def _visualize_vel(self, p, v): pt = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(p) pt2 = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(v + p) points = [pt, pt2] self._pub_visualize.pub_velocity(points)
def _visualize_x(self, pose): # current orientation q_c = cf.q_ros_to_numpy(self._local_pose.pose.orientation) # body frame x x_b = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # convert to world frame x =, x_b) pt = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(pose) pt2 = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(pose + x) pts = [pt, pt2] self._pub_visualize.pub_x_vec(pts)
def circle(self, radius, normal, ax_body): # assign values self._radius = radius self._normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) # current orientation in nunmpy form q = f.q_ros_to_numpy(self._state.driver.local_pose.pose.orientation) # axis to world frame: w = R_T * b ax_world = np.transpose(, np.transpose(ax_body))) #print "ax: ", ax_world # point from current position + ax_world pose = f.p_ros_to_numpy(self._state.driver.local_pose.pose.position) point = pose + ax_world # center: closest point to "point" and "circle" self._center = cf.closest_to_circle_and_point(point, pose, normal, radius) #print "center: ", self._center # vector from center to pose delta_center_pose = np.transpose(pose - self._center) point = pose # angle from 0: 2 * pi thetas = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, 20) # create points on circle path q = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # inialize rotation quaternion points = [0.0 for i in thetas] # initialze points self.pts = [0.0 for i in points] for idx, theta in enumerate(thetas): # create rotation quaternion q[:3] = np.sin(theta * 0.5) * self._normal q[3] = np.cos(theta * 0.5) # new point is rotated vector + center point_new =, delta_center_pose) + self._center # fill array points[idx] = f.p_numpy_to_ros(point_new) self.pts[idx] = point_new # creat bezier points self.bezier_points() # send path
def run(self): self._doFollow = True # get first bezier bezier = self._path.bz_pt[0] idx_next = 1 # set state into velocity ctr self._state.set_state("bezier") # init setpoints while self._doFollow: # get current position pc = cf.p_ros_to_numpy(self._state.driver.local_pose.pose.position) # get t of bezier point closest to current posiition pd, vd, ad = bf.point_closest_to_bezier(bezier, pc) # publsih set point # check if pd is close to last point on bezier if np.linalg.norm(pd - bezier[2]) <= 0.05: bezier = self._path.bz_pt[idx_next] idx_next += 1 if idx_next == len(self._path.bz_pt): self._doFollow = False # compute adjusted vel #v_adj = self._vel_mapping(pd, vd, pc) # send desired velocity self._state.set_msg(bezier) # go into position ctrl self._state.set_state("posctr") # stay at current position self._state.set_msg(np.append(pc, np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0])))
def _pub_a_desired(self): # get current position, velocity pose = cf.p_ros_to_numpy(self._local_pose.pose.position) velocity = cf.p_ros_to_numpy(self._local_vel.twist.linear) bz = [cf.p_ros_to_numpy(self._bezier_pt[0]), \ cf.p_ros_to_numpy(self._bezier_pt[1]), \ cf.p_ros_to_numpy(self._bezier_pt[2])] # get closest point and velocity and acceleration to bezier p_des, v_des, a_des = bf.point_closest_to_bezier( bz, pose, self._bezier_duration) # get desired velocity #a_final = bf.accel_adjusted(p_des, v_des, a_des, pose, velocity) print a_des #print "a_des : {}\t v_des : {}\t p_des: {}".format(a_des, v_des, p_des) # get yaw angle error '''theta = 0.0 v_des_norm= np.linalg.norm(v_des) z = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]) if (v_des_norm > 0.0) and not (np.array_equal(np.abs(v_des/v_des_norm), z)): #yaw not defined if norm(v_des) or v_des == z theta = self.angle_error(v_des)''' #a_final = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.52]) # assign to msg self._accel_msg.vector = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(a_des) # publish self._accel_pub.publish(self._accel_msg)
def __init__(self, nh): self._run_bz_controller = False # vel pub self._vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel', TwistStamped, queue_size=10) self._vel_msg = TwistStamped() # acc pub self._accel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_accel/accel', Vector3Stamped, queue_size=10) self._accel_msg = Vector3Stamped() # attitude self._att_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude', AttitudeTarget, queue_size=10) self._att_msg = AttitudeTarget() self._att_msg.type_mask = 7 # local raw: send acceleration and yaw self._acc_yaw_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_raw/local', PositionTarget, queue_size=10) self._acc_yaw_msg = PositionTarget() self._acc_yaw_msg.type_mask = 2048 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 #+ 512 # local raw: send velocity and yaw self._vel_yaw_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_raw/local', PositionTarget, queue_size=10) self._vel_yaw_msg = PositionTarget() self._vel_yaw_msg.type_mask = 1 + 2 + 4 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 2048 # path bezier triplet send self._bezier_triplet_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/avoidance_triplet', AvoidanceTriplet, queue_size=10) self._bezier_triplet_msg = AvoidanceTriplet() self._bezier_duration = 1.0 # initlaize publisher for visualization self._pub_visualize = pub_bezier.pub_bezier() # dt self._dt = 0.0 # call back variables self._pid_coeff = pidCoeff() #print self._pid_coeff # pid tuning parameters with first callback Server(PIDConfig, self._pidcallback) self._ctr = controller.controller(self._pid_coeff, 9.91) ### subscriber ### # state subscriber self._rate_state = rospy.Rate(RATE_STATE) self._current_state = State() rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/state', State, self._current_state_cb) # subscriber, self._local_pose = PoseStamped() self._local_pose.pose.position = cf.p_numpy_to_ros([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, self._local_pose_cb) self._local_vel = TwistStamped() self._local_vel.twist.linear = cf.p_numpy_to_ros([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity', TwistStamped, self._local_vel_cb) self._bezier_pt = [] '''self._bezier_pt[0] = cf.p_numpy_to_ros([0.0,0.0,0.0]) self._bezier_pt[1] = cf.p_numpy_to_ros([0.0,0.0,0.0]) self._bezier_pt[2] = cf.p_numpy_to_ros([0.0,0.0,0.0]''' #self._bezier_duration = 1.0 rospy.Subscriber('/path/bezier_pt', Path, self._bezier_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/path/three_point_message', ThreePointMsg, self._three_point_msg_cb) self._linear_acc = Vector3() self._linear_acc = cf.p_numpy_to_ros_vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/imu/data', Imu, self._imu_cb)
def _visualize_acc(self, p, a): pt = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(p) pt2 = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(p + a) points = [pt, pt2] self._pub_visualize.pub_a_vec(points)
def _visualize_target(self, p): pt = cf.p_numpy_to_ros(p) self._pub_visualize.pub_target(pt)