Пример #1
  def install(self):
    """ Installs the VDT CA package if X509 CA certiificates do not already
    common.logit("\nVerifying CA Certificates installation")
    if self.certificates_exist():
      common.logit("... CA Certificates (%(option)s) exist: %(dir)s" % \
       { "option" : self.option,
         "dir"    : self.x509_cert_dir()})
    common.ask_continue("""... CA Certificates (%(option)s) not found: 
This script is checking for the presence of CA (*.0) and CRL (*.r0) files.
Is it OK to install it in this location""" % \
       { "option" : self.option,
         "dir"    : self.x509_cert_dir(),})
    if common.not_writeable(os.path.dirname(self.x509_cert_dir())):
      common.logerr("""You do not have permissions to write in the directory specified 
by the %(option)s: %(dir)s""" % \
       { "option" : self.option,
         "dir"    : self.x509_cert_dir(),})
    common.logit(""" CA certificates install starting. The packages that will be installed are:
   %(package)s""" % { "package" : self.package,})
    common.logit("... retrieving certificates") 
    common.run_script("source %(vdt_location)s/setup.sh; %(vdt_location)s/vdt/bin/vdt-ca-manage setupca --location %(dir)s --url osg" % \
       { "vdt_location" : self.vdt_location(),
         "dir"          : os.path.dirname(self.x509_cert_dir())})
    if self.certificates_exist():
      common.logit("... certificate installation looks good")
    common.logit("\nCA certificates install complete\n")
    common.ask_continue("Continue installation")
Пример #2
  def install(self):
    """ Installs the VDT CA package if X509 CA certiificates do not already
    common.logit("\nVerifying CA Certificates installation")
    common.logit("... validating %(option)s: %(dir)s" % \
                       { "option" : self.option,
                         "dir"    : self.x509_cert_dir()})
    if self.certificates_exist():
      common.logit("... CA Certificates exist with *.0 and *.r0 files")
    common.ask_continue("""There were no certificate (*.0) or CRL (*.r0) files found.
These can be installed from the VDT using pacman.  
If you want to do this, these options must be set:
  vdt_location  pacman_url  pacman_location
Additionally your %(option)s should specify this location: 
Is it OK to proceed with the installation of certificates with these settings.
If not, stop and correct the %(option)s""" % { "option"       : self.option, })

    common.logit("... verifying vdt_location: %s" % self.vdt_location())
    common.logit("... verifying pacman_location: %s" % self.pacman_location())
    common.logit("... verifying pacman_url: %s" % self.pacman_url())

    expected_x509_cert_dir = "%s/globus/TRUSTED_CA" % self.vdt_location()
    if self.x509_cert_dir() != expected_x509_cert_dir:
      common.logerr("""Sorry but the %(option)s must be set to %(expected)s""" % \
                       { "option"  : self.option,
                         "expected" : expected_x509_cert_dir,} )

    if common.not_writeable(os.path.dirname(self.vdt_location())):
      common.logerr("""You do not have permissions to create the vdt_location 
option specified: %(dir)s""" %  { "dir"    : self.vdt_location(),})
    common.logit(""" CA certificates install starting. The packages that will be installed are:
   %(package)s""" % { "package" : self.package,})
    common.logit("... retrieving certificates") 
    common.run_script(". %(vdt_location)s/setup.sh; %(vdt_location)s/vdt/bin/vdt-ca-manage setupca --location %(dir)s --url osg" % \
       { "vdt_location" : self.vdt_location(),
         "dir"          : os.path.dirname(self.x509_cert_dir())})
    if self.certificates_exist():
      common.logit("... certificate installation looks good")
    common.logit("\nCA certificates install complete\n")
    common.ask_continue("Continue installation")