Пример #1
 add_network_measures.add_network(year, quarter)
 low_route_threshold = 10
 print 'remove carriers with low number of routes (threshold = ' + str(low_route_threshold) + '), save to \\temp'
 filter_data.filter_low_routes_by_carrier(year, quarter, low_route_threshold)
 print 'add carrier dummies, save to /temp'
 carrier_dummy.add_dummies(year, quarter)
 print 'add Dai et al (2014) monopoly, duopoly, competitive dummies, save to \\temp'
 print '...Evans & Kessides (1993) IV function called by competitive_dummy.py'
 competitive_dummy.add_dummies(year, quarter)
 print 'add airport-level marketshare and airport-level hhi, save to \\temp'
 airport_mktshr_hhi.add_variables(year, quarter)
 print 'convert bin to txt, save txt to /output'
 bin_to_txt.convert_to_txt(year, quarter)
 print 'move pyc files (byte code) from /code to /temp'
 src = '/.'
 dst = '../temp/'
 for folder in [src + '*.pyc']: