def parse_xls(filename, sn, output_path): try: book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename) except: msg = u"can't open file? %s"%filename print( msg ) usage() raise # 遍历xls for x in xrange(book.nsheets): sh = book.sheet_by_index(x) sheetname = if sheetname == u"battle_scene": battle_id = common.get_str_from_sheet(sh, 0, 1); # 玩家入场ai_list和x,y,dir player_ai_list = common.get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, 1, 1); player_x = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 2) player_y = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 3) player_dir = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 4) target_dir = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 5) scene_id = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 2, 1) reward = common.get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, 4, 1) # 敌方入场数据 scene_data, row_line = common.parse_table(sh, 5, 0) if sheetname == u"ships": # 敌方入场数据 ships, row_line = common.parse_table(sh, 0, 0) # 写文件 src = srcData % (PythonData2Lpc(player_ai_list, True, 2, 0), player_dir, target_dir, player_x, player_y, scene_id, battle_id, PythonData2Lpc(scene_data, True, 1, 1), PythonData2Lpc(ships, True, 1, 1), PythonData2Lpc(reward, True, 2, 0)) common.write_src(output_path, begin, end, src, 'utf-8')
def parse_fuben_sheet(sh, path, tbAttr ): for row in range(0, sh.nrows): head = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 0) #print(head) if (len(head) == 0): continue; if head not in dicParseTable: continue; parseInfo = dicParseTable[head] if parseInfo == u"pass": continue #print( parseInfo ) result = parseInfo[0](sh, row, 0) #print(result) tbAttr[parseInfo[1]] = { "data":result[0], "memo":head } row = result[1] #tbAttr.append( (passInfo[1], ) srcAttr = u'' for attrName in tbAttr: attrData = tbAttr[attrName] if ( attrName != u"FubenDispatch" ): srcAttr += (u''' // %s RESET_ONUPDATE_VAR( %s, %s )'''%(attrData["memo"], attrName, PythonData2Lpc(attrData["data"], True))) else: srcAttr += (u''' // %s mapping mpFubenDispatch = %s; mapping GetFubenDispatch() { return mpFubenDispatch; } '''%(attrData["memo"], PythonData2Lpc(attrData["data"], True))) src = srcFubenTemplete % srcAttr #print( src ) #print( path + "../scene" ) #print(tbAttr) fubenId = tbAttr[u"FubenId"]["data"]; srcFile = path + "/../fuben/" + fubenId + ".c" #print( srcFile ) write_src(srcFile, begin, end, src, "utf-8")
def parse_status_sheet(sh, dicVar): idCol = 0 headRow = 1 for row in range(2, sh.nrows): status = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, idCol) print status srcStatus = u""" #include <fight.h> inherit STAUTS_BASE; #include <var_prop.h> #include <user_key.h> // 状态ID RESET_ONUPDATE_VAR(StatusId, "%s") """ % (status) for col in range(1, sh.ncols): headMemo = get_str_from_sheet(sh, 0, col) head = get_str_from_sheet(sh, 1, col) type = parseStatusTable[head]["type"] name = parseStatusTable[head]["value_name"] templete = parseStatusTable[head]["templete"] srcStatus += GetSrcByType(headMemo, type, name, sh, row, col, templete) if (head == "status_name"): value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col) statusName2Id[value] = status if (status in statusRelation): #状态关系表 #ExcludeStatus #OverwriteStatus srcStatus += u""" // 排斥状态 RESET_ONUPDATE_VAR(ExcludeStatus, %s) """ % (PythonData2Lpc(statusRelation[status]["exclude"])) srcStatus += u""" // 覆盖状态 RESET_ONUPDATE_VAR(OverwriteStatus, %s) """ % (PythonData2Lpc(statusRelation[status]["overwrite"])) statusFile = "module/fight/status/%s.c" % status write_src(statusFile, begin, end, srcStatus, u"utf-8")
def parse_formula_sheet(sh, output_file): print(dicVar) all_fun = begin for row in range(3, sh.nrows): skill_id_str = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 0) #skill_name_str = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 1) skill_formula_str = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 1) print(skill_id_str, skill_formula_str) #fun_str = parse_function(skill_formula_str, u"技能ID:"+skill_id_str, u"param_%s" % skill_id_str, dicVar, srcSkillFormla) #print( fun_str ); expSrc = parse_expr_right(skill_formula_str, dicVar, 0, {}) fun_str = srcSkillFormla % (skill_id_str, skill_id_str, skill_formula_str, expSrc[1]) print(fun_str) all_fun += fun_str write_src(output_file, begin, end, all_fun, "utf-8") all_fun += end write_file(output_file, all_fun)
def parse_xls(filename, parseAIFlg): ai_path = "data/ai/" try: # 打开excel文件 book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename) except: msg = "can't open file?", filename print(msg, ) usage() raise # 先处理变量表 for x in xrange(book.nsheets): sh = book.sheet_by_index(x) sheetname = if sheetname == u"服务器端变量表": parse_var_sheet(sh, dicVar) break tbCondition = {} tbTarget = {} if parseAIFlg == u"1": #处理条件表 for x in xrange(book.nsheets): sh = book.sheet_by_index(x) sheetname = if sheetname == u"条件": parse_condition_sheet(sh, tbCondition) break #解析目标 for x in xrange(book.nsheets): sh = book.sheet_by_index(x) sheetname = if sheetname == u"目标": parse_target_sheet(sh, tbTarget, tbCondition) break #解析AI for x in xrange(book.nsheets): sh = book.sheet_by_index(x) sheetname = if sheetname == u"AI": #暂时屏蔽AI parse_ai_sheet(sh, ai_path, tbCondition, tbTarget) break formula = None hasPlot = False cehuaDecideWin = 0 #for x in xrange(book.nsheets): # sh = book.sheet_by_index(x) # if == shname: # tbAttr = {}; # #parse_fuben_sheet(sh, ai_path, tbAttr ) # 遍历xls for x in xrange(book.nsheets): sh = book.sheet_by_index(x) sheetname = if sheetname == u"battle_scene": battle_id = common.get_str_from_sheet(sh, 0, 1) battle_type = common.get_str_from_sheet(sh, 0, 3) # 策划决定战斗胜利 cehuaDecideWin = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 0, 5) # 玩家入场ai_list和x,y,dir player_ai_list = common.get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, 1, 1) player_x = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 2) player_y = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 3) player_dir = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 4) target_dir = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 1, 5) scene_id = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 2, 1) # 场景AI scene_ai_list = common.get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, 2, 3) # 战斗时长 fight_timeout = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 2, 5) reward = common.get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, 4, 1) level_type = common.get_int_from_sheet(sh, 4, 3) # 敌方入场数据 scene_data, row_line = common.parse_table(sh, 5, 0) print "row_line:", row_line if (row_line == sh.nrows): continue # 公式数据 srcTmp = common.get_str_from_sheet(sh, row_line, 0) # 寻找公式 while srcTmp != u"公式" and row_line < sh.nrows: srcTmp = common.get_str_from_sheet(sh, row_line, 0) row_line = row_line + 1 if (row_line == sh.nrows): continue # 公式数据 formula, row_line = common.parse_table(sh, row_line, 0) if sheetname == u"ships": # 敌方入场数据 ships, row_line = common.parse_table(sh, 0, 0) if sheetname == u"plot": hasPlot = True if (hasPlot): plotId = int(battle_id) else: plotId = 0 if not scene_data: return srcAttribute = u'' lstAttribute = [] if player_ai_list and (len(player_ai_list) >= 1): lstAttribute.append(("str_array", u"玩家AI", "AI", player_ai_list)) if scene_ai_list and (len(scene_ai_list) >= 1): lstAttribute.append(("str_array", u"场景AI", "SceneAI", scene_ai_list)) # fight_timeout # FightTimeout if fight_timeout and ((fight_timeout) >= 60): lstAttribute.append(("int", u"战斗时长", "FightTimeout", fight_timeout)) lstAttribute.append(("int", u"玩家X", "UserX", player_x)) lstAttribute.append(("int", u"玩家Y", "UserY", player_y)) lstAttribute.append(("int", u"玩家Dir", "UserDir", player_dir)) lstAttribute.append(("int", u"舰队Dir", "FleetDir", target_dir)) lstAttribute.append(("int", u"地图ID", "SceneId", scene_id)) lstAttribute.append(("int", u"策划决定战斗胜利", "CehuaDecideWin", cehuaDecideWin)) if level_type: lstAttribute.append(("int", u"等级类型", "LevelType", level_type)) if reward and (len(reward) >= 1): lstAttribute.append(("str_array", u"奖励", "Reward", reward)) if hasPlot: lstAttribute.append(("int", u"剧情ID", "PlotId", plotId)) for attr in lstAttribute: type = attr[0] memo = attr[1] param = attr[2] value = attr[3] srcTmp = u'' if type == "int": srcTmp = srcIntData % (memo, param, value) elif type == "str_array": srcTmp = srcData % (memo, param, PythonData2Lpc(value)) srcAttribute += srcTmp baseName = dicBase[battle_type] srcFunctions = u"" formulaResult = {} if formula: for k, v in formula.items(): formula_name = "formula_%s" % k dicParam = {} exp = parse_expr_right(v["formula"], dicVar, 0, dicParam) #srcFunc = parse_function( v["formula"], formula_name, formula_name, dicVar, srcFormulaFunction ) srcFunc = srcFormulaFunction % (v["memo"], formula_name, exp[0], v["formula"], exp[1]) srcFunctions += srcFunc formulaResult[k] = u"@@%s" % formula_name for k, v in ships.items(): for fk, fn in formulaResult.items(): if v.has_key(fk): v[fk] = fn srcSceneData = srcSceneDataTemplete % (PythonData2Lpc( scene_data, True, 1, 1)) srcShipData = srcShipDataTemplete % (PythonData2Lpc(ships, True, 1, 1)) srcFightData = srcFightDataTemplete % ( baseName, srcAttribute, srcFunctions, srcSceneData, srcShipData) srcPath = (dicFilePath[battle_type]) % (battle_id) print formula #TODO:输出scene_data,ships write_src(srcPath, begin, end, srcFightData, "utf-8") add_to_file("tmp/update_file.txt", srcPath)
def parse_ai_sheet(sh, path, tbCondition, tbTarget): srcCnd = "" for cndId in tbCondition: srcTmp = tbCondition[cndId] srcCnd += srcTmp srcTarget = "" for targetId in tbTarget: srcTmp = tbTarget[targetId] srcTarget += srcTmp for row in range(1, sh.nrows): #srcAITemplete aiId = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 0) if aiId == "": continue # 1 ai memo memo = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 1) # 2 ai class name aiClsName = "ClsAI" + upFirstChar(aiId) # 3 base attr funcs # id funcId = srcStrData % (u"AI ID", "AIId", aiId) srcBaseAttrFuncs = funcId # 时机 opportunity = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 2) if opportunity not in dicOpportunity: print(u"ERROR:unknow opportunity:" + opportunity) strOpportunity = "ERROR:" + opportunity else: strOpportunity = "@@" + dicOpportunity[opportunity] funcOpportunity = srcData % (u"AI时机", "Opportunity", PythonData2Lpc(strOpportunity)) srcBaseAttrFuncs += funcOpportunity # 优先级别 priority = get_int_from_sheet(sh, row, 3) funcPriority = srcIntData % (u"AI优先级别", "Priority", priority) srcBaseAttrFuncs += funcPriority # 停止标记 stop_other_flg = get_int_from_sheet(sh, row, 4) funcStopOtherFlg = srcIntData % (u"AI停止标记", "StopOtherFlg", stop_other_flg) srcBaseAttrFuncs += funcStopOtherFlg # 删除标记 delete_other_flg = get_int_from_sheet(sh, row, 5) funcDeleteOtherFlg = srcIntData % (u"AI删除标记", "DeleteOtherFlg", delete_other_flg) srcBaseAttrFuncs += funcDeleteOtherFlg lstTarget = [] lstCnd = [] # 4 cnd funcs cnd = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 6) conditionSrc = "" if (len(cnd)): # 处理条件 if (cnd in tbCondition): cndFunName = "cnd" + upFirstChar(cnd) srcTmp = u'''\treturn %s(mpAI, 0)''' % cndFunName lstCnd.append(cnd) else: dicParam = {} exp = parse_expr_right(cnd, dicVar, 0, dicParam) #print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", cnd, exp) srcTmp = u'''\t%s\n\treturn (%s)''' % (exp[0], exp[1]) conditionSrc = srcCheckConditionFunction % (srcTmp) #srcCnd += conditionSrc lstAct = [] tbActionFuncs = {} index = 0 for col in range(7, sh.ncols, 3): # 5 target funcs target = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col) # 6 act funcs action = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col + 1) if (len(action) == 0): continue # 7 actions action_content = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col + 2) # {"delay", "SELF", { 6000, }}, tmpAction = [ dicAction[action], "", [], ] if (target in tbTarget): tmpAction[1] = "@@target" + upFirstChar(target) else: tmpAction[1] = target #TODO:parse action functions params = parse_action_function(aiId, index, action, action_content, tbActionFuncs) tmpAction[2] = params lstAct.append(tmpAction) index += 1 srcActFuncs = "" for actFunctionName in tbActionFuncs: srcActFuncs += tbActionFuncs[actFunctionName] dictTargetMethod = {} for targetMethod in tbTarget.keys(): dictTargetMethod[targetMethod] = "@@target" + upFirstChar( targetMethod) aiSrc = srcAITemplete % (memo, srcBaseAttrFuncs, srcCnd + conditionSrc, srcTarget, srcActFuncs, PythonData2Lpc(lstAct, True, 1, 1), PythonData2Lpc(dictTargetMethod, True, 1, 1)) ai_str = ("/" + aiId + ".c").encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) #print(aiSrc) #print(path + ai_str) #print(begin) #print(end) write_src(path + ai_str, begin, end, aiSrc, "utf-8") print(">>> [I] ai success write to " + path + ai_str)
def parse_skill_sheet(sh, output_path): #print( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n", statusName2Id ) statusStartCol = 26 statusColCnt = 13 # 导技能表 # parseSkillTable for row in range(3, sh.nrows): skillId = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 0) srcSkill = u""" #include <fight.h> inherit SKILL_BASE; #include <var_prop.h> #include <user_key.h> #include <skill.h> """ skillFile = "module/skill/" + skillId + ".c" for col in range(0, statusStartCol - 1): headMemo = get_str_from_sheet(sh, 1, col) head = get_str_from_sheet(sh, 2, col) if (head not in parseSkillTable): continue type = parseSkillTable[head]["type"] name = parseSkillTable[head]["value_name"] templete = parseSkillTable[head]["templete"] print(headMemo, type, name, sh, row, col, templete) srcSkill += GetSrcByType(headMemo, type, name, sh, row, col, templete) statusIdx = 0 allStatus = [] # TODO:操作区解析 for col in range(statusStartCol, sh.ncols, statusColCnt): head = get_str_from_sheet(sh, 2, col) # TODO:根据列名逐个获取内容 curCol = col # 无法完整的读出一个状态 if curCol + statusColCnt > sh.ncols: break # pre_actions curCol = curCol + 1 # scope value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) print(head, value) if len(value) == 0: continue status = {} print(curCol, value) status["@@SCOPE"] = "@@" + value # sort_method curCol = curCol + 1 value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) if (len(value) > 0): status["@@SORT_METHOD"] = "@@" + value # select_cnt curCol = curCol + 1 value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) if "=" not in value: print row, col, value value = get_int_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) status["@@SELECT_CNT"] = value else: funcName = "StatusSelectCnt%d" % (statusIdx) statusSelectCnt = parse_function(value, u"状态选择数量", funcName, dicVar, srcSelectCntTemplete) srcSkill += statusSelectCnt status["@@SELECT_CNT"] = "@@" + funcName # TargetUnselectMain curCol = curCol + 1 tmp = get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) for idx in range(len(tmp)): if (tmp[idx] in statusName2Id): tmp[idx] = statusName2Id[tmp[idx]] value = tmp status["@@UNSELECT_MAIN"] = value # effect_name curCol = curCol + 1 # effect_type curCol = curCol + 1 # effect_time curCol = curCol + 1 # StatusAdd curCol = curCol + 1 value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) if (value in statusName2Id): value = statusName2Id[value] status["@@STATUS_ADD"] = value # status_duration curCol = curCol + 1 value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) if (len(value) > 0): if "=" in value: funcName = "StatusDuration%d" % (statusIdx) statusDuration = parse_function(value, u"状态持续时间", funcName, dicVar, srcStatusRateTemplete) srcSkill += statusDuration status["@@STATUS_DURATION"] = "@@" + funcName elif "+" in value: funcName = "StatusDuration%d" % (statusIdx) statusDuration = parse_function(value, u"状态持续时间", funcName, dicVar, srcStatusDurationTemplete) srcSkill += statusDuration status["@@STATUS_DURATION"] = "@@" + funcName elif "/" in value: funcName = "StatusDuration%d" % (statusIdx) statusDuration = parse_function(value, u"状态持续时间", funcName, dicVar, srcStatusDurationTemplete) srcSkill += statusDuration status["@@STATUS_DURATION"] = "@@" + funcName else: print value status["@@STATUS_DURATION"] = get_int_from_sheet( sh, row, curCol) # status_break curCol = curCol + 1 value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) if (len(value) > 0): funcName = "StatusBreak%d" % (statusIdx) value = formla_int_to_float(value) statusBreak = parse_function(value, u"状态心跳时间", funcName, dicVar, srcStatusBreakTemplete) srcSkill += statusBreak status["@@STATUS_BREAK"] = "@@" + funcName # 命中率公式 curCol = curCol + 1 # skillSimpleFuncTemplete value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) funcName = "StatusRate%d" % (statusIdx) status["@@STATUS_RATE"] = "@@" + funcName # 生成函数,加入技能表中去 statusRate = parse_function(value, u"状态命中", funcName, dicVar, srcStatusRateTemplete) srcSkill += statusRate # 处理过程 curCol = curCol + 1 value = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, curCol) funcName = "StatusCalc%d" % (statusIdx) status["@@STATUS_CALCULATE"] = "@@" + funcName statusCalc = parse_function(value, u"状态结算", funcName, dicVar, srcStatusCalcTemplete) srcSkill += statusCalc print(status) allStatus.append(status) # 状态操作区+1 statusIdx = statusIdx + 1 # status srcSkill += u""" mapping* allStatus = %s; mapping* GetAllStatus() { return allStatus; } """ % (PythonData2Lpc(allStatus, True, 0)) # 非操作区的处理 write_src(skillFile, begin, end, srcSkill, u"utf-8") pass
def parse_sheet(sh, outputpath): # 读取奖励表 print startRow = get_int_from_sheet(sh, 3, 1) - 1 rRewardId = get_str_from_sheet(sh, 0, 5) rType = get_str_from_sheet(sh, 4, 4) endRow = sh.nrows srcAttr = u"" srcAttr += u''' RESET_ONUPDATE_VAR(Id, %s) ''' % PythonData2Lpc(rRewardId) srcAttr += u''' RESET_ONUPDATE_VAR(Type, TB_TYPE_%s) ''' % rType srcFunction = u"" rewardData = {} for row in range(startRow, endRow): #序号 类型 名字 类型ID 数量 概率 商会公告 公告 说明 #reward_no(str) type(str) id(int) cnt(int) rate(int) memo(str) #reward_no(str) type(str) id(int) cnt(int) rate(int) group_gonggao(str) gonggao(str) memo(str) condition(str) no = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 0) rTypeName = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 1) rType = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 2) rName = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 3) rId = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 4) if (rId != "" and not rId.isdigit()): funcName = u"CalcId%s" % no expTmp = parse_expr_right(rId, dicVar, 0, {}) srcTmp = srcFuncTemplete % ("奖励ID计算函数,只为公会红包准备", funcName, expTmp[1]) srcFunction += srcTmp rId = "@@%s" % funcName else: if (rId == ""): rId = 0 else: rId = int(rId) rAmount = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 5) rRate = get_int_from_sheet(sh, row, 6) # 商会公告(目前应该没用) rGroupGonggao = get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, row, 7) if (len(rGroupGonggao) > 0): rGroupGonggao[0] = int(rGroupGonggao[0]) # 公告 = 世界公告;商会公告;系统提示 rGonggao = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 8) gonggaos = [] if (len(rGonggao) > 0): gonggaos = rGonggao.split(";") if (len(gonggaos) != 3): raise Exception("奖励公告格式错误") i = 0 for gonggao in gonggaos: gonggaos[i] = gonggao.split(",") if len(gonggao) > 0: gonggaos[i] = gonggao.split(",") gonggaos[i][0] = int(gonggaos[i][0]) else: gonggaos[i] = [] i += 1 rMemo = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 10) rArgs = get_map_from_sheet(sh, row, 9) rCnd = "" if (rAmount != "" and not rAmount.isdigit()): funcName = u"CalcAmount%s" % no expTmp = parse_expr_right(rAmount, dicVar, 0, {}) srcTmp = srcFuncTemplete % ("奖励数量计算函数", funcName, expTmp[1]) srcFunction += srcTmp rAmount = "@@%s" % funcName else: if (rAmount == ""): rAmount = 0 else: rAmount = int(rAmount) if (sh.ncols > 11): rCnd = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, 11) if (len(rCnd)): funcName = u"Condition%s" % no expTmp = parse_expr_right(rCnd, dicVar, 0, {}) srcTmp = srcFuncTemplete % (u"条件函数", funcName, expTmp[1]) srcFunction += srcTmp rCnd = "@@%s" % funcName rewardData[no] = (rType, rName, rId, rAmount, rRate, gonggaos, rMemo, rCnd, rGroupGonggao, rArgs) srcAll = strRewardTemplete % (srcAttr, srcFunction, PythonData2Lpc(rewardData, True, 2, 2)) print(srcAll) output_file = outputpath + "%s.c" % rRewardId print(output_file) write_src(output_file, begin, end, srcAll, "utf-8")
def parse_sheet(sh, outputpath): headRow = 10 startRow = 11 for row in xrange(startRow, sh.nrows): itemid = get_int_from_sheet(sh, row, 0) if (itemid == 0): continue itemData = {} for col in xrange(1, sh.ncols): head = get_str_from_sheet(sh, headRow, col) if (len(head) == 0): continue tmp = parse_head.match(head) if (tmp == None): #print("ERROR:HEAD %s", head) #print(tmp) continue var ="var") varType ="type") if (varType == 'int'): data = get_int_from_sheet(sh, row, col) if data == 0 and var != "type": continue elif (varType == 'str'): data = get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col) if data == "": continue elif (varType == 'macro'): data = "@@%s" % get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col) elif (varType == 'str_array'): data = get_str_array_from_sheet(sh, row, col) if len(data) == 0: continue elif (varType == 'map'): data = parse_map(get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col)) elif varType == 'formula': sNote = get_str_from_sheet(sh, headRow - 2, col) data = parse_formula(get_str_from_sheet(sh, row, col), sNote) itemData[var] = data #print( itemid, itemData ) itemType = ("%s" % itemData["server_item_base"]) itemBase = PythonData2Lpc(itemType) #print( itemType, itemBase ) # 处理各种类型的特殊参数 if (itemBase == ITEM_BASE_EXP_BOOK): exp = int(itemData["args"]) itemData["exp"] = exp elif (itemBase == ITEM_BASE_GIFT): rewards = itemData["args"].split(",") itemData["rewards"] = rewards elif (itemBase == ITEM_BASE_SKILL_BOOK): skillIdStrs = itemData["args"].split(",") skillIds = [] for var in skillIdStrs: skillIds += [int(var)] itemData["skillIds"] = skillIds elif (itemBase == ITEM_BASE_BAWOU_BOX): rewards = itemData["args"].split(",") itemData["rewards"] = rewards srcAttr = u"" for var in itemData.keys(): if var not in ParseVarTable: continue info = ParseVarTable[var] data = itemData[var] if info[0] == u"attr": srcTmp = u''' RESET_ONUPDATE_VAR(%s, %s) ''' % (info[1], PythonData2Lpc(data)) srcAttr += srcTmp elif info[0] == u"func": srcTmp = u''' %s %s() { return %s; } ''' % (info[2], info[1], PythonData2Lpc(data)) srcAttr += srcTmp elif info[0] == u"formula": if data: srcTmp = info[1] % (data) srcAttr += srcTmp src = SRC_ITEM_TEMPLATE % (itemBase, srcAttr) #print(src) filename = "%s/%d.c" % (outputpath, itemid) #print( filename ) write_src(filename, begin, end, src, "utf-8")