Пример #1
    def get_info(self):
        Get all items which belong to this class
        :return: None
        pt_intx_map = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info, "pt_intx")

        # translation table to normalize the paired phys_gsi and virt_gsi string
        table = {ord('[') : ord('('), ord(']') : ord(')'), ord('{') : ord('('),
            ord('}') : ord(')'), ord(';') : ord(','),
            ord('\n') : None, ord('\r') : None, ord(' ') : None}

        for vm_i, s in pt_intx_map.items():
            #normalize the phys_gsi and virt_gsi pair string
            s = s.translate(table)

            #extract the phys_gsi and virt_gsi pairs between parenthesis to a list
            s = re.findall(r'\(([^)]+)', s)

            self.phys_gsi[vm_i] = [];
            self.virt_gsi[vm_i] = [];

            for part in s:
                if not part: continue
                assert ',' in part, "you need to use ',' to separate phys_gsi and virt_gsi!"
                a, b = part.split(',')
                if not a and not b: continue
                assert a and b, "you need to specify both phys_gsi and virt_gsi!"
                a, b = common.str2int(a), common.str2int(b)

Пример #2
    def _parse_raw_strings(self, data):
		Process strings that aren't NULL byte terminated, but for which we know the string length.
		This should be called prior to any other smart parsing functions.

		@data - String to parse.

		Returns a parsed string.
        if self.pre_filter_signatures and self._is_valid(data):
            # Get the raw string  keyword arg
            raw_string = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'raw-string')

            # Was a raw string  keyword specified?
            if raw_string:
                # Get the raw string length arg
                raw_size = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'raw-size')

                # Is the raw string  length arg is a numeric value?
                if re.match('^-?[0-9]+$', raw_size):
                    # Replace all instances of raw-replace in data with raw_string[:raw_size]
                    # Also strip out everything after the raw-string keyword, including the keyword itself.
                    # Failure to do so may (will) result in non-printable characters and this string will be
                    # marked as invalid when it shouldn't be.
                    data = data[:data.
                                    '"' + raw_string[:str2int(raw_size)] + '"')
        return data
Пример #3
    def parse(self, data):
		Parse a given data string for smart signature keywords. If any are found, interpret them and strip them.

		@data - String to parse, as returned by libmagic.

		Returns a dictionary of parsed values.
        results = {
            '',  # Offset where the match was found, filled in by Binwalk.single_scan.
            '',  # The libmagic data string, stripped of all keywords
            'name': '',  # The original name of the file, if known
            'delay': '',  # Extract delay description
            '',  # Name of the extracted file, filled in by Binwalk.single_scan.
            'jump': 0,  # The relative offset to resume the scan from
            'size': 0,  # The size of the file, if known
            'adjust': 0,  # The relative offset to add to the reported offset

        # If smart signatures are disabled, or the result data is not valid (i.e., potentially malicious),
        # don't parse anything, just return the raw data as the description.
        if self.ignore_smart_signatures or not self._is_valid(data):
            results['description'] = data
            # Parse the offset-adjust value. This is used to adjust the reported offset at which
            # a signature was located due to the fact that MagicParser.match expects all signatures
            # to be located at offset 0, which some wil not be.
            results['adjust'] = self._get_math_arg(data, 'adjust')

            # Parse the file-size value. This is used to determine how many bytes should be extracted
            # when extraction is enabled. If not specified, everything to the end of the file will be
            # extracted (see Binwalk.scan).
                results['size'] = str2int(
                    self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'filesize'))

            results['delay'] = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'delay')

            # Parse the string for the jump-to-offset keyword.
            # This keyword is honored, even if this string result is one of many.
            results['jump'] = self._get_math_arg(data, 'jump')

            # If this is one of many, don't do anything and leave description as a blank string.
            # Else, strip all keyword tags from the string and process additional keywords as necessary.
            if not self._one_of_many(data):
                results['name'] = self._get_keyword_arg(data,
                results['description'] = self._strip_tags(data)

        return results
Пример #4
	def parse(self, data):
		Parse a given data string for smart signature keywords. If any are found, interpret them and strip them.

		@data - String to parse, as returned by libmagic.

		Returns a dictionary of parsed values.
		results = {
			'offset'	: '',	# Offset where the match was found, filled in by Binwalk.single_scan.
			'description'	: '',	# The libmagic data string, stripped of all keywords
			'name'		: '',	# The original name of the file, if known
			'delay'		: '',	# Extract delay description
			'extract'	: '',	# Name of the extracted file, filled in by Binwalk.single_scan.
			'jump'		: 0,	# The relative offset to resume the scan from
			'size'		: 0,	# The size of the file, if known
			'adjust'	: 0,	# The relative offset to add to the reported offset

		# If smart signatures are disabled, or the result data is not valid (i.e., potentially malicious), 
		# don't parse anything, just return the raw data as the description.
		if self.ignore_smart_signatures or not self._is_valid(data):
			results['description'] = data
			# Parse the offset-adjust value. This is used to adjust the reported offset at which 
			# a signature was located due to the fact that MagicParser.match expects all signatures
			# to be located at offset 0, which some wil not be.
			results['adjust'] = self._get_math_arg(data, 'adjust')

			# Parse the file-size value. This is used to determine how many bytes should be extracted
			# when extraction is enabled. If not specified, everything to the end of the file will be
			# extracted (see Binwalk.scan).
				results['size'] = str2int(self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'filesize'))

			results['delay'] = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'delay')

			# Parse the string for the jump-to-offset keyword.
			# This keyword is honored, even if this string result is one of many.
			results['jump'] = self._get_math_arg(data, 'jump')

			# If this is one of many, don't do anything and leave description as a blank string.
			# Else, strip all keyword tags from the string and process additional keywords as necessary.
			if not self._one_of_many(data):
				results['name'] = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'filename').strip('"')
				results['description'] = self._strip_tags(data)

		return results
Пример #5
	def _jump(self, data):
		Obtains the jump-to-offset value of a signature, if any.

		@data - String result data.

		Returns the offset to jump to.
		offset = 0

		offset_str = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'jump')
		if offset_str:
				offset = str2int(offset_str)

		return offset
Пример #6
	def _jump(self, data):
		Obtains the jump-to-offset value of a signature, if any.

		@data - String result data.

		Returns the offset to jump to.
		offset = 0

		offset_str = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'jump')
		if offset_str:
				offset = str2int(offset_str)

		return offset
Пример #7
    def __deal_with_rank(self, ranks: list):
        splits = self.site_config.product_rank_split
        replace = self.site_config.product_rank_replace
        if type(splits) == str:
            splits = [splits]
        rs = dict()
        for rank in ranks:
            for split in splits:
                item = rank.split(split)
                if len(item) == 2:
                    rank_num = str2int(replace_multi(item[0], replace, ''))
                    if rank_num:
                                                       '').strip()] = rank_num

        return rs
Пример #8
	def _get_math_arg(self, data, keyword):
		Retrieves the argument for keywords that specifiy mathematical expressions as arguments.

		@data    - String result data, as returned by libmagic.
		@keyword - Keyword index in KEYWORDS.

		Returns the resulting calculated value.
		value = 0

		arg = self._get_keyword_arg(data, keyword)
		if arg:
			for string_int in arg.split('+'):
					value += str2int(string_int)
					self.invalid = True

		return value			
Пример #9
	def _get_math_arg(self, data, keyword):
		Retrieves the argument for keywords that specifiy mathematical expressions as arguments.

		@data    - String result data, as returned by libmagic.
		@keyword - Keyword index in KEYWORDS.

		Returns the resulting calculated value.
		value = 0

		arg = self._get_keyword_arg(data, keyword)
		if arg:
			for string_int in arg.split('+'):
					value += str2int(string_int)

		return value			
Пример #10
    def __get_git_status(self, repo, base_commit, new_commit):
        '''Get and parse the commits between base_commit and new_commit,
        return the operation list to sync cc view.
            A list for the operations on files for the total info of all commits between base_commit (excluded) and new_commit (included).
        if gitutil.compare_commit(base_commit, new_commit):
            return None
        # actually no C (copy) with '-M', and no 'S' in iOS branch.
        types = {'M':Modify, 'R':Rename, 'D':Delete, 'A':Add, 'C':Add, 'S':Add}
        # actually no C (copy) with '-M'.
        diff_args = ['--name-status', '-M']
        # result list
        cc_ops = []
        # the diff result is like:
        # 'A\ta/test5.1.txt\nD\ttest.txt\nA\ttest3.1.txt\nA\ttest3.2.txt\nA\ttest5.txt\nA\ttest6.txt'
        # 'A\ttest3.1.txt\nR080\ttest3.txt\ttest3.2.txt'
        args = [base_commit.hexsha, new_commit.hexsha]
        diff_re = repo.git.diff(args)
        for line in diff_re.splitlines():
            split = line.split("\t")
            op_code = split[0]
            char = op_code[0]
            file_name = split[1]

            op_type = types[char]
            if char == 'R':
                new_file = split[2]
                similarity = common.str2int(op_code[1:])
                op = op_type(self.ct, file_name, new_file, new_commit, similarity, self.user_config)
                op = op_type(self.ct, file_name, new_commit, self.user_config)


        return cc_ops
Пример #11
            # Split the line into white-space separated parts.
            # For this to work properly, replace escaped spaces ('\ ') with '\x20'.
            # This means the same thing, but doesn't confuse split().
            line_parts = line.replace('\\ ', '\\x20').split()
            entry['offset'] = line_parts[0]
            entry['type'] = line_parts[1]
            # The condition line may contain escaped sequences, so be sure to decode it properly.
            entry['condition'] = line_parts[2].decode('string_escape')
            entry['description'] = ' '.join(line_parts[3:])
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception("%s :: %s", (str(e), line))

        # We've already verified that the first character in this line is a number, so this *shouldn't*
        # throw an exception, but let's catch it just in case...
            entry['offset'] = str2int(entry['offset'])
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception("%s :: %s", (str(e), line))

        # If this is a string, get the length of the string
        if 'string' in entry['type'] or entry['condition'] == self.WILDCARD:
            entry['length'] = len(entry['condition'])
        # Else, we need to jump through a few more hoops...
            # Default to little endian, unless the type field starts with 'be'.
            # This assumes that we're running on a little endian system...
            if entry['type'].startswith('be'):
                endianess = self.BIG_ENDIAN
                endianess = self.LITTLE_ENDIAN
Пример #12
			# Split the line into white-space separated parts.
			# For this to work properly, replace escaped spaces ('\ ') with '\x20'.
			# This means the same thing, but doesn't confuse split().
			line_parts = line.replace('\\ ', '\\x20').split()
			entry['offset'] = line_parts[0]
			entry['type'] = line_parts[1]
			# The condition line may contain escaped sequences, so be sure to decode it properly.
			entry['condition'] = line_parts[2].decode('string_escape')
			entry['description'] = ' '.join(line_parts[3:])
		except Exception, e:
			raise Exception("%s :: %s", (str(e), line))

		# We've already verified that the first character in this line is a number, so this *shouldn't*
		# throw an exception, but let's catch it just in case...
			entry['offset'] = str2int(entry['offset'])
		except Exception, e:
			raise Exception("%s :: %s", (str(e), line))

		# If this is a string, get the length of the string
		if 'string' in entry['type']:
			entry['length'] = len(entry['condition'])
		# Else, we need to jump through a few more hoops...
			# Default to little endian, unless the type field starts with 'be'. 
			# This assumes that we're running on a little endian system...
			if entry['type'].startswith('be'):
				endianess = self.BIG_ENDIAN
				endianess = self.LITTLE_ENDIAN
Пример #13
    def __deal_with_helpers(elements: list):
        if not elements:
            return 0
        helper_str = replace_multi(''.join(elements).strip(), [",", "."], '').split(' ')[0]

        return str2int(helper_str, 1)
Пример #14
	def _parse_raw_strings(self, data):
		Process strings that aren't NULL byte terminated, but for which we know the string length.
		This should be called prior to any other smart parsing functions.

		@data - String to parse.

		Returns a parsed string.
		if not self.ignore_smart_signatures and self._is_valid(data):
			# Get the raw string  keyword arg
			raw_string = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'raw-string')

			# Was a raw string  keyword specified?
			if raw_string:
				# Get the raw string length arg
				raw_size = self._get_keyword_arg(data, 'raw-size')
				# Is the raw string  length arg is a numeric value?
				if re.match('^-?[0-9]+$', raw_size):
					# Replace all instances of raw-replace in data with raw_string[:raw_size]
					# Also strip out everything after the raw-string keyword, including the keyword itself.
					# Failure to do so may (will) result in non-printable characters and this string will be 
					# marked as invalid when it shouldn't be.
					data = data[:data.find(self.KEYWORDS['raw-string'])].replace(self.KEYWORDS['raw-replace'], '"' + raw_string[:str2int(raw_size)] + '"')
		return data