def main():
    from os import system
    from sys import argv
    from common import Params
    import sys

    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    config = Params(argv[1])
    scheduler = argv[2]
    collective_list = config.getStrlst("collectives")
    omb_path = config.getStr("omb_collective_directory")
    imb_bin = config.getStr("imb_binary")
    num_rank_list = config.getIntlst("number_of_ranks")
    max_num_node = config.getInt("max_num_node")
    num_core_per_node = config.getInt("number_of_cores_per_node")
    num_run = config.getInt("number_of_runs_per_test")

    job_directory = dir_path + "/collective_jobs"
    for collective in collective_list:
        params = Params(job_directory + "/" + collective + ".job")

        if not os.path.exists(dir_path + "/output"):
            os.makedirs(dir_path + "/output")
        if not os.path.exists(dir_path + "/output/" + collective):
            os.makedirs(dir_path + "/output/" + collective)

        num_alg = params.getInt("number_of_algorithms")
        exclude_alg = params.getIntlst("exclude_algorithms")
        two_proc_alg = -1
            two_proc_alg = params.getInt("two_proc_alg")
        except Exception as e:
            print "No two proc algorithm for " + collective

        f = open(
            dir_path + "/output/" + collective + "/" + collective +
            "", "w")
        print >> f, "#!/bin/sh"
        print >> f, "#"
        if scheduler == "slurm":
            print >> f, "#SBATCH --job-name=" + collective
            print >> f, "#SBATCH --output=res.txt"
            print >> f, "#"
            print >> f, "#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=" + str(num_core_per_node)
            print >> f, "#SBATCH --time=1000:00:00"
            print >> f, "#SBATCH --nodes=" + str(max_num_node)
        elif scheduler == "sge":
            print >> f, "#$ -j y"
            print >> f, "#$ -pe mpi %d" % (max_num_node * num_core_per_node)
            print >> f, "#"
            print >> f, "#$ -cwd"
            print >> f, "#"
            print >> f, "echo Got $NSOLTS processors."
            print "Unknown scheduler. Aborting.."

        print >> f, ""

        for num_rank in num_rank_list:
            for alg in range(num_alg + 1):
                if alg in exclude_alg or (alg == two_proc_alg
                                          and num_rank > 2):
                print >> f, "# ", alg, num_rank, "ranks"
                for run_id in xrange(num_run):
                    if collective in imb_collectives:
                        prg_name = imb_bin + " -npmin %d %s " % (num_rank,
                        prg_name = omb_path + "/osu_" + collective
                    cmd = "mpirun --np %d " % (num_rank)
                    cmd += "--mca coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules 1 --mca coll_tuned_" + collective + "_algorithm " + str(
                    cmd += " " + prg_name
                    cmd += " >& " + dir_path + "/output/" + collective + "/" + str(
                        alg) + "_" + str(num_rank) + "ranks" + "_run" + str(
                            run_id) + ".out"
                    print >> f, cmd
                print >> f, ""

        print "SGE script wrote to " + collective + " successfully!"
def writeDecision(config, dir_path, outfil):
    collective_list = config.getStrlst("collectives")
    num_rank_list = config.getIntlst("number_of_ranks")
    num_run = config.getInt("number_of_runs_per_test")

    num_coll = len(collective_list)
    output_dir = dir_path + "/output"
    job_dir = dir_path + "/collective_jobs"
    f = open(outfil, "w")
    print >> f, "%-10s" % num_coll, "# Number of collectives"
    for collective in collective_list:
        if not os.path.exists(dir_path + "/output/" + collective):
            print "Collective " + collective + " output not detected. Exiting."

        params = Params(job_dir + "/" + collective + ".job")
        num_alg = params.getInt("number_of_algorithms")
        exclude_alg = params.getIntlst("exclude_algorithms")
        two_proc_alg = -1
            two_proc_alg = params.getInt("two_proc_alg")
        except Exception as e:
            print "No two proc algorithm for " + collective
        raw_dir = dir_path + "/output/" + collective

        coll_result = {}
        for num_rank in num_rank_list:
            coll_result[num_rank] = NumRankResult(config, num_alg, exclude_alg,
                                                  two_proc_alg, raw_dir,
                                                  num_rank, collective)

        writeResult(num_rank_list, coll_result, raw_dir + "/best.out")
        print "Result wrote for " + collective + " to " + collective + "/best.out"

        print >> f, "%-10s" % coll_id_from_name(
            collective), "# Collective ID for", collective

        com_sizes = len(num_rank_list)
        print >> f, "%-10s" % com_sizes, "# Number of com sizes"
        for num_rank in num_rank_list:
            nod_result = coll_result[num_rank]
            print >> f, "%-10s" % num_rank, "# Com size"
            best = Params(output_dir + "/" + collective + "/best.out")
            best_alg = 0
            # Open MPI requires that all data should start from msg size 0.
            # The default one is `0 0 0 0\n`
            # For collective data starts from msg size 0 (barrier or
            # collectives benchmarked by IMB) this line could be updated.
            if nod_result.msgsizlst()[0] == 0:
                num_sizes = 0
                size_output = ""
                num_sizes = 1
                size_output = "0 0 0 0\n"
            for i, msg_siz in enumerate(nod_result.msgsizlst()):
                new_alg = nod_result.selectAlg()[i]
                if new_alg == best_alg:
                best_alg = new_alg
                num_sizes += 1
                size_output += str(msg_siz)
                size_output += " " + str(best_alg)
                size_output += " 0"
                size_output += " 0\n"
            print >> f, "%-10s" % num_sizes, "# Number of msg sizes"
            print >> f, size_output,
        writeDetail(params, coll_result, raw_dir + "/detail.out", num_alg,
                    exclude_alg, two_proc_alg, num_run, num_rank_list)