def __init__(self, tag, xmldoc, tarsqi_instance): """Calls __init__ of the base class and sets component_name, DIR_GUTIME, CREATION_EXTENSION and RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION.""" ComponentWrapper.__init__(self, tag, xmldoc, tarsqi_instance) self.component_name = GUTIME self.btime = BTime() self.DIR_GUTIME = TTK_ROOT + os.sep + 'components' + os.sep + 'gutime' self.CREATION_EXTENSION = 'gut.i.xml' self.TMP1_EXTENSION = 'gut.t1.xml' self.TMP2_EXTENSION = 'gut.t2.xml' self.RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION = 'gut.o.xml'
class GUTimeWrapper(ComponentWrapper): """Wrapper for GUTime. See ComponentWrapper for more details on how component wrappers work. Instance variables DIR_GUTIME - directry where the GUTime code lives see ComponentWrapper for other variables.""" def __init__(self, tag, xmldoc, tarsqi_instance): """Calls __init__ of the base class and sets component_name, DIR_GUTIME, CREATION_EXTENSION and RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION.""" ComponentWrapper.__init__(self, tag, xmldoc, tarsqi_instance) self.component_name = GUTIME self.btime = BTime() self.DIR_GUTIME = TTK_ROOT + os.sep + 'components' + os.sep + 'gutime' self.CREATION_EXTENSION = 'gut.i.xml' self.TMP1_EXTENSION = 'gut.t1.xml' self.TMP2_EXTENSION = 'gut.t2.xml' self.RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION = 'gut.o.xml' def process_fragments(self): """Calls, for each fragment, the Perl scripts that implement GUTime and merges the results back into the fragment.""" os.chdir(self.DIR_GUTIME) self.dct = self.tarsqi_instance.metadata['dct'] for fragment in self.fragments: # set fragment names base = fragment[0] in_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.CREATION_EXTENSION) tmp1_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.TMP1_EXTENSION) tmp2_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.TMP2_EXTENSION) out_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION) print '-shit come here---------------------------------' print in_file print tmp1_file print tmp2_file print out_file # process them command = "perl -dct %s -t fragment %s %s" % ( self.dct, in_file, tmp1_file) (fh_in, fh_out, fh_errors) = os.popen3(command) for line in fh_errors: logger.warn(line) merge_tags(in_file, tmp1_file, tmp2_file) self.btime.process(tmp2_file, out_file) os.chdir(TTK_ROOT)
class GUTimeWrapper(ComponentWrapper): """Wrapper for GUTime. See ComponentWrapper for more details on how component wrappers work. Instance variables DIR_GUTIME - directry where the GUTime code lives see ComponentWrapper for other variables.""" def __init__(self, tag, xmldoc, tarsqi_instance): """Calls __init__ of the base class and sets component_name, DIR_GUTIME, CREATION_EXTENSION and RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION.""" ComponentWrapper.__init__(self, tag, xmldoc, tarsqi_instance) self.component_name = GUTIME self.btime = BTime() self.DIR_GUTIME = TTK_ROOT + os.sep + 'components' + os.sep + 'gutime' self.CREATION_EXTENSION = 'gut.i.xml' self.TMP1_EXTENSION = 'gut.t1.xml' self.TMP2_EXTENSION = 'gut.t2.xml' self.RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION = 'gut.o.xml' def process_fragments(self): """Calls, for each fragment, the Perl scripts that implement GUTime and merges the results back into the fragment.""" os.chdir(self.DIR_GUTIME) self.dct = self.tarsqi_instance.metadata['dct'] for fragment in self.fragments: # set fragment names base = fragment[0] in_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.CREATION_EXTENSION) tmp1_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.TMP1_EXTENSION) tmp2_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.TMP2_EXTENSION) out_file = "%s%s%s.%s" % (self.DIR_DATA, os.sep, base, self.RETRIEVAL_EXTENSION) # process them command = "perl -dct %s -t fragment %s %s" % (self.dct, in_file, tmp1_file) (fh_in, fh_out, fh_errors) = os.popen3(command) for line in fh_errors: logger.warn(line) merge_tags(in_file, tmp1_file, tmp2_file) self.btime.process(tmp2_file, out_file) os.chdir(TTK_ROOT)