign': callsign,
                        'ts': qso['ts'],
                        'qso': json.dumps(qso)
                if not dbUpdate:
                    yield from dbInsertQso(callsign, qso)

                new_qso = True
                if log:
                    for log_qso in log:
                        sameFl = True
                        for key in qso:
                            if key not in ('ts', 'rda', 'wff', 'comments', 'serverTs', 'qso_ts', 'qth', 'no')\
                                and (key not in log_qso or qso[key] != log_qso[key]):
                                sameFl = False
                        if sameFl:
                            logging.debug('prev qso found:')
                            new_qso = False
                            qso['ts'] = log_qso['ts']
                            log_qso['qso_ts'] = qso['qso_ts']

                if new_qso:
                    statusPath = stationPath + '/status.json'
                    statusData = loadJSON(statusPath)
                    ts = dt.timestamp() + tzOffset()
                    if ('freq' not in statusData
                            or statusData['freq']['ts'] < ts):
                        statusData['freq'] = {'value': qso['freq'], 'ts': ts}
                        with open(statusPath, 'w') as f:
                            json.dump(statusData, f, ensure_ascii=False)

                    qso['ts'] = time.time()
                    while [x for x in log if x['ts'] == qso['ts']]:
                        qso['ts'] += 0.00000001
                    log.insert(0, qso)
                    yield from dbInsertQso(callsign, qso)

            return {'ts': qso['ts']}
Пример #21
def galleryHandler(request):
    data = None
    if 'multipart/form-data;' in request.headers[aiohttp.hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE]:
        data = yield from read_multipart(request)
        data = yield from request.json()
    callsign = decodeToken(data)
    if not isinstance(callsign, str):
        return callsign
    stationPath = yield from getStationPathByAdminCS(callsign)
    galleryPath = stationPath + '/gallery'
    galleryDataPath = stationPath + '/gallery.json'
    galleryData = loadJSON(galleryDataPath)
    site_gallery_params = conf['gallery']
    if not galleryData:
        galleryData = []
    if 'file' in data:
        if not os.path.isdir(galleryPath):
        file = data['file']['contents']
        fileNameBase = uuid.uuid4().hex
        fileExt = data['file']['name'].rpartition('.')[2]
        fileName = fileNameBase + '.' + fileExt
        fileType = 'image' if 'image'\
            in data['file']['type'] else 'video'
        filePath = galleryPath + '/' + fileName
        with open(filePath, 'wb') as fimg:
        tnSrc = filePath
        width = None
        if fileType == 'video':
            tnSrc = galleryPath + '/' + fileNameBase + '.jpeg'
            (ffmpeg.input(filePath).output(tnSrc, vframes=1).run())
            probe = ffmpeg.probe(filePath)
            video_stream = next((stream for stream in probe['streams']\
                if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None)
            width = int(video_stream['width'])
        with Image(filename=tnSrc) as img:
            with Image(width=img.width,
                       background=Color("#EEEEEE")) as bg:

                bg.composite(img, 0, 0)

                exif = {}
                exif.update((k[5:], v) for k, v in img.metadata.items()
                            if k.startswith('exif:'))
                if 'Orientation' in exif:
                    if exif['Orientation'] == '3':
                    elif exif['Orientation'] == '6':
                    elif exif['Orientation'] == '8':

                size = img.width if img.width < img.height else img.height
                bg.crop(width=size, height=size, gravity='north')
                bg.resize(200, 200)
                bg.format = 'jpeg'
                bg.save(filename=galleryPath + '/' + fileNameBase +\
                max_height, max_width = int(
                    site_gallery_params['max_height']), int(
                if img.width > max_width or img.height > max_height:
                    coeff = max_width / img.width
                    if max_height / img.height < coeff:
                        coeff = max_height / img.height
                    img.resize(width=int(coeff * img.width),
                               height=int(coeff * img.height))
                    img.compression_quality = int(
        if fileType == 'video':
        galleryData.insert(0, {\
            'file': 'gallery/' + fileName,
            'thumb': 'gallery/' + fileNameBase + '_thumb.jpeg',
            'caption': data['caption'],
            'type': fileType,
            'ts': time.time(),
            'datetime': datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M').lower(),
            'id': fileNameBase})
        max_count = int(site_gallery_params['max_count'])
        if len(galleryData) > max_count:
            galleryData = sorted(galleryData,
                                 key=lambda item: item['ts'],

    if 'delete' in data:
        items = [x for x in galleryData if x['id'] == data['delete']]
        if items:
            item = items[0]
            galleryData = [x for x in galleryData if x != item]
            deleteGalleryItem(stationPath, item)
    if 'clear' in data:
        for item in galleryData:
            deleteGalleryItem(stationPath, item)
        galleryData = []
    with open(galleryDataPath, 'w') as fg:
        json.dump(galleryData, fg, ensure_ascii=False)
    return web.Response(text='OK')
Пример #22
import argparse, logging, logging.handlers, os, json, pathlib, re
from common import siteConf, loadJSON, appRoot, startLogging

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="tnxqso adxcluster filter")

conf = siteConf()
roots = [conf.get('web', x) for x in ['root', 'root_test']]
dx = loadJSON(conf.get('files', 'adxcluster'))
if not dx:
    logging.error('no dx data')

for root in roots:
    stationsPath = root + '/stations'

    for station in [str(x) for x in pathlib.Path( stationsPath ).iterdir() \
            if x.is_dir() ]:
        settings = loadJSON(station + '/settings.json')
        if settings and 'clusterCallsigns' in settings and \
                settings['enable']['cluster'] and settings['clusterCallsigns']:
            reCS = []
            for cs in settings['clusterCallsigns']:
                reCS.append(re.compile('^' + cs.replace('*', '.*') + '$'))
            reHl = []
            if 'clusterHighlight' in settings and settings['clusterHighlight']:
                for cs in settings['clusterHighlight']:
                    reHl.append(re.compile('^' + cs.replace('*', '.*') + '$'))
Пример #23
import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb
from dx import DX, DXData

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument('-t', action='store_true')
args = vars(argparser.parse_args())
testMode = args['t']

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get('web', ('test_' if testMode else '') + 'root')
awards = loadJSON(webRoot + '/awards.json')
if not awards:
    print 'No awards data!'
    print 'Processing ' + webRoot + '/awards.json'
udv = loadJSON(webRoot + '/userMetadata.json')
if udv:
    udv = int(udv) + 1
    udv = '0'

def makeStr(list):
    return ', '.join(("'{}'".format(x) for x in list))

Пример #24

import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb, cursor2dicts
from dx import DX, DXData

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get( 'web', 'root' ) 
udv = loadJSON( webRoot + '/userMetadata.json' )
if not udv:
    udv = {}

dblSql = """
    select callsign, title, sum( 1 )
    from users_lists
    where title in ( 'DX', 'DXpedition', 'Special' )
    group by callsign, title
    having sum( 1 ) > 1
dbls = cursor2dicts( dxdb.execute( dblSql ) ) 
idSql = """
    select id from users_lists 
    where callsign = %(callsign)s and title = %(title)s
updateItemsSql = """
    update users_lists_items as items0 set list_id = %(id0)s
Пример #25
def readWebFile(fName, env):
    test = 'test' in env['SERVER_NAME']
    return loadJSON( conf.get( 'web', 'test_root' if test else 'root' ) + \
            '/' + fName )
Пример #26
        '33CM': 'UHF', '23CM':'UHF', '13CM': 'UHF' }

countries = {}
for cty, cl in conf.items('countries'):
    for code in cl.split(','):
        countries[code] = cty.title()

countryCodes = {}
with open(appRoot + '/CountryCode.txt', 'r') as fcc:
    for line in fcc.readlines():
        dxcc, pfx = line.split(',', 3)[0:2]
        if countries.has_key(pfx):
            countryCodes[dxcc] = pfx
countryStateAward = {'Russia': 'RDA', 'Ukraine': 'URDA'}

awardsDataJS = loadJSON(conf.get('web', 'root') + '/awards.json')
awardsData = {}
for entry in awardsDataJS:
    awardsData[entry['name']] = entry

def loadQueue():
    return loadJSON(adifQueueDir + 'queue.json')

def getAdifField(line, field):
    iHead = line.find('<' + field + ':')
    if iHead < 0:
        return ''
    iBeg = line.find(">", iHead) + 1
    ends = [ x for x in [ line.find( x, iBeg ) for x in ( ' ', '<' ) ] \
Пример #27

db = DBConn(conf.items('db_test' if args.test else 'db'))

secret = None
fpSecret = conf.get('files', 'secret')
if (os.path.isfile(fpSecret)):
    with open(fpSecret, 'rb') as fSecret:
        secret = fSecret.read()
if not secret:
    secret = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(64))
    with open(fpSecret, 'wb') as fSecret:

defUserSettings = loadJSON(webRoot + '/js/defaultUserSettings.json')
if not defUserSettings:
    defUserSettings = {}

jsonTemplates = { 'settings': defUserSettings, \
    'log': [], 'chat': [], 'news': [], 'cluster': [], 'status': {}, \
    'chatUsers': {} }

with open(appRoot + '/rafa.csv', 'r') as f_rafa:
    for line in f_rafa.readlines():
        data = line.strip('\r\n ').split(';')
        locators = data[3].split(',')
        for locator in locators:
            if locator in RAFA_LOCS:
                RAFA_LOCS[locator] += ' ' + data[1]
Пример #28
import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb
from dx import DX, DXData

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument( '-t', action = 'store_true' )
args = vars( argparser.parse_args() )

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get( 'web', ( 'test_' if args['t'] else '' ) + 'root' ) 
awardsData = loadJSON( webRoot + '/awardsData.json' )

def getAward( name ):
    return [ award for award in awardsData
        if award['name'] == name ][0]

jcc = getAward( 'JCC' )
waku = getAward( 'WAKU' )
waja = getAward( 'WAJA' )

def getSplitLine( file, fr = 0, to = None ):
    line = file.readline()
    if line:
        data = [item.strip( '"\r\n ' ) for item in line.split( ';' )]
        if to:
            return data[fr:to]
Пример #29

import json, logging

from common import siteConf, loadJSON

                    format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get('web', 'root')
spotsSrcF = conf.get('adxcluster', 'spots')

spotsF = webRoot + '/spots.json'
newData = loadJSON(spotsSrcF)
if not newData:
    logging.error('Spots data is empty')
    raise SystemExit
newData = [ x for x in newData \
        if x['country'] == 'Russia' and \
        ( x['cs'].endswith( '/M' ) or x['cs'].endswith('/P') \
        or x['cs'].endswith('/MM') ) ]
data = loadJSON(spotsF)
if not data:
    data = []
prev = data[0] if data else None
idx = 0
for item in reversed(newData):
    if prev and item['ts'] <= prev['ts']:
Пример #30
        '33CM': 'UHF', '23CM':'UHF', '13CM': 'UHF' }

countries = {}
for cty, cl in conf.items( 'countries' ):
    for code in cl.split( ',' ):
        countries[code] = cty.title()

countryCodes = {}
with open( appRoot + '/CountryCode.txt', 'r' ) as fcc:
    for line in fcc.readlines():
        dxcc, pfx = line.split( ',', 3 )[0:2]
        if countries.has_key( pfx ):
            countryCodes[dxcc] = pfx
countryStateAward = { 'Russia': 'RDA', 'Ukraine': 'URDA' }

awardsDataJS = loadJSON( conf.get( 'web', 'root' ) + '/awards.json' )
awardsData = {}
for entry in awardsDataJS:
    awardsData[entry['name']] = entry

def loadQueue():
    return loadJSON( adifQueueDir + 'queue.json' )

def getAdifField( line, field ):
    iHead = line.find( '<' + field + ':' )
    if iHead < 0:
        return ''
    iBeg = line.find( ">", iHead ) + 1
    ends = [ x for x in [ line.find( x, iBeg ) for x in ( ' ', '<' ) ] \
                if x > -1 ]
Пример #31
def loadQueue():
    return loadJSON( adifQueueDir + 'queue.json' )
Пример #32

import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb
from dx import DX, DXData

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument('-t', action='store_true')
args = vars(argparser.parse_args())

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get('web', ('test_' if args['t'] else '') + 'root')
awardsData = loadJSON(webRoot + '/awards.json')
if not awardsData:
    print 'No awards data!'
    print 'Processing ' + webRoot + '/awards.json'
awards = []
webAwards = []

def getSplitLine(file, fr=0, to=None):
    line = file.readline()
    if line:
        data = [item.strip('"\r\n ') for item in line.split(';')]
        if to:
            return data[fr:to]
Пример #33
def application(env, start_response):
    global dxdb
        reqSize = int(env.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
        reqSize = 0

    if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/uwsgi/contact':
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        email = json.loads(env['wsgi.input'].read(reqSize))
        #        with open( '/var/www/adxc.73/debugEmail.json', 'w' ) as fD:
        #            fD.write( json.dumps( email ) )
        if checkRecaptcha(email['recaptcha']):
            sendEmail( text = email['text'], fr = email['from'], \
                to = conf.get( 'email', 'address' ), \
                subject = "Message from ADXcluster.com" )
            return 'OK'
            return 'recaptcha failed'
    elif env['PATH_INFO'] == '/uwsgi/login':
        dxdb = dbConn()
        data = json.loads(env['wsgi.input'].read(reqSize))
        error = ''
        if not data.has_key('callsign') or len(data['callsign']) < 2:
            error = 'Invalid callsign'
        elif not data.has_key('password') or len(data['password']) < 6:
            error = 'Invalid password'
        data['callsign'] = data['callsign'].upper()
        if not error:

            if data.has_key('register') and data['register']:
                if not data.has_key('email') or not validEmail(data['email']):
                    error = 'Invalid email'
                elif not data.has_key( 'recaptcha' ) or \
                        not checkRecaptcha( data['recaptcha'] ):
                    error = 'Recaptcha error'
                    csLookup = dxdb.getObject( 'users', \
                            { 'callsign': data['callsign'] },\
                            False )
                    if csLookup:
                        error = 'callsign is already registered'

                if error == '':

                    userData = dxdb.getObject(
                        'users', {
                            'callsign': data['callsign'],
                            'password': data['password'],
                            'email': data['email']
                        }, True)
                    if userData:
                        return sendUserData(userData, start_response)
                        start_response('500 Server Error', \
                        return 'Could not create user'
                userData = dxdb.getObject( 'users', \
                        { 'callsign': data['callsign'] },\
                        False, True )
                if userData and userData['password'] == data['password']:
                    return sendUserData(userData, start_response)
                    error = 'Wrong callsign or password'
        start_response('400 Bad Request', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        return 'Invalid login/register request: ' + error
    elif env['PATH_INFO'] == '/uwsgi/userSettings':
        dxdb = dbConn()
        data = json.loads(env['wsgi.input'].read(reqSize))
        error = ''
        okResponse = ''
        dbError = False
        callsign = None
        updMeta = True
        if data.has_key('token'):
                pl = jwt.decode(data['token'], secret, algorithms=['HS256'])
            except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError, e:
                start_response('400 Bad Request',
                               [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
                return 'Login expired'
            if pl.has_key('callsign'):
                callsign = pl['callsign']
        if callsign:
            #award settings
            if data.has_key( 'award' ) and ( ( data.has_key( 'track' ) \
                    and data.has_key( 'color' ) ) \
                    or data.has_key( 'stats_settings' ) ) :
                idParams = {'callsign': callsign, 'award': data['award']}
                updParams = spliceParams( data, \
                    [ 'track', 'color', 'settings', 'stats_settings' ] )
                if dxdb.paramUpdateInsert('users_awards_settings', idParams,
                    okResponse = 'OK'
                    dbError = True
#check message
            elif data.has_key('checkMessage'):
                userData = dxdb.getObject( 'users', \
                        { 'callsign': callsign },\
                        False, True )
                if (userData['msg']):
                    dxdb.paramUpdate( 'users', { 'callsign': callsign }, \
                            { 'msg': None } )
                start_response('200 OK',
                               [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
                return json.dumps(userData['msg'])
#reload data
            elif data.has_key('reload'):
                userData = dxdb.getObject( 'users', \
                        { 'callsign': callsign },\
                        False, True )
                return sendUserData(userData, start_response)
#dxped admin
            elif data.has_key('dxpedition') and data['dxpedition'] == 'admin':
                if callsign in admins:
                    idParams = {'callsign': data['callsign']}
                    if data.has_key('delete'):
                        if dxdb.paramDelete('dxpedition', idParams):
                            okResponse = 'OK'
                            dbError = True
                        updParams = spliceParams( data, [ 'dt_begin', 'dt_end', \
                            'descr', 'link' ] )
                        if dxdb.paramUpdateInsert( 'dxpedition', idParams, \
                                updParams ):
                            okResponse = 'OK'
                            dbError = True
                    if okResponse:
                        updMeta = False

                    start_response( '403 Forbidden', \
                    return 'Permission denied'
            elif data.has_key('adif'):
                adif = getUploadedFile(data['adif']['file'])
                fName = callsign + '-' + str(time.time()) + '.adif'
                with open(adifQueueDir + fName, 'w') as f:
                queue = loadJSON(adifQueueDir + 'queue.json')
                if not queue:
                    queue = []
                queue.append( { 'callsign': callsign, \
                        'awards': data['adif']['awards'],\
                        'file': fName } )
                with open(adifQueueDir + 'queue.json', 'w') as f:

                start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
                return 'OK'
            elif data.has_key('email'):
                idParams = {'callsign': callsign}
                userData = dxdb.getObject('users', idParams)
                additionalCs = []
                emails = {}
                if userData['misc']:
                    if userData['misc'].has_key('additionalCs'):
                        additionalCs = userData['misc']['additionalCs']
                    if userData['misc'].has_key('emails'):
                        emails = userData['misc']['emails']
                if data['email']['stationCs'] != callsign and \
                        not data['email']['stationCs'] in additionalCs:
                    additionalCs.insert(0, data['email']['stationCs'])
                emails[data['email']['to']] = {
                    'cs': data['email']['stationCs']
                    'users', idParams, {
                            'additionalCs': additionalCs,
                            'defaultCs': data['email']['stationCs'],
                            'emails': emails

                text = "Award: " + data['award'] + "\n"
                if data['email']['band']:
                    text += "Band: " + data['email']['band'] + "\n" + \
                        "Mode: " + data['email']['mode'] + "\n"
                text += "Date: " + data['email']['date'] + "\n" + \
                    "Time: " + data['email']['time'] + "\n" + \
                    "Your callsign: " + data['email']['stationCs'] + "\n" + \
                    "Freq: " + str( data['email']['freq'] ) + "\n" + \
                    "Worked callsign: " + data['email']['workedCs'] + "\n" + \
                    "Comments: " + data['email']['comments']

                adif = "ADIF export from adxcluster.com\n" + \
                    "Logs generated @ " + \
                    datetime.utcnow().strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%Sz" ) + "\n" + \
                adifFieldsList = {
                    "CALL": 'workedCs',
                    "BAND": 'band',
                    "STATION_CALLSIGN": 'stationCs',
                    "FREQ": 'freq',
                    "MODE": 'mode'
                for (k, v) in adifFieldsList.iteritems():
                    if data['email'][v]:
                        adif += adiffield(k, data['email'][v])
                m, d, y = data['email']['date'].split('-')
                adif += adiffield('QSO_DATE', y + m + d)
                adif += adiffield( 'TIME_ON', \
                    data['email']['time'].replace( ':', '' ).replace( 'z', '' ) + '00' )
                adif += " <EOR>"

                sendEmail( text = text, fr = conf.get( 'email', 'address' ), \
                    to = data['email']['to'], subject = 'Adxcluster award message',\
                    attachments = ( { 'data': adif, 'name': 'adxcluster.adi'}, ) )

                start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
                return 'OK'

            elif data.has_key('loadAutoCfm'):
                rTxt = ''
                r = False
                    cfmData = None
                    if data['award'] == 'IOTA':
                        cfmData = getUploadedFile(data['cfmData'])
                    r = loadAutoCfm(callsign, data['award'], cfmData)
                    rTxt = 'Your awards were updated.' if r \
                            else 'No new callsigns were found.'
                    rTxt = 'There was an error. Please try to update later.'
                    logging.exception( 'Error while loading autoCfm. Callsign: ' + \
                            callsign )
                start_response('200 OK',
                               [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
                return json.dumps({'reload': r, 'text': rTxt})
#user award data
            elif data.has_key( 'award' ) and data.has_key( 'value' ) \
                    and ( data.has_key( 'confirmed' ) or data.has_key('delete') or \
                    data.has_key( 'cfm_paper' ) or data.has_key( 'cfm' ) ):

                params =  { 'callsign': callsign, 'award': data['award'], \
                    'value': data['value'], \
                    'band': data['band'] if data.has_key( 'band' ) else 'N/A',\
                    'mode': data['mode'] if data.has_key( 'mode' ) else 'N/A',\

                fl = False
                if data.has_key('delete') and data['delete']:
                    awardLookup = dxdb.getObject( 'user_awards', params, \
                        False, True )
                    if awardLookup:
                        fl = dxdb.paramDelete('user_awards', params)
                    updParams = spliceParams( data, \
                        [ 'confirmed', 'cfm_paper', 'cfm_eqsl', 'cfm_lotw', \
                        'cfm', 'worked_cs'] )
                    dxdb.verbose = True
                    fl = dxdb.paramUpdateInsert('user_awards', params,
                    dxdb.verbose = False
                if fl:
                    okResponse = 'OK'
                    dbError = True
            elif data.has_key('award_value_worked_color'):
                del data['token']
                data['callsign'] = callsign
                if dxdb.updateObject('users', data, 'callsign'):
                    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
                    return 'OK'
                    start_response( '500 Server Error', \
#user profile
            elif ( data.has_key( 'email' ) and validEmail( data['email'] ) ) or \
                ( data.has_key( 'password' ) and len( data['password'] ) > 5  ):
                field = 'email' if data.has_key('email') else 'password'
                if field == 'password':
                    if data.has_key('oldPassword'):
                        if data['oldPassword'] != \
                            dxdb.getObject( 'users', {'callsign': callsign} \
                            error = 'Wrong current password'
                        error = 'No current password'
                if not error:
                    if dxdb.updateObject( 'users', \
                            { 'callsign': callsign, field: data[field] },
                            'callsign' ):
                        okResponse = 'OK'
                        dbError = True
#user's lists
            elif data.has_key('list_id'):
                #users's list create
                if data['list_id'] == 'new':
                    list = dxdb.getObject( 'users_lists',\
                            { 'callsign': callsign, \
                            'title': data['title'] if data.has_key( 'title' ) \
                                else None },\
                            True )
                    if list:
                        start_response( '200 OK', \
                                [('Content-Type', 'application/json')] )
                        return json.dumps({'list_id': list['id']})
                        dbError = True
#users lists settings
                elif data.has_key( 'title' ) or data.has_key( 'track' ) or \
                        data.has_key( 'stats_settings' ) or \
                        data.has_key( 'full_title' ):
                    if dxdb.paramUpdate( 'users_lists', { 'id': data['list_id'] }, \
                            spliceParams( data, [ 'title', 'track', 'color', \
                                'stats_settings', 'full_title' ] ) ):
                        okResponse = 'OK'
                        dbError = True
#users lists items
                elif data.has_key('items'):
                    idParams = {'list_id': data['list_id']}
                    okResponse = 'OK'
                    for item in data['items']:
                        idParams['callsign'] = item['callsign']
                        if not dxdb.paramUpdateInsert( 'users_lists_items', \
                            spliceParams( item, [ 'settings', 'pfx' ] ) ):
                            okResponse = ''
                            dbError = True
                elif data.has_key('callsign'):
                    if data.has_key('delete'):
                        if dxdb.paramDelete( 'users_lists_items',\
                            { 'list_id': data['list_id'], \
                            'callsign': data['callsign'] } ):
                            okResponse = 'OK'
                            dbError = True
                        if dxdb.paramUpdateInsert( 'users_lists_items', \
                            spliceParams( data, [ 'list_id', 'callsign' ] ), \
                            spliceParams( data, [ 'settings', 'pfx' ] ) ):
                            okResponse = 'OK'
                            dbError = True

#user's list awards
                elif data.has_key('value'):
                    params =  { 'list_id': data['list_id'], \
                            'callsign': data['value'], \
                        'band': data['band'] if data.has_key( 'band' ) else 'N/A',\
                        'mode': data['mode'] if data.has_key( 'mode' ) else 'N/A',\
                    if data.has_key('delete') and data['delete']:
                        if dxdb.getObject( 'users_lists_awards', params, \
                            False, True ):
                            if dxdb.paramDelete('users_lists_awards', params):
                                okResponse = 'OK'
                                dbError = True
                        if data.has_key('cfm'):
                            for k, v in data['cfm'].items():
                                data[k] = v
                        if dxdb.paramUpdateInsert( 'users_lists_awards', params, \
                            spliceParams( data, \
                            ['cfm_paper', 'cfm_eqsl', 'cfm_lotw', 'worked_cs'] )):
                            okResponse = 'OK'
                            dbError = True
                elif data.has_key('delete'):
                    if dxdb.execute( """delete from users_lists_awards
                        where list_id = %(list_id)s""", data ) and \
                        dxdb.execute( """delete from users_lists_items
                        where list_id = %(list_id)s""", data ) and \
                        dxdb.execute( """delete from users_lists
                        where id = %(list_id)s""", data ):
                        okResponse = 'OK'
                        dbError = True

            elif not error:
                error = 'Bad user settings'
        if dbError:
            start_response( '500 Server Error', \
        if okResponse:
            if updMeta:
                umd = readWebFile('userMetadata.json', env)
                if not umd:
                    umd = {}
                ts = time.time()
                umd[callsign] = ts
                writeWebFile(json.dumps(umd), 'userMetadata.json', env)
                start_response('200 OK',
                               [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
                return json.dumps({'version': ts})
                start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
                return okResponse

        start_response('400 Bad Request', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        return error
Пример #34
            logging.exception('ws send error')

def wsRemove(ws):
    if ws in wsConnections:

async def wsUpdate(data):
    for ws in wsConnections:
        await wsSend(ws, data)

encodersSettings = loadJSON(conf.get('web', 'root') + '/encoders.json')

encoders = []
encData = {}
curEncoder = -1

def initEncData():
    global encoders, encData
    encoders = []
    encData = {}
    for enc in encodersSettings['encoders']:
        encID = enc['id']
        encData[encID] = {
            'lo': -1,
Пример #35
import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb, cursor2dicts, spliceParams
from dx import DX, DXData

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument( '-t', action = 'store_true' )
args = vars( argparser.parse_args() )
testMode = args['t']

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get( 'web', ( 'test_' if testMode else '' ) + 'root' ) 

awards = loadJSON( webRoot + '/awards.json' )

dataModesFull = """('DIGI', 'HELL', 'MT63', 'THOR16', 'FAX', 'OPERA', 'PKT', 'SIM31',
'CONTESTI', 'CONTESTIA', 'AMTOR', 'JT6M', 'ASCI', 'FT8', 'MSK144', 'THOR', 'QRA64',
'CONTESTIA', 'DOMINO', 'JT4C', 'THROB', 'DIG', 'ROS', 'SIM63', 'FSQ', 'THRB', 'J3E',
'WSPR', 'ISCAT', 'CONTESTIA8', 'ALE', 'JT10', 'TOR', 'PACKET', 'RTTY',  'PSK31', 
'PSK63', 'PSK125', 'JT65', 'FSK', 'OLIVIA', 'SSTV', 'JT9', 'FT8' )"""
modes = { 'CW':  """( 'A1A' )""",
        'SSB': """( 'AM', 'PHONE' )""",
        'DATA':  """('DIGI', 'HELL', 'MT63', 'THOR16', 'FAX', 'OPERA', 'PKT', 'SIM31',
'CONTESTI', 'CONTESTIA', 'AMTOR', 'JT6M', 'ASCI', 'FT8', 'MSK144', 'THOR', 'QRA64',
'CONTESTIA', 'DOMINO', 'JT4C', 'THROB', 'DIG', 'ROS', 'SIM63', 'FSQ', 'THRB', 'J3E',
'WSPR', 'ISCAT', 'CONTESTIA8', 'ALE', 'JT10', 'TOR', 'PACKET')""" }

def joinModes( mode, modeAliases, awardsList = None ):
Пример #36
def loadSpecialLists():
    fName = webRoot + '/specialLists.json'
    slData = loadJSON(fName)
    if not slData:
        slData = {'DXpedition': [], 'Special': []}
    return slData
Пример #37
def locationHandler(request):
    newData = yield from request.json()
    callsign = None
    stationPath = None
    stationSettings = None
    stationCallsign = None
    if ('token' in newData and newData['token']):
        callsign = decodeToken(newData)
        if not isinstance(callsign, str):
            return callsign
        stationPath = yield from getStationPathByAdminCS(callsign)
        stationSettings = loadJSON(stationPath + '/settings.json')
        if not stationSettings:
            return web.HTTPBadRequest(
                text='Expedition profile is not initialized.')
        if stationSettings and 'station' in stationSettings and\
            'callsign' in stationSettings['station'] and\
            stationSettings['station']['callsign'] and\
            'activityPeriod' in stationSettings['station'] and\
            act_period = [datetime.strptime(dt, '%d.%m.%Y') for dt in\
                stationSettings['station']['activityPeriod'] if dt]
            if act_period and act_period[0] <= datetime.utcnow() <=\
                act_period[1] + timedelta(days=1):
                stationCallsign = stationSettings['station']['callsign']

    if 'location' in newData and newData['location']:
        qth_now_cs = None
        if 'callsign' in newData and newData['callsign']:
            qth_now_cs = newData['callsign']
        elif stationCallsign:
            qth_now_cs = stationCallsign
        logging.info('map callsign: %s' % qth_now_cs)

        if qth_now_cs:
            qth_now_cs = qth_now_cs.upper()
            save_qth_now_location(qth_now_cs, newData['location'],\
                webRoot + '/js/qth_now_locations.json')

        save_qth_now_location(qth_now_cs, newData['location'],\
            webRoot + '/js/qth_now_locations_all.json')

    if ('token' not in newData
            or not newData['token']) and 'location' in newData:
        qth = yield from get_qth_data(newData['location'])
        return web.json_response({'qth': qth})
    fp = stationPath + '/status.json'
    data = loadJSON(fp)
    if not data:
        data = {}
    if not 'locTs' in data and 'ts' in data:
        data['locTs'] = data['ts']
    dtUTC = datetime.utcnow()
    data['ts'] = int(time.time())
    data['date'], data['time'] = dtFmt(dtUTC)
    data['year'] = dtUTC.year
    if 'online' in newData:
        data['online'] = newData['online']
    if 'freq' in newData and newData['freq']:
        data['freq'] = {'value': newData['freq'], 'ts': data['ts']}
        fromCallsign = stationSettings['station']['callsign']
        insertChatMessage(path=stationPath + '/chat.json',\
            msg_data={'from': fromCallsign,\
            'text': '<b><i>' + newData['freq'] + '</b></i>'},\
    country = stationSettings['qthCountry'] if 'qthCountry' in stationSettings\
        else None
    if 'location' in newData and newData['location']:
        location = newData['location']

        country = get_country(location)

        data['qth'] = yield from get_qth_data(location, country=country)

        if 'comments' in newData:
            data['comments'] = newData['comments']
        if 'location' in data and data['location']:
            data['prev'] = { 'location': data['location'][:], \
                    'ts': data['locTs'] }
        data['locTs'] = data['ts']
        data['location'] = newData['location']
        if 'prev' in data:
            lat = [data['location'][1], data['prev']['location'][1]]
            lon = [data['location'][0], data['prev']['location'][0]]
            dlon = lon[0] - lon[1]
            dlat = lat[0] - lat[1]
            a = (sind(dlat/2))**2 + cosd(lat[0]) * cosd(lat[1]) * (sind(dlon/2)) \
                    ** 2
            c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
            d = c * 6373
            data['d'] = d
            data['dt'] = data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts']
            if float(data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts']) != 0:
                data['speed'] = d / ( float( data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts'] ) \
                        / 3600 )
                data['speed'] = 0

    if 'qth' in newData:

        if 'qth' not in data:
            data['qth'] = {'fields':\
        for key in newData['qth']['fields'].keys():
                key)] = newData['qth']['fields'][key]
        if 'loc' in newData['qth']:
            data['qth']['loc'] = newData['qth']['loc']

    with open(fp, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False)
    return web.json_response(data)
Пример #38
from datetime import datetime
from aiohttp import web
from common import siteConf, loadJSON, appRoot, startLogging, createFtpUser
from tqdb import DBConn, spliceParams

logging.basicConfig( level = logging.DEBUG )

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="tnxqso backend aiohttp server")
parser.add_argument('--test', action = "store_true" )
args = parser.parse_args()

conf = siteConf()
db = DBConn( conf.items( 'db_test' if args.test else 'db' ) )

webRoot = conf.get( 'web', 'root_test' if args.test else 'root' )
defSettings = loadJSON( webRoot + '/js/defaultUserSettings.json' )
defStatus = defSettings['status']

def main():
    yield from db.connect()
    users = yield from db.execute( "select callsign, settings from users" )
    for user in users:
        settings = user['settings']
        if not 'status' in settings:
            settings['status'] = defStatus
        if not 'currentPositionIcon' in settings:
            settings['currentPositionIcon'] = 0
        if not 'userFields' in settings:
            settings['userFields'] = []
            columns = settings['log']['userColumns']
Пример #39
import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb
from dx import DX, DXData

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument( '-t', action = 'store_true' )
args = vars( argparser.parse_args() )
testMode = args['t']

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get( 'web', ( 'test_' if testMode else '' ) + 'root' ) 
awards = loadJSON( webRoot + '/awards.json' )
if not awards:
    print 'No awards data!'
    print 'Processing ' + webRoot + '/awards.json'
udv = loadJSON( webRoot + '/userMetadata.json' )
if udv:
    udv = int( udv ) + 1
    udv = '0'

def makeStr( list ):
    return ', '.join( ( "'{}'".format( x ) for x in list ) )

digiModes = ('RTTY', 'PSK31', 'PSK63', 'JT65' )
digiModesStr = makeStr( digiModes )
Пример #40
def getfilelistfromlocation(folderpath, location):
    result = []

    location = location[1:]
    locationfullpath = location == '/' and folderpath or os.path.join(folderpath, location)

    # getting sorted folders only
    for temp in [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(locationfullpath)) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(locationfullpath, f)) and '.' not in f]:
        fullpath = fullpath = os.path.join(folderpath, location, temp)
            'fullpath': fullpath,
            'name': temp,
            'type': 'folder',
            'insidepath': fullpath.replace(folderpath, '')

    #getting sorted files only
    for temp in [f for f in sorted(os.listdir(locationfullpath)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(locationfullpath, f))]:
        fullpath = fullpath = os.path.join(folderpath, location, temp)
            'fullpath': fullpath,
            'name': temp,
            'type': 'file',
            'unrolled': False,
            'threads': [],
            'insidepath': fullpath.replace(folderpath, '')

    # if location contains no comments, then return result
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folderpath, '.Comments', location)) or not os.path.isdir(
            os.path.join(folderpath, '.Comments', location)):
        return result

    # getting threads only
    for temp in os.listdir(os.path.join(folderpath, '.Comments', location)):
        fullpath = os.path.join(folderpath, '.Comments', location, temp)

        if not pattern.match(temp) or not os.path.isdir(fullpath):

        # getting metadata and lastcomment for it's timestamp
        metadata = loadJSON(os.path.join(fullpath, 'meta'))
        comments = sorted(os.listdir(fullpath), reverse=True)
        lastcomment = loadJSON(os.path.join(fullpath, comments[1]))

        # main thread data
        data = {
            'timestamp': metadata['timestamp'],
            'name': metadata['topic'],
            'type': 'thread',
            'numberofcomments': len(os.listdir(fullpath)) - 1,
            'unreadcomment': False,
            'lastcomment': lastcomment['timestamp'],
            'fullpath': fullpath,
            'insidepath': fullpath.replace(folderpath, '')

        # searching for unread comments
        for comment in comments[1:]:
            comm = loadJSON(os.path.join(fullpath, comment))
            if config['uid'] not in comm['readby'].keys():
                data['unreadcomment'] = True

        # updating files which are thread about
        if len(metadata['fileabout']) > 0:
            for res in result:
                if res['type'] != 'file':

                if res['insidepath'] == metadata['fileabout']:
                    if data['unreadcomment']:
                        res['unreadcomment'] = True

    return result
Пример #41
def application(env, start_response):
        reqSize = int(env.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
        reqSize = 0

    type = (env["PATH_INFO"].split('/'))[-1]
    if type == 'clearLog':
        os.remove(webRoot + '/qso.json')
        start_response('302 Found', [('Location', 'http://73.ru/rda/')])

    postData = env['wsgi.input'].read(reqSize)
    newItem = {}
    data = []
    if type == 'news':
        newItem = parse_qs(postData)
        newItem['time'] = datetime.now().strftime('%d %b %H:%M').lower()
        newItem['text'] = newItem['text'][0].decode('utf-8').replace(
            '\r\n', '<br/>')
        newItem = json.loads(postData)
        if newItem.has_key('location'):
            start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
            return 'OK'

            if not newItem['location']:
                prev = loadJSON(webRoot + '/location.json')
                if prev:
                    newItem['location'] = prev['location']

            type = 'location'
            data = newItem
            data['ts'] = int(datetime.now().strftime("%s"))
            data['locTs'] = data['ts']
            data['date'], data['time'] = dtFmt(datetime.utcnow())

        elif type == 'qso':
            fp = webRoot + '/qso.json'
            data = loadJSON(fp)
            if not data and os.path.isfile(fp):
                bakNo = 0
                bakFp = fp + '.bak'
                while os.path.isfile(bakFp):
                    bakNo += 1
                    bakFp += str(bakNo)
                shutil.copyfile(fp, bakFp)
                data = []
            data.insert(0, newItem)
            dt = datetime.strptime(newItem['ts'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            if newItem['rda']:
                newItem['rda'] = newItem['rda'].upper()
            if newItem['wff']:
                newItem['wff'] = newItem['wff'].upper()
            newItem['date'], newItem['time'] = dtFmt(dt)
            locFp = webRoot + '/location.json'
            locData = loadJSON(locFp)
            if not locData:
                locData = {}
            locData['ts'] = int(datetime.now().strftime("%s"))
            with open(locFp, 'w') as f:
                    json.dumps(locData, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))

        elif type == 'chat' or type == 'users':
            newItem['cs'] = newItem['cs'].upper()
            pwd = newItem['cs'].endswith(':123')
            if pwd:
                newItem['cs'] = newItem['cs'][:-4]
                if newItem['cs'] in regCS:
                    newItem['admin'] = True
            if newItem['cs'] in regCS and not pwd:
                start_response('403 Forbidden')
                return 'This callsign is password protected'
            if type == 'chat':
                newItem['date'], newItem['time'] = dtFmt(datetime.utcnow())
            elif type == 'users':
                fp = webRoot + '/users.json'
                data = loadJSON(fp)
                if not data:
                    data = {}
                if newItem.has_key('delete'):
                    if data.has_key(newItem['cs']):
                        del data[newItem['cs']]
                    data[newItem['cs']] = { 'tab': newItem['tab'], \
                            'ts': int( datetime.now().strftime("%s") ) }
                with open(fp, 'w') as f:
                        json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))
                start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
                return 'OK'

    fp = webRoot + '/' + type + '.json'
    if not data:
        data = loadJSON(fp)
        if not data:
            data = []
        data.insert(0, newItem)
    with open(fp, 'w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'))
    if type == 'news':
        start_response('302 Found', [('Location', 'http://73.ru/rda/')])
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        return 'OK'
Пример #42

import sys, decimal, re, datetime, os, logging, time, json, urllib2, xmltodict,\

from common import appRoot, readConf, siteConf, loadJSON
from dxdb import dxdb
from dx import DX, DXData

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    raise Exception("No filename given!")

conf = siteConf()
fnAwardsValues = conf.get('web', 'root') + '/awardsValues.json'
awardsValues = loadJSON(fnAwardsValues)
if not awardsValues:
    awardsValues = []

def getSplitLine(file, fr, to):
    line = file.readline()
    if line:
        return [item.strip('"\r\n ') for item in line.split(';')[fr:to]]
        return None

for fName in sys.argv[1:]:
    with open(fName, 'r') as file:
        name, fullName, country = getSplitLine(file, 0, 3)
Пример #43
def loadQueue():
    return loadJSON(adifQueueDir + 'queue.json')
Пример #44
def userSettingsHandler(request):
    error = None
    data = yield from request.json()
    error = ''
    okResponse = ''
    dbError = False
    callsign = decodeToken(data)
    if not isinstance(callsign, str):
        return callsign
    if 'settings' in data:
        oldData = yield from getUserData(callsign)
        cs = oldData['settings']['station']['callsign']
        stationPath = getStationPath(cs) if cs else None
        publishPath = webRoot + '/js/publish.json'
        publish = loadJSON(publishPath)
        if not publish:
            publish = {}
        if cs != data['settings']['station']['callsign']:
            newCs = data['settings']['station']['callsign']
            newPath = getStationPath(newCs) if newCs else None
            if stationPath and os.path.exists(stationPath):
            if newCs:
                if os.path.exists(newPath):
                    return web.HTTPBadRequest( \
                        text = 'Station callsign ' + newCs.upper() + \
                            'is already registered' )
                    createStationDir(newPath, callsign)
                if cs and cs in publish:
                    if newCs:
                        publish[newCs] = publish[cs]
                    del publish[cs]
                cs = newCs
                stationPath = newPath
                stationPath = None
        if cs:
            if not cs in publish:
                publish[cs] = {'admin': True}
            publish[cs]['user'] = data['settings']['publish']
        with open(publishPath, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(publish, f, ensure_ascii=False)
        if stationPath:
            if not os.path.exists(stationPath):
                createStationDir(stationPath, callsign)
        yield from saveStationSettings(cs, callsign, data['settings'])
    elif 'userColumns' in data:
        userData = yield from getUserData(callsign)
        settings = userData['settings']
        userColumns = settings['userFields']
        for c in range(0, len(data['userColumns'])):
            if len(settings) <= c:
                userColumns[c] = data['userColumns'][c]
        userColumns = userColumns[:len(data['userColumns'])]
        yield from saveStationSettings(
            userData['settings']['station']['callsign'], callsign, settings)
        yield from db.paramUpdate( 'users', { 'callsign': callsign }, \
            spliceParams( data, ( 'email', 'password' ) ) )
        setFtpPasswd(callsign, data['password'], test=args.test)
    return web.Response(text='OK')