Пример #1
def bestfit_circle_numpy(points):
    """Fit a circle through a set of points.

    points : list
        XYZ coordinates of the points.

        XYZ coordinates of the center of the circle, the normal vector of the
        local frame, and the radius of the circle.

    For more information see [1]_.

    .. [1] Scipy. *Least squares circle*.
           Available at: http://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/items/Least_Squares_Circle.html.

    .. code-block:: python


    o, uvw, _ = pca_numpy(points)
    rst = local_coords_numpy(o, uvw, points)
    x = rst[:, 0]
    y = rst[:, 1]

    def dist(xc, yc):
        return sqrt((x - xc) ** 2 + (y - yc) ** 2)

    def f(c):
        Ri = dist(*c)
        return Ri - Ri.mean()

    xm = mean(x)
    ym = mean(y)
    c0 = xm, ym
    c, ier = leastsq(f, c0)
    Ri = dist(*c)
    R = Ri.mean()
    residu = sum((Ri - R) ** 2)


    xyz = global_coords_numpy(o, uvw, [[c[0], c[1], 0.0]])[0]

    o = xyz.tolist()
    u, v, w = uvw.tolist()

    return o, w, R
Пример #2
def oriented_bounding_box_numpy(points):
    """Compute the oriented minimum bounding box of a set of points in 3D space.

    The implementation is based on the convex hull of the points.

    points : list
        XYZ coordinates of the points.

        The XYZ coordinates of the corners of the bounding box.

    .. plot::

        from numpy.random import randint
        from numpy.random import rand

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        from compas.plotters import Bounds
        from compas.plotters import Cloud3D
        from compas.plotters import Box
        from compas.plotters import create_axes_3d
        from compas.geometry import matrix_from_axis_and_angle
        from compas.geometry import transform_points
        from compas.geometry import oriented_bounding_box_numpy

        clouds = []

        for i in range(8):
            a = randint(1, high=8) * 10 * 3.14159 / 180
            d = [1, 1, 1]

            cloud = rand(100, 3)

            if i in (1, 2, 5, 6):
                cloud[:, 0] *= - 10.0
                cloud[:, 0] -= 3.0
                d[0] = -1
                cloud[:, 0] *= 10.0
                cloud[:, 0] += 3.0

            if i in (2, 3, 6, 7):
                cloud[:, 1] *= - 3.0
                cloud[:, 1] -= 3.0
                d[1] = -1
                cloud[:, 1] *= 3.0
                cloud[:, 1] += 3.0

            if i in (4, 5, 6, 7):
                cloud[:, 2] *= - 6.0
                cloud[:, 2] -= 3.0
                d[2] = -1
                cloud[:, 2] *= 6.0
                cloud[:, 2] += 3.0

            R = matrix_from_axis_and_angle(d, a)
            cloud[:] = transform_points(cloud, R)


        axes = create_axes_3d()

        bounds = Bounds([point for points in clouds for point in points])

        for cloud in clouds:
            bbox = oriented_bounding_box_numpy(cloud)



    points = asarray(points)
    n, dim = points.shape

    assert 2 < dim, "The point coordinates should be at least 3D: %i" % dim

    points = points[:, :3]

    hull = ConvexHull(points)
    volume = None
    bbox = []

    # this can be vectorised!
    for simplex in hull.simplices:
        abc = points[simplex]
        uvw = local_axes(abc[0], abc[1], abc[2])
        xyz = points[hull.vertices]
        rst = local_coords_numpy(abc[0], uvw, xyz)
        dr, ds, dt = ptp(rst, axis=0)
        v = dr * ds * dt

        if volume is None or v < volume:
            rmin, smin, tmin = argmin(rst, axis=0)
            rmax, smax, tmax = argmax(rst, axis=0)
            bbox = [
                [rst[rmin, 0], rst[smin, 1], rst[tmin, 2]],
                [rst[rmax, 0], rst[smin, 1], rst[tmin, 2]],
                [rst[rmax, 0], rst[smax, 1], rst[tmin, 2]],
                [rst[rmin, 0], rst[smax, 1], rst[tmin, 2]],
                [rst[rmin, 0], rst[smin, 1], rst[tmax, 2]],
                [rst[rmax, 0], rst[smin, 1], rst[tmax, 2]],
                [rst[rmax, 0], rst[smax, 1], rst[tmax, 2]],
                [rst[rmin, 0], rst[smax, 1], rst[tmax, 2]],
            bbox = global_coords_numpy(abc[0], uvw, bbox)
            volume = v

    return hull, bbox, volume
Пример #3
def oriented_bounding_box_numpy(points):
    """Compute the oriented minimum bounding box of a set of points in 3D space.

    points : array-like
        XYZ coordinates of the points.

        XYZ coordinates of 8 points defining a box.

        If the data is essentially 2D.

    The *oriented (minimum) bounding box* (OBB) of a given set of points
    is computed using the following procedure:

    1. Compute the convex hull of the points.
    2. For each of the faces on the hull:

       1. Compute face frame.
       2. Compute coordinates of other points in face frame.
       3. Find "peak-to-peak" (PTP) values of point coordinates along local axes.
       4. Compute volume of box formed with PTP values.

    3. Select the box with the smallest volume.

    Generate a random set of points with
    :math:`x \in [0, 10]`, :math:`y \in [0, 1]` and :math:`z \in [0, 3]`.
    Add the corners of the box such that we now the volume is supposed to be :math:`30.0`.

    >>> points = numpy.random.rand(10000, 3)
    >>> bottom = numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    >>> top = numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])
    >>> points = numpy.concatenate((points, bottom, top))
    >>> points[:, 0] *= 10
    >>> points[:, 2] *= 3

    Rotate the points around an arbitrary axis by an arbitrary angle.

    >>> from compas.geometry import Rotation
    >>> from compas.geometry import transform_points_numpy
    >>> R = Rotation.from_axis_and_angle([1.0, 1.0, 0.0], 0.3 * 3.14159)
    >>> points = transform_points_numpy(points, R)

    Compute the volume of the oriented bounding box.

    >>> bbox = oriented_bounding_box_numpy(points)
    >>> a = length_vector(subtract_vectors(bbox[1], bbox[0]))
    >>> b = length_vector(subtract_vectors(bbox[3], bbox[0]))
    >>> c = length_vector(subtract_vectors(bbox[4], bbox[0]))
    >>> a * b * c

    points = asarray(points)
    n, dim = points.shape

    assert 2 < dim, "The point coordinates should be at least 3D: %i" % dim

    points = points[:, :3]

    # try:
    #     hull = ConvexHull(points)
    # except Exception as e:
    #     if 'QH6154' in str(e):
    #         hull = ConvexHull(points, qhull_options='Qb2:0B2:0')
    #     else:
    #         raise e

    hull = ConvexHull(points)

    volume = None
    bbox = []

    # this can be vectorised!
    for simplex in hull.simplices:
        a, b, c = points[simplex]
        uvw = local_axes(a, b, c)
        xyz = points[hull.vertices]
        rst = local_coords_numpy(a, uvw, xyz)
        dr, ds, dt = ptp(rst, axis=0)
        v = dr * ds * dt

        if volume is None or v < volume:
            rmin, smin, tmin = amin(rst, axis=0)
            rmax, smax, tmax = amax(rst, axis=0)
            bbox = [
                [rmin, smin, tmin],
                [rmax, smin, tmin],
                [rmax, smax, tmin],
                [rmin, smax, tmin],
                [rmin, smin, tmax],
                [rmax, smin, tmax],
                [rmax, smax, tmax],
                [rmin, smax, tmax],
            bbox = global_coords_numpy(a, uvw, bbox)
            volume = v

    return bbox