Пример #1
def config_mem(options, system):
    Create the memory controllers based on the options and attach them.

    If requested, we make a multi-channel configuration of the
    selected memory controller class by creating multiple instances of
    the specific class. The individual controllers have their
    parameters set such that the address range is interleaved between

    # Mandatory options
    opt_mem_channels = options.mem_channels

    # Semi-optional options
    # Must have either mem_type or nvm_type or both
    opt_mem_type = getattr(options, "mem_type", None)
    opt_nvm_type = getattr(options, "nvm_type", None)
    if not opt_mem_type and not opt_nvm_type:
        fatal("Must have option for either mem-type or nvm-type, or both")

    # Optional options
    opt_tlm_memory = getattr(options, "tlm_memory", None)
    opt_external_memory_system = getattr(options, "external_memory_system",
    opt_elastic_trace_en = getattr(options, "elastic_trace_en", False)
    opt_mem_ranks = getattr(options, "mem_ranks", None)
    opt_nvm_ranks = getattr(options, "nvm_ranks", None)
    opt_hybrid_channel = getattr(options, "hybrid_channel", False)
    opt_dram_powerdown = getattr(options, "enable_dram_powerdown", None)
    opt_mem_channels_intlv = getattr(options, "mem_channels_intlv", 128)
    opt_xor_low_bit = getattr(options, "xor_low_bit", 0)

    if opt_mem_type == "HMC_2500_1x32":
        HMChost = HMC.config_hmc_host_ctrl(options, system)
        HMC.config_hmc_dev(options, system, HMChost.hmc_host)
        subsystem = system.hmc_dev
        xbar = system.hmc_dev.xbar
        subsystem = system
        xbar = system.membus

    if opt_tlm_memory:
        system.external_memory = m5.objects.ExternalSlave(
        system.workload.addr_check = False

    if opt_external_memory_system:
        subsystem.external_memory = m5.objects.ExternalSlave(
            port_data="init_mem0", port=xbar.master,
        subsystem.workload.addr_check = False

    nbr_mem_ctrls = opt_mem_channels

    import math
    from m5.util import fatal
    intlv_bits = int(math.log(nbr_mem_ctrls, 2))
    if 2 ** intlv_bits != nbr_mem_ctrls:
        fatal("Number of memory channels must be a power of 2")

    if opt_mem_type:
        intf = ObjectList.mem_list.get(opt_mem_type)
    if opt_nvm_type:
        n_intf = ObjectList.mem_list.get(opt_nvm_type)

    nvm_intfs = []
    mem_ctrls = []

    if opt_elastic_trace_en and not issubclass(intf, m5.objects.SimpleMemory):
        fatal("When elastic trace is enabled, configure mem-type as "

    # The default behaviour is to interleave memory channels on 128
    # byte granularity, or cache line granularity if larger than 128
    # byte. This value is based on the locality seen across a large
    # range of workloads.
    intlv_size = max(opt_mem_channels_intlv, system.cache_line_size.value)

    # For every range (most systems will only have one), create an
    # array of memory interfaces and set their parameters to match
    # their address mapping in the case of a DRAM
    range_iter = 0
    for r in system.mem_ranges:
        # As the loops iterates across ranges, assign them alternatively
        # to DRAM and NVM if both configured, starting with DRAM
        range_iter += 1

        for i in range(nbr_mem_ctrls):
            if opt_mem_type and (not opt_nvm_type or range_iter % 2 != 0):
                # Create the DRAM interface
                dram_intf = create_mem_intf(intf, r, i, nbr_mem_ctrls,
                                    intlv_bits, intlv_size, opt_xor_low_bit)

                # Set the number of ranks based on the command-line
                # options if it was explicitly set
                if issubclass(intf, m5.objects.DRAMInterface) and \
                    dram_intf.ranks_per_channel = opt_mem_ranks

                # Enable low-power DRAM states if option is set
                if issubclass(intf, m5.objects.DRAMInterface):
                    dram_intf.enable_dram_powerdown = opt_dram_powerdown

                if opt_elastic_trace_en:
                    dram_intf.latency = '1ns'
                    print("For elastic trace, over-riding Simple Memory "
                        "latency to 1ns.")

                # Create the controller that will drive the interface
                if opt_mem_type == "HMC_2500_1x32":
                    # The static latency of the vault controllers is estimated
                    # to be smaller than a full DRAM channel controller
                    mem_ctrl = m5.objects.MemCtrl(min_writes_per_switch = 8,
                                             static_backend_latency = '4ns',
                                             static_frontend_latency = '4ns')
                elif opt_mem_type == "SimpleMemory":
                    mem_ctrl = m5.objects.SimpleMemory()
                    mem_ctrl = m5.objects.MemCtrl()

                # Hookup the controller to the interface and add to the list
                if opt_mem_type != "SimpleMemory":
                    mem_ctrl.dram = dram_intf


            elif opt_nvm_type and (not opt_mem_type or range_iter % 2 == 0):
                nvm_intf = create_mem_intf(n_intf, r, i, nbr_mem_ctrls,
                                           intlv_bits, intlv_size)
                # Set the number of ranks based on the command-line
                # options if it was explicitly set
                if issubclass(n_intf, m5.objects.NVMInterface) and \
                    nvm_intf.ranks_per_channel = opt_nvm_ranks

                # Create a controller if not sharing a channel with DRAM
                # in which case the controller has already been created
                if not opt_hybrid_channel:
                    mem_ctrl = m5.objects.MemCtrl()
                    mem_ctrl.nvm = nvm_intf


    # hook up NVM interface when channel is shared with DRAM + NVM
    for i in range(len(nvm_intfs)):
        mem_ctrls[i].nvm = nvm_intfs[i];

    # Connect the controller to the xbar port
    for i in range(len(mem_ctrls)):
        if opt_mem_type == "HMC_2500_1x32":
            # Connect the controllers to the membus
            mem_ctrls[i].port = xbar[i/4].master
            # Set memory device size. There is an independent controller
            # for each vault. All vaults are same size.
            mem_ctrls[i].dram.device_size = options.hmc_dev_vault_size
            # Connect the controllers to the membus
            mem_ctrls[i].port = xbar.master

    subsystem.mem_ctrls = mem_ctrls
Пример #2
def config_mem(options, system):
    Create the memory controllers based on the options and attach them.

    If requested, we make a multi-channel configuration of the
    selected memory controller class by creating multiple instances of
    the specific class. The individual controllers have their
    parameters set such that the address range is interleaved between

    # Mandatory options
    opt_mem_type = options.mem_type
    opt_mem_channels = options.mem_channels

    # Optional options
    opt_tlm_memory = getattr(options, "tlm_memory", None)
    opt_external_memory_system = getattr(options, "external_memory_system",
    opt_elastic_trace_en = getattr(options, "elastic_trace_en", False)
    opt_mem_ranks = getattr(options, "mem_ranks", None)
    opt_dram_powerdown = getattr(options, "enable_dram_powerdown", None)
    opt_mem_channels_intlv = getattr(options, "mem_channels_intlv", 128)

    if opt_mem_type == "HMC_2500_1x32":
        HMChost = HMC.config_hmc_host_ctrl(options, system)
        HMC.config_hmc_dev(options, system, HMChost.hmc_host)
        subsystem = system.hmc_dev
        xbar = system.hmc_dev.xbar
        subsystem = system
        xbar = system.membus

    if opt_tlm_memory:
        system.external_memory = m5.objects.ExternalSlave(
        system.workload.addr_check = False

    if opt_external_memory_system:
        subsystem.external_memory = m5.objects.ExternalSlave(
        subsystem.workload.addr_check = False

    nbr_mem_ctrls = opt_mem_channels
    import math
    from m5.util import fatal
    intlv_bits = int(math.log(nbr_mem_ctrls, 2))
    if 2**intlv_bits != nbr_mem_ctrls:
        fatal("Number of memory channels must be a power of 2")

    cls = ObjectList.mem_list.get(opt_mem_type)
    mem_ctrls = []

    if opt_elastic_trace_en and not issubclass(cls, m5.objects.SimpleMemory):
        fatal("When elastic trace is enabled, configure mem-type as "

    # The default behaviour is to interleave memory channels on 128
    # byte granularity, or cache line granularity if larger than 128
    # byte. This value is based on the locality seen across a large
    # range of workloads.
    intlv_size = max(opt_mem_channels_intlv, system.cache_line_size.value)

    # For every range (most systems will only have one), create an
    # array of controllers and set their parameters to match their
    # address mapping in the case of a DRAM
    for r in system.mem_ranges:
        for i in range(nbr_mem_ctrls):
            mem_ctrl = create_mem_ctrl(cls, r, i, nbr_mem_ctrls, intlv_bits,
            # Set the number of ranks based on the command-line
            # options if it was explicitly set
            if issubclass(cls, m5.objects.DRAMCtrl) and opt_mem_ranks:
                mem_ctrl.ranks_per_channel = opt_mem_ranks

            # Enable low-power DRAM states if option is set
            if issubclass(cls, m5.objects.DRAMCtrl):
                mem_ctrl.enable_dram_powerdown = opt_dram_powerdown

            if opt_elastic_trace_en:
                mem_ctrl.latency = '1ns'
                print("For elastic trace, over-riding Simple Memory "
                      "latency to 1ns.")


    subsystem.mem_ctrls = mem_ctrls

    # Connect the controllers to the membus
    for i in range(len(subsystem.mem_ctrls)):
        if opt_mem_type == "HMC_2500_1x32":
            subsystem.mem_ctrls[i].port = xbar[i / 4].master
            # Set memory device size. There is an independent controller for
            # each vault. All vaults are same size.
            subsystem.mem_ctrls[i].device_size = options.hmc_dev_vault_size
            subsystem.mem_ctrls[i].port = xbar.master