Пример #1
def fetch_autoname(app, tag):

    if not app["Repo Type"] or app['Update Check Mode'] in ('None', 'Static'):
        return None

    if app['Repo Type'] == 'srclib':
        app_dir = os.path.join('build', 'srclib', app['Repo'])
        app_dir = os.path.join('build/', app['id'])

        vcs = common.getvcs(app["Repo Type"], app["Repo"], app_dir)
    except VCSException:
        return None

    flavour = None
    if len(app['builds']) > 0:
        if app['builds'][-1]['subdir']:
            app_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, app['builds'][-1]['subdir'])
        if app['builds'][-1]['gradle']:
            flavour = app['builds'][-1]['gradle']
    if flavour == 'yes':
        flavour = None

    logging.debug("...fetch auto name from " + app_dir +
                  ((" (flavour: %s)" % flavour) if flavour else ""))
    new_name = common.fetch_real_name(app_dir, flavour)
    commitmsg = None
    if new_name:
        logging.debug("...got autoname '" + new_name + "'")
        if new_name != app['Auto Name']:
            app['Auto Name'] = new_name
            if not commitmsg:
                commitmsg = "Set autoname of {0}".format(
        logging.debug("...couldn't get autoname")

    if app['Current Version'].startswith('@string/'):
        cv = common.version_name(app['Current Version'], app_dir, flavour)
        if app['Current Version'] != cv:
            app['Current Version'] = cv
            if not commitmsg:
                commitmsg = "Fix CV of {0}".format(common.getappname(app))

    return commitmsg
def fetch_autoname(app, tag):

    if not app["Repo Type"] or app['Update Check Mode'] in ('None', 'Static'):
        return None

    if app['Repo Type'] == 'srclib':
        app_dir = os.path.join('build', 'srclib', app['Repo'])
        app_dir = os.path.join('build/', app['id'])

        vcs = common.getvcs(app["Repo Type"], app["Repo"], app_dir)
    except VCSException:
        return None

    flavours = []
    if len(app['builds']) > 0:
        if app['builds'][-1]['subdir']:
            app_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, app['builds'][-1]['subdir'])
        if app['builds'][-1]['gradle']:
            flavours = app['builds'][-1]['gradle']

    commitmsg = None
    if not app['Auto Name']:
        logging.debug("...fetch auto name from " + app_dir)
        new_name = common.fetch_real_name(app_dir, flavours)
        if new_name:
            logging.debug("...got autoname '" + new_name + "'")
            app['Auto Name'] = new_name
            if not commitmsg:
                commitmsg = "Set autoname of {0}".format(common.getappname(app))
            logging.debug("...couldn't get autoname")

    if app['Current Version'].startswith('@string/'):
        cv = common.version_name(app['Current Version'], app_dir, flavours)
        if app['Current Version'] != cv:
            app['Current Version'] = cv
            if not commitmsg:
                commitmsg = "Fix CV of {0}".format(common.getappname(app))

    return commitmsg
Пример #3
def main():

    global config, options

    # Parse command line...
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Spew out even more information than normal")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--package", default=None,
                      help="Check only the specified package")
    parser.add_option("--auto", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Process auto-updates")
    parser.add_option("--autoonly", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Only process apps with auto-updates")
    parser.add_option("--commit", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Commit changes")
    parser.add_option("--gplay", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Only print differences with the Play Store")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    config = common.read_config(options)

    # Get all apps...
    apps = metadata.read_metadata(options.verbose)

    # Filter apps according to command-line options
    if options.package:
        apps = [app for app in apps if app['id'] == options.package]
        if len(apps) == 0:
            print "No such package"

    if options.gplay:
        for app in apps:
            version, reason = check_gplay(app)
            if version is None and options.verbose:
                if reason == '404':
                    print "%s is not in the Play Store" % common.getappname(app)
                    print "%s encountered a problem: %s" % common.getappname(app)
            if version is not None:
                stored = app['Current Version']
                if LooseVersion(stored) < LooseVersion(version):
                    print "%s has version %s on the Play Store, which is bigger than %s" % (
                            common.getappname(app), version, stored)
                elif options.verbose:
                    print "%s has the same version %s on the Play Store" % (
                            common.getappname(app), version)

    for app in apps:

        if options.autoonly and app['Auto Update Mode'] == 'None':
            if options.verbose:
                print "Nothing to do for %s..." % app['id']

        print "Processing " + app['id'] + '...'

        writeit = False
        logmsg = None

        tag = None
        msg = None
        vercode = None
        mode = app['Update Check Mode']
        if mode == 'Tags':
            (version, vercode, tag) = check_tags(app)
        elif mode == 'RepoManifest':
            (version, vercode) = check_repomanifest(app)
        elif mode.startswith('RepoManifest/'):
            tag = mode[13:]
            (version, vercode) = check_repomanifest(app, tag)
        elif mode == 'RepoTrunk':
            (version, vercode) = check_repotrunk(app)
        elif mode == 'HTTP':
            (version, vercode) = check_http(app)
        elif mode == 'Static':
            version = None
            msg = 'Checking disabled'
        elif mode == 'None':
            version = None
            msg = 'Checking disabled'
            version = None
            msg = 'Invalid update check method'

        if vercode and app['Vercode Operation']:
            op = app['Vercode Operation'].replace("%c", str(int(vercode)))
            vercode = str(eval(op))

        updating = False
        if not version:
            print "...%s" % msg
        elif vercode == app['Current Version Code']:
            print "...up to date"
            app['Current Version'] = version
            app['Current Version Code'] = str(int(vercode))
            updating = True
            writeit = True

        # Do the Auto Name thing as well as finding the CV real name
        if len(app["Repo Type"]) > 0:


                if app['Repo Type'] == 'srclib':
                    app_dir = os.path.join('build', 'srclib', app['Repo'])
                    app_dir = os.path.join('build/', app['id'])

                vcs = common.getvcs(app["Repo Type"], app["Repo"], app_dir)

                flavour = None
                if len(app['builds']) > 0:
                    if 'subdir' in app['builds'][-1]:
                        app_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, app['builds'][-1]['subdir'])
                    if 'gradle' in app['builds'][-1]:
                        flavour = app['builds'][-1]['gradle']

                new_name = common.fetch_real_name(app_dir, flavour)
                if new_name != app['Auto Name']:
                    app['Auto Name'] = new_name

                if app['Current Version'].startswith('@string/'):
                    cv = common.version_name(app['Current Version'], app_dir, flavour)
                    if app['Current Version'] != cv:
                        app['Current Version'] = cv
                        writeit = True
            except Exception:
                print "ERROR: Auto Name or Current Version failed for %s due to exception: %s" % (app['id'], traceback.format_exc())

        if updating:
            name = common.getappname(app)
            ver = common.getcvname(app)
            print '...updating to version %s' % ver
            logmsg = 'Update CV of %s to %s' % (name, ver)

        if options.auto:
            mode = app['Auto Update Mode']
            if mode == 'None':
            elif mode.startswith('Version '):
                pattern = mode[8:]
                if pattern.startswith('+'):
                    o = pattern.find(' ')
                    suffix = pattern[1:o]
                    pattern = pattern[o + 1:]
                    suffix = ''
                gotcur = False
                latest = None
                for build in app['builds']:
                    if build['vercode'] == app['Current Version Code']:
                        gotcur = True
                    if not latest or int(build['vercode']) > int(latest['vercode']):
                        latest = build
                if not gotcur:
                    newbuild = latest.copy()
                    if 'origlines' in newbuild:
                        del newbuild['origlines']
                    newbuild['vercode'] = app['Current Version Code']
                    newbuild['version'] = app['Current Version'] + suffix
                    print "...auto-generating build for " + newbuild['version']
                    commit = pattern.replace('%v', newbuild['version'])
                    commit = commit.replace('%c', newbuild['vercode'])
                    newbuild['commit'] = commit
                    writeit = True
                    name = common.getappname(app)
                    ver = common.getcvname(app)
                    logmsg = "Update %s to %s" % (name, ver)
                print 'Invalid auto update mode "' + mode + '"'

        if writeit:
            metafile = os.path.join('metadata', app['id'] + '.txt')
            metadata.write_metadata(metafile, app)
            if options.commit and logmsg:
                print "Commiting update for " + metafile
                gitcmd = ["git", "commit", "-m",
                if 'auto_author' in config:
                    gitcmd.extend(['--author', config['auto_author']])
                gitcmd.extend(["--", metafile])
                if subprocess.call(gitcmd) != 0:
                    print "Git commit failed"

    print "Finished."