def process(corpus_folder, raw_file_name, save_folder): corpus_list = [] for name in raw_file_name: raw_file = os.path.join(corpus_folder, name) with open(raw_file, "r") as fr: lines = fr.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): source, target, label = line.strip().split("\t") if label == "0" or source == target: continue if label != "1": input(curLine() + line.strip()) length = float(len(source) + len(target)) source_length = len(source) if source_length > 8 and source_length < 38 and ( i + 1) % 2 > 0: # 对50%的长句构造交换操作 rand = random.uniform(0.4, 0.9) source_pre = source swag_location = int(source_length * rand) source = "%s%s" % (source[swag_location:], source[:swag_location]) lcs1 = _compute_lcs(source, target) lcs_rate = len(lcs1) / length if (lcs_rate < 0.4): # 差异大,换回来 source = source_pre else: print( curLine(), "source_pre:%s, source:%s, lcs_rate=%f" % (source_pre, source, lcs_rate)) lcs1 = _compute_lcs(source, target) lcs_rate = len(lcs1) / length if (lcs_rate < 0.2): continue # 变动过大,忽略 # if (lcs_rate<0.4): # continue # 变动过大,忽略 # if len(source)*1.15 < len(target): # new_t = source # source = target # target = new_t # print(curLine(), source, target, ",lcs1:",lcs1 , ",lcs_rate=", lcs_rate) corpus = "%s\t%s\t%f\n" % (source, target, lcs_rate) corpus_list.append(corpus) print(curLine(), len(corpus_list), "from %s" % raw_file) save_file = os.path.join(save_folder, "lcqmc.txt") with open(save_file, "w") as fw: fw.writelines(corpus_list) print(curLine(), "have save %d to %s" % (len(corpus_list), save_file))
def process(corpus_folder, raw_file_name, save_folder): raw_file = os.path.join(corpus_folder, raw_file_name) with open(raw_file, "r") as fr: lines = fr.readlines() corpus_list = [] for line in lines: sent_list = line.strip().split("&&") sent_num = len(sent_list) for i in range(1, sent_num, 2): source= sent_list[i-1] target = sent_list[i] length = float(len(source) + len(target)) lcs1 = _compute_lcs(source, target) lcs_rate= len(lcs1)/length if (lcs_rate<0.3): continue # 变动过大,忽略 if len(source)*1.15 < len(target): new_t = source source = target target = new_t corpus = "%s\t%s\t%f\n" % (source, target, lcs_rate) corpus_list.append(corpus) save_file = os.path.join(save_folder, "baoan_airport.txt") with open(save_file, "w") as fw: fw.writelines(corpus_list) print(curLine(), "have save %d to %s" % (len(corpus_list), save_file))
def _get_added_phrases(source: Text, target: Text) -> Sequence[Text]: """Computes the phrases that need to be added to the source to get the target. This is done by aligning each token in the LCS to the first match in the target and checking which phrases in the target remain unaligned. TODO(b/142853960): The LCS tokens should ideally be aligned to consecutive(连续不断的) target tokens whenever possible, instead of aligning them always to the first match. This should result in a more meaningful phrase vocabulary with a higher coverage. Note that the algorithm is case-insensitive and the resulting phrases are always lowercase. Args: source: Source text. target: Target text. Returns: List of added phrases. """ sep = ' ' # 英文是分成word sep=' ',中文是分成字 sep='' source_tokens = utils.get_token_list( source.lower()) # list(source.lower()) # 切句成字列表 target_tokens = utils.get_token_list( target.lower()) # list(target.lower()) # 切句成字列表 #print(" source_tokens",source_tokens) #print(" target_tokens",target_tokens) kept_tokens = _compute_lcs(source_tokens, target_tokens) # 共用字 #print(" kept_tokens",kept_tokens) added_phrases = [] # Index of the `kept_tokens` element that we are currently looking for. kept_idx = 0 phrase = [] for token in target_tokens: if kept_idx < len(kept_tokens) and token == kept_tokens[kept_idx]: kept_idx += 1 #print(phrase) if phrase: added_phrases.append(sep.join(phrase)) phrase = [] else: phrase.append(token) #print("phrase_vocabulary_optimization sep",sep) if phrase: added_phrases.append(sep.join(phrase)) return added_phrases
def process(corpus_folder, raw_file_name): raw_file = os.path.join(corpus_folder, raw_file_name) # 打开文件,获取excel文件的workbook(工作簿)对象 workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(raw_file) # 文件路径 # 通过sheet索引获得sheet对象 worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0) nrows = worksheet.nrows # 获取该表总行数 ncols = worksheet.ncols # 获取该表总列数 print( curLine(), "raw_file_name:%s, worksheet:%s nrows=%d, ncols=%d" % (raw_file_name,, nrows, ncols)) assert ncols == 3 assert nrows > 0 col_data = worksheet.col_values(0) # 获取第一列的内容 corpus_list = [] for line in col_data: sent_list = line.strip().split("&&") sent_num = len(sent_list) for i in range(1, sent_num, 2): source = sent_list[i - 1] target = sent_list[i] # source_length = len(source) # if source_length > 8 and (i+1)%4>0: # 对50%的长句随机删除 # rand = random.uniform(0.1, 0.9) # source_pre = source # swag_location = int(source_length*rand) # source = "%s%s" % (source[:swag_location], source[swag_location+1:]) # print(curLine(), "source_pre:%s, source:%s" % (source_pre, source)) length = float(len(source) + len(target)) lcs1 = _compute_lcs(source, target) lcs_rate = len(lcs1) / length if (lcs_rate < 0.2): continue # 变动过大,忽略 # if (lcs_rate<0.3): # continue # 变动过大,忽略 # if len(source)*1.15 < len(target): # new_t = source # source = target # target = new_t corpus = "%s\t%s\t%f\n" % (source, target, lcs_rate) corpus_list.append(corpus) return corpus_list
def main(argv): if len(argv) > 1: raise app.UsageError('Too many command-line arguments.') flags.mark_flag_as_required('input_file') flags.mark_flag_as_required('input_format') flags.mark_flag_as_required('output_file') flags.mark_flag_as_required('label_map_file') flags.mark_flag_as_required('vocab_file') flags.mark_flag_as_required('saved_model') label_map = utils.read_label_map(FLAGS.label_map_file) converter = tagging_converter.TaggingConverter( tagging_converter.get_phrase_vocabulary_from_label_map(label_map), FLAGS.enable_swap_tag) builder = bert_example.BertExampleBuilder(label_map, FLAGS.vocab_file, FLAGS.max_seq_length, FLAGS.do_lower_case, converter) predictor = predict_utils.LaserTaggerPredictor( tf.contrib.predictor.from_saved_model(FLAGS.saved_model), builder, label_map) print(colored("%s input file:%s" % (curLine(), FLAGS.input_file), "red")) sourcesA_list = [] sourcesB_list = [] target_list = [] with tf.gfile.GFile(FLAGS.input_file) as f: for line in f: sourceA, sourceB, label = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') sourcesA_list.append([sourceA.strip(".")]) sourcesB_list.append([sourceB.strip(".")]) target_list.append(label) number = len(sourcesA_list) # 总样本数 predict_batch_size = min(32, number) batch_num = math.ceil(float(number) / predict_batch_size) start_time = time.time() num_predicted = 0 prediction_list = [] with tf.gfile.Open(FLAGS.output_file, 'w') as writer: for batch_id in range(batch_num): sources_batch = sourcesA_list[batch_id * predict_batch_size:(batch_id + 1) * predict_batch_size] batch_b = sourcesB_list[batch_id * predict_batch_size:(batch_id + 1) * predict_batch_size] location_batch = [] sources_batch.extend(batch_b) for source in sources_batch: location = list() for char in source[0]: if (char >= '0' and char <= '9') or char in '.- ' or ( char >= 'a' and char <= 'z') or (char >= 'A' and char <= 'Z'): location.append("1") # TODO TODO else: location.append("0") location_batch.append("".join(location)) prediction_batch = predictor.predict_batch( sources_batch=sources_batch, location_batch=location_batch) current_batch_size = int(len(sources_batch) / 2) assert len(prediction_batch) == current_batch_size * 2 for id in range(0, current_batch_size): target = target_list[num_predicted + id] prediction_A = prediction_batch[id] prediction_B = prediction_batch[current_batch_size + id] sourceA = "".join(sources_batch[id]) sourceB = "".join(sources_batch[current_batch_size + id]) if prediction_A == prediction_B: # 其中一个换为source lcsA = len(_compute_lcs(sourceA, prediction_A)) if lcsA < 8: # A的变化大 prediction_B = sourceB else: lcsB = len(_compute_lcs(sourceB, prediction_B)) if lcsA <= lcsB: # A的变化大 prediction_B = sourceB else: prediction_A = sourceA print(curLine(), batch_id, prediction_A, prediction_B, "target:", target, "current_batch_size=", current_batch_size, "lcsA=%d,lcsB=%d" % (lcsA, lcsB)) writer.write(f'{prediction_A}\t{prediction_B}\t{target}\n') prediction_list.append("%s\t%s\n" % (sourceA, prediction_A)) # print(curLine(), id,"sourceA:", sourceA, "sourceB:",sourceB, "target:", target) prediction_list.append("%s\t%s\n" % (sourceB, prediction_B)) num_predicted += current_batch_size if batch_id % 20 == 0: cost_time = (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0 print(curLine(), id, prediction_A, prediction_B, "target:", target, "current_batch_size=", current_batch_size) print(curLine(), id, "sourceA:", sourceA, "sourceB:", sourceB, "target:", target) print( "%s batch_id=%d/%d, predict %d/%d examples, cost %.2fmin." % (curLine(), batch_id + 1, batch_num, num_predicted, number, cost_time)) with open("prediction.txt", "w") as prediction_file: prediction_file.writelines(prediction_list) print(curLine(), "save to prediction_qa.txt.") cost_time = (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0 print(curLine(), id, prediction_A, prediction_B, "target:", target, "current_batch_size=", current_batch_size) print(curLine(), id, "sourceA:", sourceA, "sourceB:", sourceB, "target:", target) f'{curLine()} {num_predicted} predictions saved to:{FLAGS.output_file}, cost {cost_time} min, ave {cost_time / num_predicted*60000}ms.' )