Пример #1
import map_getter
import rospy

# Initialise node
rospy.init_node('fifo_standalone', anonymous=True)

# Mapgetter  helps load maps off the map server
mapGetter = map_getter.MapGetter()
occupancyGrid = mapGetter.getMapFromServer()

start = rospy.get_param("start_pose")
goal = rospy.get_param("goal_pose")

# Create the planner. The first field is the title which will appear in the
# graphics window, the second the occupancy grid used.
planner = FIFOPlanner('Breadth First Search', occupancyGrid)

# This causes the planner to slow down and pause for things like key entries

# This specifies the height of the window drawn showing the occupancy grid. Everything
# should scale automatically to properly preserve the aspect ratio

# Search and see if a path can be found. Returns True if a path from the start to the
# goal was found and False otherwise
goalReached = planner.search(start, goal)

# Extract the path. This is based on the last search carried out.
path = planner.extractPathToGoal()
Пример #2
import map_getter
import rospy

# Initialise node
rospy.init_node('fifo_standalone', anonymous=True)

# Mapgetter  helps load maps off the map server
mapGetter = map_getter.MapGetter()
occupancyGrid = mapGetter.getMapFromServer()

start = rospy.get_param("start_pose")
goal = rospy.get_param("goal_pose")

# Create the planner. The first field is the title which will appear in the
# graphics window, the second the occupancy grid used.
planner = FIFOPlanner('Breadth First Search', occupancyGrid)

# This causes the planner to slow down and pause for things like key entries

# This specifies the height of the window drawn showing the occupancy grid. Everything
# should scale automatically to properly preserve the aspect ratio

# Search and see if a path can be found. Returns True if a path from the start to the
# goal was found and False otherwise
goalReached = planner.search(start, goal)

# Extract the path. This is based on the last search carried out.
path = planner.extractPathToGoal()
Пример #3
from comp0037_planner_controller.occupancy_grid import OccupancyGrid
from comp0037_planner_controller.fifo_planner import FIFOPlanner

# Create the occupancy grid
occupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(21, 21, 0.5)

for y in xrange(1, 19):
    occupancyGrid.setCell(11, y, 1)

# Start and goal cells
start = (3, 18)
goal = (20, 0)

# Create the planner on the original map
planner = FIFOPlanner('Depth First Search Original Occupancy Grid',
planner.search(start, goal)
path = planner.extractPathToGoal()

# Now try it on our Minkowski sum map with radius 0.5 (1 cell)
planner = FIFOPlanner('Depth First Search Robot Radius 0.5', occupancyGrid)
planner.search(start, goal)
path = planner.extractPathToGoal()

# Now try it on our Minkowski sum map with radius 0. Should be the same as the original
planner = FIFOPlanner(
    'Depth First Search Robot Radius 0 (Same As Original Map)', occupancyGrid)
occupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(21, 21, 0.5)

# The cells are indexed starting from 0.
# Set the state of the cells in the range [11,1]-[11,19] to be occupied.
# This corresponds to the "easy case" in the lectures

for y in xrange(0, 19):
    occupancyGrid.setCell(11, y, 1)

# Start and goal cells
start = (3, 18)
goal = (20, 0)

# Create the planner. The first field is the title which will appear in the
# graphics window, the second the occupancy grid used.
planner = FIFOPlanner('Breadth First Search', occupancyGrid)

# This causes the planner to slow down and pause for things like key entries

# This specifies the height of the window drawn showing the occupancy grid. Everything
# should scale automatically to properly preserve the aspect ratio

# Search and see if a path can be found. Returns True if a path from the start to the
# goal was found and False otherwise
goalReached = planner.search(start, goal)

# Extract the path. This is based on the last search carried out.
path = planner.extractPathToGoal()
Пример #5
 def createPlanner(self):
     self.planner = FIFOPlanner('FIFO', self.occupancyGrid)
     self.planner.windowHeightInPixels = rospy.get_param(
         'maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 700)
Пример #6
class PlannerControllerNode(object):
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('planner_controller', anonymous=True)

        self.waitForGoal = threading.Condition()
        self.waitForDriveCompleted = threading.Condition()
        self.goal = None

    def createOccupancyGridFromMapServer(self):
        # Get the map service
        rospy.loginfo('Waiting for static_map to become available.')
        self.mapServer = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap)
        rospy.loginfo('Found static_map; requesting map data')

        # Query the map status
        response = self.mapServer()
        map = response.map
        rospy.loginfo('Got map data')

        # Allocate the occupancy grid and set the data from the array sent back by the map server
        self.occupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(map.info.width, map.info.height,
        self.occupancyGrid.setScale(rospy.get_param('plan_scale', 5))

    def createPlanner(self):
        self.planner = FIFOPlanner('FIFO', self.occupancyGrid)
        self.planner.windowHeightInPixels = rospy.get_param(
            'maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 700)

    def createRobotController(self):
        self.robotController = Move2GoalController(self.occupancyGrid)

    def handleDriveToGoal(self, goal):
        # Report to the main loop that we have a new goal
        self.goal = goal

        # Wait until the robot has finished driving

        return GoalResponse(True)

    # Run the planner. Note that we do not take account of the robot orientation when planning.
    # The reason is simplicity; adding orientation means we have a full 3D planning problem.
    # As a result, the plan will not be as efficient as it could be.
    def driveToGoal(self, goal):

        # Get the current pose of the robot
        pose = self.robotController.getCurrentPose()
        start = (pose.x, pose.y)

        print "start = " + str(start)
        print "goal = " + str(goal)

        # Call the planner
        startCellCoords = self.occupancyGrid.getCellCoordinatesFromWorldCoordinates(
        goalCellCoords = self.occupancyGrid.getCellCoordinatesFromWorldCoordinates(
            (goal.x, goal.y))

        print "startCellCoords = " + str(startCellCoords)
        print "goalCellCoords = " + str(goalCellCoords)

        # Exit if we need to
        if rospy.is_shutdown() is True:
            return False

        # Get the plan
        goalReached = self.planner.search(startCellCoords, goalCellCoords)

        # Exit if we need to
        if rospy.is_shutdown() is True:
            return False

        # If we can't reach the goal, give up and return
        if goalReached is False:
            rospy.logwarn("Could not reach the goal at (%d, %d); moving to next goal", \
                          goalCellCoords[0], goalCellCoords[1])
            return False

        # Extract the path
        path = self.planner.extractPathToGoal()
        startTime = rospy.Time.now()
        # Now drive it
        self.robotController.drivePathToGoal(path, goal.theta,
        elapsed_time = rospy.Time.now() - startTime
        print("Elapsed time: " + elapsed_time)
        return True

    def run(self):

        # First set up the occupancy grid

        # Create the planner

        # Set up the robot controller

        # Set up the wait for the service. Note that we can't directly
        # handle all the driving operations in the service
        # handler. The reason is that the planner can create a GUI,
        # and this MUST run in the main thread. The result is pretty
        # ugly logic and can lead to deadlocking.
        service = rospy.Service('drive_to_goal', Goal, self.handleDriveToGoal)

        print 'Spinning to service goal requests'

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            # Wait for a new goal. Allow at most 0.1s, which gives
            # time to check if we are shutting down

            # If no goal has been allocated, cycle around
            if (self.goal is None):

            self.goal = None

            # Signal back to the service handler that we are done