Пример #1
    def execute(self, path, uri, params):

        if (path is not None):
            command = singletonURIHelperInstance.getUri(
                self.COMPONENT_TYPE, "catalog")
            requestUrl = command.format(path)
            command = singletonURIHelperInstance.getUri(
                self.COMPONENT_TYPE, "get-service")
            requestUrl = command.format(uri)

        paramsDict = common.toDict(params)
        #If the label object is null, then it shows an error

        query = None
        if (params is not None):
            for key, value in paramsDict.iteritems():
                if (query is None):
                    query = "?" + key + "=" + value
                    query = query + "&" + key + "=" + value
            if (query is not None):
                requestUrl = requestUrl + query
        # The requestUrl has '' as a  string instead of an empty string.

        (s, h) = common.service_json_request(
            self.__ipAddr, self.__port, "POST", requestUrl, None, None)
        o = common.json_decode(s)

        return o
Пример #2
    def execute(self, path, uri, params):

        if (path is not None):
            command = singletonURIHelperInstance.getUri(
                self.COMPONENT_TYPE, "catalog")
            requestUrl = command.format(path)
            command = singletonURIHelperInstance.getUri(
                self.COMPONENT_TYPE, "get-service")
            requestUrl = command.format(uri)

        paramsDict = common.toDict(params)
        #If the label object is null, then it shows an error
        if (not (paramsDict.has_key("label"))):
            paramsDict["label"] = ""

        query = None
        if (params is not None):
            for key, value in paramsDict.iteritems():
                if (query is None):
                    query = "?" + key + "=" + value
                    query = query + "&" + key + "=" + value
            if (query is not None):
                requestUrl = requestUrl + query
        # The requestUrl has '' as a  string instead of an empty string.
        requestUrl = requestUrl.replace("''", "")

        (s, h) = common.service_json_request(self.__ipAddr, self.__port,
                                             "POST", requestUrl, None, None)
        o = common.json_decode(s)

        return o
Пример #3
def yaya_book(*, id=None):
    book = DataObject.get_yaya_books(id=id)
    book_data = None
    if book:
        book = book[0]
        book_json_name = f"/{YAYA_BASE_PATH}/{book['id']}.{book['name']}/{book['id']}.resourceDetail.json"
        book_data = read_json_file(book_json_name)['data']

    res_data = {
        'announcer': '白宇航',
        'id': 2269,
        'name': '咪子的家',
        'ageDesc': '4-6岁',
        'cover': 'http://cover.yayagushi.com/e29ae422522840f58294f06b5b9572d7_%s.png',
        'desc': '小女孩有一只小猫“咪子”,一天它突然消失了。小女孩体验了失去并寻找咪子的失望和希望,也收获了新生命的惊奇和感动。\n\n猫咪带给了女孩生命的启示,关于信任、母性之爱。故事质朴温暖、情感真挚。',
        'estimatedChapter': 16,
        'totalChapter': 16,
        'labelList': ['爱与情感', '生命', '温暖', '亲情', '友情', '动物']
    if book_data:
        res_data['announcer'] = book_data['announcer']['nickName'] if 'announcer' in book_data and 'nickName' in book_data['announcer'] else '未知'
        res_data['id'] = book_data['resource']['id']
        res_data['name'] = book_data['resource']['name']
        res_data['ageDesc'] = book_data['resource']['ageDesc']
        res_data['cover'] = book_data['resource']['cover'].replace('http://', '//').replace('.png', '_%s.png')
        res_data['desc'] = book_data['resource']['desc'].replace('\n', '<br />')
        res_data['estimatedChapter'] = book_data['resource']['estimatedChapter']
        res_data['totalChapter'] = book_data['resource']['totalChapter']
        res_data['labelList'] = book_data['resource']['labelList']
        res_data['priceType'] = book_data['resource']['priceType']

    return {
        'book': toDict(res_data),
        '__template__': 'yaya_book.html'
Пример #4
def xmly_book(*, id=None):
    book = DataObject.get_xmly_books(id=id)
    book_data = None
    albums = None
    if book:
        book = book[0]
        book['audio'] = get_cdn_url(f"/{XMLY_BASE_PATH}/{book['recordId']}.{book['recordTitle'].replace('|', '')}/{book['recordTitle'].replace('|', '')}.m4a")
        book_json_name = f"/{XMLY_BASE_PATH}/{book['recordId']}.{book['recordTitle'].replace('|', '')}/{book['recordId']}.{book['recordTitle']}.json"
        book_screen = read_json_file(book_json_name)
        book['count'] = book_screen['screenCnt']

        album_id = book['albumId']
        album = DataObject.get_xmly_albums(album_id)
        if album:
            album = album[0]

    return {
        'book': toDict(book),
        'album': toDict(album),
        '__template__': 'xmly_book.html'
Пример #5
    def list(self, type, params):
        command = singletonURIHelperInstance.getUri(self.COMPONENT_TYPE,
        requestUrl = command.format(type)

        paramsDict = common.toDict(params)

        query = None
        if (params is not None):
            for key, value in paramsDict.iteritems():
                if (query is None):
                    query = "?" + key + "=" + value
                    query = query + "&" + key + "=" + value
            if (query is not None):
                requestUrl = requestUrl + query

        (s, h) = common.service_json_request(self.__ipAddr, self.__port, "GET",
                                             requestUrl, None, None)
        o = common.json_decode(s)
        return o
Пример #6
    def list(self, type, params):
        command = singletonURIHelperInstance.getUri(
            self.COMPONENT_TYPE, "list")
        requestUrl = command.format(type)

        paramsDict = common.toDict(params)

        query = None
        if (params is not None):
            for key, value in paramsDict.iteritems():
                if (query is None):
                    query = "?" + key + "=" + value
                    query = query + "&" + key + "=" + value
            if (query is not None):
                requestUrl = requestUrl + query

        (s, h) = common.service_json_request(self.__ipAddr, self.__port, "GET",
                                             None, None)
        o = common.json_decode(s)
        return o
Пример #7
__author__ = 'Arms'


import commands
import sys
import os
import datetime
from config import xcodeBuildConfigs
from common import ShellError, Dict, toDict
from uploadsvn import uploadipa

buildConfig = toDict(xcodeBuildConfigs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mode = sys.argv[1]
    params = None
    cleanCommand = None
    buildCommand = None
    createIPACommand = None
    ipaPath = None
    if mode == 'debug':
        params = buildConfig.debug
        ipaPath = '~/Desktop/%s_%s_test_%s.ipa' % (
            params.project, params.version, datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m%d%H%M"))
        buildCommand = 'xcodebuild -project %s.xcodeproj -target %s -configuration %s -sdk %s build CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="%s" PROVISIONING_PROFILE="%s"' % (
            params.project, params.target, params.configuration, params.sdk, params.code_sign_identity, params.provisioning_profile)
        createIPACommand = 'xcrun -sdk %s PackageApplication -v build/%s-iphoneos/%s.app -o %s' % (
Пример #8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'Arms'

import commands
import os
import urllib
from config import qdSvnConfigs
from common import ShellError, Dict, toDict, showMessage

svnConfigs = toDict(qdSvnConfigs)

def uploadipa(mode='test', ipapath=None):
    if not ipapath:
        raise StandardError('error! ipapath is empty')
    moveCommand = None
    svn_path = None
    svn_local_Path = None
    if mode == 'test':
        moveCommand = 'mv %s %s' % (ipapath, svnConfigs.test_local_path)
        svn_local_Path = svnConfigs.test_local_path
        svn_path = svnConfigs.test_svn_path
    elif mode == 'pro':
        moveCommand = 'mv %s %s' % (ipapath, svnConfigs.pro_local_path)
        svn_local_Path = svnConfigs.pro_local_path
        svn_path = svnConfigs.pro_svn_path
Пример #9

#import config_default
import os.path
import json
import hashlib

from common import toDict, merge

path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'config')

configs = None
user = None
with open('{}/config.json'.format(path), encoding='utf-8') as f:
    configs = json.load(f)

with open('{}/user.json'.format(path), encoding='utf-8') as f:
    user = json.load(f)

configs = merge(configs, user)

configs = toDict(configs)

usernames = None
with open('{}/username.json'.format(path), encoding='utf-8') as f:
    usernames = json.load(f)
for u in usernames:
    u['hashname'] = hashlib.sha256(u['username'].encode()).hexdigest()
usernames = [toDict(u) for u in usernames]