def init_session_with_single_management(logger): connected = False api = None # try until able to connect to NVMesh Management print("Looking for a NVMesh Management server using {} from servers {}".format(Config.MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL, Config.MANAGEMENT_SERVERS)) while not connected: try: api, connected = NVMeshSDKHelper._try_to_connect_to_single_management(logger) except ManagementTimeout as ex:"Waiting for NVMesh Management servers on ({}) {}".format(Config.MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL, Config.MANAGEMENT_SERVERS)) Utils.interruptable_sleep(10) print("Connected to NVMesh Management server on ({}) {}".format(Config.MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL, Config.MANAGEMENT_SERVERS)) return api
def NodeExpandVolume(self, request, context): # if this function was called, assume the Controller checked that this volume is a FileSystem Mounted Volume. # So we will resize the File System here volume_id = request.volume_id volume_path = request.volume_path capacity_range = request.capacity_range reqJson = MessageToJson(request) self.logger.debug( 'NodeExpandVolume called with request: {}'.format(reqJson)) zone, nvmesh_vol_name = Utils.zone_and_vol_name_from_co_id( request.volume_id) block_device_path = Utils.get_nvmesh_block_device_path(nvmesh_vol_name) self.logger.debug( 'NodeExpandVolume zone: {} nvmesh_vol_name: {} block_device_path: {}' .format(zone, nvmesh_vol_name, block_device_path)) fs_type = FileSystemManager.get_fs_type(block_device_path) self.logger.debug('fs_type={}'.format(fs_type)) attempts_left = 20 resized = False while not resized and attempts_left: exit_code, stdout, stderr = FileSystemManager.expand_file_system( block_device_path, fs_type) if 'Nothing to do!' in stderr: block_device_size = FileSystemManager.get_block_device_size( block_device_path) self.logger.warning( 'File System not resized. block device size is {}'.format( block_device_size)) attempts_left = attempts_left - 1 Utils.interruptable_sleep(2) else: resized = True if not attempts_left: raise DriverError( StatusCode.INTERNAL, 'Back-Off trying to expand {} FileSystem on volume {}'.format( fs_type, block_device_path)) self.logger.debug( 'Finished Expanding File System of type {} on volume {}'.format( fs_type, block_device_path)) return NodeExpandVolumeResponse()