Пример #1
def create_graph_from_data(nodes, edges, output_filename):
    pygraphviz = import_pygraphviz()
    attrs = dict(strict=True, directed=True)
    if len(nodes) > 10:
        attrs['rankdir'] = 'LR'
    graph = pygraphviz.AGraph(**attrs)
    # graph.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR'  # Orientation left-right
    # graph.node_attr['shape'] = 'plaintext'
    # graph.node_attr['shape'] = 'record'
    # graph.edge_attr['lblstyle'] = 'above, sloped'

    for node, attrs in nodes:
        graph.add_node(node, **attrs)

    # Edges
    for from_node, to_node, attrs in edges:
        graph.add_edge(from_node, to_node, **attrs)

    # Export
    graph.write(output_filename + '.dot')
    # prog=neato|dot|twopi|circo|fdp|nop
    ps_file = output_filename + '.ps'
    graph.draw(ps_file, prog='dot')

    ps_viewer = get_settings()['ps_viewer']
    if ps_viewer:
        os.system(f"{ps_viewer} {ps_file}")
Пример #2
def import_bio_entrez():
    from Bio import Entrez
    # Set email from settings file
    from common_utils.file_utils import get_settings
    email = get_settings()['email']
    if email:
        Entrez.email = email
    return Entrez
Пример #3
 def run(self, step_data):
     from .mvista import create_mvista_data
     from common_utils.file_utils import get_settings
     email = self.args.email or get_settings()['email']
     if self.args.run and not email:
         raise ZCItoolsValueError(
             'Email address is needed to post mVISTA data!')
     return create_mvista_data(step_data, self._input_step(), self.args.run,
Пример #4
 def get_workflow(self):
     settings = get_settings()
     if not (wf := settings.get('workflow')):
         raise ZCItoolsValueError("Project doesn't have defined workflow!")
Пример #5
def create_circos_correlation(project, step_data, params):
    # Read correlation data
    cm = None
    if params.input_filename:
        cm = CorrelationMatrix.from_file(params.input_filename)

    if not cm:
        raise ZCItoolsValueError('No correlation input data!')
    num_c = cm.num_columns()
    if num_c < 2:
        raise ZCItoolsValueError('Not much of a matrix!')

    step = ImagesStep(project, step_data, remove_data=True)
    one_width = params.one_width
    gap_correlations = params.gap_correlations
    ow_2 = one_width // 2
    one_plus_gap = one_width + gap_correlations

    # Note: column lowercase names are used as column identifiers
    data_dir = step.step_file('data')
    etc_dir = step.step_file('etc')

    colors = dict(
        (lc, 'green') for lc in cm._columns_lower)  # ToDo: some defaults
    colors['plus_'] = 'blue'
    colors['minus_'] = 'red'
    for col_def in params.group_color:
        col_fields = col_def.split(',', 1)
        if len(col_fields) == 2 and cm.check_column(col_fields[0]):
            colors[cm.check_column(col_fields[0])] = col_fields[1]
            print(f"Warning: '{col_def}' is not column color definition!")

    # data directory
    # karyotype.txt: defines groups (as chromosomes)
    # chr - <name> <label> <start> <end> <color>
    # ...
    gl = (num_c - 1) * one_width + (num_c -
                                    2) * gap_correlations  # group length
        os.path.join(data_dir, 'karyotype.txt'),
        '\n'.join(f"chr - {lc} {c} 0 {gl} color_{lc}"
                  for lc, c in zip(cm._columns_lower, cm._columns)))

    # tiles.txt: defines abs(correlation) == 1 interval, as tiles
    # <name> <start> <end> [options]
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'tiles.txt'), 'w') as out:
        for idx1, c1 in enumerate(cm._columns_lower):
            for idx2, c2 in enumerate(cm._columns_lower):
                if idx1 == idx2:
                pos = (idx1 - idx2 - 1) if idx1 > idx2 else (idx1 - idx2 +
                                                             (num_c - 1))
                start = pos * one_plus_gap
                    f"{c1} {start} {start + one_width} fill_color=color_{c2}\n"

    # cells.txt: defines correlations as links
    # <cell_idx> <group_1> <start_1> <end_1> color=color_{plus|minus}_,dist={int}
    # <cell_idx> <group_2> <start_2> <end_2> color=color_{plus|minus}_,dist={int}
    # ...
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'links.txt'), 'w') as out:
        cell_idx = 0
        for idx1, c1 in enumerate(cm._columns_lower):
            rest_c = cm._columns_lower[idx1 + 1:]
            for idx2, c2 in enumerate(rest_c):
                corr = cm.get(c1, c2)
                if corr is not None:
                    w = round(abs(corr) * one_width)
                    w_1 = w // 2
                    w_2 = w - w_1  # - 1?
                    centar = ow_2 + idx2 * one_plus_gap
                    color = 'plus_' if corr >= 0 else 'minus_'
                    dist = min(idx2 + 1, idx1 + (len(rest_c) - idx2))
                    atts = f"color=color_{color},dist={dist}"
                        f"cell_{cell_idx} {c1} {gl - centar - w_2} {gl - centar + w_1} {atts}\n"
                        f"cell_{cell_idx} {c2} {centar - w_1} {centar + w_2} {atts}\n"
                    cell_idx += 1

    # etc directory
        os.path.join(etc_dir, 'circos.conf'),
        _circos_conf.format(colors='\n'.join(f"color_{lc} = {c}"
                                             for lc, c in colors.items())))

    subprocess.run(['circos', '-conf', 'etc/circos.conf'], cwd=step.directory)

    # View it
    if params.show_image:
        image_viewer = get_settings().get('image_viewer')
        if image_viewer:
            subprocess.Popen([image_viewer, step.step_file('circos.png')])
Пример #6
def export_chloroplast_list(table_step, output_filename, num_columns):
    outgroup = None
    if _set := get_settings():
        if wp := _set.get('workflow_parameters'):
            outgroup = wp.get('outgroup')