Пример #1
def import_artist_bio(a, overwrite):
    artist = kutcheris.search_artist(a.name)
    additional_urls = []
    if not len(artist):
        print "Looing for data on wikipedia"
        i, iurl, b, u = wikipedia.get_artist_details(a.name)
        if u:
        #if not b:
        #    newname = wikipedia.search(a.name)
        #    mx = max(len(a.name), len(newname))
        #    mn = min(len(a.name), len(newname))
        #    # Only accept the wikipedia search result if it's
        #    if newname and mn + 3 < mx:
        #        i, b, u = wikipedia.get_artist_details(newname)
        if b:
            sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="Wikipedia")

        print "Found data on kutcheris.com"
        aid = artist.values()[0]
        i, b, u = kutcheris.get_artist_details(aid)
        u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % aid
        if b:
            sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")

    if b:
        source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(
            source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": a.name})
        description = data.models.Description.objects.create(description=b,
        a.description = description
        if i:
            print "Found image"

                existingimg = a.images.get(image__contains="%s" % a.mbid)
                # TODO: If the image doesn't exist on disk this is an error. fix it.
                #if existingimg.image.size != len(i) or overwrite:
                if overwrite:
                    # If the imagesize has changed, or overwrite is set, remove the image
            except data.models.Image.DoesNotExist:

            im = data.models.Image()
            im.image.save("artist-%s.jpg" % a.mbid, ContentFile(i))
        if additional_urls:
            for u in additional_urls:
                # Currently we only have wikipedia additionals, but this may change
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="Wikipedia")
                title = u.split("/")[-1].replace("_", " ")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(
                    source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": title})
Пример #2
def import_artist_bio(a, overwrite):
    artist = kutcheris.search_artist(a.name)
    additional_urls = []
    if not len(artist):
        print "Looing for data on wikipedia"
        i, iurl, b, u = wikipedia.get_artist_details(a.name)
        if u:
        #if not b:
        #    newname = wikipedia.search(a.name)
        #    mx = max(len(a.name), len(newname))
        #    mn = min(len(a.name), len(newname))
        #    # Only accept the wikipedia search result if it's
        #    if newname and mn + 3 < mx:
        #        i, b, u = wikipedia.get_artist_details(newname)
        if b:
            sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="Wikipedia")

        print "Found data on kutcheris.com"
        aid = artist.values()[0]
        i, b, u = kutcheris.get_artist_details(aid)
        u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % aid
        if b:
            sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")

    if b:
        source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": a.name})
        description = data.models.Description.objects.create(description=b, source=source)
        a.description = description
        if i:
            print "Found image"

                existingimg = a.images.get(image__contains="%s" % a.mbid)
                # TODO: If the image doesn't exist on disk this is an error. fix it.
                #if existingimg.image.size != len(i) or overwrite:
                if overwrite:
                    # If the imagesize has changed, or overwrite is set, remove the image
            except data.models.Image.DoesNotExist:

            im = data.models.Image()
            im.image.save("artist-%s.jpg" % a.mbid, ContentFile(i))
        if additional_urls:
            for u in additional_urls:
                # Currently we only have wikipedia additionals, but this may change
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="Wikipedia")
                title = u.split("/")[-1].replace("_", " ")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": title})
Пример #3
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        for did, kid in themap.items():
            a = models.Artist.objects.get(pk=did)
            print "* got", a.name, a.mbid
            imgcontent, bio, wpurl = kutcheris.get_artist_details(kid)
            if bio:
                print "got bio"
                u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % kid
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(
                    source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": a.name})
                description = data.models.Description.objects.create(
                    description=bio, source=source)
                a.description = description

            if imgcontent:
                print "got image"
                im = data.models.Image()
                im.image.save("%s.jpg" % a.mbid, ContentFile(imgcontent))

            # Check if they're on musicbrainz->wikipedia too
            print "looking up wikipedia"
            mba = mb.mb.get_artist_by_id(a.mbid, includes="url-rels")
            mba = mba["artist"]
            wikipedia = None
            for rel in mba.get("url-relation-list", []):
                if rel["type"] == "wikipedia":
                    wikipedia = rel["target"]
                    print "got wikipedia url", wikipedia
            theurl = None
            if wikipedia or wpurl:
                if wikipedia == wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif wikipedia and not wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif not wikipedia and wpurl:
                    theurl = wpurl
                    print "musicbrainz wp", wikipedia, "and kutcheris wp", wpurl, "are differnt. using mb"
                    theurl = wikipedia
            if theurl:
                print "adding wikipedia reference"
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="Wikipedia")
                title = theurl.split("/")[-1].replace("_", " ")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(
                    source_name=sn, uri=theurl, defaults={"title": title})
Пример #4
def import_artist_kutcheris(a):
    artist = kutcheris.search_artist(a.name)
    if artist:
        print "Found data on kutcheris.com"
        aid = artist.values()[0]
        i, b, u = kutcheris.get_artist_details(aid)
        u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % aid
        if b:
            sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")

    if b:
        source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": a.name})
        description = data.models.Description.objects.create(description=b, source=source)
        a.description = description
Пример #5
def import_artist_kutcheris(a):
    artist = kutcheris.search_artist(a.name)
    if artist:
        print "Found data on kutcheris.com"
        aid = artist.values()[0]
        i, b, u = kutcheris.get_artist_details(aid)
        u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % aid
        if b:
            sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")

    if b:
        source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": a.name})
        description = data.models.Description.objects.create(description=b, source=source)
        a.description = description
Пример #6
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        for did, kid in themap.items():
            a = models.Artist.objects.get(pk=did)
            print "* got", a.name, a.mbid
            imgcontent, bio, wpurl = kutcheris.get_artist_details(kid)
            if bio:
                print "got bio"
                u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % kid
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": a.name})
                description = data.models.Description.objects.create(description=bio, source=source)
                a.description = description

            if imgcontent:
                print "got image"
                im = data.models.Image()
                im.image.save("%s.jpg" % a.mbid, ContentFile(imgcontent))

            # Check if they're on musicbrainz->wikipedia too
            print "looking up wikipedia"
            mba = mb.mb.get_artist_by_id(a.mbid, includes="url-rels")
            mba = mba["artist"]
            wikipedia = None
            for rel in mba.get("url-relation-list", []):
                if rel["type"] == "wikipedia":
                    wikipedia = rel["target"]
                    print "got wikipedia url", wikipedia
            theurl = None
            if wikipedia or wpurl:
                if wikipedia == wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif wikipedia and not wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif not wikipedia and wpurl:
                    theurl = wpurl
                    print "musicbrainz wp", wikipedia, "and kutcheris wp", wpurl, "are differnt. using mb"
                    theurl = wikipedia
            if theurl:
                print "adding wikipedia reference"
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="Wikipedia")
                title = theurl.split("/")[-1].replace("_", " ")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(source_name=sn, uri=theurl, defaults={"title": title})
Пример #7
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        for did, kid in themap.items():
            a = models.Artist.objects.get(pk=did)
            print("* got %s %s" % (a.name, a.mbid))
            imgcontent, bio, wpurl = kutcheris.get_artist_details(kid)
            if bio:
                print("got bio")
                u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % kid
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(
                    source_name=sn, uri=u, defaults={"title": a.name})
                description = data.models.Description.objects.create(
                    description=bio, source=source)
                a.description = description

            if imgcontent:
                print("got image")
                im = data.models.Image()
                im.image.save("%s.jpg" % a.mbid, ContentFile(imgcontent))
                a.image = im

            # Check if they're on musicbrainz->wikipedia too
            print("looking up wikipedia")
            mba = mb.mb.get_artist_by_id(a.mbid, includes="url-rels")
            mba = mba["artist"]
            wikipedia = None
            for rel in mba.get("url-relation-list", []):
                if rel["type"] == "wikipedia":
                    wikipedia = rel["target"]
                    print("got wikipedia url %s" % wikipedia)
            theurl = None
            if wikipedia or wpurl:
                if wikipedia == wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif wikipedia and not wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif not wikipedia and wpurl:
                    theurl = wpurl
                        "musicbrainz wp %s and kutcheris wp % are differnt. using mb"
                        % (wikipedia, wpurl))
                    theurl = wikipedia
Пример #8
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        for did, kid in themap.items():
            a = models.Artist.objects.get(pk=did)
            print("* got %s %s" % (a.name, a.mbid))
            imgcontent, bio, wpurl = kutcheris.get_artist_details(kid)
            if bio:
                print("got bio")
                u = "http://kutcheris.com/artist.php?id=%s" % kid
                sn = data.models.SourceName.objects.get(name="kutcheris.com")
                source, created = data.models.Source.objects.get_or_create(source_name=sn, uri=u,
                                                                           defaults={"title": a.name})
                description = data.models.Description.objects.create(description=bio, source=source)
                a.description = description

            if imgcontent:
                print("got image")
                im = data.models.Image()
                im.image.save("%s.jpg" % a.mbid, ContentFile(imgcontent))
                a.image = im

            # Check if they're on musicbrainz->wikipedia too
            print("looking up wikipedia")
            mba = mb.mb.get_artist_by_id(a.mbid, includes="url-rels")
            mba = mba["artist"]
            wikipedia = None
            for rel in mba.get("url-relation-list", []):
                if rel["type"] == "wikipedia":
                    wikipedia = rel["target"]
                    print("got wikipedia url %s" % wikipedia)
            theurl = None
            if wikipedia or wpurl:
                if wikipedia == wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif wikipedia and not wpurl:
                    theurl = wikipedia
                elif not wikipedia and wpurl:
                    theurl = wpurl
                    print("musicbrainz wp %s and kutcheris wp % are differnt. using mb" % (wikipedia, wpurl))
                    theurl = wikipedia