def accessSolrByMonth(self, query, month, prows, raw_fq=[], raw_param={}): """ #提供按月搜索新闻,使搜到的新闻尽可能的分散 # @param query : # @param month : 搜索的月数 # @param prows : 每个月搜索量 # 其余参数同上 # return : 同上 list """ reslist = [] nowtime = time.time() month_day = 30 timeHelper = TimeHelper() for x in xrange(month): end_time = nowtime - x * month_day current_end_day = timeHelper.getDateTimeFromSeconds( end_time, "%Y-%m-%d") flag, curreslist = self.process(query, rows=prows, last_day=month_day, end_day=current_end_day, fq=raw_fq, solr_param=raw_param) if flag: reslist.extend(curreslist) return reslist
def __init__(self, solr_url, reconnect_maxcnt=2): """ eg : """ self.solr_url = solr_url self.timeHelper = TimeHelper() self.reconnect_cnt = 0 self.reconnect_maxcnt = reconnect_maxcnt self.addressType = self.addressIsList()
def accessSolrByMonth(self, query, month, prows, raw_fq=[], raw_param={}): """ #提供按月搜索新闻,使搜到的新闻尽可能的分散 # @param query : # @param month : 搜索的月数 # @param prows : 每个月搜索量 # 其余参数同上 # return : 同上 list """ reslist = [] nowtime = time.time() month_day = 30 timeHelper = TimeHelper() for x in xrange(month): end_time = nowtime - x * month_day current_end_day = timeHelper.getDateTimeFromSeconds(end_time, "%Y-%m-%d") flag,curreslist = self.process(query, rows=prows, last_day=month_day, end_day=current_end_day, fq=raw_fq, solr_param=raw_param) if flag: reslist.extend(curreslist) return reslist
class SolrReaderUtil: def __init__(self, solr_url, reconnect_maxcnt=2): """ eg : """ self.solr_url = solr_url self.timeHelper = TimeHelper() self.reconnect_cnt = 0 self.reconnect_maxcnt = reconnect_maxcnt self.addressType = self.addressIsList() def addressIsList(self): if type(self.solr_url) == types.ListType: return True else: return False def constructSolrQuery(self, query, param_else={}, fq=[]): param_dict = {} param_dict["wt"] = "json" param_dict["distrib"] = "true" param_dict["q"] = query for param, value in param_else.items(): param_dict[param] = value try: param_str = urllib.urlencode(param_dict) if len(fq) <> 0: plus_str = "&".join(["fq=%s" % afq for afq in fq]) param_str += "&" + plus_str except: logging.warn("urlencode dict failed!") return "" if self.addressType: solr_url = [(address + param_str) for address in self.solr_url] else: solr_url = self.solr_url + param_str return solr_url def connect(self, solr_url): """ connect solr """ line = "" try: req = urllib2.Request(solr_url) #print solr_url if solr_url.find("201.") <> -1: req.set_proxy(PROXY_ADDRESS, "http") line = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() #print line except: #print(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn( "solr connect failed ! solr down ? address : %s !reconnect %d times" % (solr_url, self.reconnect_cnt)) return line return line def reconnect(self, solr_url): """ reconnect """ self.reconnect_cnt += 1 return self.connect(solr_url) def accessSolr(self, solr_url): """ connect or else reconnect """ line = "" if self.addressType: addresslist = solr_url[:] cnt = 0 while (len(addresslist) > 0 and cnt <= self.reconnect_maxcnt): num = random.randint(0, len(addresslist) - 1)"connect address : %s" % addresslist[num]) line = self.connect(addresslist[num]) if line <> "": break cnt += 1 del addresslist[num] else: line = self.connect(solr_url) if line == "": for x in xrange(self.reconnect_maxcnt): line = self.reconnect(solr_url) if line != "": break #time.sleep(2) return line @staticmethod def parserClassification(classiferStr): """ # classiferStr : Classification 字段内容 eg : -1:0.979535 1000000:1 1075:0.725315 # return : dict key : cid ; value : score(string) """ cid2score = {} if classiferStr == None:"the Classification is null") return cid2score cid2scorelist = classiferStr.strip().split() for cidinfo in cid2scorelist: clist = cidinfo.strip().split(":") if len(clist) <> 2: continue cid2score[clist[0]] = clist[1] return cid2score @staticmethod def parserRelatedStock(stockstr): """ # stockstr : RelatedStock 字段内容 # return : dict key : stock code ;value : (score , titleFre, contentFre) """ stock2info = {} if stockstr == None:"the RelatedStock is null") return stock2info stocklist = stockstr.strip().split() length = len(stocklist) if length % 2 <> 0: logging.warn("the RelatedStock format is wrong!") return stock2info for x in xrange(length): if x % 2 == 1: continue try: score = (stocklist[x + 1].split(":")[0]) titFre = (stocklist[x + 1].split(":")[1]) conFre = (stocklist[x + 1].split(":")[2]) stock2info[stocklist[x].strip()] = (score, titFre, conFre) except: #print(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn( "the RelatedStock format is wrong! float chang wrong") continue return stock2info @staticmethod def parserRelatedSecurity(stockstr): """ # stockstr : RelatedSecurity 字段内容 # return : dict key : stock code ;value : [score , titleFre, contentFre, stockType] """ stock2info = {} if stockstr == None:"the RelatedStock is null") return stock2info stocklist = stockstr.strip().split() length = len(stocklist) if length % 2 <> 0: logging.warn("the RelatedStock format is wrong!") return stock2info for x in xrange(length): if x % 2 == 1: continue try: infolist = stocklist[x + 1].split(":") stock2info[stocklist[x].strip()] = infolist except: #print(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn("the RelatedSecurity format is wrong!") continue return stock2info def loadJsonSolr(self, solr_res): """ # solr_res : solr result json_str # return : solr result json_format """ json_format = {} try: json_format = json.loads(solr_res) except: logging.warn("load json result of solr failed!") return False, json_format return True, json_format def getSolrInfo(self, solr_res, param_set=set()): """ # solr_res : solr result json # param_set : 需要获取结果的字段名,空则全部结果 # return : list = [dict1,dict2 ...] ,每个dict为 字段名 对应 结果 """ paramlist = [] flag, json_format = self.loadJsonSolr(solr_res) if "response" in json_format: if "docs" in json_format["response"]: reslist = json_format["response"]["docs"] else: logging.warn("json format wrong! has no docs tag!") return False, paramlist else: logging.warn("json format wrong! has no response tag!") return False, paramlist #reslist.sort(key=lambda s:s["PublishTime"],reverse = True) #print reslist if len(param_set) == 0: return True, reslist for res in reslist: paramdict = {} try: for param in param_set: content = res.get(param) paramdict[param] = content except: continue paramlist.append(paramdict) #print paramlist return True, paramlist def addTimeToQuery(self, last_day=5, end_day=""): """ # last_day : days # end_day format : %Y-%m-%d eg : 2012-12-04 # if end_day == "" : # end_day = time.time() """ if end_day == "": end_seconds = int(time.time()) else: end_data = end_day + " 00:00:00" end_seconds = self.timeHelper.getSecondsFromDateTime(end_data) begin_seconds = end_seconds - last_day * 3600 * 24 fq = "PublishTime:[" + str(begin_seconds) + " TO " + str( end_seconds) + "]" return fq
def getPos(self): return self.offset pass def getAverageTime(self): pass_time = time.time() - self.start_time result_cnt = self.offset - self.org_offset if result_cnt == 0: return 0 return pass_time / (1. * result_cnt) pass if __name__ == "__main__": #设置搜索时间 time_helper = TimeHelper() time_start = time_helper.getSecondsFromDateTime("2011-03-01 00:00") time_end = time.mktime(time.localtime()) config_dict = {"url":"", \ "channel":"report", \ "other_param":{"sde":"0"}, \ "solr":{ "UID":"", "contentsize":"1"},\ "desc":{"title":"", "content":""}, \ "time_start": int(time_start), \ "time_end": int(time_end),\ "max_number":500,\ "q": "烟台万华" } online_news_reader = OnlineTimeReader() result_dict = [] #存放结果 每个结果是一个字典,key是 solr 和 desc指定的内容 next_meta = {}
return self.offset pass def getAverageTime(self): pass_time = time.time() - self.start_time result_cnt = self.offset - self.org_offset if result_cnt == 0: return 0 return pass_time/(1. *result_cnt) pass if __name__ == "__main__": #设置搜索时间 time_helper = TimeHelper() time_start = time_helper.getSecondsFromDateTime("2011-03-01 00:00") time_end = time.mktime(time.localtime()) config_dict = {"url":"", \ "channel":"report", \ "other_param":{"sde":"0"}, \ "solr":{ "UID":"", "contentsize":"1"},\ "desc":{"title":"", "content":""}, \ "time_start": int(time_start), \ "time_end": int(time_end),\ "max_number":500,\ "q": "烟台万华" } online_news_reader = OnlineTimeReader() result_dict = [] #存放结果 每个结果是一个字典,key是 solr 和 desc指定的内容 next_meta = {}
class SolrReaderUtil: def __init__(self, solr_url, reconnect_maxcnt=2): """ eg : """ self.solr_url = solr_url self.timeHelper = TimeHelper() self.reconnect_cnt = 0 self.reconnect_maxcnt = reconnect_maxcnt self.addressType = self.addressIsList() def addressIsList(self): if type(self.solr_url) == types.ListType: return True else: return False def constructSolrQuery(self, query, param_else={}, fq=[]): param_dict = {} param_dict["wt"] = "json" param_dict["distrib"] = "true" param_dict["q"] = query for param,value in param_else.items(): param_dict[param] = value try: param_str = urllib.urlencode(param_dict) if len(fq) <> 0: plus_str = "&".join(["fq=%s" %afq for afq in fq]) param_str += "&" + plus_str except: logging.warn("urlencode dict failed!") return "" if self.addressType: solr_url = [ (address + param_str) for address in self.solr_url] else: solr_url = self.solr_url + param_str return solr_url def connect(self, solr_url): """ connect solr """ line = "" try: req = urllib2.Request(solr_url) #print solr_url if solr_url.find("201.") <> -1: req.set_proxy(PROXY_ADDRESS, "http") line = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() #print line except: #print(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn("solr connect failed ! solr down ? address : %s !reconnect %d times" %(solr_url,self.reconnect_cnt)) return line return line def reconnect(self, solr_url): """ reconnect """ self.reconnect_cnt += 1 return self.connect(solr_url) def accessSolr(self, solr_url): """ connect or else reconnect """ line = "" if self.addressType: addresslist = solr_url[:] cnt = 0 while( len(addresslist) > 0 and cnt <= self.reconnect_maxcnt): num = random.randint(0,len(addresslist)-1)"connect address : %s" %addresslist[num]) line = self.connect(addresslist[num]) if line <> "": break cnt += 1 del addresslist[num] else: line = self.connect(solr_url) if line == "": for x in xrange(self.reconnect_maxcnt): line = self.reconnect(solr_url) if line != "": break #time.sleep(2) return line @staticmethod def parserClassification(classiferStr): """ # classiferStr : Classification 字段内容 eg : -1:0.979535 1000000:1 1075:0.725315 # return : dict key : cid ; value : score(string) """ cid2score = {} if classiferStr == None:"the Classification is null") return cid2score cid2scorelist = classiferStr.strip().split() for cidinfo in cid2scorelist: clist = cidinfo.strip().split(":") if len(clist) <> 2: continue cid2score[clist[0]] = clist[1] return cid2score @staticmethod def parserRelatedStock(stockstr): """ # stockstr : RelatedStock 字段内容 # return : dict key : stock code ;value : (score , titleFre, contentFre) """ stock2info = {} if stockstr == None:"the RelatedStock is null") return stock2info stocklist = stockstr.strip().split() length = len(stocklist) if length % 2 <> 0: logging.warn("the RelatedStock format is wrong!") return stock2info for x in xrange(length): if x % 2 == 1: continue try: score = (stocklist[x+1].split(":")[0]) titFre = (stocklist[x+1].split(":")[1]) conFre = (stocklist[x+1].split(":")[2]) stock2info[stocklist[x].strip()] = (score, titFre, conFre) except: #print(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn("the RelatedStock format is wrong! float chang wrong") continue return stock2info @staticmethod def parserRelatedSecurity(stockstr): """ # stockstr : RelatedSecurity 字段内容 # return : dict key : stock code ;value : [score , titleFre, contentFre, stockType] """ stock2info = {} if stockstr == None:"the RelatedStock is null") return stock2info stocklist = stockstr.strip().split() length = len(stocklist) if length % 2 <> 0: logging.warn("the RelatedStock format is wrong!") return stock2info for x in xrange(length): if x % 2 == 1: continue try: infolist = stocklist[x+1].split(":") stock2info[stocklist[x].strip()] = infolist except: #print(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn("the RelatedSecurity format is wrong!") continue return stock2info def loadJsonSolr(self, solr_res): """ # solr_res : solr result json_str # return : solr result json_format """ json_format = {} try: json_format = json.loads(solr_res) except: logging.warn("load json result of solr failed!") return False,json_format return True,json_format def getSolrInfo(self, solr_res, param_set=set()): """ # solr_res : solr result json # param_set : 需要获取结果的字段名,空则全部结果 # return : list = [dict1,dict2 ...] ,每个dict为 字段名 对应 结果 """ paramlist = [] flag,json_format = self.loadJsonSolr(solr_res) if "response" in json_format: if "docs" in json_format["response"]: reslist = json_format["response"]["docs"] else: logging.warn("json format wrong! has no docs tag!") return False,paramlist else: logging.warn("json format wrong! has no response tag!") return False,paramlist #reslist.sort(key=lambda s:s["PublishTime"],reverse = True) #print reslist if len(param_set) == 0: return True,reslist for res in reslist: paramdict = {} try: for param in param_set: content = res.get(param) paramdict[param] = content except: continue paramlist.append(paramdict) #print paramlist return True,paramlist def addTimeToQuery(self, last_day=5, end_day=""): """ # last_day : days # end_day format : %Y-%m-%d eg : 2012-12-04 # if end_day == "" : # end_day = time.time() """ if end_day == "": end_seconds = int(time.time()) else: end_data = end_day + " 00:00:00" end_seconds = self.timeHelper.getSecondsFromDateTime(end_data) begin_seconds = end_seconds - last_day * 3600 * 24 fq = "PublishTime:[" + str(begin_seconds) + " TO " +str(end_seconds) + "]" return fq