def compress_web(out_file, input_fnames, level=DEFAULT_LEVEL, verbose=False): """ Compresses files using google's closure web service. It has caveats: no big wads of JS, and it has a quota. """ out_file = out_file or OUT_FILE p('Compressing %s ...' % out_file, verbose) s = StringIO.StringIO() # This is a very ghetto way to not compress the entire thing at once. # "What if I have big files!?" you say. Well, make them smaller. parts = 4 for i in range(0, len(input_fnames)+1, parts): if input_fnames[i:i+parts]: compressed = compress(common.concat(input_fnames[i:i+parts]), COMPILATION_LEVELS[level]) s.write(compressed) s = s.getvalue() p('Compressed to %d' % (len(s)), verbose) out = open(out_file, 'w') out.write(s) out.close() return 0
def clean(src, verbose=False): p('Cleaning...', verbose) def clean_file(pkg, module, out_file, in_files, base, type, **k): path = os.path.join(base, out_file) if os.path.exists(path): p('Removing %s::%s' % (module, out_file), verbose) os.remove(path) walk_structure(src, clean_file)
def compress_module(pkg, module, out_file, in_files, base, type, **k): if type in COMPRESS_FNS and (not modules or module in modules): found_mods.add(module) p('Building %s::%s' % (module, out_file), verbose) out, inp = _append_path(base, out_file, in_files) dir = os.path.dirname(out) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) return COMPRESS_FNS[type](*list(_append_path(base, out_file, in_files)) + [level], pretty=pretty) return 0
def compress_local(out_file, input_fnames, type=TYPE_JS, verbose=False, level=None): """ """ out_file = out_file or ('compressed.'+TYPE_JS) p('Compressing %s ...' % out_file, verbose) s = common.concat(input_fnames) s = compress(s, type) out = open(out_file, 'w') out.write(s) out.close()
def compress_local(out_file, input_fnames, level=DEFAULT_LEVEL, verbose=False, pretty=False): """ Compresses locally using closure.jar. You need to download it and create an environment variable called CLOSURE_PATH which points to the jar. """ out_file = out_file or OUT_FILE command = common.java_command(CLOSURE_PATH) #java -jar closure.jar --js=in1.js --js=in2.js ... --js_output_file=out.js p('Compressing %s at level %s ...' % (out_file, level), verbose) fnames = ['--js=%s' % fn for fn in input_fnames] outfile = '--js_output_file=%s' % out_file complevel = ['--compilation_level=%s' % (COMPILATION_LEVELS[level])] if pretty: formatting = ['--formatting=PRETTY_PRINT'] else: formatting = [] #source_map = ['' % out_file, '--source_map_format=V3'] return + fnames + [outfile] + complevel + formatting)
def compress(src, modules=None, verbose=False, level=0, pretty=False): p('Compressing modules %s' % (modules or '[all]'), verbose) found_mods = set() def compress_module(pkg, module, out_file, in_files, base, type, **k): if type in COMPRESS_FNS and (not modules or module in modules): found_mods.add(module) p('Building %s::%s' % (module, out_file), verbose) out, inp = _append_path(base, out_file, in_files) dir = os.path.dirname(out) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) return COMPRESS_FNS[type](*list(_append_path(base, out_file, in_files)) + [level], pretty=pretty) return 0 ret = walk_structure(src, compress_module) p('Compressed modules: %s' % (list(found_mods) or 'None :('), verbose) if not found_mods: print 'Nothing found to compress' return ret
def mcs(): 'Returns active metacontacts.' from pprint import pprint pprint( p().blist.meta_contacts )
def clean_file(pkg, module, out_file, in_files, base, type, **k): path = os.path.join(base, out_file) if os.path.exists(path): p('Removing %s::%s' % (module, out_file), verbose) os.remove(path)
def mcs(): 'Returns active metacontacts.' from pprint import pprint pprint(p().blist.meta_contacts)