Пример #1
 def get_match_files(weather_index):
     Generate URL containing data
     @param weather_index WeatherIndex to get files for
     # Get full url for the file that has the data we're asking for
     diff = for_date - for_run
     real_hour = int((diff.days * 24) + (diff.seconds / 60 / 60))
     file = self.mask.format('{}', for_run.hour, real_hour)
     var = r'&{}=on&var_{}=on'.format(weather_index.layer, weather_index.name)
     subregion_mask = r'&subregion=&leftlon={}&rightlon={}&toplat={}&bottomlat={}'
     subregion = subregion_mask.format(common.BOUNDS['longitude']['min'],
     date = for_run.strftime(r'%Y%m%d')
     time = for_run.strftime(r'%H')
     dir = self.dir.format(date, time)
     partial_url = r'{}{}{}{}{}{}'.format(self.host, self.script, file, var, subregion, dir)
     def get_local_name(partial_url):
         Return file name that will be saved locally from partial_url
         @param partial_url Partial url to use for determining name
         @return Path to save to locally when using URL to retrieve
         save_as = '{}_{}{}_{}_{:03d}'.format(self.name, date, time, weather_index.name, real_hour)
         return os.path.join(self.DIR_DATA, save_as)
     def save_file(partial_url):
         Save the given url
         @param partial_url Partial url to use for determining name
         @return Path saved to when using URL to retrieve
         out_file = get_local_name(partial_url)
         if os.path.isfile(out_file):
             # HACK: no timestamp so don't download if exists
             return out_file
         logging.debug("Downloading {}".format(out_file))
         def generate_member(member):
             member_name = r'ge{}{:02d}'.format('c' if member == 0 else 'p', member)
             u = partial_url.format(member_name)
             assert('{}' not in u)
             return u
         urls = list(map(generate_member, range(0, self.num_members)))
         results = common.download_many(urls, fct=download_and_wait)
         assert(self.num_members == len(results))
             # logging.debug("Writing file")
             with open(out_file, "wb") as f:
                 for result in results:
             # get rid of file that's there if there was an error
         return out_file
     if self.no_download:
         # return file that would have been saved without actually trying to save it
         return get_local_name(partial_url)
     return common.try_save(save_file, partial_url)
Пример #2
def get_Dataset(year, colname):
    Open netCDF4 for desired data
    @param year Year to download data for
    @param colname Name of field to read data for
    @return netCDF4.Dataset of data read
    print year, colname
    file = file_masks[colname].format(year)
    filename = None
    if 1981 == year and 'TMP' == colname:
        logging.debug("Using workaround for 1981 temperature download issue")
        # HACK to use file from alternate source since other won't download
        other_url = r'http://database.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/arch/ncep/data/ncep.reanalysis/surface_gauss/air.2m.gauss.1981.nc'
        def save_other(url):
            return common.save_http(DIR_DATA, url)
        filename = common.try_save(save_other, other_url)
        filename = common.try_save(save_file, file)
    #~ filename = os.path.join(DIR_DATA, os.path.basename(file))
    return netCDF4.Dataset(filename)
Пример #3
def get_Dataset(year, colname):
    Open netCDF4 for desired data
    @param year Year to download data for
    @param colname Name of field to read data for
    @return netCDF4.Dataset of data read
    print(year, colname)
    file = file_masks[colname].format(year)
    filename = common.try_save(save_file, file)
    #~ filename = os.path.join(DIR_DATA, os.path.basename(file))
    return netCDF4.Dataset(filename)
Пример #4
def do_save(args):
    Generate URL containing data
    @param weather_index WeatherIndex to get files for
    host, dir, mask, save_dir, date, time, real_hour, save_as, weather_index = args
    # Get full url for the file that has the data we're asking for
    partial_url = r'{}{}{}'.format(
        host, dir.format(date=date, time=time, real_hour=real_hour),
    partial_url = partial_url.format(weather_index.name, weather_index.layer)

    def save_file(partial_url):
        Save the given url
        @param partial_url Partial url to use for determining name
        @return Path saved to when using URL to retrieve
        out_file = os.path.join(save_dir, save_as.format(weather_index.name))
        if os.path.isfile(out_file):
            # HACK: no timestamp so don't download if exists
            # logging.debug("Have {}".format(out_file))
            return out_file
        # logging.debug("Downloading {}".format(out_file))
            common.save_http(save_dir, partial_url, save_as=out_file)
            # get rid of file that's there if there was an error
        return out_file

    return common.try_save(save_file, partial_url)