Пример #1
def ab_ea_internal_external_networking_mc():
    correct = ("MAN","LAN")
    incorrect = ("WAN", "PAN", "SAN", "WLAN", "VPN", "Enterprise Internal Private Network", "System Area Network", "Skynet", "Mobile Network")
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 2, randint(4, len(incorrect)))
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.businesses)} business client has three locations within city limits that need to be networked. Vendor network requirements for all three locations are a minimum of 1GB. Which of the following are the types of networks that will MOST likely be used for internal office and office-to-office networking? (Choose two.)"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ab")
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #2
def ab_ca_cable_type_soho_mc():
    correct = ("Ethernet",)
    incorrect = ("Coaxial", "USB", "Thunderbolt", "Lightning", "Bluetooth")
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, randint(4, len(incorrect)))
    q.questionBase = f"Which of the following cable types should be used to connect a cable modem to a SOHO router?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ab")
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #3
def ab_db_wireless_printer():
    correct =('Connect the printer to the company wireless network.',)
    incorrect = ("Set up the user's computer to act as a print server.",'Configure the printer to use the Internet printing protocol.',"Ensure the user's computer is set to DHCP.",)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.users)} purchases a wireless printer and sets it up in an office. They install all necessary software for the printer on thecomputer and connects the printer to the guest wireless network. However, when they attempt to print to the printer, nothing happens. Which of the following will resolve the issue?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ab")
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #4
def ab_ah_ephemeral_and_non_ephemeral_ports():
    noneph = randint(0, 1023)
    eph = randint(1024, 65535) 
    correct = (
        "non-ephemeral ports are fixed",
        "non-ephemeral ports are usually linked to a server or service",
        "ephemeral ports are temporary",
        "ephemeral ports are assigned in real time by a client",
        "ports 0-1023 are usually non-ephemeral",  
        "ports 1024-65535 are usually ephemeral",
        f"tcp/{eph} is an ephemeral port",
        f"udp/{eph} is an ephemeral port",
        f"tcp/{noneph} is a non-ephemeral port",
        f"udp/{noneph} is a non-ephemeral port",
    incorrect = (
        "ephemeral ports are fixed",
        "ephemeral ports are usually linked to a server or service",
        "non-ephemeral ports are temporary",
        "non-ephemeral ports are assigned in real time by a client",
        f"tcp/{eph} is a non-ephemeral port",
        f"udp/{eph} is a non-ephemeral port",
        f"tcp/{noneph} is an ephemeral port",
        f"udp/{noneph} is an ephemeral port",
    mod_name = cf.currentFuncName()
    number = randint(1,3)
    if randint(0,1):
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all correct statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, incorrect, correct, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all incorrect statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), mod_name, module_path(),"ab") 
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #5
def ab_al_client_server_ports():
    pplist = ports_protocols()[:-4]
    itemnos = {randint(0,len(pplist)-1)}
    while len(itemnos) != 10:
    items = [pplist[i] for i in itemnos]
    right = []
    for i in range(5):
    correct = []
    for item in right:
        correct.append(f'From source port {randint(1024, 65535)} to destination {item[0]} to {item[3]} ({item[2]})')
    incorrect = []
    item = items.pop()
    incorrect.append(f'From source port {randint(1024, 65535)} to destination {randint(1024, 65535)} to {item[3]} ({item[2]})')
    incorrect.append(f'From source port {randint(1024, 65535)} to destination {randint(1024, 65535)} to {item[3]} ({item[2]})')
    incorrect.append(f'From source port {item[0]} to destination {item[0]} to {item[3]} ({item[2]})')
    incorrect.append(f'From source port {item[0]} to destination {item[0]} to {item[3]} ({item[2]})')
    incorrect.append(f'From source port {item[0]} to destination {randint(1024, 65535)} to {item[3]} ({item[2]})')
    mod_name = cf.currentFuncName()
    number = randint(1,4)
    if randint(0,1):
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, number, randint(6,7))
        q.questionBase = f"Identify valid source (client) and destination (server) port configurations:"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, incorrect, correct, None, (), 1, number, randint(6,7))
        q.questionBase = f"Identify valid source (client) and destination (server) port configurations:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), mod_name, module_path(),"ab") 
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #6
def ab_af_IP_sockets():
    correct = (
        "a server socket consists of a server IP address, protocol and a server application port number", 
        "a client socket consists of a client IP address, protocol and a client application port number", 
        "a socket includes an IP address, protocol and a port number",
        "a socket includes, among other things, an IP address",
        "a socket includes, among other things, protocol",
        "a socket includes, among other things, a port number",
    incorrect = (
        "a client socket consists of a server IP address, protocol and a server application port number", 
        "a server socket consists of a client IP address, protocol and a client application port number", 
        "a socket includes an IP address, protocol and HTTP",
        "a socket includes an IP address, SSL and a port number",
        "a socket includes an IDSN address, protocol and a port number",
        "a socket includes, among other things a VIN number,",
        "a socket includes, among other things, ethernet connectors",
        "a socket includes, among other things, an RJ45 connector",
        "a socket includes, among other things, an antivirus check",    
    mod_name = cf.currentFuncName()
    number = randint(1,3)
    if randint(0,1):
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all correct statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, incorrect, correct, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all incorrect statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), mod_name, module_path(),"ab") 
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #7
def ab_ae_UDV_vs_TCP():
    correct = (
        "UDP is faster at transmitting data than TCP",
        "TCP is slower at transmitting data than UDP",
        "TCP provides better data integrity than UDP", 
        "UDP us better for online gaming applications", 
        "UDP is better for livestreaming applications", 
        "TCP is better for sending files", 
        "TCP and UDP are suited to different purposes", 
        "UDP is faster than TCP",
    incorrect = (
        "UDP is slower at transmitting data than TCP",
        "TCP is faster at transmitting data than UDP",
        "UDP provides better data integrity than TCP", 
        "TCP us better for online gaming applications", 
        "TCP is better for livestreaming applications", 
        "UDP is better for sending files", 
        "TCP is better than UDP because it is more reliable",
        "UDP is better than TCP because it is more reliable", 
    mod_name = cf.currentFuncName()
    number = randint(1,3)
    if randint(0,1):
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all correct statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, incorrect, correct, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all incorrect statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), mod_name, module_path(),"ab") 
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #8
def ab_ad_user_datagram_protocol():
    correct = (
        "UDP is described as unreliable",
        "UDP is connectionless",
        "UDP does not require a formal open or close to the connection",
        "UDP does not allow error recovery",
        "UDP does not allow reordering of data",
        "UDP does not manage retransmissions",
        "UDP enables the sender to determine the amount of data transmitted",
        "UDP is suited to streaming data",
        "UDP is suited for online gaming",
        "UDP is suited to watching content live",  
    incorrect = (
        "UDP is described as reliable",
        "UDP is connection oriented",
        "UDP requires a formal open or close to the connection",
        "UDP allows error recovery",
        "UDP allowS reordering of data",
        "UDP manages retransmissions",
        "UDP enables the reciever to determine the amount of data transmitted",
        "UDP is suited to transmitting files",
    mod_name = cf.currentFuncName()
    number = randint(1,3)
    if randint(0,1):
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all correct statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, incorrect, correct, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all incorrect statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), mod_name, module_path(),"ab") 
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #9
def ab_fa_hosting_virtual_machines():
    correct =('Hypervisor',)
    incorrect = ('Disk management','Terminal services','Device Manager','Virtual LAN',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.technitians)} systems administrator is configuring a server to host several virtual machines. The administrator configures the server andis ready to begin provisioning the virtual machines. Which of the following features should the administrator utilize to complete the task?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ab")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_db_laptop_shuts_down_mc():	
    correct =('CMOS battery failure',)
    incorrect = ('Residual energy on the motherboard','System overheating','Distended capacitors','Loose battery connection',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f" A user's laptop is shutting down unexpectedly. The technician discovers the shutdowns only happen when the laptop is moved from one room to another. The technician reseated the hard drive, memory, battery, and LCD cable, but the laptop continues to shut down. Which of the following is the MOST probable cause of the issue?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ad_ab_cloud_services():
    items = (
        ("use a web-based calendar application", "SaaS"),
        ("use a remote server owned by another firm", "IaaS"),
        ("gain access to detailed weather statistics for the past 100 years through the cloud",
        ("use a cloud based software development and deployment environment",
    fillers = (
    if randint(0, 1) == 0:
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, None, None, items, fillers, 1, 1,
                            randint(4, 7))
        q.questionBase = f"An {q.item(vl.users)} has signed up to {items[q.choice][0]}. Which of the following solutions has the user purchased?"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag('drag', None, None, items, fillers, 1,
                            randint(2, 4), randint(4, 7))
        q.questionBase = f"Match the following descriptions with their respective services:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), "ad")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_fd_wired_computers_mc():	
    correct =('Virtual CPU',)
    incorrect = ('Virtual security','Virtual storage','Virtual switch', 'Virtual RAM',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.technitians)} technitian is setting up a VM for use in testing software deployments. The VM is offline, but the hypervisor is not. Which of the following settings should they change to resolve the issue?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_ab_spillage_on_hardware():
    correct = ('Remove the case and organise the parts','Document the screw locations')
    incorrect = ('Search the internet for repair tutorials', 'Google the liquid and device', 'Consult colleagues for advice', f'Place the device in rice for a few days', 'Ask what time it happened', 'Ask what the brand of the liquid was')
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 2, randint(5,6))
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.users)} accidentally spills {q.item(vl.liquids)} on a laptop and, naturally, wants the device to be fixed and would like to know how much it will cost. Which of the following steps should the technician take NEXT to verify if the device is repairable before committing to a price?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_fb_new_wireless_network():
    correct =('Ensure the options are configured to provide a DNS server.',)
    incorrect = ('Verify the Windows Firewall is turned off.','Configure the wireless network™s SSID to be hidden.','Enable file and printer sharing in the OS.',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.technitians)} technician is setting up a new wireless network at a branch office that previously had only wired connectivity with statically assigned IP addresses. After setting up the network, the technician configures a server to provide IP addresses to wireless clients. During testing, they are unable to access the Internet or named network resources, although they receive a valid IP address from the DHCP server and can ping the default gateway. Which of the following should be technician check NEXT to resolve this issue?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_fc_wired_computers_mc():	
    correct =('Check the DHCP server.',)
    incorrect = ('Check the closest AP for the area.','Check each wireless adapter switch.','Check the group™s network switch.',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"Several computers are having network connectivity issues. Two of the computers are wired and are not having any issues.The technician verifies that none of the computers having issues have been assigned a static IP.Which of the following should the technician check NEXT?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ac_ab_ethernet_cables_dr():
    items = (
        ('used for data networks employing frequencies up to 16 MHz with up to 10 Mbps Ethernet networks',
         'Cat 3'),
        ('allows data transmission over Ethernet at 100 Mbit/s and above at 100 MHz, uses twisted pairs',
         'Cat 5'),
        ('allows data transmission over Ethernet at 125 Mbit/s and above at 100 MHz, uses twisted pairs',
         'Cat 5e'),
        ('ethernet cable containing shield protected twisted pair wires, supports speeds of up to 1 Gb/s at up to 250 MHz, up to 55 meters',
         'Cat 6'),
        ('well protected, but less flexible, supports speeds of up to 10 Gb/s at 500 MHz, over 55 meters',
         'Cat 6A'),
        ('comprises four individually shielded pairs inside an overall shield, transmission of 10 Gb/s at 600 Mhz up to 15m',
         'Cat 7'),
        ('shielded cable allowing data transmission over Ethernet at 25 Gb/s at 2 Ghz',
         'Cat 8'),
    if randint(0, 1) == 0:
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, None, None, items, (), 1, 1, randint(4, 6))
        q.questionBase = f"Which of the following fits the following description at the lowest cost: {items[q.choice][0]}"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag('drag', None, None, items, (), 1, randint(3, 5),
                            randint(5, 7))
        q.questionBase = f"Match the descriptions of different types with Ethernet cable with their names."
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), "ac")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_fg_proprietory_data_mc():	
    correct =('Check corporate policies for guidance.',)
    incorrect = ('Get authorization from the manager.','Delete proprietary data before leaving the building.','Remove the HDD and send the device for repair.',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.businesses)}company has very strict rules regarding proprietary information leaving the premises. All computers host proprietaryinformation. A technician is called to repair a computer on-site at the company™s corporate office. The technician identifies theproblem and goes through the troubleshooting steps to create a plan of action. The technician determines the computer needs to be taken off-site for repair. Which of the following should the {q.item(vl.technitians)} technician do NEXT?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_fb_no_internet_after_holiday_mc():
    correct = ('ipconfig /flushdns',)
    incorrect = ('ipconfig /all', 'ipconfig /release', 'ipconfig /setclassid','Ipconfig /renew', 'ipconfig /registerdns',  'ipconfig /displaydns',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, randint(5,6))
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.users)} is no longer able to browse the Internet after returning from vacation. The user is able to log in and navigate to the local intranet, but not to any their favourite {q.item(vl.websites)} sites on the internet. A technician pings a well-known website by name but gets no reply. The technician then pings its IP address and gets a reply. Which of the following commands will MOST likely resolve the issue?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_ca_broken_display_mc():
    correct = ('Document and label the cable and screw locations',)
    incorrect = ('Replace the screen with a non-OEM', 'Update the firmware on the device before repairing it', 'Replace the screen with an OEM', 'Immediately place the screen in a container to prevent liquid crystal leakage', 'Consult colleagues for advice', 'Remove the screen and inspect connectors for faults', 'Verify the settings in IPConfig','Research the problem based on symptoms', 'Tell the user to stay off the internet', "Wait for the vendor to provide more information")
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, randint(5,len(incorrect)))
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.technitians)} technician is replacing a broken screen on a new company laptop but does not have repair information from the vendor. Which of the following is the BEST way to proceed?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_eb_printer_to_share():
    correct =('Create a share on the manager\'s computer and give the users rights to the share.',)
    incorrect = ('Install the printer on the users\' desktops and point it to the IP address of the manager\'s computer.','Purchase a wireless printer so the users can access the printer via the network.','Provide flash drives to the users so they can transfer data to the manager\'s computer for printing.',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A printer stops working in the {q.item(vl.businesses)} department and cannot be repaired. A new printer has been ordered and a {q.item(vl.technitians)} technician is tasked with allowing other users to print to the manager's printer until the new printer arrives. The manager's printer is currently used via USB connection, and there are no network jacks available for use. Which of the following is the BEST way for the technician to allow access to the printer?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_fa_malware_mc():
    correct = ('Document findings, actions, and outcomes','Run a virus scan.')
    incorrect = ('Reboot the device to verify the fix', 'Reconnect the device to the network', 'Consult colleagues for advice', f'Place the device in rice for a few days', 'Ask what time it happened', 'Verify the settings in IPConfig','Research the problem based on symptoms', 'Tell the user to stay off the internet', "set up teamviewer with the device to monitor the situation")
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 2, randint(5,6))
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.users)} is unable to access {q.item(vl.websites)} websites and has reported connectivity issues with pop-ups on the screen. A technician removes malware, and then is able to ping the router and access the websites. Which of the following NEXT steps should the technician perform in troubleshooting this issue? (Choose two)"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #22
def ab_ac_transmission_control_protocol(): 
    correct = (
        "TCP is described as reliable",
        "TCP is connection oriented",
        "TCP requires a formal connection setup and close",
        "TCP can manage messages out of sequence",
        "TCP can manage retransmissions",
        "TCP allows the reciever to manage how much data is sent",
        "TCP enables recovery from eroneous transmissions",
        "TCP is suited to sending files",
    incorrect = (
        "TCP is described as unreliable",
        "TCP is connectionless",
        "TCP does not require a formal connection setup and close",
        "TCP does not manage messages out of sequence",
        "TCP does not manage retransmissions",
        "TCP allows the sender to manage how much data is sent",
        "TCP is suited to steaming",
    mod_name = cf.currentFuncName()
    number = randint(1,3)
    if randint(0,1):
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all correct statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, incorrect, correct, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all incorrect statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), mod_name, module_path(),"ab") 
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_da_smartphone_repair_mc():
    correct = ('Airplane mode',)
    incorrect = ('Tethering', 'Disabled hotspot', 'VPN', 'WiFi switched off', "SIM card faulty", "SIM card missing")
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, randint(5,6))
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.technitians)} {q.item(vl.users)} brings in a smartphone for repair. The device is unable to send/receive calls or connect to WiFi. All applications on the device are working unless they require connectivity. Which of the following is MOST likely causing the problem?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_cc_projector_artefacts_mc():	
    correct =('Increase the projector contrast.','Modify the laptop™s display resolution.')
    incorrect = ('Update the video drivers on the laptop.','Replace the original laptop.','Change the aspect ratio on the projector.','Replace the bulb in the projector.',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 2, randint(5,6))
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.technitians)} technician is troubleshooting a laptop/projector combination that is displaying artifacts on the screen. When a differentlaptop is connected to the projector, the image appears to be correct but is very dim. Which of the following steps should the technician take to address these issues? (Choose two.)"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ac_cb_server_ram_upgrade():
    correct = ('The server needs DDR4 memory, and DDR3 is installed',)
    incorrect = ('The power supply is not supplying enogh power for the memory','The memory has too many ECC errors and is shutting down', 'The server is overheating when all of the mmeory is installed')
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A technician upgraded the memory on a server from two 8GB sticks to eight 32GB sticks. The server memory is now at full capacity per the user guide. When the technician powers on the system, only 128GB of memory is recognized by the OS and the BIOS. The technician decides to upgrade to the latest version of the firmware on the system, which does not help. Next, the technician installs the memory in sets of 64GB at a time. Each individual set of 64GB is fully recognized by the server. Which of the following will not allow the server to recognize all of the memory installed at the same time?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_fe_ip_in_use_mc():
    correct = ('Set the laptop configuration to DHCP to prevent conflicts',)
    incorrect = ('Remove the static IP configuration from the desktop', 'Replace the network card in the laptop, as it may be defective', 'Bridge the LAN connection between the laptop and the desktop',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.users)}, also a part time accountant, reports that after turning on their new laptop, they received a message stating their IP address is already in use on the system. They tried going back to their old desktop, which they now only use for {q.item(vl.online_activities)}, but received the same message. The technician checks the account and sees a comment that the {q.item(vl.users)} requires a special network setup to connect to the banking software. Which of the following should the technician do to resolve the issue?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_ba_slow_workstation_mc():
    correct = ('Check the event log for any cache issues',)
    incorrect = ('Replace the write cache battery', 'Clear the RAID configuration file and restart the PC', 'Replace the RAID controller write cache module', f'recommend changing to RAID 5')
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A technician is troubleshooting a Windows {q.item(vl.workstations)} workstation that is running slow. The computer uses RAID 10 and has dual GPU cards. The {q.item(vl.users)} using the workstation states that the same application runs faster on an identical workstation. Which of the following should the technician perform FIRST to troubleshoot the problem?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
def ae_ff_network_printer_mc():	
    correct =('Confirm that the laptop wireless card is turned on.',)
    incorrect = ('Confirm that the laptop is in range for the access point.','Confirm that the correct wireless network is selected.','Confirm the user\'s network login ID and password.',)
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = f"A {q.item(vl.users)} reports that a laptop is not connecting to the corporate wireless network. A {q.item(vl.technitians)} technician confirms with a smartphone that the corporate wireless network is available and can be accessed. The technician observes that the Ethernet connection to the corporate network is working. The technician disconnects the Ethernet cable. Which of the following should the technician do NEXT to troubleshoot this problem?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),"ae")
    return q.returnAll()
Пример #29
def ab_ab_Network_payloads():
    correct = (
        "the ethernet payload is contained between an ethernet header and an ethernet trailer",
        "the ethernet payload consists of an IP header followed by an IP payload",
        "the IP payload consists of a TCP header followed by a TCP payload",
        "the TCP payload is often HTTP data",
    incorrect = (
        "the ethernet payload is contained between a TCP header and a TCP trailer",
        "the ethernet payload consists of an HTTP header followed by an IP payload",
        "the IP payload consists of an ethernet header followed by an IP payload",
        "the TCP payload is often IP data",
        "the ethernet payload is contained between a HTML header and a HTML trailer",
        "the ethernet payload consists of an HTTP header followed by a TCP payload",
        "the IP payload consists of an ethernet header followed by an SMTP payload",
        "the TCP payload is always POP3 data",
    number = randint(1,3)
    mod_name = cf.currentFuncName()
    if randint(0,1):
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all correct statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
        q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, incorrect, correct, None, (), 1, number, randint(4,5))
        q.questionBase = f"Choose all incorrect statements about {cf.underscoreless(mod_name)}:"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_functions(), mod_name, module_path(),"ab") 
    return q.returnAll()
def ac_aa_coaxial_cables_termination_mc():
    correct = ("RG-59", )
    incorrect = ("DB9", "RJ45", "RS-232")
    q = cf.SelectMcDrag(None, correct, incorrect, None, (), 1, 1, 4)
    q.questionBase = "Which of the following terminates a coaxial cable?"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), "ac")
    return q.returnAll()