def compareUrls(self, hostHeader, url1, url2): for retry in xrange(URL_COMPARE_RETRIES): if retry != 0: time.sleep(URL_COMPARE_RETRIES_SLEEP_INTERVAL) if LOG_LEVEL['UrlCompareLog']: self.writeOutput('Compare %s with %s (retry %d)' % (url1, url2, retry)) code1, headers1, body1 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url1) code2, headers2, body2 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url2) if code1 != code2: self.writeOutput('Error: got different status codes %s vs %s, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (code1, code2, url1, url2)) continue headerCompare = compare_utils.compareHeaders(headers1, headers2) if headerCompare != None: self.writeOutput(headerCompare) continue if str(code1) != '200': self.writeOutput('Notice: got status code %s, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (code1, url1, url2)) if body1 != body2: if retry >= URL_COMPARE_RETRIES-1: severity = "Error" else: severity = "Notice" self.writeOutput('%s: comparison failed, url1=%s, url2=%s\n%s\n%s' % (severity, url1, url2, convertBody(body1), convertBody(body2))) continue return code1, headers1, body1 return False
def compareUrls(self, hostHeader, url1, url2): code1, headers1, body1 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url1) code2, headers2, body2 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url2) if code1 != code2: self.writeOutput( 'Error: got different status codes %s vs %s, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (code1, code2, url1, url2)) return False headerCompare = compare_utils.compareHeaders(headers1, headers2) if headerCompare != None: self.writeOutput(headerCompare) return False if str(code1) != '200': self.writeOutput('Notice: got status code %s, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (code1, url1, url2)) if body1 != body2: self.writeOutput('Error: comparison failed, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (url1, url2)) self.writeOutput(body1) self.writeOutput(body2) return False return code1, headers1, body1
def runTest(self, uri): hostHeader, uri = uri.split(' ') urlBase1 = random.choice(URL1_BASE) urlBase2 = random.choice(URL2_BASE) url1 = urlBase1 + uri url2 = urlBase2 + uri self.writeOutput('Info: testing %s %s' % (url1, url2)) # avoid billing real partners useRealPartner = False for curPrefix in USE_REAL_PARTNER_PREFIXES: if uri.startswith(curPrefix): useRealPartner = True if not useRealPartner: url1 = re.sub('/p/\d+/sp/\d+/', '/p/%s/sp/%s00/' % (TEST_PARTNER_ID, TEST_PARTNER_ID), url1) url2 = re.sub('/p/\d+/sp/\d+/', '/p/%s/sp/%s00/' % (TEST_PARTNER_ID, TEST_PARTNER_ID), url2) code1, headers1, body1 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url1) code2, headers2, body2 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url2) if code1 != code2: self.writeOutput('Error: got different status codes %s vs %s' % (code1, code2)) return False headerCompare = compare_utils.compareHeaders(headers1, headers2) if headerCompare != None: self.writeOutput(headerCompare) return False if str(code1) != '200': self.writeOutput('Notice: got status code %s' % (code1)) body1 = re.sub('nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', 'nginx/0.0.0', body1) body2 = re.sub('nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', 'nginx/0.0.0', body2) if (headers1.has_key('content-type') and headers1['content-type'][0] in set(['application/', 'application/dash+xml'])): body1 = body1.replace(urlBase1, urlBase2) body1 = body1.replace('-a1-v1', '-v1-a1') body2 = body2.replace('-a1-v1', '-v1-a1') # must strip CF tokens since they sign the domain body1 = re.sub('&Signature=[^&]+', '&Signature=', re.sub('\?Policy=[^&]+', '?Policy=', body1)) body2 = re.sub('&Signature=[^&]+', '&Signature=', re.sub('\?Policy=[^&]+', '?Policy=', body2)) if body1.startswith('<?xml'): body1 = re.sub('<executionTime>[0-9\.]+<\/executionTime>', '', body1) body2 = re.sub('<executionTime>[0-9\.]+<\/executionTime>', '', body2) if body1 != body2: self.writeOutput('Error: comparison failed - url1=%s, url2=%s' % (url1, url2)) self.writeOutput(body1) self.writeOutput(body2) return False return True
def compareUrls(self, hostHeader, url1, url2): code1, headers1, body1 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url1) code2, headers2, body2 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url2) if code1 != code2: self.writeOutput('Error: got different status codes %s vs %s, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (code1, code2, url1, url2)) return False headerCompare = compare_utils.compareHeaders(headers1, headers2) if headerCompare != None: self.writeOutput(headerCompare) return False if str(code1) != '200': self.writeOutput('Notice: got status code %s, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (code1, url1, url2)) if body1 != body2: self.writeOutput('Error: comparison failed, url1=%s, url2=%s' % (url1, url2)) self.writeOutput(body1) self.writeOutput(body2) return False return code1, headers1, body1
def runTest(self, line): splittedLine = line.split(' ') if len(splittedLine) == 2: hostHeader, uri = splittedLine range = None elif len(splittedLine) == 3: range, hostHeader, uri = splittedLine range = range.split('/')[0] else: return True urlBase1 = random.choice(URL1_BASE) urlBase2 = random.choice(URL2_BASE) url1 = urlBase1 + uri url2 = urlBase2 + uri self.writeOutput('Info: testing %s %s' % (url1, url2)) # avoid billing real partners useRealPartner = False for curPrefix in USE_REAL_PARTNER_PREFIXES: if uri.startswith(curPrefix): useRealPartner = True if not useRealPartner: url1 = re.sub( '/p/\d+/sp/\d+/', '/p/%s/sp/%s00/' % (TEST_PARTNER_ID, TEST_PARTNER_ID), url1) url2 = re.sub( '/p/\d+/sp/\d+/', '/p/%s/sp/%s00/' % (TEST_PARTNER_ID, TEST_PARTNER_ID), url2) code1, headers1, body1 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url1, range) code2, headers2, body2 = self.getURL(hostHeader, url2, range) if code1 != code2: self.writeOutput('Error: got different status codes %s vs %s' % (code1, code2)) return False headerCompare = compare_utils.compareHeaders(headers1, headers2) if headerCompare != None: self.writeOutput(headerCompare) return False if not str(code1) in ['200', '206']: self.writeOutput('Notice: got status code %s' % (code1)) body1 = re.sub('nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', 'nginx/0.0.0', body1) body2 = re.sub('nginx/\d+\.\d+\.\d+', 'nginx/0.0.0', body2) if (headers1.has_key('content-type') and headers1['content-type'][0] in set([ 'application/', 'application/dash+xml' ])): body1 = body1.replace(urlBase1, urlBase2) body1 = body1.replace('-a1-v1', '-v1-a1') body2 = body2.replace('-a1-v1', '-v1-a1') # must strip CF tokens since they sign the domain body1 = re.sub('&Signature=[^&]+', '&Signature=', re.sub('\?Policy=[^&]+', '?Policy=', body1)) body2 = re.sub('&Signature=[^&]+', '&Signature=', re.sub('\?Policy=[^&]+', '?Policy=', body2)) if body1.startswith('<?xml'): body1 = re.sub('<executionTime>[0-9\.]+<\/executionTime>', '', body1) body2 = re.sub('<executionTime>[0-9\.]+<\/executionTime>', '', body2) if body1.startswith('<html>'): body1 = body1.replace(' bgcolor="white"', '') body2 = body2.replace(' bgcolor="white"', '') if body1 != body2: self.writeOutput('Error: comparison failed - url1=%s, url2=%s' % (url1, url2)) self.writeOutput(body1) self.writeOutput(body2) return False return True