def _CreateTempRepo(self, dir_name, relative_build_dir, branch): """Clones a temporary git repository out of the current working dir. Args: dir_name: Name for the temporary repository directory relative_build_dir: Path to the build dir in the current working dir to clone build args from. branch: Branch to checkout in the new repository. None will keep checked out the same branch as the local repo. Returns: Path to the build directory of the new repository. """ cwd = os.getcwd() repo_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-%s' % dir_name) src_dir = os.path.join(repo_dir, 'pdfium') self.git.CloneLocal(os.getcwd(), src_dir) if branch is not None: os.chdir(src_dir) self.git.Checkout(branch) os.chdir(repo_dir) PrintErr('Syncing...') cmd = [ 'gclient', 'config', '--unmanaged', '' ] if self.args.cache_dir: cmd.append('--cache-dir=%s' % self.args.cache_dir) RunCommandPropagateErr(cmd, exit_status_on_error=1) RunCommandPropagateErr(['gclient', 'sync', '--force'], exit_status_on_error=1) PrintErr('Done.') build_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, relative_build_dir) os.makedirs(build_dir) os.chdir(src_dir) source_gn_args = os.path.join(cwd, relative_build_dir, '') dest_gn_args = os.path.join(build_dir, '') shutil.copy(source_gn_args, dest_gn_args) RunCommandPropagateErr(['gn', 'gen', relative_build_dir], exit_status_on_error=1) os.chdir(cwd) return build_dir
def RunSingleTestCase(self, run_label, build_dir, test_case): """Profiles a single test case. Args: run_label: String to differentiate this version of the code in output files from other versions. build_dir: String with path to build directory test_case: Path to the test case. Returns: The measured profiling value for that test case. """ command = [ self.safe_measure_script_path, test_case, '--build-dir=%s' % build_dir ] if self.args.interesting_section: command.append('--interesting-section') if self.args.profiler: command.append('--profiler=%s' % self.args.profiler) profile_file_path = self._GetProfileFilePath(run_label, test_case) if profile_file_path: command.append('--output-path=%s' % profile_file_path) if self.args.png_dir: command.append('--png') if self.args.pages: command.extend(['--pages', self.args.pages]) output = RunCommandPropagateErr(command) if output is None: return None if self.args.png_dir: self._MoveImages(test_case, run_label) # Get the time number as output, making sure it's just a number output = output.strip() if re.match('^[0-9]+$', output): return int(output) return None
def _BuildCurrentBranch(self, build_dir): """Synchronizes and builds the current version of pdfium. Args: build_dir: String with path to build directory """ PrintErr('Syncing...') RunCommandPropagateErr(['gclient', 'sync', '--force'], exit_status_on_error=1) PrintErr('Done.') PrintErr('Building...') cmd = ['ninja', '-C', build_dir, 'pdfium_test'] if GetBooleanGnArg('use_goma', build_dir): cmd.extend(['-j', '250']) RunCommandPropagateErr(cmd, stdout_has_errors=True, exit_status_on_error=1) PrintErr('Done.')
def RunSingleTestCase(self, run_label, build_dir, test_case): """Profiles a single test case. Args: run_label: String to differentiate this version of the code in output files from other versions. build_dir: String with path to build directory test_case: Path to the test case. Returns: The measured profiling value for that test case. """ command = [self.safe_measure_script_path, test_case, '--build-dir=%s' % build_dir] if self.args.interesting_section: command.append('--interesting-section') if self.args.profiler: command.append('--profiler=%s' % self.args.profiler) profile_file_path = self._GetProfileFilePath(run_label, test_case) if profile_file_path: command.append('--output-path=%s' % profile_file_path) if self.args.png_dir: command.append('--png') if self.args.pages: command.extend(['--pages', self.args.pages]) output = RunCommandPropagateErr(command) if output is None: return None if self.args.png_dir: self._MoveImages(test_case, run_label) # Get the time number as output, making sure it's just a number output = output.strip() if re.match('^[0-9]+$', output): return int(output) return None
def StashPush(self): """Stashes uncommitted changes.""" output = RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'stash', '--include-untracked'], exit_status_on_error=1) if 'No local changes to save' in output: return False self.stashed += 1 return True
def __FreezeFile(self, file): RunCommandPropagateErr(['cp', file, self.safe_script_dir], exit_status_on_error=1)
def _IncrementalRun(self, last_revision_covered): """Incremental run, compare against last checkpoint and update it. Args: last_revision_covered: String with hash for last checkpoint. Returns: Exit code for the script. """ current = self.git.GetCurrentBranchHash() PrintWithTime('Incremental run, current is %s, last is %s' % (current, last_revision_covered)) if not os.path.exists(self.context.run_output_dir): os.makedirs(self.context.run_output_dir) if current == last_revision_covered: PrintWithTime('No changes seen, finishing job') output_info = { 'metadata': self._BuildRunMetadata(last_revision_covered, current, False) } self._WriteRawJson(output_info) return 0 # Run compare cmd = [ 'testing/tools/', '--this-repo', '--machine-readable', '--branch-before=%s' % last_revision_covered, '--output-dir=%s' % self.context.run_output_dir ] cmd.extend(self.args.input_paths) json_output = RunCommandPropagateErr(cmd) if json_output is None: return 1 output_info = json.loads(json_output) run_metadata = self._BuildRunMetadata(last_revision_covered, current, True) output_info.setdefault('metadata', {}).update(run_metadata) self._WriteRawJson(output_info) PrintConclusionsDictHumanReadable( output_info, colored=(not self.args.output_to_log and not self.args.no_color), key='after') status = 0 if output_info['summary']['improvement']: PrintWithTime('Improvement detected.') status = 4 if output_info['summary']['regression']: PrintWithTime('Regression detected.') status = 3 if status == 0: PrintWithTime('Nothing detected.') self._WriteCheckpoint(current) return status
def CloneLocal(self, source_repo, new_repo): RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'clone', source_repo, new_repo], exit_status_on_error=1)
def BranchExists(self, branch_name): """Return whether a branch with the given name exists.""" output = RunCommandPropagateErr( ['git', 'rev-parse', '--verify', branch_name]) return output is not None
def IsCurrentBranchClean(self): output = RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'], exit_status_on_error=1) return not output
def GetCurrentBranchHash(self): return RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], exit_status_on_error=1).strip()
def GetCurrentBranchName(self): """Returns a string with the current branch name.""" return RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], exit_status_on_error=1).strip()
def StashPopAll(self): """Pops as many changes as this instance stashed.""" while self.stashed > 0: RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'stash', 'pop'], exit_status_on_error=1) self.stashed -= 1
def FetchOriginMaster(self): """Fetches new changes on origin/main.""" RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'fetch', 'origin', 'main'], exit_status_on_error=1)
def Checkout(self, branch): """Checks out a branch.""" RunCommandPropagateErr(['git', 'checkout', branch], exit_status_on_error=1)