Пример #1
def saveHsptCampaignEmailEventRecords(company_id=None, run_type=None, job_id=None, guid=None):
    '''called from saveHsptCampaignsToMaster to save all events for a single Hspt campaign email record'''
        #print 'saving single event'
        if run_type == 'initial':
            events = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign_email_event') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) & Q(source_record__campaign_guid=guid) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
            events = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign_email_event') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) & Q(source_record__campaign_guid=guid) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        eventsListTemp = list(events)
        eventsList = [j['source_record'] for j in eventsListTemp]
        #print 'found events ' + str(eventsList)
        for event in eventsList:
            #print 'about to check for event with ' + guid + ' email id ' + str(email['id'])  + ' event id ' +  str(event['event_id']) + ' recipient ' + str(event['recipient']) + ' created ' + str(event['created']) + ' details ' + str(event)    
            existingEvent = EmailEvent.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(campaign_guid=guid) & Q(email_id=event['email_id']) & Q(event_id=event['event_id'])).first()
            if existingEvent is None:
                newEvent = EmailEvent(company_id=company_id, source_system='hspt',  campaign_guid=guid, email_id=event['email_id'], event_id=event['event_id'], details=event['details'], recipient=event['recipient'], created=event['created'], event_type=event['event_type'])
                #print 'about to save new event with ' + guid + ' email id ' + str(email['id'])  + ' event id ' +  str(event['event_id']) + ' recipient ' + str(event['recipient']) + ' created ' + str(event['created']) + ' details ' + str(event)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error while saving single Hspt campaign event record  ' + str(e)
Пример #2
def saveFbokAdCampaignStatsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): #behaves differently because it directly saves the data to the AnalyticsData collection   
    if run_type == 'initial':
        fb_stats = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='fb_ad_campaign_stat') & Q(source_system='fbok') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record')
        fb_stats = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='fb_ad_campaign_stat') & Q(source_system='fbok') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record')
    fbList = list(fb_stats)
    fbList = [i['source_record'] for i in fbList]
        for i in range(len(fbList)):
            fb_record = {}
            source_campaign_id = fbList[i].get('id')
            source_campaign_name = fbList[i].get('name')
            source_account_id = fbList[i].get('account_id') 
            insights = fbList[i]['insights']
            for insight in insights:
                fb_record = insight['data']
                source_created_date = fb_record['date_stop']
                source_source = 'fbok'  
                FbAdCampaignInsight.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(source_created_date=source_created_date)& Q(source_campaign_id=source_campaign_id)).delete()
                fbAdCampaignInsight = FbAdCampaignInsight(data=fb_record, company_id=company_id, source_campaign_id=source_campaign_id, source_campaign_name=source_campaign_name, source_account_id=source_account_id, source_created_date=source_created_date)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception is ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e))) 
Пример #3
def _get_hspt_email_details(email_id, existingCampaign, company_id, job_id, run_type):
        if run_type == 'initial':
            campaigns = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
            campaigns = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        campaignListTemp = list(campaigns)
        campaignList = [i['source_record'] for i in campaignListTemp]
        #print 'temp recs found ' + str(len(campaignList))
        #now get the appId for this email Id
        app_id = None
        int_email_id = 0
        for campaign in campaignList:
            #print 'campaign in temp ' + str(campaign)
            if str(campaign['id']) == email_id:
                print 'campaign id is ' + str(campaign['id']) + ' and email id is ' + email_id
                app_id = campaign['appId']
                int_email_id = campaign['id']
        #if appId found, get details
        emailDetails = None
        if app_id is not None:
            hspt = Hubspot(company_id)
            emailDetails = hspt.get_campaign_details(campaignId=int_email_id, appId=app_id) 
        return emailDetails   
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error while getting email details with Hspt campaign from traffic ' + str(e)
Пример #4
def saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):    
    #job_id = ObjectId("56d25c6af6fd2a15df46cd60")
    if run_type == 'initial':
        campaigns = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        campaigns = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    campaignListTemp = list(campaigns)
    campaignList = [i['source_record'] for i in campaignListTemp]
        for newCampaign in campaignList: #['records']: 
            #company_id = request.user.company_id
            guid = 'sfdc_' + str(newCampaign['Id']) 
            Campaign.objects(Q(guid = guid) & Q(company_id=company_id)).modify(upsert=True, new=True, set__campaigns__sfdc = newCampaign, set__updated_date = datetime.utcnow, set_on_insert__source_system = 'sfdc', set_on_insert__guid = guid, set_on_insert__company_id = company_id)

#         for oldCampaign in campaignList['records']: 
# #             mktoCampaigns = []  
# #             mktoCampaigns.append(campaign)            
#             campaign = Campaign()
#             campaign.company_id = request.user.company_id
#             campaign.derived_id = 'sfdc_' + str(oldCampaign['Id'])
#             campaign.campaigns["sfdc"] = oldCampaign
#             campaign.save()
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error while saving sfdc campaign: ' + str(e)
Пример #5
def saveSfdcAccountsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):    
    #delete later
    #job_id = ObjectId("569fd4078afb002426ef2fd3")
    if run_type == 'initial':
        accounts = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='account') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        accounts = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='account') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    accountListTemp = list(accounts)
    accountList = [i['source_record'] for i in accountListTemp]
        for newAccount in accountList:
            sfdc_id = str(newAccount['Id']) 
            #find all leads that have this account ID 
            relatedLeadList = []
            relatedLeadListTemp = None
            relatedLeads = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_account_id=sfdc_id)).only('sfdc_contact_id') #if SFDC Account, then matching lead must have a SFDC Contact ID
            if relatedLeads is not None:
                relatedLeadListTemp = [lead.to_mongo().to_dict() for lead in relatedLeads]
                #print 'rll is ' + str(relatedLeadListTemp)
                for i in relatedLeadListTemp:
                    if 'sfdc_contact_id' in i:
                        relatedLeadList.append({'sfdc_contact_id': i['sfdc_contact_id']})
                #print 'related leads are ' + str(relatedLeadList)
#             if relatedLeads is not None:
#                 #leadListTemp = list(relatedLeads)
#                 #relatedLeadList = [i.id for i in leadListTemp]
#                 for lead in relatedLeads:
#                     relatedLeadList.append(lead)
            print 'account id is ' + sfdc_id
            # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
            existingAccount = None
            existingAccount = Account.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_id=sfdc_id)).first()
            if existingAccount is not None:  # we found this contact already in the DB
                print 'found existing account for id ' + str(sfdc_id)
                if 'sfdc' in existingAccount.accounts:
                    existingAccount.source_name = newAccount['Name']
                    existingAccount.source_source = newAccount['AccountSource']
                    existingAccount.source_industry = newAccount['Industry']
                    existingAccount.source_created_date = newAccount['CreatedDate']
                    existingAccount.accounts["sfdc"] = newAccount
                    if relatedLeadList is not None:
                        existingAccount.leads = relatedLeadList
                    #Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).update(contacts__sfdc=newContact)
                    existingAccount.accounts['sfdc'] = {}
                    existingAccount.accounts['sfdc'] = newAccount
                    if relatedLeadList is not None:
                        existingAccount.leads = relatedLeadList
            elif existingAccount is None:  # this account does not exist     
                account = _saveSfdcNewAccount(sfdc_id, newAccount, relatedLeadList, company_id)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while saving accounts ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))         
Пример #6
def saveHsptCampaignsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):    
    if run_type == 'initial':
        campaigns = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        campaigns = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='campaign') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    campaignListTemp = list(campaigns)
    campaignList = [i['source_record'] for i in campaignListTemp]
        for newCampaign in campaignList: 
            #company_id = request.user.company_id
            #derived_id = 'hspt_' + str(newCampaign['id']) 
            guid = newCampaign['guid']
            name = newCampaign['name']
            source_system = 'hspt'
            channel = 'email'
            emails = newCampaign['emails']
            #save all email events for this campaign first
            saveHsptCampaignEmailEventRecords(company_id=company_id, run_type=run_type, job_id=job_id, guid=guid)
            #now update or create campaign record
            existingCampaign = Campaign.objects(Q(guid = guid) & Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(source_system=source_system)).first() #.modify(upsert=True, new=True, set__emails = emails, set_on_insert__name = name, set_on_insert__guid = guid, set_on_insert__company_id = company_id, set_on_insert__updated_date=datetime.utcnow)
            if existingCampaign is None: #new campaign so add it
                newCampaign = Campaign(emails = emails, name = name, guid = guid, company_id = company_id, updated_date=datetime.utcnow, source_system=source_system)
            else: #campaign already exists so update relevant fields
                #print 'existing campaign is ' + str(existingCampaign)
                if 'emails' not in existingCampaign: #should never happen
                #print 'before emails ' + str(emails)
                for email in emails: #loop through each email found in API call for this campaign
                    #save events separately
                    #print 'entering emails'
                    #now create/update the campaign record        
                    email_found = False
                    for existingEmail in existingCampaign['emails']: #check if the API email already exists
                        if email['id'] == existingEmail['id']: #we found this email already existing so update specific fields
                            email_found = True
                            existingEmail['stats'] = email['stats']
                            existingEmail['details'] = email['details']
                        if email_found:
                            break #move to the next API email since we already found a match
                    if email_found == False: #email was not found so add it to existing emails
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception ' + str(e)
Пример #7
def retrieveSfdcOppStageHistory(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None): #needs to be changed - satya
        #delete later
        #job_id_new = job_id
        #job_id = ObjectId("56a690e98afb006883048e7e")

        #set variables
        sfdc = Salesforce()
        #for leads
        if run_type == 'initial':
            opps = TempData.objects(Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
            opps = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
        oppListTemp = list(opps)
        if not oppListTemp:
            print 'no opps found'
        oppList = [i['source_record'] for i in oppListTemp]
        batch_size = 500  #10 Activity Types at a time
        activitiesList = []
        for i in range(0, len(oppList), batch_size):
            opp_list = '('
            for opp in oppList[i:i+batch_size]:
                opp_list += '\'' + opp['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
            opp_list = opp_list[:-2]
            opp_list += ')'
            activitiesList.extend(sfdc.get_stage_history_for_opportunity(user_id, company_id, opp_list, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime)))
        print 'got back stage history for SFDC opportunities ' + str(len(activitiesList))
        #delete later
        #job_id = job_id_new
        saveSfdcOppStageHistory(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, activityList=activitiesList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Opportunity stage history retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Opportunities'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return opp_list
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while retrieving SFDC opportunity stage history: ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))   
Пример #8
def saveSfdcOppStageHistoryToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): 
    #job_id = ObjectId("56b2b92c8afb0070a795c4b2")

    if run_type == 'initial':   
        #activities = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='activity') & Q(source_system='mkto') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') 
        collection = TempData._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'opp_stage_history', 'source_system': 'sfdc', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        collection = TempDataDelta._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'opp_stage_history', 'source_system': 'sfdc', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        print 'got history ' + str(activities.count())
        for activity in activities: 
            skipThis = False
            newActivity = activity['source_record']
            addThisActivity = True
            print 'act is ' + str(newActivity)
            newOppId = newActivity["OpportunityId"]
            if newOppId is not None:
                print 'trying to get opp'
                existingAccount = Account.objects(Q(company_id = company_id) & Q(opportunities__sfdc__Id = newOppId)).first()
                print 'account is ' + str(existingAccount)
            if existingAccount is None:
            for existingOpp in existingAccount['opportunities']['sfdc']: #loop through each opp to find the right one
                if existingOpp['Id'] == newOppId:
                    if 'stage_activities' not in existingOpp: #if no prior activities
                        existingOpp['stage_activities'] = [] #create list
                        existingOpp['stage_activities'].append(newActivity) #save activity
                        print 'saved virgin stage activity for opp'
                        for existingActivity in existingOpp['stage_activities']: #check if this activity already exists
                            if existingActivity['Id'] == newActivity['Id']: #it exists, so skip the activity
                                skipThis = True
                                print 'skipping opp stage activity'
                        if skipThis:
                            break # get out of this for loop
                            print 'saved stage activity for opp'

    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while saving SFDC Opp stage history to master' + str(e)
Пример #9
def saveSfdcContactHistoryToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): 
    #job_id = ObjectId("56a6faa28afb00042171cd89")

    if run_type == 'initial':   
        #activities = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='activity') & Q(source_system='mkto') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') 
        collection = TempData._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'contact_history', 'source_system': 'sfdc', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        collection = TempDataDelta._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'contact_history', 'source_system': 'sfdc', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        print 'got history ' + str(activities.count())
        for activity in activities: 
            newActivity = activity['source_record']
            addThisActivity = True
            print 'act is ' + str(newActivity)
            leadId = newActivity["ContactId"]
            if leadId is not None:
                print 'trying to get lead'
                existingLead = Lead.objects(Q(company_id = company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id = leadId)).first()
                print 'contact is ' + str(existingLead)
            if existingLead is None:
            if 'sfdc' in existingLead['activities']: # there are activities from SFDC for this leadId
                for existingActivity in existingLead['activities']['sfdc']:
                    if existingActivity['Id'] == newActivity['Id']: # this activity already exists so exit the loop
                        addThisActivity = False
                if addThisActivity:
                    print 'saved new activity 1'
                print 'no sfdc acts'
                addThisActivity = True
                sfdc = []
                print 'appending'
                print 'appended'
                existingLead['activities']['sfdc'] = sfdc
                print 'saved new activity 2'

    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception  while saving SFDC Contact history to master' + str(e)
Пример #10
def saveHsptOpportunitiesToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):  
    #job_id = ObjectId("55e6b0198afb002ef6a8c292")
    print 'saving hspt opps to master'
    if run_type == 'initial':
        opps = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        opps = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    oppListTemp = list(opps)
    oppList = [i['source_record'] for i in oppListTemp]
        for opp in oppList:
            associations = opp.get('associations', None)
            if associations is not None:
                #print 'found assoc'
                related_leads_list = associations.get('associatedVids', None)
                #print 'releated leads list is ' + str(len(related_leads_list))
                for i in range(len(related_leads_list)):
                    lead_id = related_leads_list[i]
                    #print 'lead id is ' + str(lead_id)
                    existingLead = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(hspt_id=str(lead_id))).first()
                    #we found an existing lead with the same VID (hspt_id) as the deal
                    if existingLead is not None:
                        #print 'found existing lead'
                        if 'hspt' not in existingLead.opportunities:
                            #print 'hspt not in opps'
                            opportunities = {}
                            opportunities['hspt'] = []
                            existingLead.update(opportunities__hspt = opportunities['hspt'])
                            if not any (e.get('dealId', None) == opp['dealId'] for e in existingLead.opportunities['hspt']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                opportunities = existingLead.opportunities['hspt']
                                # save this opportunity        
                                existingLead.update(opportunities__hspt = opportunities)
                            else: #this opp already exists
                                for i in range(len(existingLead.opportunities['hspt'])):
                                    if existingLead.opportunities['hspt'][i]['dealId'] == opp['dealId']:
                                        existingLead.opportunities['hspt'][i] = opp
                    #if no matching lead found, continue to next opportunity
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))                 
Пример #11
def saveFbokPostStatsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): #behaves differently because it directly saves the data to the AnalyticsData collection   
    if run_type == 'initial':
        fb_stats = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='fb_post_stat') & Q(source_system='fbok') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record')
        fb_stats = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='fb_post_stat') & Q(source_system='fbok') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record')
    fbList = list(fb_stats)
    fbList = [i['source_record'] for i in fbList]
        for i in range(len(fbList)):
            fb_record = {}
            source_page_id = fbList[i].get('page_id', None)
            source_post_id = fbList[i].get('post_id', None)
            source_created_date = fbList[i].get('created_time', None)
            insights = fbList[i].get('insights', None)
            for insight in insights:
                fb_record = insight
                source_metric_id = fb_record['id']
                source_metric_name = fb_record['name']
                fbPostInsight = FbPostInsight.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(source_metric_id=source_metric_id)& Q(source_page_id=source_page_id) & Q(source_post_id=source_post_id)).first()
                if fbPostInsight is None:
                    fbPostInsight = FbPostInsight(data=fb_record, company_id=company_id, source_created_date=source_created_date, source_metric_id=source_metric_id, source_metric_name=source_metric_name, source_page_id=source_page_id, source_post_id=source_post_id)
                    fbPostInsight['source_metric_name'] = source_metric_name
                    fbPostInsight['source_created_date'] = source_created_date
                    fbValuesList = fbPostInsight['data']['values']
                    for entry in fb_record['values']: #iterate through each new date value of metric to see if it already exists
                        if fb_record['period'] == 'lifetime':
                            fbPostInsight['data']['values'][0]['value'] = entry['value']
                            if not any(d['end_time'] == entry['end_time'] for d in fbValuesList): # does this already exist?
                                fbValuesList.extend(entry) #if not, add the date entry to the existing record
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception is ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e))) 
Пример #12
def saveBufrTwInteractionsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): #behaves differently because it directly saves the data to the AnalyticsData collection   
    if run_type == 'initial':
        tw_interactions = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='tw_interaction') & Q(source_system='bufr') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record')
        tw_interactions = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='tw_interaction') & Q(source_system='bufr') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record')
    company_query = 'company_id'
    interaction_id_query = 'interaction_id'
    tw_interactionsList = list(tw_interactions)
    tw_interactionsList = [i['source_record'] for i in tw_interactionsList]
        for interaction in tw_interactionsList:
            profile_id = interaction['profile_id']
            published_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(interaction['sent_at']))
            local_published_date = get_current_timezone().localize(published_date, is_dst=None)
            date = local_published_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            queryDict = {company_query : company_id, interaction_id_query: interaction['id']}
            publishedTweet = PublishedTweet.objects(**queryDict).first()
            if publishedTweet is None: #this tweet's record not found
                publishedTweet = PublishedTweet()
            publishedTweet.company_id = company_id
            publishedTweet.interaction_id = interaction['id']
            publishedTweet.published_date = date
            publishedTweet.published_timestamp = interaction['sent_at']
            publishedTweet.data = interaction
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))     
Пример #13
def saveSfdcContactsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):
    # delete later
    # job_id = ObjectId("569adcfc8afb00205c799f28")
    if run_type == "initial":
        contacts = TempData.objects(
            Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type="contact") & Q(source_system="sfdc") & Q(job_id=job_id)
        )  # & Q(job_id=job_id)
        contacts = TempDataDelta.objects(
            Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type="contact") & Q(source_system="sfdc") & Q(job_id=job_id)
        )  # & Q(job_id=job_id)
    print "co id is " + str(company_id)
    contactListTemp = list(contacts)
    contactList = [i["source_record"] for i in contactListTemp]
    # print 'saving sfdc contacts'
        # get the custom field for Contact Status, if it exists
        existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).first()
        contact_status = None
        if "sfdc" in existingIntegration["integrations"]:
            contact_status = existingIntegration["mapping"].get("sfdc_contact_status", None)

        for newContact in contactList:  # ['records']:

            # company_id = request.user.company_id
            sfdc_contact_Id = str(newContact["Id"])
            print "contact id is " + sfdc_contact_Id
            # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
            existingLeadMkto = None
            existingLeadSfdc = None
            existingLeadHspt = None
            existingContact = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()

            if existingContact is not None:  # we found this contact already in the DB
                print "found contact match for " + str(sfdc_contact_Id)
                if "sfdc" in existingContact.contacts:
                    existingContact.source_first_name = newContact["FirstName"]
                    existingContact.source_last_name = newContact["LastName"]
                    existingContact.source_email = newContact["Email"]
                    # existingContact.source_created_date = str(newContact['CreatedDate'])
                    existingContact.source_source = newContact["LeadSource"]
                    if contact_status is not None and contact_status in newContact:
                        existingContact.source_status = newContact[contact_status]
                    existingContact.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                    # Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).update(contacts__sfdc=newContact)
                    existingContact.contacts["sfdc"] = {}
                    existingContact.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
            # elif existingContact is None:  # this lead does not exist
                existingLeadSfdc = (
                    Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__sfdc__ConvertedContactId=sfdc_contact_Id))
                if existingLeadSfdc is not None:
                    print "found match for sfdc lead for contact " + str(sfdc_contact_Id)
                    # existingLeadSfdcList = list(existingLeadSfdc)
                    existingLeadSfdc.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                    if contact_status is not None and contact_status in newContact:
                        existingLeadSfdc.source_status = newContact[contact_status]
                    existingLeadSfdc.contacts = {}
                    existingLeadSfdc.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                    # remove below comments after figuring out how Mkto stored SFDC contact ID
                    existingLeadMkto = Lead.objects(
                        Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__mkto__sfdcContactId=sfdc_contact_Id)
                    if (
                        existingLeadMkto is not None
                    ):  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                        print "found mkto lead" + existingLeadMkto.mkto_id
                        existingLeadMkto.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                        # existingLeadMkto.contacts = {}
                        existingLeadMkto.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                        existingLeadHspt = Lead.objects(
                            Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__hspt__properties__salesforcecontactid=sfdc_contact_Id)
                        if (
                            existingLeadHspt is not None
                        ):  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                            existingLeadHspt.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                            existingLeadHspt.contacts = {}
                            existingLeadHspt.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
            if (
                existingLeadSfdc is None
                and existingLeadMkto is None
                and existingLeadHspt is None
                and existingContact is None
            ):  # no matches found so save new record
                lead = Lead()
                lead.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                lead.company_id = company_id
                lead.source_first_name = newContact["FirstName"]
                lead.source_last_name = newContact["LastName"]
                lead.source_email = newContact["Email"]
                lead.source_created_date = str(newContact["CreatedDate"])
                lead.source_source = newContact["LeadSource"]
                if contact_status is not None and contact_status in newContact:
                    lead.source_status = newContact[contact_status]
                lead.contacts = {}
                lead.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
            # lead = Lead()
    #             company_id = request.user.company_id
    #             derived_id = 'sfdc_' + str(newLead['Id'])
    #             Lead.objects(derived_id = derived_id).modify(upsert=True, new=True, set__leads__sfdc = newLead, set_on_insert__derived_id = derived_id, set_on_insert__company_id = company_id)
    #             oldLead = Lead.objects(derived_id = lead.derived_id)
    #             if oldLead.count() == 0:
    #                 lead.leads["sfdc"] = newLead
    #                 lead.save()
    #             else:
    #                 oldLead.leads["sfdc"] = newLead
    #                 Lead.objects(derived_id = lead.derived_id).update(oldLead)
    except Exception as e:
        print "exception while saving SFDC contact " + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type="error", success=False, message=str(e)))
Пример #14
def companyDataExtract(user_id=None, company_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None):
    superJobMonitor = None
    existingIntegration = None
    if run_type is None or company_id is None or sinceDateTime is None:
        sinceDateTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(sinceDateTime) / 1000)
        #sinceDateTime = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)
        print 'start date is ' + str(sinceDateTime)
        print 'run type is ' + run_type
        print 'company id is ' + str(company_id)

        #create an entry in the Job Monitor
        superJobMonitor = SuperJobMonitor(company_id=company_id, type=run_type, started_date=datetime.utcnow())
        #do pre-check
        _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Pre-check started") 
        # get the integration record
        existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).first() 
        if existingIntegration is None:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, None, 'Failed', 'No integration record found') 
            mail_admins('Could not find integration record for company ' + company_id , 'Check settings')
            return False 
        if run_type == 'initial':   
            existingIntegration['initial_run_in_process'] = True #set the flag
        else: #delta
            existingIntegration['delta_run_in_process'] = True #set the flag
        existingIntegration.save() # save the flag   
        # set up the Request and Cookie
        user = _get_superadmin()
        if user is None:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, 'Failed', 'No super admin found') 
            mail_admins('Could not find super admin!', 'Check settings')
            return False
        # remotely login the user
        host = settings.BASE_URL
        url = host + '/api/v1/auth/login/'
        creds = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'password':'******'}
        s = requests.Session()
        resp = s.post(url, data=json.dumps(creds))
        if not resp.status_code == 200:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, 'Failed', 'Could not login super admin!') 
            mail_admins('Could not login super admin!', 'Check credentials')
            return False
        #do cookie thing - refer to SuperAdmin Cron Job Task for details
        cookies = dict(sessionid = resp.cookies['sessionid'])
        url = host + '/api/v1/users/'
        resp = s.get(url, cookies=cookies)
        _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Pre-check completed") 

#         #delete data in Lead Master
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of Leads, Contacts, Opportunities and Activities started") 
#             count = Lead.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             Lead.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " Leads, Contacts, Opportunities and Activities deleted")
#         #delete data in Campaign Master
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of Campaigns started") 
#             count = Campaign.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             Campaign.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " Campaigns deleted")
#         #delete data in Account Master
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of Accounts started") 
#             count = Account.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             Account.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " Accounts deleted")
        # find out which systems are integrated and therefore which  tasks should be run
        task_map = {
                    #"mkto" : [retrieveMktoCampaigns, retrieveMktoLeadsByProgram], #retrieveMktoLeadCreatedActivities, retrieveMktoLeads, retrieveMktoActivities, retrieveMktoCampaigns, retrieveMktoLeadsByProgram], #IMPORTANT - Lead Created Activities has to be before Leads
                    #"hspt" : [retrieveHsptCampaigns], # , ], # retrieveHsptLeads, retrieveHsptOpportunities, retrieveHsptWebsiteTraffic, ,   
                     "prdt" : [retrievePrdtLeads],
#                    "sfdc" : [retrieveSfdcCampaigns] #retrieveSfdcLeads, retrieveSfdcContacts, retrieveSfdcCampaigns, retrieveSfdcAccounts, retrieveSfdcOpportunities, retrieveSfdcLeadHistory, retrieveSfdcContactHistory, retrieveSfdcOppHistory, retrieveSfdcOppStageHistory],
                    #  "sugr" : [retrieveSugrLeads],                    
#                    "bufr" : [retrieveBufrTwInteractions], 
#                    "goog" : [retrieveGoogWebsiteTraffic], \
#                    "fbok" : [retrieveFbokPageStats, retrieveFbokAdStats]#, retrieveFbokPostStats] # , ]
#         # for future use - retrieveMktoContacts, retrieveMktoOpportunities, retrieveSfdcActivities, 
        final_task_map = {
#                     "mkto" : [saveMktoCampaignsToMaster, saveMktoLeadsByProgramToMaster], #saveMktoLeadsToMaster, saveMktoActivitiesToMaster, saveMktoCampaignsToMaster, saveMktoLeadsByProgramToMaster],#mergeMktoSfdcLeads, deleteLeads, deleteDuplicateMktoIdLeads #
                    #"hspt" : [saveHsptCampaignsToMaster ], #saveHsptLeadsToMaster, saveHsptOpportunitiesToMaster, saveHsptWebsiteTrafficToMaster, , ], # ,
#                     "sfdc" : [saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster], #saveSfdcLeadsToMaster, saveSfdcContactsToMaster, saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster, saveSfdcAccountsToMaster, saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster, saveSfdcLeadHistoryToMaster, saveSfdcContactHistoryToMaster, saveSfdcOppHistoryToMaster, saveSfdcOppStageHistoryToMaster],  # 
                    # "sugr" : [saveSugrLeadsToMaster], 
#                     "bufr" : [saveBufrTwInteractionsToMaster], 
#                     "goog": [saveGoogleWebsiteTrafficToMaster], 
#                     "fbok": [saveFbokPageStatsToMaster, saveFbokAdStatsToMaster]#, saveFbokPostStatsToMaster] #
#         #
# #         #saveSfdcLeadsToMaster, saveSfdcContactsToMaster, saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster, saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster, 
# #         # saveSfdcLeadsToMaster, saveSfdcContactsToMaster, saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster, saveSfdcCampaignsToMaster, saveSfdcAccountsToMaster
# #         #collect all relevant tasks in one list and retrieve metadata as well
        for source in existingIntegration.integrations.keys():
            #change metadata depending on source system
            if source == 'sfdc':
                metadata_objects = ['user', 'lead', 'contact', 'campaign', 'opportunity', 'task', 'account'] #[] #objects for which metadata should be collected
            elif source == 'mkto':
                metadata_objects = ['lead', 'activity', 'campaign'] #[] #objects for which metadata should be collected
            elif source == 'hspt':
                metadata_objects = ['lead'] #objects for which metadata should be collected
                metadata_objects = [] #objects for which metadata should be collected
            # if sfdc, explicitly refresh the access token
            if source == 'sfdc':
                sfdc = Salesforce()
            #collect meta data
            url = host + '/api/v1/company/' + str(company_id) + '/integrations/metadata/'
#             for object in metadata_objects:
#                 _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, "Retrieval of metadata for " + object + " started")
#                 params = {'code': source, 'object': object}
#                 resp = s.get(url, params=params)  # get metadata about activities
#                 if not resp.status_code == 200:
#                     _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, "Retrieval of metadata for " + object + " failed")
#                     continue
#                 else:
#                     _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, "Retrieval of metadata for " + object + " completed")
            #collect retrieval tasks
            print 'starting retrieval tasks'
            tasks = []
            if source in task_map:
            #now run the tasks
            for task in tasks:
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " started to store temp data")
                print 'starting task ' + str(task)
                task(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, job_id=superJobMonitor.id, run_type=run_type, sinceDateTime=sinceDateTime)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " completed")
            print 'starting save tasks'    
            #collect save tasks
            tasks = []
            if source in final_task_map:
            #now run the tasks
            for task in tasks:
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " started to save master data")
                print 'starting task ' + str(task)
                task(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, job_id=superJobMonitor.id, run_type=run_type)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, source, task.__name__ + " completed")
        #return #REMOVE THIS IN PRODUCTION  
        #if initial run, delete all analytics data
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', "Deletion of analytics data started")
#             count1 = AnalyticsData.objects(company_id=company_id).count() #ensure that website_traffic chart data is not deleted
#             AnalyticsData.objects(company_id=company_id).delete() #ensure that website_traffic chart data is not deleted
#             count2 = AnalyticsIds.objects(company_id=company_id).count()
#             AnalyticsIds.objects(company_id=company_id).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', str(count1 + count2) + " records deleted from analytics tables")
        # call chart calculate tasks
        charts = [\
#                     {'chart_name': 'sources_bar', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Timeline', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     #{'chart_name': 'pipeline_duration', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Pipeline Duration', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     #{'chart_name': 'contacts_distr', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Contacts Distribution', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'source_pie', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Source Distribution', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'revenue_source_pie', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Revenue by Source', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     #{'chart_name': 'multichannel_leads', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Multichannel Leads', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'tw_performance', 'system_type': 'SO', 'chart_title':'Twitter Performance', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'fb_performance', 'system_type': 'SO', 'chart_title':'Facebook_Performance', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'google_analytics', 'system_type': 'AD', 'chart_title':'Google Analytics', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                      {'chart_name': 'campaign_email_performance', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Campaign Performance by Email', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                      {'chart_name': 'email_cta_performance', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Email Performance by CTA', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
        url = host + '/api/v1/company/' + str(company_id) + '/analytics/calculate/'
        for chart in charts:
            print 'starting chart ' + str(chart['chart_title'])
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', "Started calculating " + str(chart['chart_title']))
            resp = s.get(url, params=chart)
            if not resp.status_code == 200:
                print 'incorrect status code was ' + str(resp.status_code)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Could not retrieve data for ' + chart['chart_title'])
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Retrieved data for ' + chart['chart_title'])    
        # call dashboard calculate tasks
        dashboards = [\
#                     {'chart_name': 'social_roi', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Social Performance', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'funnel', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Funnel', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'opp_funnel', 'system_type': 'CRM', 'chart_title':'Opportunity Funnel', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'waterfall_chart', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Waterfall Chart', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
#                     {'chart_name': 'form_fills', 'system_type': 'MA', 'chart_title':'Form Fills', 'mode': run_type, 'start_date': sinceDateTime}, \
        url = host + '/api/v1/company/' + str(company_id) + '/dashboards/calculate/'
        for dashboard in dashboards:
            print 'starting dashboard ' + str(dashboard['chart_title'])
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', "Started calculating " + str(dashboard['chart_title']))
            resp = s.get(url, params=dashboard)
            if not resp.status_code == 200:
                print 'incorrect status code was ' + str(resp.status_code)
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Could not retrieve data for ' + dashboard['chart_title'])
                _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, 'Claritix', 'Retrieved data for ' + dashboard['chart_title'])    
        #delete all data from past successful initial runs in Temp Table
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of temp data table started") 
#             successfulJobs = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(type='initial') & Q(status='Completed'))
#             successfulJobsListTemp = list(successfulJobs)
#             print 'found job ids ' + str(len(successfulJobsListTemp))
#             successfulJobsList = [i.id for i in successfulJobsListTemp]
#             count = TempData.objects(job_id__in=successfulJobsList).count()
#             TempData.objects(job_id__in=successfulJobsList).delete()
#             _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " records deleted from temp data table")
        #delete all data from past successful delta runs in Temp Table
        if run_type == 'delta':
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", "Deletion of temp data delta table started") 
            successfulJobs = SuperJobMonitor.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(type='delta') & Q(status='Completed'))
            successfulJobsListTemp = list(successfulJobs)
            print 'found delta job ids ' + str(len(successfulJobsListTemp))
            successfulJobsList = [i.id for i in successfulJobsListTemp]
            count = TempDataDelta.objects(job_id__in=successfulJobsList).count()
            _superJobMonitorAddTask(superJobMonitor, "Claritix", str(count) + " records deleted from temp data delta table")
        #update last run date for initial run in Company Integration record
        _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, run_type, 'Completed', 'All tasks completed successfully') 
        return True

    except Exception as e:
        if superJobMonitor is not None and existingIntegration is not None:
            _superJobMonitorEnd(superJobMonitor, existingIntegration, run_type, 'Failed', str(e)) 
        print str(e)
        return False
Пример #15
def saveMktoActivitiesToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): 
    #job_id = ObjectId("56a2dd408afb006f9e7cb851") 
    if run_type == 'initial':   
        #activities = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='activity') & Q(source_system='mkto') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') 
        collection = TempData._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'activity', 'source_system': 'mkto', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        collection = TempDataDelta._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'activity', 'source_system': 'mkto', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        #activities = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='activity') & Q(source_system='mkto') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') 
#     activityListTemp = list(activities)
#     activityList = [i['source_record'] for i in activityListTemp]
    existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id = company_id).first()
    if existingIntegration is not None:
        activityTypeArray = existingIntegration.integrations['mkto']['metadata']['activity']
        print 'No activity type metadata found for Marketo'
        raise ValueError('No activity type metadata found for Marketo')
        for i in range(len(activityTypeArray)):
            if activityTypeArray[i]['name'] == 'Change Data Value':
                changeActivityId = activityTypeArray[i]['id']
        print 'change id is ' + str(changeActivityId)
        for activity in activities: 
            newActivity = activity['source_record']
            addThisActivity = True
            #company_id = request.user.company_id
            mkto_id = str(newActivity['leadId'])
            print 'doing lead ' + mkto_id
            existingLead = Lead.objects(Q(mkto_id = str(mkto_id)) & Q(company_id = company_id)).first()
            if existingLead is not None: # we found this lead to attach the activities
                if 'mkto' in existingLead.activities:
                    currentActivities = existingLead.activities['mkto']        
                    for i in range(len(currentActivities)):
                        if currentActivities[i]['id'] == newActivity['id']: #check if this activity already exists in the lead dict
                            addThisActivity = False
                    if addThisActivity == True:
                        for i in range(len(activityTypeArray)):
                            if activityTypeArray[i]['id'] == newActivity['activityTypeId']:
                                newActivity['activityTypeName'] = activityTypeArray[i]['name']
                        existingLead.update(activities__mkto = currentActivities)
                    currentActivities = []
                    for i in range(len(activityTypeArray)):
                        if activityTypeArray[i]['id'] == newActivity['activityTypeId']:
                            newActivity['activityTypeName'] = activityTypeArray[i]['name']
                    existingLead.update(activities__mkto = currentActivities)
                #addThisActivity == True and    
                if addThisActivity == True and newActivity['activityTypeId'] == changeActivityId and newActivity['primaryAttributeValue'] == 'Lead Status':
                    print 'processing status activity for id ' + mkto_id
                    #statusRecord = [];
                    newStatus = ''
                    oldStatus = ''
                    for attribute in newActivity['attributes']:
                        if attribute['name'] == 'New Value':
                            newStatus = attribute['value']
                        elif attribute['name'] == 'Old Value':
                            oldStatus = attribute['value']
#                         elif attribute['name'] == 'Reason':
#                             reason = attribute['value']    
                    #statusRecord.append({'status': newStatus, 'date': newActivity['activityDate']})
                    newActivity['newStatus'] = newStatus 
                    newActivity['oldStatus'] = oldStatus 
                    newActivity['date'] = newActivity['activityDate']
                    if 'mkto' in existingLead.statuses:
                        currentStatuses = existingLead.statuses['mkto']
                        currentStatuses.append(newActivity) # changed on 1/22/2016 {'status': newStatus, 'date': newActivity['activityDate']})
                        existingLead.update(statuses__mkto = currentStatuses)
                        currentStatuses = []
                        currentStatuses.append(newActivity) # changed on 1/22/2016{'status': newStatus, 'date': newActivity['activityDate']})
                        existingLead.update(statuses__mkto = currentStatuses)
#                 if addThisActivity == True: # this activity was not foudn in the lead, so add it
#                     existingLead.activities['mkto'].append(newActivity)
#                 existingLead.save() # no concept of saving the activity if the lead does not exist
    except Exception as e:
Пример #16
def saveTempDataDelta(company_id=None, record_type=None, source_system=None, source_record=None, job_id=None):
        tempDataDelta = TempDataDelta(company_id=company_id, record_type=record_type, source_system=source_system, source_record=source_record, updated_date=datetime.utcnow(), job_id=job_id)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while saving: ' + str(e)
Пример #17
def retrieveSfdcLeadHistory(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None): #needs to be changed - satya
        #delete later
        #job_id_new = job_id
        #job_id = ObjectId("56a690e98afb006883048e7e")

        #set variables
        sfdc = Salesforce()
        #for leads
        if run_type == 'initial':
            leads = TempData.objects(Q(record_type='lead') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
            leads = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(record_type='lead') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
        leadListTemp = list(leads)
        if not leadListTemp:
            print 'no leads found'
        leadList = [i['source_record'] for i in leadListTemp]
        batch_size = 500  #10 Activity Types at a time
        activitiesList = []
        for i in range(0, len(leadList), batch_size):
            lead_list = '('
            for lead in leadList[i:i+batch_size]:
                lead_list += '\'' + lead['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
            lead_list = lead_list[:-2]
            lead_list += ')'
            activitiesList.extend(sfdc.get_history_for_lead(user_id, company_id, lead_list, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime)))
        print 'got back history for SFDC leads ' + str(len(activitiesList))
        #delete later
        #job_id = job_id_new
        saveSfdcLeadHistory(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, activityList=activitiesList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
#         #for contacts
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             contacts = TempData.objects(Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
#         else:
#             contacts = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
#         contactListTemp = list(contacts)
#         contactList = [i['source_record'] for i in contactListTemp]
#         sfdc = Salesforce()
#         batch_size = 500  #10 Activity Types at a time
#         activitiesList = []
#         for i in range(0, len(contactList), batch_size):
#             contact_list = '('
#             for contact in contactList[i:i+batch_size]:
#                 contact_list += '\'' + contact['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
#             contact_list = contact_list[:-2]
#             contact_list += ')'
#             activitiesList.extend(sfdc.get_history_for_contact(user_id, company_id, contact_list, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime)))
#         print 'got back history for SFDC contacts ' + str(len(activitiesList))
#         saveSfdcHistory(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, activityList=activitiesList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Lead history retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Leads'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return leadList
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while retrieving SFDC lead history: ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))   
Пример #18
def saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):  
    #job_id = ObjectId("56a3f89f8afb003c13a59e26")
    if run_type == 'initial':
        opps = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        contacts = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        opps = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        contacts = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    oppListTemp = list(opps)
    oppList = [i['source_record'] for i in oppListTemp]
    contactListTemp = list(contacts)
    contactList = [i['source_record'] for i in contactListTemp]
        allOpps = oppList #['records']
        # below code copied from contacts.tasks
        for newContact in contactList: #['records']:
            if 'OpportunityContactRoles' not in newContact or newContact['OpportunityContactRoles'] is None: # if this contact has no opportunities
                continue # move to next contact
            # company_id = request.user.company_id
            sfdc_account_id = None
            thisLeadsOppsIds = newContact['OpportunityContactRoles']['records']
            thisLeadsOpps = []
            for opp in thisLeadsOppsIds: #loop through all the Opp records in the Contact record
                print 'trying for opp with id ' + str(opp['OpportunityId'])
                thisOpp = next((x for x in allOpps if x['Id'] == opp['OpportunityId']), None) # if this opp is found in the list of opps retrieved separately
                if thisOpp is not None: # if found
                    print 'found this opp'
                    sfdc_account_id = thisOpp['AccountId']
                    thisLeadsOpps.append(thisOpp) #add it
            sfdc_contact_Id = str(newContact['Id']) 
            print 'contact id is ' + sfdc_contact_Id
            # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
            existingLeadMkto = None
            existingLeadSfdc = None
            existingLeadHspt = None
            existingContact = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
            if existingContact is not None:  # we found this contact already in the DB
                print ' eC is not none'        
                if 'sfdc' not in existingContact.opportunities:
                    opportunities = {}
                    opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                    existingContact.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                    existingContact.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                    print 'just updated acct id 1'
                    for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                        print ' nefre get' 
                        if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingContact.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                            opportunities = existingContact.opportunities['sfdc']
                            existingContact.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                            # save this opportunity        
                            existingContact.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                            existingContact.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                            print 'just updated acct id 2'
                        else: #this opp already exists
                            for i in range(len(existingContact.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                if existingContact.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                    existingContact.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                    existingContact.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                                    print 'just updated acct id 3'
            elif existingContact is None:  # this lead does not exist 
                print ' eC is much none' 
                existingLeadSfdc = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__sfdc__ConvertedContactId=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
                if existingLeadSfdc is not None:
                    if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities:
                        opportunities = {}
                        opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                        existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                        existingLeadSfdc.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                        print 'just updated acct id 4'
                        for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                            if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                opportunities = existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']
                                # save this opportunity        
                                existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                                existingLeadSfdc.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                                print 'just updated acct id 5'
                            else: #this opp already exists
                                for i in range(len(existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                    if existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                        existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                        existingLeadSfdc.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                                        print 'just updated acct id 6'
                    existingLeadMkto = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__mkto__sfdcContactId=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
                    if existingLeadMkto is not None:  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                        if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadMkto.opportunities:
                            opportunities = {}
                            opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                            existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                            existingLeadMkto.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                            for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                                if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                    opportunities = existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']
                                    # save this opportunity        
                                    existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                                    existingLeadMkto.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                                else: #this opp already exists
                                    for i in range(len(existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                        if existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                            existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                            existingLeadMkto.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                    existingLeadHspt = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__hspt__properties__salesforcecontactid=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
                    if existingLeadHspt is not None:  # we found a Hspt lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                        if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadHspt.opportunities:
                            opportunities = {}
                            opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                            existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                            existingLeadHspt.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                            for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                                if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                    opportunities = existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']
                                    # save this opportunity        
                                    existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                                    existingLeadHspt.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                                else: #this opp already exists
                                    for i in range(len(existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                        if existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                            existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                            existingLeadHspt.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
            if existingLeadSfdc is None and existingLeadMkto is None and existingLeadHspt is None and existingContact is None:  # no matches found so save new record
                lead = Lead()
                lead.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                lead.company_id = company_id
                lead.source_first_name = newContact['FirstName']
                lead.source_last_name = newContact['LastName']
                lead.source_email = newContact['Email']
                lead.source_created_date = str(newContact['CreatedDate'])
                lead.source_source = newContact['LeadSource']
                lead.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                contacts = {}
                contacts['sfdc'] = newContact
                #lead.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                lead.update(contacts__sfdc = contacts['sfdc'])
                print 'just updated acct id 7'
                opportunities = {}
                opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                lead.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
        #new code added on 1/24/2016 - add each opportunity to related account (to capture opps with no contacts)
        for opp in allOpps:
            account = Account.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_id=opp['AccountId'])).first()
            if account is None:
                print 'no account for opp with ID ' + str(opp['Id'])
                sfdc = Salesforce()
                accountList = sfdc.get_single_account(user_id, company_id, opp['AccountId'])
                for newAccount in accountList['records']:
                    account = _saveSfdcNewAccount(newAccount['Id'], newAccount, None, company_id)
            if 'opportunities' not in account:
                account.update(opportunities = {})
            if 'sfdc' not in account.opportunities: #no opps exist for this account, so add this opp
                opportunities = {}
                opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                account.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                if not any (e.get('Id', None) == opp['Id'] for e in account.opportunities['sfdc']): # there is no opportunity with this Id already exist
                    opportunities = account.opportunities['sfdc']
                    # save this opportunity        
                    account.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                else: # this opp already exists
                    for i in range(len(account.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                        if account.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == opp['Id']:
                            account.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = opp
# code commented out since we are no longer getting only Mkto related opportunities into Cx       
#         for newOpp in oppList['records']:
#             # company_id = request.user.company_id
#             sfdc_account_id = str(newOpp['AccountId']) # find the account ID
#             print 'account id is ' + sfdc_account_id
#             # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
#             existingLeadMkto = None
#             existingLeadSfdc = None
#             existingLeadHspt = None
#             #existingContact = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
#             existingLeadSfdc = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__sfdc__ConvertedAccountId=sfdc_account_id)).first()
#             if existingLeadSfdc is not None:
#                 if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities:
#                     opportunities = {}
#                     opportunities['sfdc'] = []
#                     opportunities['sfdc'].append(newOpp) # add this opp to the new array
#                     existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                 else:
#                     if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
#                         opportunities = existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']
#                         opportunities.append(newOpp)
#                         # save this opportunity        
#                         existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                     else: #this opp already exists
#                         for i in range(len(existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'])):
#                             if existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
#                                 existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
#                                 existingLeadSfdc.save()
#                 # and move to the next opportunity in the loop
#                 continue
#             else: #this opp does not exist within an SFDC lead
#                 # check if it is a Marketo lead   
#                 existingLeadMkto = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__mkto__sfdcAccountId=sfdc_account_id)).first()
#                 if existingLeadMkto is not None:  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this opp
#                     print 'found mkto lead' + existingLeadMkto.mkto_id
#                     if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadMkto.opportunities:
#                         opportunities = []
#                         opportunities.append(newOpp) # add this opp to the new array
#                         existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                         print 'saved opps'
#                     else: # if ['opportunities']['sfdc'] already exists
#                         print 'opp exist'
#                         if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
#                             opportunities = existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']
#                             opportunities.append(newOpp)
#                             # save this opportunity        
#                             existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                             print 'saved sfdc'
#                         else: #this opp already exists
#                             print 'opp does not exist'
#                             for i in range(len(existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'])):
#                                 if existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
#                                     existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
#                                     existingLeadMkto.save()
#                                     print 'saved update'
#                     #move on to the next opp
#                     continue
#                 existingLeadHspt = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__hspt__properties__salesforceaccountid=sfdc_account_id)).first()
#                 if existingLeadHspt is not None:  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
#                     if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadHspt.opportunities:
#                         opportunities = {}
#                         opportunities['sfdc'] = []
#                         opportunities['sfdc'].append(newOpp) # add this opp to the new array
#                         existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                     else:
#                         if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
#                             opportunities = existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']
#                             opportunities.append(newOpp)
#                             # save this opportunity        
#                             existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                         else: #this opp already exists
#                             for i in range(len(existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'])):
#                                 if existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
#                                     existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
#                                     existingLeadHspt.save()
#                     # move onto the next opp
#                     continue
#             if existingLeadSfdc is None and existingLeadMkto is None and existingLeadHspt is None:  # no matches found so throw error i,e, not possible
#                 #raise ValueError('Opportunity found without lead or contact')
#                 lead = Lead()
#                 lead.sfdc_id = sfdc_Id
#                 lead.company_id = company_id
#                 lead.source_first_name = newLead['FirstName']
#                 lead.source_last_name = newLead['LastName']
#                 lead.source_email = newLead['Email']
#                 lead.source_created_date = str(newLead['CreatedDate'])
#                 lead.source_source = newLead['LeadSource']
#                 lead.source_status = newLead['Status']
#                 lead.leads["sfdc"] = newLead
#                 print '5th save'
#                 lead.save()
    except Exception as e:
        print 'Error while saving SFDC opportunities ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))