Пример #1
def setMouseOffset(myCanvas, tiles, selectedTiles, mouseLoc, isDrag,
        selectedTile, grid, gridRes):
    # Only areas near the clicked tile are checked to see if they were
    # clicked on
    areasToCheck = getAreasToCheck(mouseLoc, grid, gridRes)
    for area in areasToCheck:
        for tile in area:
            # Part of this next block insures that only the tile on top
            # of other tiles is selected
            if (not isDrag and common.isInSquare(mouseLoc, tile.position,
                    tile.radius) and
                    common.getDistance(mouseLoc, tile.position) <
                    tile.radius and (selectedTile is None or
                    tiles.index(tile) > tiles.index(selectedTile))):
                selectedTile = tile
    # If there has been a left click, a single tile is selected.  If
    # there has been a right click, a group of snapped tiles is
    # selected.
    if selectedTile is not None:
        if myCanvas.isLDown:
            selectedTiles = [selectedTile]
            selectedTiles = []
            for tile in selectedTile.tileGroup:
        isDrag = True
        for tile in selectedTile.tileGroup:
            tile.mouseOffset = common.mySub(mouseLoc, tile.position)
            # The next two lines move all the tiles in a seleted group
            # of tiles to the top layer of the tiles
    return selectedTiles, isDrag, selectedTile
Пример #2
def moveAll(myCanvas, mouseLoc, tiles, grid, gridRes, dirtyRects, isDrawAll,
    for tile in tiles:
        misc.toGrid(myCanvas, tile, grid, gridRes)
        pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, objects.Canvas.BACK_COLOR,
        tile.setPosition(common.mySub(mouseLoc, tile.mouseOffset))
        isDrawAll = True
    return isDrawAll
Пример #3
def checkPallet(myCanvas, tiles, mouseLoc, isDrag, selectedTile):
    for tile in myCanvas.tilePallet:
        if (not isDrag and common.isInSquare(mouseLoc, tile.position,
                tile.radius) and common.getDistance(mouseLoc, tile.position) <
            newTile = objects.Tile(myCanvas, tile.image)
            newTile.mouseOffset = common.mySub(mouseLoc, tile.position)
            selectedTile = newTile
            isDrag = True
    return isDrag, selectedTile
Пример #4
def snapTiles(selectedTile, snapdSide, adjSide):
    snapdTile = snapdSide.tile
    for tile in selectedTile.tileGroup:
        tile.groupOffset = common.mySub(tile.absPosition,
    for tile in selectedTile.tileGroup:
    snapdTile.adjTile = adjSide.tile
    snapdTile.adjTile.adjTile = snapdTile
    isSnapped = True
    return isSnapped, snapdTile, snapdSide
Пример #5
def moveUnSnappable(myCanvas, mouseLoc, selectedTiles, selectedTile, isSnapped,
        sidesToSnap, snapdTile, tiles):
    # Checks each side of one of the tiles which is snapped but can
    # potentially still be unsnapped.  If the distance between this
    # tile and another tile is enough, the tiles unsnap
    for side in snapdTile.sides:
        if (side.adjSide is not None and common.getDistance(common.myAdd(
                common.mySub(mouseLoc, snapdTile.mouseOffset),
                side.corner.getOffset()), side.adjSide.corner.getPosition()) >
                objects.Canvas.SNAP_DISTANCE * objects.Canvas.scale + 1):
            isSnapped, sidesToSnap, snapdTile = moveUnSnap(myCanvas, mouseLoc,
                    selectedTiles, selectedTile, sidesToSnap, tiles)
    return (isSnapped, sidesToSnap, snapdTile)
Пример #6
def moveUnSnap(myCanvas, mouseLoc, selectedTiles, selectedTile, sidesToSnap,
    # Moves the tiles back to the position they would be if not snapped
    for tile in selectedTiles:
        tile.setPosition(common.mySub(mouseLoc, tile.mouseOffset))
    # The next block only runs if the left mouse button is down, meaning
    # only one tile is being selected
    if myCanvas.isLDown:
        gapCount = 0
        for i in range(-1, len(selectedTile.sides) - 1):
            if (selectedTile.sides[i].isSnapped and not
                    selectedTile.sides[i + 1].isSnapped):
                gapCount += 1
        # This block only runs if the tile being unsapped is holding two
        # groups of tiles together.  If this happens, the tile group
        # needs to be and is split into two or more new tile groups.
        if gapCount >= 2:
            # Ungroups all tiles
            for side in selectedTile.sides:
                if side.isSnapped:
                    side.adjSide.tile.tileGroup = []
            # Regroups tiles into new seperate groups.  For each side of
            # the single tile that is being unsnapped, this checks
            # whether there is another tile snapped to the unsnapping
            # tile which should be part of a seperate group from that
            # other tile.  If so, that seperate tile is recursively
            # grouped with other tiles extensionally connected to it
            for side in selectedTile.sides:
                if side.isSnapped:
                    for sideB in selectedTile.sides:
                        if (sideB.isSnapped and sideB.adjSide.tile not in
                            side.adjSide.tile.tileGroup = [side.adjSide.tile]
                            misc.addNeighbors(side.adjSide.tile, selectedTile)
    for side in sidesToSnap:
        side.adjSide = None
    sidesToSnap = []
    snapdTile = None
    isSnapped = False
    return (isSnapped, sidesToSnap, snapdTile)
Пример #7
def update(myCanvas, tiles, selectedTiles, mouseLoc, button, isUnClick,
        isClick, isScrollDown, isScrollUp, grid, gridRes,
        isDrag, selectedTile, palletBack, isSnapped, sidesToSnap,
        snapdTile, snapdSide, adjSide, clock, FPS, oldMouseLoc, windowSurface):
    # oldPositions keeps track of where tiles were before they were moved
    oldPositions = []
    # dirtyRects keeps track of parts of the screen that need to be
    # updated after drawing to the screen
    dirtyRects = []
    # determines whether either tiles which have been moved should be
    # re-drawn, or if all of the tiles should be re-drawn
    isDrawClicked = isDrawAll = False
    # isDrag keeps track of whether or not a tile is being dragged
    # around by the mouse
    if isUnClick:
        myCanvas.isMouseDown = myCanvas.isLDown = myCanvas.isRDown = \
                isClick = isDrag = False
        if button == myCanvas.RIGHT:
            myCanvas.isRDown = True
            myCanvas.isMouseDown = True
        elif button == myCanvas.LEFT:
            myCanvas.isLDown = True
            myCanvas.isMouseDown = True
    # isDeleted is set to true when one or more tiles has been deleted
    # on the current step
    isDeleted = False
    # This function resizes the display if the user is scrolling
    grid, gridRes, palletBack, isDrawAll = scrollSize(myCanvas, tiles, grid,
            gridRes, palletBack, isScrollDown, isScrollUp, dirtyRects,
            isDrawAll, windowSurface)
    # This function checks if the user has clicked on the tile pallet.
    # If so, a tile is chosen from the pallet.  It also checks if the
    # user has clicked on a tile already on the canvas.  Either way it
    # sets the mouseOffset attribute for all of the selected tiles, which
    # hold the distance between the center of the tile and the mouse
    # location.  Right mouse clicks chose tile groups, left clicks
    # choose individual tiles.  Generally this gets the tiles ready to be
    # moved.
    selectedTiles, isDrawClicked, isDrag, selectedTile, = \
            checkers.checkClick(myCanvas, mouseLoc, tiles, selectedTiles,
            isClick, isDrawClicked, isDrag, selectedTile, grid,
    # Checks if the mouse has unclicked, and if so, sets up tile groups
    # such that any snapped tiles are now in the same group.
    # Also changes which part of the tile grid they are now a part of.
    isDrawClicked, selectedTile, isSnapped, sidesToSnap, \
            snapdTile, snapdSide = checkers.checkUnclick(myCanvas, isUnClick,
            isClick, tiles, selectedTiles, isDrawClicked, oldPositions,
            dirtyRects, selectedTile, isSnapped, sidesToSnap,
            snapdTile, grid, gridRes, snapdSide)
    # Checks if tiles are currently over the tile pallet, and sets them
    # to turn red if and only if they are over it.  If there has been an
    # unclick and the tiles are over the pallet, they are deleted
    isDeleted = checkers.checkTrash(myCanvas, tiles, selectedTiles,
            oldPositions, isUnClick, dirtyRects, selectedTile, grid, gridRes,
            palletBack, isDeleted, windowSurface)
    #Sets the mouse offset on all the tiles if the background is dragged
    if not isDrag and isClick:
        for tile in tiles:
            tile.mouseOffset = common.mySub(mouseLoc, tile.position)
    # Things in this block only evaluate if there is both a mouse click,
    # and mouse movement since the last update
    if myCanvas.isMouseDown and mouseLoc != oldMouseLoc:
        # If a tile or tiles is being dragged, this determines where
        # they should be moved and also snaps or unsnaps them from other
        # tiles
        if isDrag:
            isDrawClicked, isSnapped, sidesToSnap, snapdTile, snapdSide, \
                    adjSide = movers.moveSome(myCanvas, mouseLoc, tiles,
                    selectedTiles, oldPositions, isUnClick, dirtyRects,
                    selectedTile, isSnapped, sidesToSnap, snapdTile,
                    palletBack, snapdSide, adjSide, grid, gridRes,
        # This only evaluates if the background is being dragged and there
        # are one or more tiles.  It moves all of the movable tiles.
        elif len(tiles) > 0:
            isDrawAll = movers.moveAll(myCanvas, mouseLoc, tiles, grid,
                    gridRes, dirtyRects, isDrawAll, windowSurface)
    if isDeleted:
        selectedTile = None
    # Draws tiles which need to be drawn
    if isDrawClicked or isDrawAll:
        drawers.draw(myCanvas, tiles, oldPositions, isUnClick,
                dirtyRects, isDrawClicked, isDrawAll, selectedTile, palletBack,
                grid, gridRes, windowSurface)
    if isUnClick:
        selectedTile = None
    oldMouseLoc = mouseLoc
    return (selectedTiles, grid, gridRes, isDrag, selectedTile,
            palletBack, isSnapped, sidesToSnap, snapdTile,
            snapdSide, adjSide, oldMouseLoc)
Пример #8
 def getRect(self):
     return pygame.Rect(map(int, map(round,
             common.mySub(self.position, (self.adjWRad, self.adjHRad)))),
             (self.adjWidth, self.adjHeight))
Пример #9
 def matchCorner(self, corner, adjPoint):
     self.absPosition = map(int, map(round, common.mySub(adjPoint,
Пример #10
 def setPosition(self, position):
     self.position = position
     self.absPosition = map(int, map(round, common.myDiv(common.mySub(
             position, (self.myCanvas.WIDTH / 2, self.myCanvas.HEIGHT / 2)),
Пример #11
def noSnapMove(mouseLoc, selectedTiles):
    for tile in selectedTiles:
        tile.setPosition(common.mySub(mouseLoc, tile.mouseOffset))